ores, thâî o r Crib Wif h hhisv )r r Womlanl a sick of an J Life is fuil of srrsssoe jhtby good. som-e bad. I noeer know a brok. MRS * , Me VyCJjietWas bUUsUy glier first m-eal. other inain itemn of farm is rot so good. Rusty, aur i wafchi-dog puppy vwas rear o h a si with A '~ary leave fleces_- nun- †'iig llllF Çý.l 1e mnore important per- 3shouild be accent u- at it wl be as çlear the words, "Meay IT vere used. wbieh anm of her Ald thse bride proeeed ise of thse ehur-ch? il, rïght arm. n attending a forimai .t ail righit for a et ýefore thse last cOurSe a guest should never e tlhe diiner is flln- ished, uniless, of coretj for somne very urgýent rao~ such as illness. Q. To whom shouild weddlaig announcemnents be nalIed? A. Only to those people wh. did not receive invitations t,* the wedding. LADIES' APPARetI Apparel and acsoisfr ladies accounted for xwnore tharn 28%/'of the $1,065,408,000 sales of Canadian de-partment stores îas;t Use a 100-potind feedbag or, ,colorfuil reirnants - make thisý hani7dy apron to keep vou lieat and Pretty on kitchen duty! S"a the diagrarn-, sew-easy, thrifty. Non-slip straps, plenty of pro- tective cover -- be sinart.,e several! Pattern 4880: Misses'Sia Sxwall (10, 12); Medium (14, 14»; Large 18, 20). Ail sizes, ffl- pouind feedb or 1V4 yards 39- inch. This pattern easy ta use, ini-à pie ta sew, is tested for fit, a complete illustrated instructions,. Send TIRTY -FIV E NT (35é) in coins (stamps cnntb. accepted) for this Pattern, Prîint plainly SIZE, NAMWE, ADDRESS~, STYLE NUMBER, Send order Io Box ,, 12 Eighteenthi St., New Taronto_ý Ont. 0e6Fa sh io nHiin ts - - a openi: