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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1955, p. 1

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I - M'ýunicipal 'harles Phillips -are pictured:1 it Orono Uited Ghureh.i~ i McKenna, is the dan1-ghtei. ia and the bridegrooin il8 th( Phillips, Kinnmount. The cot Photo,, by Carson, P( it For Local lope Children At Toronto gae y radio. Joe Crysdale miade a Te Yunng Fr-y" players of base- LA t wth a tremendous audience here fliae oigto enijoy a big-timieli[ast fail that honiored the local Oronioi ~afeof baýl i on ednesd:ýv night, Baseball Club players on the occll- Juy *20th it Maple Leaf Stadium,sinothrwnngteOtro 'Twjt ln lst yeaIl,,s league 1Chamnloiish p, ~caninthe ToronIto Maple ILeafs, eswlocui raeiýet Syracuse in a scheduiled league These lucky yxgteswlocuY -ga rie, rsvu~bu" ssby simp pay n tegovernment tax of 35c. Soe 14 players from, Orono ajmi anqail numbr fnom Kedal wili be -'he ga.sts Of the fameus Jacke Kent Cooke ond the 'fortnto Maple Leafj -'Basebali lu+b for the thrili of a if e- tie hei. two great teamns cornI'e te- j ýgether. They are hopeful of imeleting I the colorful "Joe Crysdatl(" iii b- bwe ise minutes of announcing the On this wonderful trip, the boys are lioping/ te mneet Jacli Kent Cooke ia persen iaiso thre playens in their dressing rooms but Mjr. Cooke ie a g'reat man of miýaay accomnpisirn-ents, .lie migit not have timue thiat nightL te even lie there! And Syracuse might~ (Continued page 3) Many Factors Account For 1 Good Water Supplyý Few w 1atcx' supplies ale fr'e i.froml iatn anYS Prof. E. H. Garranci, ledof the Departmeat of Dacter- olgOntario Agnricultural Coîlege, GeptPonds, lakes, ctreamrs md e)l cotainictonassbrougît dlown fnom the air by rata, snow and leve thaim-n nary polluting source, the wtr es afe from Ilsur-ý face pollution. Tire weli sbouldntir lecat'ed ila a hiollow, and drainatge, sbold be away from ltire weli. The' poo-iy consýtrujcted li ne wirlooceiy plakced stones, blockrs, or AlthoI4'h Sellool hias been complet- ed for the 1954-55 terni the business of administering the local educationi departmnent continues. A recent mieet- inig of the Orono School Bor a, heid to carry on business. of a. gen- er-al nature and discussion of future The DoBard discussed for s om1e tinie a fire escaPe system' for the second storY wliere presently the hligh school is establislied. At present ne4 adequate meanis of escape is a- vaàilable, other than using the stairs. The Board coatemplate an outside fire escape fromn the second story wýhich 'is expected will c9st in the neighbourhood of $3,00.00. Another majoi, undertaking was ai- se discussed, that of a new sewage disposai system. At present the ex- isting s-ystemn has been fouad inade- qu:ate and has aiso given ceasider- able trouble. The secretary was in- structed to make enquiries fromi the Departnment of Eiealth iia this matter as to specificationýs for such a systemi ht was pointed out at thie meeting tbat no aniswer lad been received fromn the Districr iligh Schol Board oni a revised paym-ent plan. The Hiýgh SchnooI at present pays four-1 Member s of the Clarke Orange Lodges attended a district Orange Rally at L Saturday in which more tI participated. Despfite the 92-degree heat the Parade extended for mjore th'an five miles and Lindsa3ýy residents saîd it was the largest celebration of this kind ever held in that city. Lodges represenited in the 265th An-. ni;versary of the Battle of the Boyne from C<larke Township were Orono, Kendal and Ne'wtonville, The lodges wveie lead by the, Kendat Fife and Di-uni Band and their two majorettes. (CROOKED CREÊK) (Naines in alphabeýtical order) Grade 7 to Grade 8:- Dorýeen Albî-,, Gerald' Halloweîî l(hon.), Dilva 1Reid Grade 7:- Normaiind Lascelle. Grade 6:- lTOmmy Milison, Beven-ly Woods (hon.) Grade 5:- Vitctojr Wilson (hon.), Thevilag o 01010 'astrete Grdunio lr enc Wlonv The llage rof Othe was ratiwed rad 4-ght.c Wloa to a lnauFi fethendelebratinde ~ngt mae "Kedapifeand Drutheviland Grade 3:- Johnny Kessier, V maude s peran Te bdin t ilage K.IrY CienPraut( Sparay eninsg. aThye bnofd in he i ts ap- lnimnly aee. t( pemane has reanty njoyed by he rtharr2on.ty n Fx h manythesuofere Vow.it m(-ardhes Ga de 2: Bety n.,ndFox ( ter nthsutheofthe llaghe t. , and as Jeab ara(on W)os Lin W fajorth la theSheoband The twoma- (ih.