relatîve1ý7 imodest amlouttOf capital. Refinerics, In 1866, w~echeap, tîny, contrap- tions which 1loo1ked like over- gýrowtx ink bottIes. The jar-, gest 01 them hlad a capac!ty of OnIy few hutndred bar- rels a weeký. They were riskyv mnjü igh )rth of heir f0r ,oval Elsa, Arner *gs Land- Ontario. 35ARVEI, 358 Bà 44 - i carry on )f larger nr, But other t happen first. built and expa don refinery aî ani order f romn a $30.000 ship [ehartj y was Mdn -)UKh SmOil * , * ýe timie of test at the n 1 ondoxi shlew ~re" N N N N ,~' N N N N N N N N N N N N A fri The- A Bristol cied suit in to go over ln a wooder lsap. burn- ipIe .ogan