-~ tr ~' w~ - - Amazing Stunts By British Tax Dodgers When) the Jonesýes chiristenied thi aughter Noel t1hey hogtthere w\as no mîstaking eher se-x ,. but on rahn womainbiood Noel f ound thiat theý income-tax authorities deem2iied her ta be a man., se, she invented a wifle andc two uhildren, 13y ernploying beriagnr claim-ed tbe wife'S earnled in- eomre allowance and expenses - 'but she came ta grief whien she itlvenited aný-on-ex.,istent mother- ii- lawv as dependent relative. Noel was JuSt on of tbe 18,000 tax-dodgers umskdlast year în a drive that bas reaped a. uïseful £25i,0001000 for tbeEx chequer. Every year the war Mgainsý,t tax evasioni is grOwing fougber - and tbe dodges dramd p by cheats grow more fantastie. A £7-a-week Bristol aiwy mkan claimed relief for a wif e nd famîly that, grew year by yýear unitil he bad four children. Then he mixed up the dates of bis cildren's birthdays and tbe income-tax myen g re w suLispi.. clious. Ir, reality, be %vas a bachelor. HIe went to j ail. A schoolteacher ciaimed re- lief for bier widowed mother end was still claimîng nine years after ber lnither's decath. A Yorkshire tractor - driver elaimied for twvins wben b,-is first cbild was born. He was caught efter seven years. Taking this 'zîck to excess, bowever, two wvily brothers convenientiy in- vented a, child whenever they had an Increase of income. Wheni questioned by tbe tax ispectors, tbey even produced lirged Irishi baptismal certifi- tnates ta prove it. Tbey ended ep at the Old Bailey. Then there ,vas the spînster who listed ber twvo pet cats as ber eidrnand tbe bachelor who listed as bad' debts the ýg!fts he gave chorus girls. Stili more ingenious was tbe manl wbvo went from job ta job and dïefrauded employers by forging1 tax adjustmient forms. Tbe forms purported to show that lie was entitlil ta small rebates ep? tax andl the employers paid up. Comm-ented a magistrate, 'This isý the first case V've heard ee sonmebody making a profit out of incarne tax!>' For the harsh truth remaîris Mhat dlodgers pay up - usuaily plus fines -- sooner or inter, On crie occasion, a tax detectiv-e no- ficed an. advertisemnent of an etiction sale of jewellery and týhought it mnight be wortb while fo watch wbo bougbItwat Most of the buyýers proved ta b)e professional j ewellers. But a business man ýwbo spert £C1,300) cnl a necklace prom-ptiy bad bis mccounts examnined ta sec if his reported income indicatedi such 1,avish spenclîng power. The investigation showevd not epnIy that he was tiryïing tafool the revenue but t1hat lie was keýeping two bornes. le rea-dily paid up, wvitb penalties, ratherj thain risk a court case. The tax authorities kehowever, tbat l s vwife had dciscovered bhisi- flelity when she reportedi hin) fo)r tax-dodging .. a f ew inonths too late. When tbe owner oti a smiall Sfrom 1hissaetaofcis paceýd - andaked bow he had 1ca-1me ta ccmlaesuch a sm wen is eaingtils were(, gie sonly È8G0'.Ili addition Calasing £4000,lhe hdta p1.y PuttAng - î-The-Bees Out of Business Somne ime aga, George Van Yhea treere nf aced a neat surgical probiemi: how ta restare uinsîgb-týly antii destruIc- tive cavities that appeared in tbe triks of trees wenthcýy lacked certain, vitamrins. It viras fairiy sim-ple ta re'store the abrelvitamîin counts but plugging tbe 1boles wýas anotheýr mte.Van Yabres tried filîng themn withi cernent but it cracked each ti-me and the hleIs wouldn't seal. Evenituaily he arrived at the solution: be fitteti rubber blocks across tbe cavity, bored a bale from ane side and pumpecd in meilted parajn wax,ý. The bot wax filed the cavity and kiiied ',any oy-ganisms presenit. The büark gr.,ew, over tbe ruibbr,, Wbile the paraffin wavx înjec- lion zmay bave surpriseti the trees, it certainly didm't surprise- paraffin. Tbis umassumîng ma- terial, a by-prodluct in tbe refin- ing of lubricatinig cils is one of the piast versatile of aIl petro- leumn products andi is aceustonieti ta turning up in atit situations. Its uisè' range from myaking milk cartons leakproof and stop - ping radio-active neutrons ta iining beer barrels. You can eveni bathe a sore elbaw in it. Pbysiotherapists baveito n.g been ulsing wax battbs to produce a maist heat for tr-eating the hands, feet, knees, elbow,,s or shouIders of arthritic or fracture cases. A little minerai ail is added f0 Iower tbe temperature of tbe imoiton-' wax ta about 125 degreles. Tbe patient, for ex- amle, dips bis elbow about .12 times ta builti up a goodi coat- ing;- then it is -wrapped in paper and tdwel for '30 minutLles to keep in the hleat. In the case of arthritis fiis tbcrapy seemns ta loosen tbe joints, help blooti circulation andi relieve pain. Wax even piayed a rple in an attcmpt ta determine the sex of ujnborn. chiidren. Paraffir., was is, uisefltlmredically because it is ccmically neutral-indet, "par- affin'l is -a French derîxative of the Latin parum i(rneatnng "lit- tle"') and affinis (mneaning (af- fiiy~.For this sex determin- ation ýcbemne, the pregnant pa- tient bit on a cbuink of -%a-,, thus producing a sample of saliva. This wvas analyzeti fur the pres- ence or- absence of certain hor- mon-esý, whicb wcre supposedti t indicate the sex, of thec coming c h iltI. Just wbio first separated wax from c(rude ail i,.;bard ta estab- lisb. It was probably the Scots- iman, Dr. James Young. In, 1847, Younig founti petrolcum, in the farma of ail shale. ini Derhyshire, E'ln.In 18,50 lie patenitet bis mnethotis of recoveringl heavy liubricaiting' a, ils and prfi.By 1854, pairaffn was being usecl by clintlemakers. Large-scale com- mercial poutohowexcer, hart db, center, has his e youth Says police ure he's old enough yer service the cor, LEMME AT HlM '- JUnivers:al indignation of a fight fan fratic with feeling over o decision agc-ainst his favoite is expressed by this talian fan, cent'er, struggling with his welterw,\eight countryman, Scisciani, righu, .and manager, over a reversed dicision in a Germon ring favorrig Russion contender Carlos Dscharerjan. Scene of' the icketholder's ring debut is the Sportspalast, Berlin, Gei-many. NICELY DEVELOPED - Dianie Danigellis jumtps ight off the fr'tpage inito focus as Queen of the National Press Photogra- pher's Association for, 1955. The beauty reigned over the 1Oth anniversary convention of the NPPA. to w'ait uintil 18,anid the ini- troduiction of horizontal filter presseýs. Before this, the refiner put chilled waxýy ail ini a bag and squeeztid it in a hydrauiic press ta get the oul out; a ted- jous andi rather messy business. Waxhas .a-v.ays been lii4y ,sefui t o himan beings. In fact there are so mayqpplications that it's diifficuit to Lunderstand howv the bees kept up withi the leimand bef are parafflin wax as developed. The Elgyptians 0f ten buried waxen mages 0f their gods along wýith a dead Egyp- tian. The Greeksý gave the,-4r k id- dlies wa-x iolls, wbviie the Rlom- anýs-in the uppcir tax brackýets -presrved ax msks of their ancestors. In. the Mliddle Ag,-es, the mem,ýî- or.y of eprtd onarchis and other ntbe was kept alive by trauigtheirwa masks. It maIy have 'been abo(utt this timi-e that the prctcebean 0of mak- îng a waxu mask or, doil 0f an enemy n d tikinJJg pins in itL This Vwas not uncamimon strategy unitil about thie end of the l7th century and StijliSurvivesin more piiieregionis. ln Spain, remarkable wvork was dïone in prodcà.ing waxfigures o0sins ekiflycolored. A method of rmetal casting fa-voreci by Benivenuto Cellini, thec l6tb century Italian sculptor, came back into praminence dur- ing Worid WVa>riýl for making precision parts for bomnbsights, jet engines and ortbopedic ap- pliances. This is the "iost wvax" process -P.1wbich a vwax pattern of th-e fïinisýhedi produïct is made an'! then invesed ith plaster. When the plalster hbas hardeîned, the wýax is imelted bybýý eat, esc'apes tbrough -iOne Or mr tiny openings i tbe mold, th r ougb whicb molten metai is then paoured. Wbeni the mitetal bas solidîfiedC, the plaster is broken. away, . vn the article finishiet except far the removal of the metai formeti in tbe "spruec", or