~Sao od hn> joreemtt leadin teaand ced 14--hwr.ght- Marvin Lunn Wec Germey ln Urono Chur David Violet hon.), the pre ast obstacle iancy betweer rharu ecounltie !Our,,was cde Municýipal E Ir authorjized The counlties wql11mc town hall. The,,Municipal Boa Pros and cons and rulE the counties. Thus wý final chapter to a 10 ,wenit bac~k caverai a Promiinent part in t! the North1rmbeJnlid aii Association which k the counties counicil Ný comipel themi to provide modation for the adn justice. Uns. Gertrude StaPleton, teacher and the -systemn improve( 18Frnces was poi France-S aeed foi W,,omenflJ seventh oi th~e cesý ef maintenanjce ai cptlosadthloabor AtrooUited Church on Satur- Pointe4 .sieeves' anjd stand Up Que, has reqiuested that this be revised to dayV, July 9th at 23 o'clock Marvin Annle cllar Colmnpeted ber ensýemiý sixth-niLIGs. Heniry Luma, son Of Mrs- Emmii )a A very fullI fingertip v-eil gather Lua nd t'le 1la e M . LawrI'neae tigty to the back of a semajli er TheS,ýre:ir ws aso nsrucedLuanII, took a s hîs bride Frances fitting seed penn thaIt and she ca The ec tar wa ais intrutedMarie Jermiey, dlaughter ofMn and ried aboptofnemuer. te hiave the water .at the Scbool test- 'Mis. Delmo Jermiey of Barie. eicled t t ne wbie pop ed and aiso those bouses Usirng eut hyathm ,D of the School Nwel. The ceremiàony was peçrformnedI by hsate~5 the. Reverejid Johnii Kitchen. Before Margatret Wcododne of Onjji, Aletter from the Insurance Cern- tle enremony Mn. Reginald Peters-f atrno4n~mi VissD paycevering thre Scirool was receiv- Peterboroughi sang The Lord's Prayer1,1ic(e Lumn, sisten Of t1e'gr(oom 'ai ed and !n which it was pointed eut ind Biess Tis House. Dunin.g the Eleaaqiorý Jernmey, Oillia, sister of tL that thre condition of the boller was signiïg of the' negister lie sang bride, as bridesmaids Iwere Ident, UnsaýtisfaCtorýy. The wr to contplete Becauise. aiiy gowned in floor length nylc this was te have beea done by Parker Th rd,.1 a ieni iir tulle over silk ia colons of orcli, and Son of Dowm-anville- and the T. rdwhla ient a-yellowtý and green. Gr-ecian style bo Scloel Doard are stifl holding a sum ngeby lier father were a, floor- ice -with poirted 'torse waist. Aý of ,O.0 until thre work la c- Iengtli strapless gown of nylon tulle1 c ple ed Th s cre ar wa i str ct d p tt ng over w hite satin. T ie bodice Wor..Ie sm all crew n-like head dressý te, contact Mn. Parker in tinsmatter. was accentuated with imiported em- ai of leated euins ndusted w b.roidered nylon lace jacket wtl long varosciue eun m an bouquets of ligbit and dark- yello, and mauve cirrysanthemims. UOrono Basebali Win At Home Lose On The Road. Orono crew showved up weak la batting The Oronio intermiediate Basebal whîleCeug was driving 'eut doub- teani traded a Min for a lose dunig1 les, triples and a homre rua, Haraden teweek w-her they defeated Col-î!for dobourg tok top) hon)our-s la lit- berne at Orono 6 to 3 and were de- Uting with a hom-e ru.n, a triple and a feated by a score of 8 te 5 in Cobourg.sipgle.Il seven complete inaings In Orono on Thursdlay of List wek ,Cobourg "pickýed up ine, is h tie iocal 1boys weai their gaine la thýe Orono secured enly six and tlese frsi inniagby battg inlafive ruas. wone Ailinges, la tbis frame Robian single, n- ine West went te fireton an erreri Robinson scored for Orono la tire and Dean West singied te f11 the firsu on a cingle and foîlwed by jMr. Keitir West, Oro mian and thre ushersw Shetier, ds1iiiwa and Armnstrong, Orono). A reception wýs leld dayý, School Auditi,um, brdes other receivec attractive taiiored dr-ese over beig,ýe witli a dank neoola ut aad pink ac wore a corsage of pink len bie.1 red )ug ar- hid )om Sessions. The towj with a po the countiQS would bear. spec-iaýl com for another calu proé ountiesý ~erthe itra de ,he oveni- 1--7 oom s i sisted - c~~~~- 1 1iuawera irnn IA lurem vue ~ *' ~~sîngies te ncni wes ae uno mus ceu ilinbes readdcifrnibricks aliows-e lnrneo eavily ter at tire plat, singi and drove in WVest. Coorg tted