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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1955, p. 1

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nDeI1 Vol 18 No 2~ 1EnroJment In Swimming Clasçses Tops Previous Yearsi tin ponlsorîed by thie llbac et heOrnoPark started off oul Modywithl a big spiash when onie bundre and hirty youug<,,ster-s ook The ,chi!,dren vepr,,esent imany centres lu -the Township and come from nas far s Kendal aud Sarkvii omany -mlson the nortb and !e-ast. A largle ý2-,ennoment is noted lu the beglinners' sul'd tadpules with a numnber in the, , iiuiy o! !ifty. Miss Mary Anln Avnmýstrong ,is the instuctessfor the swimmining las- see' thîs -year h will be hier sec»ond yenr o! conducting "classes at the lP<ark. Tt is expected that somie hebp -iil be arr-ang-ed Vo assist ýwith the 1argcbý cass o! beginners. The enrolment this year to)ps those Of 1)1eviOus Years by quite snmme - gin. Classes be-gin -at fine in the- eiorming and continue uintil 11:15 wltb -the remainder o! the monning being- aspent lu i recrentional swimmiiing. Dy ftemamd 101Durhiam Farml help availa.ble ilu Durhai Counlty ils far outiuumiberýed by Vhe ýem;aPnd. The weekly !armll report is- ýsued by the Ontario Department o! Agr icubtunal representative ha,)s re- cevdmany requests for farm nhelp) but Vînt there is littie offered. Thi'"ep rinotes "conis id e r ab1e" aphi<l damage Vo spring grains, ec-SI C aiybarbe-y. Spmay~i ig with Mala- honemubsion producedl satisfactor-Yl Týesuits la one case. -Most activity j ý;eend rodaund peas which are-, nov- in- iquickiy Vo the canning factories. . ilail wvas hlamied for 70l' damage1 to a pp)le crops iu Cobourg. Yiebd iu ~cnigpeas !is about hal!'Vhe- nor- mrai almrount lu Northumberland, be- ýcause o! dry weatber and halil, Paýst- ,aresar dry and hayiug le iu pro- g-ress hrougiout Northum-berýîand, Orono Team i> o iel In Anmual Sports Day Kendal l led Annual Pienic At Bowmnanyilleý The A niLual W-1. Pâinicwas held at the Crean iO! BarleY Park ou Thursday, Junme 30. A-ilithogh rail thetnda nuniber o! memibers wvith thieir childre-n gatheiee, t tie Parik about 2:30. The chîldren en-tertaýined thein- sevsby -watching the animals and býird(s kept t Vlte Park. A short Spoýrts P~ga was car- ried out vwhich cornsi-ted o! a bauds and feet race for those chldren un- d-r five-, also a race for Vie six year olds, There was a three--legg-e-d race, wheeibarrow race and Bubble gumn race. Foi, Vhe ladies there was a Plump race, the winner beiug the one who weighe-d Vhe rost. A shoe-thro-wing conte-st wýas the lasV on Vhe Sports program. A picnic supper was set for 4:80 and wxe aIl sat down Vo a sumptuous me-ai whicl was enjoyed by ahl. Park- Lands Needed In Soutiier Ontariei The great need for park landa a recreatioual are-as lu southérn Ontar- io bas stimuflated a prograi o!. pur- chase and devebbpmient o! parkrs. Ounr rapidly increasiug- population seeks land that is noV parivately ond, iear our 1Larger- ci-ies, where the-y can bathe, sali and cimp. Un! ortunately most land near the large cilles lis pri-1 vately owned. The Departmnent Vhius seeks Vo obtain sorne desiraible areasi for the benefeit o! many -who do noV! .owýn sumnier cottages. Donations and' bfequests o! land are gratefuily ne-1 ceived -by the Province should Viey be suited for parik devebopm-ent. u In isa5ýy District we bave- ne- centby takea- o)ver se-veral panks. Que is Ermily Park, at Fee's Landing on Pigeon Lake. 10 acres are beîng de- veloped f'or parkingl- area and swi- mi-ng' beach. l1his should be ready for the public by 1956. The- Mark S. Buruhan Provincial Park is a beautiful 100-acre woodIot The ron Spots ay'heldon ui1 bequested to the Provinc-e by Vr1 Tht ron Spots ayýeld n Jly S. Burnhami. This park lies just out- lstt it ýhe Orno Per, saw three lo- side Peterborzough, on No. 7 Hfighway, cial team entered againist outside east of town. 