domesîic s be- igent? Carm ý the resits cf an- ix Seern 10 point r-e ta the possibility, pets ail over tl5e gradually growing ,ent. ýperimnents desig-ned inteligence of ani- constantly 4aking iorl lime ago !Our university psychQlo- United States spent private xoo tryinig he extent of animal ,oed many fhours astring11 a piece of white escaped 'y lifting 'fully off in a order olin pet in a ai place of safetY with the ut- miost gentleness. Il is obviaus, ai course, ithat some,à animais do. miany things instinctively and flot by means of powers of reasoninig, but 1ý,can wve account for the re- sourcefuilness sýhown aI the Lori- don Zoo by, an elephant wena littie g1irl offered it a bun som-e limle ag"o? The girl's nervec failed her sudidenly an'd She iet the bLun fali - ouI of the elephanV's and her onreach. AfI et stretching vainfly for il, the elephant thought outilis own solution 10 the problem. fi moved its trunk 10o ojie side and blew down aI aý,nd Iowards the, bunj which rolled a f ew inches neaýrer the girl. Il continued -b blow dowý,n'ils trunk until the bun rol-led near enough Io Se grasped and thiron baý"1c1k ito j umnb o. S ays a famnous natluralist who saw the incident:ý "Il was imi- possiýble to term the clephaýnî's actions instinclivé, to say they wýere due to hiereditary respon- se,, or t0 use aýny other of those formuflae wve are so apî to fit to animal actions." No, many animais' marvellous sagacity is cerîainl-Y not ail in- stinct. H{orse senise, is anot'her phase of animal iniitlligecnce which is increasingl'y coming under the searchlight of science. In ai Car- mnarthenshire mine a mnrn namied Stephens -was conveyîngý ýcoal in a horse-drawn truck froin the coal-face whn bs horse su,-ddenily stoppedi. 11, only started forward againi reluicîantily, at the repeaîed urg- i)g rfits driver. As it titi so ai post supportînig the roof, forceci out of position by what la known as a *'squeieze," was cauiglt by the truck, 11, fe]u and leI downi fifleen tons of coal rinake -hicýýh coulti "speli 'ddo rmatherriaticel including squaâre 1n, division'" -was býy Herr Kari Irall, at anithq toa Paris i In-1927. that nearly al 411- ecilally horzes ani a power ùof cOmYpre- ô nerpretatIon rare- Sted, ýnais do l'ot begýin ta gical ~ ogtimmie- t they soon respond2 t fhat are ransmiltteti h umans," he clairn-. expect your ainrnaIs,ý iConverse with you, willi understand anti ýselves understooti. st penetraîe the very e animal. Once he ,u are bis friand, le bis intelligence 10 il1in remarkable HORSP - - Owneir , i the 'o1oof, best hmô-nd Raya)I Hors lonket- are only a.- dels for an eqiie "clotheshorses/' durnmy, phony t, Who pshead is pali- cornea When a convict escapes frorn prisoni lie doesn'l expect ta Se lunted down like a fox. So i i was with a convict wiio, one day in October 1937, escapeti with astonishing ease frorn the prison in Contra Costa Counl-y, near, San Fran-cisco Some boutsaftler bis dawn break-ouI, biieiving hinseif safe, lie sought îlie sanctuary of saine Sushes and began 1 e liberate on hiis next moves. Whien and bow mnighl le gel land. Nioqd an- which "Snocoty"r Like mo'ny real- Officiai 0K For Abominable SnowmanM The, Briliahi Air Minisîr-y Sas decorated the Abominableý Snowman of the Himallayas. In an) officiai announcelment., il has awarded this Iegelnd'arï creatuLre -- locally ýcalled the Yeti, wben il is not in earshot -- the accolade of credence. The Yeti, wbich has alwaysi been Ihougl-l b be raîher, more thlan life-sixe, has been