pouring aperture, This mctbod calis, for a' new pIaster casing for every casting, but is very accurate. The wax used is normailly a mixtý'ure of paraffin plus carnuba and- otherý vegetable waxes. One of the Oidest uIsers or a 15, of course, the candlemnaker, lielbas chang-ed a lot since the 13th century , \when Ym-embers of a guIild Of travelling candlcmiak- crs 'went fromt bouse ta bouse making "tallow dips"~. No-w con- tinuous molding machines cari tui- nouf 1,500 canifles an bo',r aýnt thece camnes off a reel, Besides the plain (or, power- fa)ilure) cnievou can buy hert-sbaped candles, T-shiapeti candiles that burn at botbi ends, cnesthat iook like beer mugs, apples or pears. As an insulating material, par- affin wax iJs idely used in tLhe manufacture of eleýctrie conden's- crs. Other ingredients may bc, added, for tbere are micro-or- ganisma wbich attack paraffi-n- impregnated m-ateriafl. Indleeti, there is onie bu-, known as Peni- icillium -1giaucum, wb"Tich can ac- tuIally use( paraffin as its sale source. of energy. Since paraffin ïs inactive cbemically, it must be a fil tricky prablem ta digest if, anci would Cundoubtedlyv be impossible for anyfbing - ccpt Penicîlliumglauicom.ii Aniotber para,-ffin addict wVa s John W. HcMillan, anl early pro- ducer andi refiner of oh! in Pc- trolia, He cieti in 1891, after cx- pre.sscing the wiýsh that he be em-baýlmiecl in wx.This wish wavýs more than faitbfully carried cut. Not only biscofn but bis Whoie g1rave in Petrolia cemne- feywas ,fili ithalmosf a ton 0f pa'raffin wýýax. May'ýbe lhevwa's afraid Of neu- -From The limpenilOut Review. A "EL STEAL Tokia nIewýSpapers have ce- ceiveti many protesting letters ta the effeet that a new sang hit "Let's Go To Tokia", bas lureti tai-m workcrs ta the citly, Aistanishing things bappenî tvben gullibie folk follow in- sturctions neyer mneant ta be taýken tseriausly. "The Paymcnts are Peanuts" ativertisýet a New York store, putting over tbe idea that buy- crýs wauld scarceiy notice the bure purchase instalmnents neces- sary ta acquire a refrigerator. The manager ,was taken aback, when a wiesale peanut mer- chant arrived with fen 100 lb. bags of nuts. Iowever, be played up_ and allowMed the -mani t, take the refrigerator. A Vancouver dealer placed a Label on a car, "A Steal at $2.- 500." If was stolenm the same day. A cegna is ustlaly de.- I!'jlgtedl when pol pay atten- ARTICLES FOR SALE SAVE 78%,' of RetaPl Prîce, on 12 items used daiiy iii Your home, Free Information for stýamp. Florida Spýcil- ty Sales, Box 73-3B, SoLith Mliamri 43, Floridla. BABY CHIcKS WME hatch chicks and turkey pouits every/ week în the year. We have ýspecial egg breeds, broiler breed, dual purpose and special breeds for capons and roasters, In turlteys vwe have heavy roasters, mnedlum roasters Prid turkey broilers, _Also iready to lay ai i aying pou1ts. Don't mniss out on the high egg riarket that you are sure to have this Fail. Cataloguei,. TWVEDDLE eHICOR HATCHERIES lTD. FEIIGUS ONTARIO WE have pullets, dayold, started, immnediate s1niment, ,vide choie. 4iso mnixed chicks. Your September brcilers shiould 1"e on ordier. Bray Matchery, 120 john iN. Ilamlltoin. TWIEDDLE 1at generation broiler chicks are mrainig our, customiers entrai money, and the dlemand for our ILat getneration IndianriIiver Cross, Arbor Acres Whlite Rock- and Nichols New tLam-ýpsirie is tremiendous. Don't bc stsedwith aiiything but firrt gen- eration broiler chicks. Broiler folder. TWEDDLE ClfHIK HATCHERIES LTD. FEIIGIUS ONTARIO HATCI'IING EGOS Woutd rýou jutie ta seil hatching eggsu every weel iii the year at ea premium of up Dta 33 cents Per dozen more thani markýet price for your eggs? 1tf you Avild rite us immediately. ',ie are one of Canada's oldest and largest Canadian Apprcved Hatcheries, Apply Box 130, 123 Eighteenth Street.Ne roronto, Ont. FOR SALE FOR SALE, use-d Bearbora buck rake, fits Ford tractor, $0. Alan ltth Baden, Ontario. ELECTRICALLY controlled bulb KIL LS ALL insects, scientifically, autom,-ati- cally. Laboratory tested. Safe. Ef- fective. $3.98. Ten Year Gtuajantee, Order N'ýow, Science Dept, Martin) Fishma-,cn, Box 14 Knickerbocker Sta- tion,Ne York 2,Ne York. GFREY IIAIR? Doet be etnbarrassed by premauturelyii greyhar Look< years you;nger with Kabul Briliani-tine, Has been success- fully uased in Cuba over 50 yearcs; eabily aplld;Wll brlng back the natural colour of your hair.