la is s'mail cer- e spared to imj- mnore U.S. goods being taken for )g brushed aside Freer world trade is a moot subjeet for discussion 'in the UT.S. from President Eîsenhowýer downj but wýe somietimes think that the argq-, mrents are more fromn the Mp than from the heart. Canada buys some $3 billion of United States geods each,,, year but wve olIYsel! about $2,350,000,000 to themi. These experts are mostly raw materials that are sorely needed by American i ndusýtry. W'hen w try to make up the difference in other types of goods there is a howl, particuiariy fromi the farmiers' and fishermnen, askîng for a prqtecti-e -poliey against us.-1 At the moment we in Canada m--anag-e to take up the slack by the great import of U.S. capital that is continually pouring in. But it must net be forg-otten that this capital is used to produce more g-oods that have to bc marketed semrewhere. -If the goods cannet be soid at a reasonable profit, w-hat wiil become of the dividends ex- pected by the U.S. investors' Ca'nadians are prend to be the neighbours and friends of the United States, but our f riends s must be made te realize that we are a growing nation with tremiendous resources and an immense con- fidence in ourselves. We are too important te be pushed around by tariffs, exchange and convertibility difficulties. If we cannot combat onesided policies by reasonable argument, we may have to look around for ether sources of distribution of our valuable raw materials. KEEP YOUR MONEY SAFE,, 1) of rent., ,are thee most eimnon in a siare rentai, whal are mide in cashi rental of disputes- are dise "e" jr' 'r. Rentai for Your Farm." The circular, with the is obtainabie niow at the agricultural represientat FOURTEEN FOREST REPORTED PAST Wl A.da ÊAiberta odsMes- wesre- t:-rends and %ereavement, whatl )utions )utions. fornis, of the <Continued fromn page 1.) vahuabie resource as our forest. 1Care and vigilance mnust be cur watchword, and everyïj-e must re- member that fires dont happen- they are caused, One tree can make a million mat-J 1 ches, but enie match o aai destroy a m»illion trees. JALWAYS BE CARE.FUL. Traveller's cheques protect youl against ls ef your Morley while travelling. Negetiabîe anywhere. i-night "At Oroino Park VIL LE vs. ORONO An evenlng Dev'otionai Service wasý heid in, the oreno Comimunîty Park n Sn dy v~Tnir',July t0th. The '-on rass Band was ise in atten- dance te pro)vide the niusic both be- faore, after and duiring- the service HIAVE Y U A HIJ SEOR1 BITSI ES8 FOR SALE List yotur iroperty with us for satis actory service Estates aný properties manaied We are Èere to serve yo For Fase Action Cont !ît Tom L REAL EST 'ýTE BYOKER Ph. 10311 Oronà ýCentre St. If you wish ye.ý-ur DEAD FARIM STOCK remeove4'the fastest wýY then ca'l us ce lect - Bowm-aptlle 2679. We aise hd live herses.,,- We wiii be p lea àd W pick up dead r cripIed amin-is for sanitary lsoa.Te-Iephione Celiect, Cobourg ï266 or Toronto EMI. 3-3136. GORDOfN YOU-NG ,LMITED AND0 CIL US FOR ESTIMIATE>. HARIYE. LYCETT Pý fi phone 84 r 12 ORIONU - ONT. o f S: J.NORTON j Main Street, Orona Phoe 61-r-S Raniigette--, srgali ce B-: an",Aladin Apess. Sdi oC10. fmwines. it Montre1al11, P.Q.- Nrri uew Wons, anem scsha>d Pvlws, Sreader , Poegra-n ow-de ers, Wood'sFezr rgL ia Phone Cal oddno 1-0 FOR -SÎALE d Slcev foim, e hl plan, brckhoe 1-, o1bilota1 e 3eANtWAý thEe pi e bah, shower,- hardwosodSl ors, fii plac . rubtan Mtiai l cahPayetreuQ. os FOR SA LE ers roo storeezaedr-'aîfho'e, sidin. FuI baemen. ttach ga- tage and kshop -18'x S.ardy and soft Ttdýe ysem - cebah T m ado if cres alupale bick i hme.villaeflro, a be f bhetdas V.L.A. s e ahl hoding Picdaso pable.t eu d oss Seen Don D can, 0PI o. Ph10 on 39 MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FOR1CED AIR FI1VE-ROOM ýfHOME wrifDept. OT or visit eur A. P. McKENZIE, PlHYSIVIAN and SURI 2.00 to 4.00pn. 6.30 to Sundays and Wedaesde appoîntment quly PHOINE 47ri - VETERINARY SURGEON Veterinary, miedicines, biologicals and instruments ethically dispensed. PHONE 10616 ORONO,g Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAINVILLE. QONT. O ffice sa H om e 553 JOHiN RECAN, B.A. Barrister, Notary Puhlic 33 Temperance S. BowmniI Phone 3292 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and ValuaI;oC specialize Iii I'arm and Furi ture Sales Consuit me for tenus Phone 5 r I . 10a"4 TED JACKSON Aq t-i-)n erand Valuator and ut reasonable rat«' Nose Clips................... 69,C. Beach BaDgs ...... ...69c. and 98e. Rhutlicr-jeam-, promtpt relief froln poi- S-Cn11IVY 111d insect sting-s, tube $1.00 Greasless Siun Creaju, fl frn unu f eel ithleal *65e, 98c,, 16 econonmy Orono, Ont. Phone 168 - - --- - - DR. R. J. LEGAL