'Te woods is a fine ýcompIetition. Also inU te fray' of remnant of the original bush that -battije was the Kendal Banitami teamn covered the country yeats ago, Amnong ,'which played host Vo Bow-manville on the g-reat forest trees benches, picnic thec locl field. The day ran off i tables and smll 11parIking areas wvilI Lthe iisuiJa manner as previous years Ibe established this year. Nature ,and with an eua crowd of specta- trails wiîî be created tliro)ugb the torS. ei i woods with the co-op)eration o! thre Prcesfrom the, day are in i of pee~rio[gh Naiture Club. -the Orýono Park and for thi.s occasion amutdto around eighty dollar. The PeeWAýees opened thp day at the j ville. This g-ame like the fiist waS Pkini the uniorning at I4:N' o'clock f'ljot comiplted due to the Xac!(t that In tbîs feature the boys from, New- tinie raii out. At this time bothi teams cat2 ace~d Oron)io. However after were strugg-illng for' auprectIy. uýne and a bal! inininga of bal the The Jutermediate game between rain came aInd put a damper on tlie Orooan oougw1 tV rono. k ae which ended 10 to 2 for Orono. by a score of 13 Vo 11. Cohour took 1,u the early afterniooný the Banltams the lead lnu this gam nl the fir-It tolk th'rplc c the field with inning vwhen three ruias crossed the 7Kenýdal doinig battie withBomn (Continued on page 8) Higb School Area Ups Rate By 3.5 Milis A comparison o!fiiirates Nwith At the Council nieetinig of the 1954 are as flos Towniship- of Clarke on) Tuesday even- Çut ae153 10.8 ing ithe miii rates for 1-1,e varions pur.- Townshi rate 10.5 10.5 ýeswer-e set and showýýed an] increaseTonhpi-te1. L5 -cýf _. isoe h 94rt o Township rate for Orono 10.5 P. 8 pr.o,'rty owners witin the Tow%ýnship. Oro0no rate 6).0 9.7 This' ineese is due Vo a 3.5 miii rate High School 5.8 9.3 jump in the District I-igh School -rate Geendcol . . and amounts Voe, &50 f or every Ganiaraska .5 .5 thouand dollars o!fsesmn. Thie Townvi-ship o! Carke bas this ratein ronoin-year decreased its rate for those lu The_ d; ioVa a i Ooo n the Village o! Orono by 3.7 uilils cludirg S o.1-, rate amount1- his and this will be lu lieu of the $2000. yeer Vo 52ý as compared Vo 49.0 grant formerly given the village. The nusi195-1 or 46.9 lu 1953, ilg applies this amounit 3.7 miille to theirax rate brinuging it up to 9.71 Bowman- Si lroflo Air Cadiets To To Attend Sunmer Camp Six Air Cadets fronm thie 0rono Air Capfor the first timne. The uiewly formed squadro)n ln Orono last year, aire to be wveli repr-esented. The cadets wili also 4 coipne by their1 Cînandng ffierFtiit-,ieultenl- aut R. J. Taggart. The Caidets wiii attend the Summer Camp held at Clintlon for a two wve~k period !rom August 14th Vo Augiist Those atteuidiag camp are Fil R. T. Taggart, Doug Gamnsby, Jimi Gams- by, Saýndly iRtchie, Danny Hall, Boydý Woodl and Eic Culneton. W.A' And W.M.S. Held Successfut Anuai Picule' An en.joya-ble event ook place on Tuesday, July 5, in the- base-ment of the- Orono United Chuncb, the coobest place in town. IV be-mg the joint W.. Iaud W.,M4S. Annua.l Picnic, wiie-b is usually held in Vhe Orono Park.l This yenr, it proved Vo be a wise Vihoi'ce, ewing Vo VIe severe thunder- stonm 11ceming' at n very important tine ',SuppenC -tim le". The- w,,eagthere-d at 2:30O p.m,., hl-d a short busfiness peio, hen ~ommitee~w~r~ epoîte- o