ý Kabol does niot stain; îs not a dye- t la a Brllantinec, whose function is ta get rid of grey haîr. Resuits wltln to weeksý. Neces- saytreatmnent, box 92 boties, $.0 Suifficient for six moonthas, Money ordîers- prepaid, or C.O.D, colleet. Satisfaction gua". anteel. Kabufl Products Rg'd,ý PO. Box,-, .DG.,Montreat. 1MAÊS0NIC TROWEL 4ý' lnembleni btamped inTo stainless bladeý, metal eapped ends on wvoodi handie, irror7 finiish. Miniature Bible lncludced, $1,00 poipatd. Bih hdfmn 21 Edwvin Place Nevwark il, New Jersey. tion to his sermon. But not the chaplain of the Federal Peniten- tiary in Atanta. One Sunday he preaclhed on the text, "Go' Ye Into ail theWri, Two hours iRter two prisoners escaped. A petty officer wrote ta a pa- per recenctly-ý to say that h e'd been, to visit his grandmoth1-er, whio was distressed by the large holes in the toes of his socks. "We wear'j them l1ike that inr the Navy," hie joked. A f ew months inter the Joke waÏs on him. Ilis grandmnoth.,er set im several newý pairs - hand-knitted and al! without toe S. . The proprieitr of a7!smial Amerian hotel ýàas anx$bus not to haive ta senid parcels aftulr absent-m-rinded gpests. Sa heý patrd notices: '¶Have Yeu Left Anything Bhn? Taking his injunictions to heart, a honeymoon couple decamped! with all the movables and ieft a -note to the affect that the beds; hpsd bfen toc, heavy!. F(amicia I IMi ai feic;&o AIR eLND STEAMsHIP CRUISES 9, RUS TOURS eservtionsAnywhere e KýJ0Ný,0 & ýCO ýLTU 697 BS-- oonfo2. Ont A-DVENTUROUS MEN. Yu ae wti- ingproeet iuildin gratSt. Lmv- Guls$on Que. 1III EXCELLENT. REAM RSLT FI TeKiNG -DIXON's RMEYFOR RUATCPAINS eAND NEURITIS MUNRO'S DRUG SOR 225 Elgin,Otwe $.5Express Prfeaid rashs ai wepig ntouibles, Ps's Ezems alv lno isal- Point you. ltchIng 'cPi4 ndburr. and foot czema Wsl tspndreadilyv to tha ttlsozrc onmnre- gardless of hbc", r~i ~ op!s tbeysem PRICE $2.M FIPiRA Senit Pot Free o" Reýcîipi at Prite, 889 (Oueen ,St. S, oE e o egn MAEN ANDO WOMýeN RURAL REAL ESTATFAEIE îF youà are initerested i nkm xr m ve, cocntact Us re ellglgbnn eral omisinon 1eë, . dsales. CnatPh;lIips P"hnn RdCo., Llmlted, 200 ïMain SreTrno Plioie OX, 4-0273, method, No týheory L ib xet ence, Gu-ar7anteedre t, opet course, $7,50 Radio Service Sehool MOTOR burong oh'Losng omrr'es.ý sion? CGuairanteed ~Oehu"tet ment, qicpositivecenidy. Free am-iazing iter-aturwe. 2ult11 ten, $495 AicnChemicl reuta.Ft.. JOIN CANADAS EDN SCOl Grveal pcttnt Pl1easant, fdigmiid pyasusg0oo Marvelgacuts Am-eric'serZt"3 yse 33eloor St,W. ont Kb igS, aslo reTIIEsfo1ý HA UG B 3& Cjnpabn y Patent AttOrneys. sttvWe,180 UniÈversity Ave. Treto Pses AN OFFER Co ey netr Ii~ ïrce. Thse Ramïsay Cc.,, eitrdP ednt A1tcrneYsý, 27$ RanIsSt. Ottaw PERSONAeL personal rqurmet, Latat ata- logue includmed, The Mfîc geney,-- Box 14, Terminal ""TrnoOt FIT Stamps, Each ro Difïerent- Cutyfor 10 to ppilaltsfoaf qualtty approvals at buge dicount,. Roger Teachou(t, GnioColorado. OTTAWA Separaite o or e- quires tahesfor regular a imi speciet classes. Applry stattng quakifications, expeience and nasrie eflit t îipspec- toi, tO: Aïrme Arvisais, Sprtnet ý159 Murray Street, Ottawa,OrIn BISCTASIG - eaclIer anitett, Grades 143; state qaifctonepert- e1nce. InspectOr, Slr 2 0> esi, dence, 1ow rvent. Write Mrs. Suisa1i. Espansmel, , Secretary Bscotas!ng, Ontario SAVFES Proteç, your BOOKSmCS L U ý frOns PIRE ani TfIEVES. We- bvc a st and type of Safe, or abhttf oranyr purposýe, iit lis o it'or price, etc to e t.W. .J. JTYWRUM1TEC TonTo SA'E, wýORKS' - 5Fron St. P- Te ýp1o -tope er ur 11nevnaw N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -s N N N -s N N 's N N N N N N N N N N N N