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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1955, p. 8

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To ganfrte nformtiîon on sewýage- d1îsosaiïe Counities HeaVhUni araneda meeting or ve PPoli-e Tr11tePes wt11 Dr. Bary e-dsaitariy engineer of thie Departmieint of le-althi. The metig ith Dr. Bnrry poîntedi out the prvocedure1- to bwe f Uowdi v trr~ v v bei-t'lle, heM'rofthe etievillage or ai portion of 1V. Dr. Barr-y also gave tent1atie cots nd the meýth1od oif financing and repaying. M -T p ,nl Jxvii v do'bt'reînre4vd n thetentaive ost as t-ted by vDr. Barry. His (figures rnodF o ý175.00 VM)o $200.10 purcait whiîch for, the whoie of Orono wu-"11,1 ee 12,20 'o,(, Thiese costs ýare flot actual o-ts fo- fhy corid1oniy e established by a consuting ngn .The Pr-oviine1has a fund val abMe for. s1viih u1ldrtking7s- vwith interest tesfr-n om 4 V 41/2er oent. Tile gte, r;irctice of repaving the fuinci sa1dDr. Ba \V as a Vwo or three miii rýate pl,)us 20 -Vo 25 cents frontage cost anid a rentai chbarg e arounid $10.00 per yeari. Thie capitai coýst, hie saiid, ,wuld bu seuwage providIingr, of cuson the aaibiiyof te.Alny porionof he illge naubu servicued for se-wage disposai anrd the systeni can 'be ni 1esigneý.d -as Vo allov For future cnncton'ron1 othber sections orfilhe villageý. 4 anryinat ostto 'q naercanl b eustaiblished with Dr. Barirv's figures from 43Oý000 o $35.001 per yeair for tvwnfy yeurs coin a5120,00. svstemi. This cosýt \ouid bhomo a property assessed at $,'0 and wvith1 a sixty-five foot fronlta-ge. Costs, hoxvever, canjï neyer be figured accurately until such tim -e as a true cost of a sewage svsteni is ustabiished by q consuit- in-. engjineer. To oh ain thiis cost would po-ssiby cost the villaige froni thre- Vo five ndrddllr.At the thue such -a fivure ,was definituiy established 1Vt wolild thon be possible Vo give the cosýt Vo each indîvidual propurty in he vilage. If swaedisposi is Vo be followu'(d in Orono, either on the wbole or inpat the next procudure is Vo hire a consulting engineer Vo set the true cost for sewage disposai in Orono. Such a program illii depend on the response fromn the ax- payers of the village, and any duvelopmeint Vo tVMs end viii rest with 4heir desire. Dr. Barry cited a nuniber of cases wheru sewage disposai hadl buen inataîled and the village of! Tottunham was one wîthi a populaation of 00 costing $~160.00 per capita or a total cost of ',194,000.,00. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST BURGLARY buar-iaries represenit onle of the major hazards of the loliday suas'on, ing Vo Oie Ail Canada Insurance Federation, such thefts imer cost Canadians more than $6,500 a day for insurud ýe benefit of 'hoidaying and cattage-boundhoeovrs )n rucom-)rmendIs a f ex sim1ple pr'ecýautions, They are: Sarrang-ements Vo have iaxvns mowed xvheni leaving- house vii blinds, lights left burung luii dayVtime and accuimu- wpausand mu--ýik botties are certain indications Vo bouse is pmoccupied. ys, hjavTe !ouse xace by police or nighbourS. tables sucli as silver and jexveIiery shouid be remnoved nd left ia a bank safety deposit'box. ýeft is dliscovered, notify police immediatelly. New Potatoes fo A lyP_ aI Farrow, phione 3 i O, r o. a-'c FURNT,R>,SA LE The housefroid effects from t'he Es- t ate of the late Ja fes Engles4land the househoid eff e ts Of ý pari, Br]adsha1w xiii be old by ublie uc tion at the Dur amn' unt Sale Arenia'on Ficday ev ing, July 9th ait 8 p.m-i. Plan tendlic this large sale. TermIs casl Jackl Reid, Auc-, tioneer. a-Ci FURNII'ÊRE SA The househld effec of Dr. J. erttwil 'e oid, by ublic auction ait his res-iden* , o- ile west of Mc(Crae's Churh h Saturday, July 9th at 1:00 p1 Termsis Jack Reid, Auctioneer. WAN TED AT OCE Rawiei:gh Deaier in D)urhba C inty. W'rite Rawleigh's Dep-It. 8-3)-R, Montrei, P.Qu. ENGA ýEM ENT1 iVi1r. and Mrs. H dward Jo Ti,, Newvcastle annou ei higget of their youngeIt d teJeani Eýlien Vo Mr. Robet Ca' n WagIar. son of Mr. and Mrs .. agrOsh. a-wa. The mnarria e o take place i NewcvastJe LUnit d /ChrliFrida, Juiy '22, 1955 at :30 p.mn.ap ANNUAL SPORTS DAY (Continued fromn page 1) plate on three hits and one Oronio error. Orono carne bnck in the tbird to take a one run lead when hey scored four runs on two walks and two hits. Adding hree more in the fýourth put Orono1 weii in front nt this point in the game. Three counits to Gobourg in the fiftch put hem backý1 ain the gai-re. Ini the saxt1h Orono ran in a singleo with bot'h trading a single in the seventh. Both teaims again scor ed, alike in the eighth icouitinig four- a- piece. In the top of the inth Co- hourg's fir-st 'batter fiew