nlan for VIe "'Il Auniversany (o! the Wo- me's Missiouany Society.,o! Oronio, to be hebd inter iu the faîl. The Program "Citizei)sbip"ý fetuir- ed a splendid message given by7 Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, from the W.A. Domn- inion Council, and n report o! Mrs. Roose-el's adrsson UNESC (United Nations Educiiial Scien- tfcand Cultural Organization) gi'ven, recentiy lu Toronto. As an introduction Vo Mrs. Tam- blyns adi~s, Ms. arlBillinge, very abiy descnibed hern isit Vo The- United Nations Builing in Ne- wok, and son etiing o! biowVi-te wonderful weork of that great organl1toiÏ cannied on. Altogethier iV , was aire-wandiug afternoon, and ail felV inspine-d tVo e- newed eMorts on be-bl! o! the Ciurch and Commýrunity. Tables wvene set and wben Vie food was arranged and the te-a made,- somne o! our Gentlemnen joinied ius Iu a very appetizing and satisfying meawhile the nucb-neede-d nain felI, in abundauce outeide-. j Clarke Township Council jThe Smndaiy ShoiAuditoriull o! the OrnoUitedChu(,lrcili ,s ,îllcd to calpacîty onY Monda, June 297th, whn he pupils 3o!fMsW. . ~he pianýuo. Fory-iht yongs ters' tokpart i,, the program cmin rn both Bowmnauvilie .,Id Oronlo Centres. The, chidrjeu,ý as in, previ-ous yas aninoluuced their own umberis prior. to playiîîg. Mr. Workmian acted as The st'udenits of Mmr. MWorkman prteseted their teacher with a travel- lil4,-i dock and wallet. Miss Sharoûn Allia made the presentation while Mahlçihn IrKenzie rend a card. Foi- lowing' the program), cookies, ice cream and chocolate milk was served the youngsters whîle te-a and cake was serv-ed to the aduits. Those tnking- part in Vhe program were as !ollows: Airby beulot rruouuaion ficer o! 11e-ai VI, ste te-s tint 4,73 7 1 chilîdren received the Vwo doses. Tb.s, Naines lu) Alphabetical order. is 9.%o! Vhe e-ildren eligible-. The Grade 8 Vo 9:-1 children attended eue o! the 32 clinic Elwood Baker, CarolVa Belle,' centres, and l innny case-e md Vo be Donaild Clapman, JÏin Van DkCe-, brougit Vo Vhe clinic by car. Dr. oRe- nelis Mu'anrte-use, D jcI Rutierford, ne-ras state-d that wenderful ce- Bily Tmbison *openaition wa.s given Vhe Healti Unit Grade- 7 Vo 8:- staff by Vie nembers o! echool boards Corry GlasIengen, ~~Peter Mutartense parentsanlvuterwok-sad AiIma Quantnill, Bobbie Reid, JoanltInttbVem aýssistance helped te ae 'Rutfierford. 1this preg-ran sudh a succes. Gýýide 6 te 7:-1 The supplie-s re-quire-d inciude-d ove-r Shir-ley Baker, manie Buiott, George- 225 syinge-, ai-d 1750 rieedIes. AIl, Van Dyk. Vie-se supplie-s we-ne ste-ibize-i by Vie Grade 6 Vo 7:- staff e! Vie Cobouirg Gene-rab Rospital MeyriiGaa( omedd~alter e-achd dy's use, andi as tIV was <-ilteniine Lo(wery. a buey scie-dule-, tuis assistance-%vas Grade 5 te 6:-. invalulable-. MWargare't Baker (net promiotedl), Duriuig Vie- peiomylitis seasean Vils Fred Buol't.Waiyne, LowerY (neot pro- year, Vie- Provincial Departmieat O! moted), Billy Reid, Liza Reyeuga. RHealtr wi be- carrying ou a spe-cial Grade 4 Vo 5-- study o! cases whih occun amogý Jonm Buott' Flore-nde Vanl Dyk, childreu in !ie- 5 - 1~2 yearag group Paye Fauilkunen, Frank Glasbe-rgeu, tîrouglieut Ontarie. IV le boped tha't Dald Rtierford, Catie-ineWilson. sýîme- ý on c1usi 511,7can lbe raieve-1 Grade 3 Vo 4:- gain Vite effectivenese o!Vie- vnc- Emmrie- Van Be-le, Norma Buett, cination progran ,wiici as js be-eu RdaVan Dk as Giasbergen, coiipl(,tecd. To aistluts-tu 11e-unie reye-uga, Jimmy Wilson. Vhe nedical office-r o! healti andl Grade- 2 Vo 8:- lmem11berS e! Vie Reaiti Unit Sltaff w;1! Bonnie- Baker, 1Keu-ny Baker, Manr- cmil pcialiafn nat