de- sýcribed as ha4f ape, hall bear, D-nd halli magînaîion. It lives in the snow7,s ut high altitudes and lealds a pretty lonely existence, Ihey say. Ac- cordîng to Sherpas, wb;ý7o are î1rnost the only people la bc- able to daim ihavîing seen Yetis, il is covered in matted ted hairý and has a peaked bead, An abon-inable snowmran le erl:ýainly something or someonei you'd recogn'ixe the next tlime you saw one Wbich has always rnade -il seem odd ta alost nôýboldy bas personi-nally sean a Yecti for five or, 10 years, o maybe more. Buet -limbers have reported saeing strange fOot- Pririls hipthesow Anti nowT cornes the Alir Min- istry with, news of the clearest, most definite anti bi"ggcst,, feet ever printeti. The feel were 12 ïnches long,' They had sun)k 11 inchies in the snow. The feat of the men who fýunti the prints only went one Lnclidwn the snow, What- ever madie the tracks was ighily eavy, Maybe il hati a clip on ils shoultier. The discovery wamnade il) the K-ulli Valley, wThere île, oylAir Force exýpedilion la the HRimalayas are now explor- ingl, cimbing, and surveying, after having Sean forceti by7ab- normally severe snow conidi-1 ions bo switcl their pla-ns frorn lhe e Kului-Spibi-Lahoul water- sheti, originaliy ceos en a for oparationis," the Air Ministryj annQulices, ,Tesignal, fron Squadron Leader L. W. Davies, the ex- pedions transport officer, said tihat Winig Comdr. A. J1. M, Smybl anti Sgt. J, R. Lacs ware, on Tune 12 en route bongether fromi he expDediion's ba-e cm to ites camp No. 1, and aI 12,- 375 i'aet aboyaesea levali they 4aine upon thea racks of an ex- capîionally large nimal in the deap sniow. "WVing, Commander Srnylli aI once 'distpaîched a porter 1 5 base camp 10 bring ;up) Squat i ronl Leader Davies wiDhoto- graphic cquipment, witlh whidli he subsequently tookz many stil and? cinle pliotographs. Hie also drew a di agr a m, "There waere many prints, eacli measuring about 12 indhes Sy 6, andi indicating Ila1thîe creature -wbo matie tliem was twe-legged. with five boas a tance. As il fear Ihal il eti party-l( 11e lefI h bagýan ta rui eral l imies, and Sy cev( clumps of rocks cdotle counîrysida, eluda hbis bouts. But anti hungry BABY CHIÇKS 0CR broilèr grow-es's liletherni, the killing Plants àlke themo, tlise hain stores like the.n and most important Kit ail Mrs. Consumer is pI1eesed and satisfied with eur genuine first gener- i;on mneat type broilers. To lrincreage tiie consumption 0f broulets we (muat satisfy lirs. Consumer. We zï.,ew aur Ist generation Indian iver Crûs-s, Ar- bor Acres White Rocks, -Nichais 1New Hamps vvll do thse trick, Seaud for .,new folders on these *1 top bro-lier chlcks. TWEDDLE CfIICK 11ATCHEEES LTD. FERGUS ONTAR1*TO Wouid ycu ike ta se1i haltcbing ietggs every week in, thse year et a ï? tu of LIp 133 cents Per dozen nmore ýhan market priIce for your eggs'? Ilyou ý'Yu1d, wrPite as Immiediately. We lare one of Canadas oldesi aads largest Canadian Approveci Hatcher1es. Apply Box 130, 123 igliteenti- teet. Newe Toronto, Ont. CHICK Luyi4n g t i ire isany finie nowadays. We batch elciki and tur. key pouits every week mn the year. We havP special egg breeIS thet Iay more eggs on leaýs feed, thse best 111 d-ual purpose breeds, special lst gen- eration broiler breeds, special brceeds for toasters and capon. Turkey pou4ts for heavy roast"evs, medilun roasters, tur1key broUlets, aiso older pullets 12 to 20 w7eeks. Cataloguie. TWEDDLE dHICK 7HAITCHEURIILTD. FE RGUS 9ONTAIITO FOR SALE MCCRMiIt t. ioe. Cnt 50 acres, $130 off newý price. Carmu Bell, Route 4, Peterboroughs, Ont, "URANIUJM Yearibookl" ail abouthw ta find Uraniumi. build youir own geiger couniter. $2.00 postpaîd,ï Nortis West~ Prospectors Suippiyý, v Street, NeapIa, Idaho. VITREOUS China Basin, tlii" x 15à-*, copiplete wlth trap and fauceýts,.50 $3.00 with order, balanice C,O.D. Chf- f ord, 7161 Tenusl Avenue, Monitreaî ther surprise awaited the youth- fui conivict. Ordered lbti.ake a bath, hie was presentedt with a dlean civijuan suit and told bo dress. Then - he was taken 10o the sheriff's quarters, to be the guest of honour at a -magificen.t dininer givetî to ail off the 13n huntsmen -who hnad successuily cornered the convict earlier Only after dinner, when the toasts and speeches were being made, did the convict lanthe truth. The she fogood tamiliy and wvith -high sociak onetinhad for some timne been seeking fo-r sorne riovel way of entertaining his frlends-and especially his lady friends. Se, he conceived the startlîng idea of deliber-'ate- ly "'arranïginig" that a con3vict sho1Culd escape onec day a;,t dawn., TIhe warders at the juil wvere eonsuiltld and a young convicl noted for his endlurance andi strength was chosen, Then mat.- ters wer(- ,so arranigeil that the convictl conce-rned could not faitl to see that ar n nexpeecd chance of escaplng had1 suddenly pre- sented itself. So he "escaped" --and for best part (.f a day unwTittingly played the part, of a 1hurnan f6x" ftor the benefit of the sherifF and h is friends. 1 At the end of the dîay's er- tertainrnenl the sheriff passed an envelope to the convict and then had hiri taken back to his celi. The envelope containjed ten dollars, the cost, no doubt, of thie 1hire of one human fox for a day.ý KEEP IT DARK A scienlisl, vîsiting Chartes F. Keltering, took ex-,,cepion to the famous inventor's observatins on Diesel locomotives. 4aYou sayv youre running blase lIocomyoives, aI about 100 miles an hôur?" On MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 lIgin, Off a e r $1'25 IExpres Prpeirà BANISH het-rrnenit 0"f dy et rashes and ,,weeping l, n ýtroubles. Post's lzerna Salve wlinot ls- pain1t youi, Itchlnig ssi and burn. ing eczemna affle, rnwrphrnples and àfoýot eczeýma vvill respofld reaý-dill f thie staIies, ordorleýs Din"tment, regardiless of isow subo or bpls tiseysem POST'SREfE'lS FRiCE $2.5ù PiR IAR Sent FPest Pres-on Recip of Price. 8?Queen st. E., Corner of Lgn TORONTO DO You LleTo-MakeMoe? e bookIet ces.lled"You <:.n Earn Home' Plrofits" tella 50w, ru :h 25,ý Soýuth- ard Box 37b55,West IEndBimighns AlalamÉa, ATTENTION RUR~AL REAL. ESTATE SALESMEN~ -IF you are lterested in îaIaksgexr monycotatls re s alling ligistniru rod tsroghutyour terrlt"ory. L1b er-al cmiso on leaeds and sles Contact Phiiips Lïghtnir;g Rad Co.'. Limited, 2M0 Main SireetToona Phone 0-N- 4-0273. RADO-T Srvie ourse. Ne w mehd otheory. iLearn b iyepe- enIce. GuarantIeed resits, oilt cours", $.5.Radio Service S( h ool 3502 Milîs Avexlue Atn ea MOTOR burnlngoiLosn omr sIon? Guaranteed "Oetau" ret ment, quiLi,ýk positive eeypra ama.zlng literature. F ilU trealmenIt, $9.Aican Ciem!ca]Podce t tjohn, B.C. LE A KAIRDrf>S7rý 30IN CAkNADA'S LEAUING SCHOOL MXARVEL 358j laiton Ottawa OTTAWA Separate Scb quîtes teacishers for, xegi clse.Apply statlnig axperienjce and niaine tor tao: AFmeAr.sesSu 159 Murray-S Ottswa, Offl ie-formnulas say ,bhat's Sas he party- -'-s 's-' s-' '-s -s- '-s -s '--s s- -s --s -s '-s --s --s --s -s s-' 's-' s' --s --s -s 's-' -s --s