... ......5.... . . .. iavuure4 tn T a i4tj hon )of AIgneulture BanquetonOflt- ober the 4th. nsl followed rerdg ng mones'. It was moved A deliciqus lunch of doughnuts andi w and seconded by Dor- coffee were served, a vote of thanlks ba-,t a bake sale and af- l i oved to Ruith for thie use of hcr eP held on Saturdas', Oct-, hom-le and an enjoyabie evening wais e Ohurcli Baiserrent. f brouglit tq a close wýith the repeating utherford GCo inuity of the Mý,izpah eeicin o Athietes Do WeII hn :e Games At Bowmnanville. lhe eoadh of the Shamrocic At,- of athietes w-ho r ere- Ietic Clpb, noting thse calibre of thi onlo Uigh Scisool on1 Wedl- Orono aithletes, presýented anri nvita- st w\eek in the Polie É tion to the local athietic direetor to Ontarlo Training Sehoolj enter his team in the Sjsanrocke an-