ORONO WEEKLT TJMBS THURSDAY, MAY 26th, 1955 weights a to the front ani left di the ve-. hen op- b.e be passed. 's safely f re cf B high- oetrigtraffic. IThis is ilu addiUon Lim axIe tu tige existing provi ýion rhbli pii-5, g when otheî' traff-. sis ap- pouJing, At the present timie, a dri ver a',- oaching a thirough h1 Iighway is re ired to stop and may then, proceed ith the right-of-way over visicies pproaching fromn the left on the irough highway. Effective May 30, n amenàment to the Act requires .ghway and may not proceed until ri vvIb- eý uclx a time as tiiere 's no lmrnOidaLe1 Pt 15f hazard. Drivers entering a hig-hway vore befe mad-e frn. private road or ý1iveway must inve ien coun- yield the $ght-of-wa-y Io ail veIi*TcIer ,3nr i Con- pprachng l'i h~y tion M4 of the Pa-ssing on the highwvay is spe,iaI,-y affecting the forb'I!den by a new redsn n i1 vohicies, l- ieýzthe travelled prtýi,f the vgh;- N INVITATION TO MEA.... R.BeJOLLIFFE, Q.C. Former C.C.P. r-vincial Leader and ýoy Armnstrong Fran ,.-Armstrong j C.C.F. Candidate C -'.F. Candidate Durham N rthumberlan d Orange Hall, Pkrt HopeI FrIday, bMày 27th 8:00 P.mi. .... I ~IT~ORONOf IDN9S~o ONT. 'Salm'o % lb.......37e Spread, oz. jar .. <~.r 29,C Rke Mix, package .....26e o wder, P ekage . ,.........35C ble SOUP,2 - 28 oî<. tins...... 37e ning, 1 lb...........29e ,2for...>.........39c S99C m 1IN SU RA NC E l0IAL 'E DEAL ebi1e Coverage m-Owner Risks IVnhot you get., usive t imits Tird Port Liabîlity in- ger Hazard çnd Traiter permit. ical Benefits for driver çsnid e Collision. - coverage andi Loss of Use L"/' ent, -00 for 1951 to 1.955 Chevrolet s, is and similar cars, Other ccir 'ii ost and age. -- 4% Uioer certain circuirstar.ces, P w il Ie an of fence to dr--'.m on the eft (f the cmitre line of tw w may highways. Included are: at the crests of g-rades, on curves, witin 100 feet of bridges, viaducts or tunnels where the driver'o iew is obstructed within that dis- tance, or within 100 feet of a level crossing or intersection exeept where a left turn is to be mnade at an inter- section, .PENALTIES INCR.EASED Penalties for careless driving WýiiI be increased fromniiot iess than $5 or more than $100, to flot less than $10j nor more than $500. Where limprison- ment is to be imiposed for one yearv rather than -six mionths as at present. Driviiig whiie initoxicated \îvill car- ry a minirimum- license suspension cf six months rather thani threee- month,? for the first offenice or in cases where' property damnage or personal injury, bias occurred, there is provided a' minimumn suspension of' one year rather than six months as at -present. :wfurther amiendment now prov ides~ fôr a three-mionth suspension of the 'icense and permnit of a per'soncon l victed of ipaired driving, and whee injury or dainage is involved a per- b d of suspenision of six months or a longer period if so ordered as the re- suit of findings under Section 225 of the Crimiinal Code. -0- SOLAR PHENOMENON Suai spote may darken a solar areai from>r 500 to 50,000 miles in diameter and iast for more than a. year. toFr Make Sure You Do Your Part To Continue Prosperity And Good Comerment RE-ELEOT ç JOHM FOOT aE i i vnuaio Li 14Aareuiowest ii uanada. SOntario per capita deht is reduced, SOntaro credit is highest in history. )OTE X - JUNE 9th y Progressive Conservative Association a Wvay 'A The specacular OWdsnobile 4-Door Hardsop 0 .rive It Vourseif I Cleariy, it's an Oldernobile year! Sales are rocketinig . . People every. where are talking. .. and buying Olds as neyer before.~ We'd like to show you whiy: First, a few minutes in our showroom ... thien a few more on the road. You'll meet the ultra-srnart and exclusive "Go-Ahiead," look- it's a fashion leader inside and out. Then cornes your introduction to those terrific, highi-eompression ' power teame . .. the "Rocket" Engines and T-lydra.Matic* Super Drive. Corne in soon and try an "88", Suiper "88" or .inrety-Eigt.. you'll find out why Olds sales are zoomninl,! *Extra, CO& o ptimf Roy w. tuSEW i 0-13550 NIC HOLS --A-.1 ILLE 'ONTARIO- ýte Autý ý-Cia ss rHere is v <N -w . i 1-lard Glàss-,/l qt. tin z777 oitoNo wÈrEKLY làbï»ý TRUUS 26t4, 1,955