Sou ss gare-t Van Dyk, Christina Maarte-nse, pe-ct ai-d kaïowuv case-s o!Vie-dsue Rýea Keef!, Seipie Reyenga (net pro- mloted), Terry Tonl1inson (nloV pro- fourte-en year, age group ai-d fi!ty mioted), -Rose Wauuiaa, Margaret Wii- within the- three Vo sexe-yargo son.1 o : The- older group le in charge o! Grad Bater, :- MarieBert Lewis with be-bp fron Car-olynl BobbyBake~ Bonie Bil, B-rt ouesand Jin Gamsby. The clde Buet, Jouny lasirger. tin this gnoup have organiize lpluy in se! tbab&, volle-yball, badniston and tennis. Recreationai rugamu The Vire-e Vo se-yen year group is ~j beliug supenviseç by Merle- Stap1eton Po>uar With Chiiren witb assistants AnaBPe-st andl Made- 'tou Cownn. This gnýoup play super- vise-ilganies aud l earn ianldicrafts Ninety-!ive chilîdren bave exirolied ijcludjing w e-avi1ugl pape-r mashe, iu Vie Recre-tienai Prograrà l, athe finger- paiutiý,ng, spider pinting- andl O®rono Par', at Vie- begiuuiing o! Vie otiers. A oincludie"ili i-mspr we-ek for Vie- iiouth o! July. O!,ie-s vise-dpora are- lRes aud ,ïse o! for'ty-five corne wîthiu -Vie se-me o ie swigs, teete--.'Vtts 511d, eide. Mill Rai The Clarke Township Council held their regular moathiy session on, Tue-sdayý evening with ail pres;ent. At the mi-eeting the varlous iii raItesI lwere presenited and passed wýith the Townerhip being abIe Vo hldtheir rate of 10ý.5 inuls for ownship pur- poses. This rate wîlI have uow existed Cor thr1ee years. Mr. Mecallluï spoke Vo Counicil cou- cerning Insurauce policies carried by the Township and also on a weed and Warble Fly spray Insurance. On 'the late e stated that dlaims were be- ing registered where weed spray was cau[sing damage Vo field crops, esp- ecially tobacco and omato ci-ops. Also hie pointed out that the $3,000 proper- ty damnage policy was below that of other townships. Council decided Vo increase their road liability insur- ance Vo 20-S0 and 5 aiso Vo carry "Non, owued(, Auto Liability Insurane and the Weed and Warbie Fly Spray Insurance." Mr. Carlos Tamblyni, secretary o! Vie Ore-ne Baud, requeste-d a key for Vie baud, since Vie loc-k iad been changed on the Town Hall. A similar request was aise made by the Oro Police Truste-es so, that entnance could be- made Vo Vhe- Town Ciock. The- policy te have one key iu possession off the caretalçer waýs upheld by Vie- council. The rond vouchier for Vhe moth wsprese-nted Vo Counicil. Payroll anmounted Vo $89 1.00 and Vie total voucher figure wns $5,612.30. DepuVy-re-e-ve Brown bogtup Vhe question o! Vhe- Prov-incrllPýolice din- ecting raffic frorn Vie Higbhwnys on- -1 To'Ixý-nSthi) rond. He fe-It thatsoi com-penisationý sboubd be- considered. Mn. Walkey pointe-d eut that he haci learnied that the- opinion w a t 'Lrie Province paid fifty per cent o! Vie Icost anid 'ere euiiled te do- SO, aisei thiatca o'wvners purohasedi licences so could drive auywhere. IV bIas be-eni ýfound that a great deal o! traf i l using the toun Iie-and other Ihues t te At 10.5 N~ a void the intorsection at No A leter fr&11n Mr. jHe(Idrý was received ln which thie w that the road and dîtch wasc ing On his propel ty. It was J'y Conito ditchi and -pie v-ert la front of lis prop-rý dIid nýot mj'eet %with 'ýIr. l4in 1provai a suirvey le Vo be-i ,d section of the road. The Road Supenintendent that about tweive miles Townvship noads had beau, spr bruslianid weeds. It was his tlint brushi sprayîng was mue er than cutting brush, The tendent asked if couneil woi port Ibu-yVaig a second barrel4 for brush. Mr. Brown wante4 somre weed spraying- doue in sections of the Teiwuship anm decided to do both îand to barrel o! spray between