~t1 shcould prompt you to cail upon us in time of sorrow. We stress simple beautiful ser-vices that prove consoling to the bereaved. HIARTLEY H. BARLOW FUNERAI, HOME P'.-c- p1,Sr7 orono.C0- i~oe18r2 lier uauglmr1v18.Liew nallowýýell, vr 1Hlowell and family. Mr. and s. George Clarke of Tor- onto spenttde weekend ait their sum- mer home herm. Mr. -Alec Little of Toronto spent the eeedwith his mother, Mrs. Neva Littie. Mr. G. _M. Scott of Picton visited b;,is sister, Mrs. F. B. Warren and Mr. Warren. AT ýCORNISII'S RED and WHIT- Open To-nlght tili quoo Heinz White Vinegar 161/ oz. btle. 16C Pard 16 oz, Dog Food 2 for 25c Paramouint f ancy red sckeye Salmon 2S 37c Jo.hasont's Glo Coat Pint Hiard Gloss 65c Delsey Toilet (4 colours) Tissue 2 for 37c1c V-8 VEGETABLE Juice . eacl 5ne edge o erne family. Miss Kathleen Gea1ch re turned ci t 4. TIhe game itself coulcl nol to Oakv,ýillec with them foi, awe' termed a tilitonie. vist. lthugbCoîborine Out bit Or nine to seven, Coiborne hits v Mr . and MrS. Herb Reynalds an1(ï melScattered while Orono grou Peter s.penit Sunday ýwitb Mr. Reyv- thecir seven in the firet two inii« nolds parents at Caesare-a. w1hen they scored ninie of their E -- S-AVE -AT CORNISIIiS RED and WHIITE -- Large Blacks ChIerries inkist 252,'s Oranges Green liard Heads Cabbagie 6qt. $1.39 2 doz. 69c 2for I 7c Red & White Toilet 20 oz 2 for'-31c Tissue2fo5c SWIFT'S J rem GOOD MORNING rmaoix ade rgarine eez Whiï, VALUE! if t's - SWIFT'S Premium Uams FROZEN FO 7e Fis~h Stïgli Salada T ea Bags r ber of the Fam-ly L-;miteýd timie onily cO - F,-%E c oRIESPP Swifts Premium Pranks I poun pkg. UN' HEU ,uin WITF -- 9-AVE AT CORNISHS RED aind WHITE - BREEZE -- WHITE OR BLIUE DeteC--rgfent 12oz. tin 35e SAVE Beach auid Picnicà Size 36"x60" e 10 ,> - , ' a][1ConiiiieWest bestarte-dthe bail rujnning gi for Oroin the se ond adwr olw. ecj hy Wakýely, a wild pthto Keitli onoWest and two futber hballs r~o Trawinýr e ce an"d De-anWetKet W cet pdOrono's finial couintin t rhC- a nik, an rr and a bit bi tenl by Dean West to score his bronther. - Wkey eroedin theirstt u ~ atnon Cnoione h was bnttý iedý in by Wrigbt. A double and a s;ngîe (,.ied Mow:at in the fifth, and i nth sev-enth a single, a double, a wl a sre nusanerror by RPobin - Sson behind the pLate g-ave Coiborn ie tafurtber runs. Fo Kei West wsthe wnigpitcher S Tiie BwavleRoses bitton on Mna evening and beadedl by~ '- Gorge Jones wh-îo bfldthe Oronýý Sbatters, left výith a decisive edie17, th-e gmef with a score of aigbit îto two. George Jones. on thie n '01do Illeeie game for thie PRos~' e r,û, faced moe than lfouir 1batters in any' e one innings and gv Up oniy fij I bitswbl bis teammae took twvejLv-ý ý: from the offeringa of Juior, Wesýt tai SHarrison. Twýo homie runs werere ~ gsteedin the gmone to baýth1 eaaby FaIls of t'ne Roses a i-ii - Harisonof Oronlo. P owmaânville went ou font i the second withi a singletoýn we Hlooper wýalked and came boire7'n a long bit bail to left field. ote Sscore by Hooper in the foucth puet Bowi-anmille out in front by twaO. The two run. margin va-, cut in theý ifbwhlenfron for Oron., bit h is four bag-ger ta put 0rono 'onth board. Ti, tbe sixth the oeade three further countfls when Cowell b 1 O a double, Yorth a singlle and Faî1l-s a- j-bone n. Bowmiyanv;Ile addd iSingl'e Z counts in tbne 111, 7tb an8th. SIOrono'Fsnsecond count W--s, re by Trawin when he w-a1lked, avns onabit .)y Robinson. l3oMnVîIlle- ejclcked a ourble catcbing Hrio ~ andRobison.Robin-son batted inta eth)is play. S The battitig power for theRos was nPdied by Gilhooly, THooper, ~ CoellYorth and Joneq who n al wenýt - tbree for five. 11a Orono's;bffn bath Juior Wet and Harionsoi - 1 wh2 out of ,8. ~ TuiorWes bed the mound fr thrirst four anIld ahaf uinnigsta be replced byHarrison. Jno gi caein)to pitch at thýe frtOfth ~' owmnx'lleor, tbe entire game we ' - igh o their toe-s and w i te ex# ~ e-lent ittin audpitcing Wer abetatke thie eaS Y 'IViu.n z ngte Pee Wee a gi ~n ~:oa itentie, pott ms a, Swns ren or local fa a" -7 U