out and the second waiked. Oni the thir-d batter Orono doubied up on the out Vo retire trie side. The iast gm of thre day went to the Oronio girls who downed Bethany ini a Vght (gamne. LI this fe-atujre vetanliad in the gýaw m utilthe seventh ining lý wheni Orono tie-,d the sclore anîd thien went oin to)-,ini the amne. At the end of six ingsOf piay Bethaniiy iead thre locl gils by ascor-e of ,ix Vo five At the lhaif- way mark in the sevenit1 Bethaniy had addedtw more counts to gfive them a three run, edge. This was -0v- [)yo-oe bfOn o then took the gamne. cuncing A NEW IRb AR ýst records in Pqpular M.usic, stern, Organi M sic, Ali-Time Pd Childrens' Rcords. ,VED EVERY2 WEEKS y records, 78 r m ide ......Per record ............. cordIs 13 r.p.mi, [e... per frecordI LESilORELEMAE Co borne t Orono Gaie tune 6:15 p-.n $1.98 and $2.98 NsClp.........9. fit o overBeach Bags .......... 69c. andt 98c. .$2.50 Rhulicream, prompt relief f rom poi- 9{;p ~a~ ~Suný Ivyî and Tnsect stings, tube $1.01 feel Professional Directoîry A. P. McKENZIE, BU>. 6-ft cut PHYSICLAN and SURGEON4 1Condition. 11r-13. a-c olffice Houirs 2.00 to 4.00- p.m.; 6«30 t4 8.00 . Sundays and Wednesfdays - y - appointment only lv 2nd PROINE 47r1 lRN DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Veterinary, mu-kdicines, bioleogicals and instruments ethically dispensed. -PHONE 10616 FOR SALE Cherries for -Sale, for seif pickingc 60c. a six quart basket. ý Phonïe 13-r-7, Orono. i')-> FOR SA LE New Wagons, Tandelý~ Discs, Plows, Spr-eeers, Power Lawn MJow- ers, Wood'sFrer-ig Combi-na- tion, usedWaos Mower, nearly new Hlay Tudider. Phone Carl Todd, Ciarke 15-20. - ----- ------- LOST ,§ Blacwite :and tn i e d ~Phone OhwRan oiph 5i0000., LoInear Lsad HAVE Y04 A BOUSE Ou BUSI'N ESS FOR SAI Lityorroperty wi us for sati actory se -ice Estates aieprope 1yý es mlanaged We arq here) serve youl. For Fst ction Contact Tom Lewis» REAL ESTATE BROKER Ph. 10,311 Orono CuteSI. if ouwhyour AD FARM ~TOCR oua vd the fastest Way, t h e nl c a.11 u s , c o lle c B w m n v li M1ARG' I FUR FARM We xvi le pleased to pick up dead o)r cr'iýpped farmi animnais for santary 1isposal. Telephione Collect, Cobourg 1266 or Toronto EM. 3-3136. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED AND i CALL Uq FOR ETMT, HAR .LGT Phone 84 r 2 ORZONO - ONT,. S: J. NORTON blaiji Street, Orouo Phone 61-r9 Duilder & Dfecoitator Consult us on ail things ap- pertaining to the beautifiCatiOL of your home.j Paperhanging and Interior Docoration a speciltyv. I fOrono'Tinshop Warm Air Ileating Air Condiioning Sheet MNetal Work Plumbing Fixtures Pipe and Fittings Pire Extinguishers ORONO, ONT. Lawrence C. MVasoo, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAN VILLE. ONT. ['houtu : o11k, 688 lHore 558 FOR SALE, Seven ro6is, centre ,,ail plan,* brick hom e, double lot, arge1o heated, Vhrý e piecu bih, shower, Al hardwood4, flobrs fiîre ]ace bstan- JUlHN REGANe <,B.A.~ Esion August !sV. Phnne 12610, Orono Mr. Fred Ly etV, O.ono, Ontario. Barrister, Notary Publie MIý eSALE33 Temperance St. BowmanjID. 5 room, stoA4 and a hal house - Phone 3292 30' x '. u"itition imýes one block siding. Full ba _mrent. At ached gar -_______________ Iage and xvorksl op - 18' 30 . lHard and soft w\ater Àstems - piece -bath. Txývo and one h1iare_ o valuable JACKI( IL land in the viliage of O ono. May holRE. bough asInL.A . alf olin. Orono's Licensed Prîced raoa I? See Don DuncaI , onýýo. PhIoneP 1396 Auctioneer and ValuatoIC - --- Specialize ln Iarm and Furniture Sales MODERN HIEATING Con'suit me for tem COMPLETE FORCED AIR ai ae HIEATING SYSTEm FOR A Phone 5 r 18 . FIVE-ROOM IHOMIE $ TEl) JACKSON $, 25.00 Auctioneer adVlao -Geduets Auction Sales of all df and at rezmonable rat«s Cornmunicat, wïth bu. at Paf Perry, Ontario, or se. hie ClQrk A E. Morton. at Oromo. for date. PàýlING SUPPLIES ,,1II E INSURANCE open Mon. Weà. & Fri.eveninIgs Pensionv Plans; Educational Policli tiii 9:,30 and ail day Saturday, Protection and Savings Plam a f jjChildren andl Adults; Mortgage lh> Surance Plans. F. E. LYCFTT ORONO, Ont. -Phone 20 r 1 STAFFORD BROS f 1Monumentai Works Pballe Whitby 552 318 Dundas st. E., Whitby FINE QIALITY MONUMENTS AND> MARKERS Let as erect a handsorne, diq- nified monument over the «tý ing place of your ioved o.ne&. It's nlot expensive. And seeing this ia8t tribute wi ghie you midless condi The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 .-P.0, Do- 522 Port Hfope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarker% Enr-ravinz- GolidIeafiuW REAL ESTÂýTE FOR SALE ProPerties Sold, Rented. M7ýanaged andi Appralsedi L.M.ALLISON RalEstate Jlroker

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