we brush. Weed spray costs $I gailion while bnushl spray cos per-gallon, iThe Road Superintendeut mtructed to contact the Oron, Trustees anid report baek Vs on their requests of digl section o! Church Street nno paring Station Street for chi sur-face, oiling streets and Princess Strret. A letter froml Mr. Carson water fromi his 'property Vo sbip ditch was g,,nted. HoQW,ý township \wýould acc-ept no re-s ity il! the natter. A discussion !olbowýeci on1 ingý land for- the Payne, bri Couniclifwere noV satisfied m agreemen i li e purchase. land. HToveri if the bridge comple-ted it was !ebt it wou to le purchasedI. Council are $ï5.Cü per acre for the lanid. Tenders for the Payne -bric (Continued on pa-ge'5) Local Bred Hoistein A warded Higheý 1 Larry Lunnerinan, Stepien Je!feny, Jean Whiite-, Troy lsggart, Kathy Twi.st, Mar-y J-aie Waitere, Weudy Step)hent, Rose-mary Merkbey, Sha.ron Allin, Phyllis Emnierson, Elizabeth Braden, Karen Bell, Mary Ellen Toi- mie, Mary Edwands, Judy Bell, Br-ian Hancock, Barbara Stapleton, M~ar.- glar-et Shackleton, IDoroVhy Elliott, Gamiey Lycett, Julie Payne, Sharon Tamiblyn, Douglas McNnIlyý,,Ian -.ýe Ke-uzie-, Pnitsy Joues, Louise Ternili, Donald Sweete, Roberta Hetheriugtou, Marilyn Faýlis, ,Iohnnne Pankhilîl, Mar.y Found, Julie -Hawke, John Perry, Sheila Covenly, Benta Riggon, Judy Jeffery, Jean Canscndden, -Malcom MIclKeii7ie, eather Rutherford, Ban- bava Browui, Karen Clarke, Dayne Lycett, Joaýn Alliai, Lisa Aaîbers, JoaIn Alldre-d, Monty EmmersonI Marilyn Cobbedlick, Rosemaie Mon-1 Kelly Kirby Kindergar te-n Certif i- caVes we-ne presented Vo Elizabeth, BaePhyllis Emmiiersonl, andi Jeasu Whlite, Polio Vaccine Coinpleted Ini Grade$ 1- 2 Anq 3 Wlth Vhe close o! the scboob terni, tbîe poiomylitis vaccination progran was completedl for aIl childre-n in gi ades 1, 2, and 3ý in the UCnited Coun- ies. DTr. C. M. rnne-r, Medical O!- vas third iona'l Exp mdwass e-maIe. SI luaving 'g i day rnilk] Cedar Dale' Pat PieVie- bas been cleiidas Ezftra, tbe -gie-st hon- our that a Can-adien Roîstein bull, nay wiu. Breet by M. J. Tam-blyn, o!f Ce-dan Dale Stock Farina, 0Qno, On- arie, 'le speat bis active life in (Can- d da l ie Pairieberd o! Norman R. c Martin and Sous S. 1hoa, ntG IV is On ie. ba'sis o! bis've-ry fine, '. greup o! dauihteýs in Vie Faile-> 0 herdVi î nt Pat rcivdthe- Extra (c ard. ý(LSiace- the first bull wasnampti tV Extra lu 19;32, oulyvwtNe-ty-fiveu- 0 standingSir-e-s have be-en .,o (de-stk- nlateil. To qualify' as Extra, sixty-one per- cent o! Pa's eligible daughters we-re cinssified as Good Plus or 'bette-r. tîn-t iswith ailscorýe for type O! 11tLs ent80 pons eut o! 100'. 11a addi- 1i tien, al Vie records completeil by i,~ dogîe neo officiai Record o! Per-p conuuce test bave a Breeti Clase çj Ave-rag"e- o! 121 for miik witb 126i forc fat Tit l, Ve-se records werIe- wetyneperce-at above the- aver-age of e breed for nbail weu1t- six pretabov- e ve-nageo!dVe br'e-e-dfCor fat.- -Pat 1m's VwenV'y-sýeVen agtr w 1ho nsý Vw-yer-d mnacle records tin ae-rgo12021 lbs. mibk con- taining 4,51 Ibs. fat, average tstI -'>78'11 butterfat. Te-n o! Vie-se re- corde were-lnde- in Vhe 305 day d (i-1 a vision, aad al] Of them , we-re on twice- aday, lkn.Twveaty-eigijt o! bis daugîters have be-en officialby cla3ss- 1 fied fer conformation, and o! Vie-se six were grade-d Very' Goed (85 Vo- 89 peinte) sixte-en we-re Good Plus (-80 Vo 841 peints), five ,were-(,Good (75 te 79i points) and ene was Fair-(65 t,,74 points). Faine-a Dale Pie-Vie, a dauîgiter o!, Paýt, -ho was sel Vo AuguIste Sîanii

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