tresco lan tuir th sali, xvhule man, animais, and contaiaiated surface or underground Lfhree ruas. Tw,ýo Couronnte errerar fol- firet, whea Brnatt went te fiet on b s coatriute others Even the volter. Meest good well, ôn the otler lewed te allowi Trawin aadi Carmni an errer by Wkelyv anda camne homte ekÏ tetsdmn prln ae hand, peints eut Pr-of. Garrard, are- y' cot ai-i bani rar fui wterlndwt atnuo o rsel as te score twe fmuier ruals in un~ a cingle by Haraiden. entr as b1>rof, iý Ganrrd. tos the inning te bing thie total te fCive. say PoLGarad.pipe, brik, cnonete u, tie. Tihue Coiborne scered tw\o ruais in) tire first, Cobourg outccored Orono la the Taanaswier tr ~riat wîî~ 10 or !2 feet of thre walis of tire well oftrelt n rn rosb eod5te 3 on1 two alks, a double, the only source of diinlçisg aten,lould be soemcoastud witli one Tnainii and Alercer. Aise assisting fa a rile and two0 cingles. Raye Waestý qutofteni tee littie, attentioni is of these miateniais that water cainnet sconinlg these ruaIi.s was a sacrifice by< si.ged in tis fraime for Orene and! paidl to thre type of ,eli or the punty etîte, tire well until it iras filtcred Wntgîî of Coîhorne. wal ýtks f0oowed te Robinson and Ron)-! of tire water it ctanwarns Pf. down tli-rugii 10 or 12 feet of So1. nie West. Raye West camle il, on a i 4la ...... ,Heiaty mayweî uci filtration frees tira waten of, Nmin a, a. < nu!i die 1long fly bali by Keitir West and the 11<conainspcie ofbacena tat en-batenma. founti innîng wý,hen heuh dreye ,single two wais scoed on a cinge by Dean ýI)eiesof tetl-iatha en bcounts. For Orîow the ceunt mas West. Net outil the fifth w-as an- dlei tire mater unfEt for human con- Good locaion and proper constnuc- soe yHni etwi etohrcutsoa n ia yOoo Sunptin, codiienwhil cn e ten re ~asedif itte o n atten- fia nan errer and camne home wheai Honnie West camle home' on two aveidjed on rearedied by the applica- tien is paid te the top of the9 welll 1te i'o bsO tie o afe smpe niciie. ans ro. arar Mryexeî au~o a cingle by Dean West. cFnad obugers.Tsconcluded Or- ti o l c f a f e w si -ip e p i n c p l e . ils p r o . G jr r l d '\I a n e x ell nt d id tir e h o n o u re f or C o îb o r n e w h e a n o s c o n in g ia t hr e g a n e W ith a i WVels should be lecated as fan as wells ana epoiled by tire tops beiag ie w-alked te first. On stealinig- sec- total of five. Cobourg added two fun-, poseible fromn sucir polluting sourcesnmde of badly fitting boards or cend le was beaten irowever Cariti tGen couints la th(' seventir when inl as cess pool, septie tanks, mnanure planks tîreugli whidli naini water, Connish rpe tebal'na e- nhiaho radCmbO pils, circken bouses, and býane. NoTç manure, filtl, dînt, and insecte ean dettroppedon the plall. 'on a per- dtriple.e adCapei bune rafe distance cani be advocated enter. Th'ie top sliould be placed( on fec tho rn iepat.A vr rpe becuseof ire diferace a sir all tht ae fnisiedaboa go 1 t1irow te firet by Wakely aUùloxved tire atnuctui'~~~~~~~~e.e F r ns nc, i ig iIj evl a i se ld p fabl e .-'*ui"t runner te advance te home. The ga e et ue ir eghl l- 3s cay, a distance of at ieast 75 te of some conireat wiith co let4le Tiegm etoldle epee mgbtwscle eoei a IN0 feet frein. auy polluting soUrtaj ti~t mahle IT should slope to innings as' Coîbo)jne, as usual, wa, copleted' shlid be heficint, whereas iu sandy! wards VIe outsida. andk the eMMILh late ti tire game net getting unden Huskilson mas tire winning pitchler. and graveliy SOUiS, a distance of at Shou-ld be graded away fromn the Curb ;=y Unti 7.25 iastead cf 6.130. JTunior and et ettr oigpthn ýeaýta 20 feet is The weil la oden to cary Off wate wate. WVest, tie winaiag ptczir, h ld tihe Keit7 ma's raiev in. t e -e nt byý b 6i g l e s t 1 T o d e tehm n egt f w a t e r is f t f o r i m eu n d f or f o u r i n n i n g t o b c j êý e e e j u i W a s î,ý a f t e th e f a t î n e a D'ln 'lan possible, çntiehi tire fi 1y- eit Wect. Mlowatt baggers wýre bit. Thiis gaure 0oig snhÇace of thre catur is ,al a biger (Coninepge 3) e- tt 1istnc e for on rie t, s£ob( gav te tour la s~ciurg on :ý/o,,nay everng tire straight wins. Base 1 ro-ý

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