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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1955, p. 2

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01RONO WEBIÇJ4 ýES THVRSJA-Ný JULY 7th Orono's hitting -was little better than tlieir flelding for they register- ~ed only five hits -while Coîborne took ton witli two being home runls. The. final score in the gaine went *in favour of Coîborne 10 to 5. Or- ünc neyer at any time during the gaine held the lead. Both Harrison. and K. West pitch- ed for Oroino but neither receicved -much support from the members of the local squad in Monday's gamne. The Bowmnanville Roses increased he ld on first place in the Lake-1 alfore League by 21,/ gaines as they tdtged their second place ,,isitors f rom Orono 9-'. Both the teai and the -1pectators were of an, argumentiveý spirit and tempers flared up at al ,vital descisions of the um'pires on1 'Wedrnesday of last Week. 'Orono took an early lead on Timi Cex's costly error which allowed two with suao Yen Can pro ct yourself a-1 gainst s ý,h hbtards . .. but you can ýardagainst complote neis always your NF. PO RTER i Pigott said, is that it has lost its Prove"status-giving" funetion. 1The carp- proved educational facilities and other O ~~ ~ ro D f a factors, looks forward onfly~ to a life The educationaltfunctioneof th 0O-o1o0runs H-fowevor, in the second ,family, accordn to t spaker isc with timely doubles by Hooper and now "elg aednteanhenspeitu iot s Ferguson), Bowmanville pushed no Ilgtdt nisiitoi' across 4 runs. A single Bowm-anville ntsfidheai "orc- Ially w s adishe ot hird snnind servatism and cultural iertia are vheni Hooper sm.he ou li se ondhoding us back from doing great double of the nighrt and lie as thon things." The present school systemn,j brouht n b Cowe'sdoule. he noted, is gonerally considered ex- In the top of the fifth the Orono pensive, although it costs the publice crew camne to life and took advantage fal less than the operation of Cana- of the error and the 2 walks given dia's prisons and mental institutions. to themi by the Roses as Mercer and a Armstrong batted in 4 runs. But Or- "It is of extreme importance," he ,onio's two run lead was short'4ived for ' "that we think ini teris of the I Maxie Yourth homiered and Roy Falls educational function of the family --. and Don Gilhooly hit solidly to tie becau-(e that's where eduacation be- the score at 7 ail. gins." Frointint point on the gaine ho--i camne extremiely tense as both teamns1 attemnpted to break the deadlock. Fin-J ally in the bottoin of the eighth Gil- hooly stole home fromi third base for the winnring marker. Minutes iter an insuranee run was added by Hooper. In the top of the niinth Orono was retired one, two, three thus iosing the gamne 9-7. Catcher Roy Falls wns the miost consistant hitter for Bowmian- ville as ho finished with 2 doubles and 2 singles whlle Yourth's homne ruan received an enthusiastic appinuse froin the Roses' fans. Hamilton, lloo- per and Coyie ench accounted for two bits. Mercer with two hits nnd Dean West with his triple were the big guns for Or-ono. Keith West pitched the complete 9 innings for Or-ono as ho kept the Bow- man,1vilfie bits well scattered, Clint Ferguson was rolieveq in the fifth by George Sellers who managod to strike out 3 batters ini lis relief chore. Feeling 0f Secority Nced 0f Every Child ihhe iiost fun lýime'tal nfed oûf every chld is ý, feedn,- o ' e;ry aic( rding Vo V. A. igo)tt, piresident of the Toronto We1faro ounc ,-1ho recentiy addres-ses the annuaý-, in- of the Osha, ri and Otarýjo Cour- ty Cildreni's Aid Society. TIhis feligl'eolilted lOut, stevins "hwclyfroin th-e mother eain ship nand the father ria,tioiiship," and is 4tremfendlousiyimotn. Mr, Pigott, a Toronto auto dealer Who spent mi-any years in the field oýf education, told niemrbers of the So- ciety that no youngsters ean feel truly secure -unless he "belongs" - unless ho is a well-integrated part of the family group. "The funetionless individual is a neglected child," lie said, "And a really needy case." ENVIRONMENT IMPORTANT Mr. Pigott said one of the most i- portant factors in the developmient of a child's attitude toward society is environmeîit. Social surrovindings, lie said, are Ijust about everything to the individ- ual." The foriner igli achool teacher illustrated this point with. the exam- pie of identical twins separated in childhood and brought up under en- tirely different environinental con- ditions. Home and Sehool and groups can do a great deal to provide the proper setting for development of thi. child, lie said, but 'not unless we help tI>em to do so.» CHANGES IN VALUES............. Amnong the changes in the struc- ture and value of the famuîly -unit, Mr. SERtVICE MOTC Newcasý litees Yeu >RS 4t1e, Ontario ar round HIARD TIME W H PRIZES ALLEN VOSTER'S BARN KENDALi Saturdè , JuIy 6 NORTREq N RAMB ERS OR ESTR- Funds for N S ting Rlnk Admission: 50C. VIGOR '011âý o.m Anutounces the openlng of its *New Service. Station Between Orono and Newcastle on Ilighway No. 35 -Free G4essware -ý Givèn away with the purchas-ý of six galions or more of Gasi ine Vigor Gasolin At 2eas 1 STOVE OIL-foi and Motor Oïl Ible prîces your convenijence in smaill c-qantities avaliable at, eèStation 'Ipen Evenings and Sundays I. -~ VoulU g A GEINERMI. MOTORS VYALUE- H as the car of yoisr dreams always been just out of~ reach? -*cl, prepare for action- Rocket'Iý action! For if you can fit any new car initg)your Âuturc, you can take title' toa dazziingw Oldsmobile for '5 Doubtfujl? Just check the lom price. .. and try to sit stili! The hîg, heautiful "Rocket" Engmine Oldsmobiles make the lom- priced 1 unes seem '1-ýay out of ine!ThatCs %%1hy you dlon't have to "sit this dream out"! You eau take enniniand of a "Rocket 8" today! It's in our showroom now GO AIIEAD . . .DRIVE IT Y'OURSELF 1. Eowsianvilie 'Ontario

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