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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1956, p. 7

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tN oIu~~Ïa~aoê' Ono 4 o n~ The, Eyes th rUtarl -i nf<or the iel 1In this wvay Iiai h betofL do nt1etorer rrc oda it 1hvye ot~al describe&. you worn't pass on Mincrinfc P~i crie royal palace stands an ai idscovelred thie black was a tewxd fti oi~ tosf0 f~eet h te' erxboiTered in grcen arad. merely dirt, So iuchi dirt and î o, 1-3 a.Ctual, fact re 'e more Wheti you feel yoUr eyles are, $buopping streets actually f1aank rubbish Was tknout of the abu bi westhan- any tied alter alot of close work, th~e southEýrn wall of Bueking- paa7:u:n:h da-u o other single leature Tiraelness, gïve them a short an-d comrplete isai Palace an~d lýing George V the Duchess of Ketssuite thrati. l~elh overstraiii anid aniix- rest, ClI themt for a few, mina- ence seirious1yl considered seling it took twenty7 truck Ioadis to e ty, all sh-ow qickly in and î2tes, civ thern with the palmrs 10,f000,000~Q0 to couvert inlto car -talaa.aon h ys h deser-,ve of your hands to kee-p the light ~ce~ ut i- Iit~ t lie a hen- King Georgýe VI allott ci but seldomn receive -as right ou -u t, o~l e franil Kenisington Palace. iow the Duchiess a twenty-two-rom î~." nch car-e and attention as the -wonLderfully) refreshd inw hair or comiplexidon. For, reacling an« ai] close te b-e tiie wonderfù home suit i the palace atS a grae ofth. ?t hssofKetandl-fawour residen1ce, he warried Manly leading. ac1resses are workç, tc ih lol shin ag K sigtnitwoidtaç tmetootdfor their Eutu ey es, over the left shouider for mnni- s'r pe - ridas beuI even they worild lose their mumr strain, on the eyes. Ai-id Fnlace was shippilig inj ghat- u fi inosae-n2stelstci;h 'd-tt~lecr f dnto n~ con r oeo V The. wails wre lihs vee er ne 7 homn edd'ttk car i tlem nor ay hapcin r lowpoe toa report il hutjave been, one of t1-e1-eniomz py avlgopoed -tle raitý,s rtfin , aidheod Most cieplssn xere ci or Yet,: dry surnmrer dlays spernt bulbs; gqod iight is the secrcet of pane1d 4a an,& paint9d C~eîh hiel lfe. mostly out-of-dçiors -- or win- good sight. his stewly crr bix-ig ndcy The suite h-adý beeni occupied ter evening-s of TV and filmris Car-e for your eves senisibly -le Duke~o ug pn for a quarter of a centui-ly o01 both put a strain on ou and. they will give you a 11f e- ti-el~tfigt is ¼hi v icowhiood by Quee Victorin's eyes. WXhen you have been, out time's uncomnpla:i)ug service. koo n K~li- o Plae ut aughiter, -Pri:ncess Louise, andi -r inte dust of a town, it's as imi- onedto molycoddle themi ~~~~~e~~m a s up tl- s ru ed eft u t n n e fo another te n po ta t to bathe yuor eyes as it - thiey wýe3-e rmant o be, work- Loard? floors creak, g.< ai yeïr, DUsýt aid cobwvebs i a37 i-s taù fre sher the rest ofÉ Your- ed an-d they fiounîsh an, use, that tlSay tiptoed alb.t for, fear, self ulwith wash. Use one provided they are given reasoii- they wowl wake hini tc sconx. I N longer suitable for humnai- FAT il TH MOON-T'he weird-looking oblect ab~ove îs a' faitry-rne eelton bewok oniin Th-2<kestydi'ti-eplae habitation" was the verdict tale mioon-being e'xplored by space tro.velers-made from soi-e which. are on the mrarli,or - li rnm- There wvere stair-cases ,vide as 40 pourids cf pork fatl. Creator is confectîoner Jean ChaÈtot, make your owux with one tea- tr thue Dwae Marchianess stables, chilling corridors along shown finishing hiis "masterpiece" ini Nice, France. lTe pork- spoonful of sait. in a tumnbler- Feet and toes are fsîaig the1 ior Have Eu e om which ai coal a]nt wýater had ta fat mioor required 20 dacys' work to complete. fui of warm- water, And here' So are ears. Many times a childN ~eno agh~ ~T nt oe thr n loomny vis- -alwaiys have two eye-baths ,e led te thnlhe1payn ndechoing,. It is ngt'idly that, -ie n anote inE ui. ofe it, îevnp i- abl ip cos te n fri-tcl a ae Kensington h«s beecallel the tas. 1U1fl1g MonI aod if eess. th 'Nejm cooe hr-i ifeetcl .gr elsleeping beauty"ý pýlaCe. Whe The wvalls were dampý antii mi- ! at esolbeszngi.fe ew official toolk stockç of tiie- hin- deweti-and rio woncTer, for verir asaeted evue byÏn the sligtI ifrti o r~s~atIst ou ot itie .lightce h Ab the i___ moisture present i1n dry clean- Yet K~ensington. 4c the ceilings coucId be heard the PelzigIlendfo ur. ig Adtejb finovgCL SSIFIEr ADV ERT IStN i-r, aioa honte fr20yas sftpofteda-atb enapln a career, welýc inives- spots and, stains is made m-uch 1R .c .i-NI ALI en e vriýcnu y i a beetie, tigated the possibilities of a more difficult. Lt ABV jCMCKS C.ý' ,B f IA>E4 ____forcia_________il,_________ Que1ï dioLiar ai- drugMgiýts the chîef official holme .of rgy- The Duiuchess aof Kent, had tli-e young. i-an trained as Agenit- The Çanpi-dan Posea ~ 1 SINJ for fun datailB abtout our ne ip a ~i alty, ,just as Buckinghain Plalace help ofeprts. of course. Angry Tellegrapher. We discuissed the tuite cf Launders and Cleaners, 1Twed-Ue series 400, 401 and MIN2 APORTNi[L FOR~ ~. qO.Rn ila on1 questions were ase nPri- mtE saphii dct eua et îe.e are regular egg machines. Tliey MNADwfE askd n aria n-ater with J' E. Casn presid whc odcsrglttss îay maore eggaý on i-ess ieeê thiau a $2bougdht mntl 201 Spadina Road, Toronto, wo says that taffetas have been a i lirpr4br- rcosbed ,p-aztj Neo mioe biiteied toes!Foa brg,~~~~~~~~the~~~ thtiebuh tiepl hief off.encier. Thiey warri tcô(l if you do we kîiow you wll be baclc .aosoip eaaa P-ce wvten it was cailed Notting- piece to grace hier drawinig-roomn. b as been 5speciali4ng 'n thîs oflnn htbv enhaiy frmr etya.As rlgnr awhe pt. W. hamfloserurl Iomeor h(, The $20I0 spent 'i repairs fias training for over 50 years.o.f iei htavbenevl frmG ie ynAI, isgee So7 1 .W.Maara O, ~r c Ntinl~iri ' - also been crntîcîzei. Reod show that every gra- starched. B~ere a.ain thie excess lain. and read,y, la i-ai pluhi-ts. EnîtiMES - 13 formulas, ail of careuil of~ Notnhm Rcrs stargb will wasb out leaving the 'Catalogue. whlc -h eau ii miade hi vour owïa home, At $5,0 YO pucae-fulo c-eu. o a uate ha ven la in pfl TWPIDDL-E CHICK HATCI-IE,111ES 1,TD. h-0, 'May Marshaii, 1639 St. Lutka aees bagnn, utWilia spot tbe Ducbess's windows from innadciin b aifv linonis loIng very forlorn. FE,-u 1 '1 pcas SWMT 1~u i 09cS.4 epent ten tfîm-ies this surr'in five the Park, for they are draped in years tihe schooi ba-s bc-en unable Orle simple but effecte test for9 Bray weuIr lit 'Nýcas .4 white-friiled anecatnt upyte ~ l n ri-ny b-: <ised ta show- 119 exddO5s Broiler cockçerels and mledcha mei-lieds. Full instructionsý $1.00 P.. nyloi ain nprvrens n e-cai, ospl c ead nO sizing that has~ Ieeri used i-o for Febrily euicais ý a_ few cst'ir-- NarçhxailL,9 St ue R. Windsor, He I-ad scarcely beunane g modern touch. Ai every- tario, let, alone the otiier prov- 1oea edr inct us rba odg~~ spca stran asvý ii ,Ring tiian tihe walls fell duwn, where in these redecarated, re- inces. ~<-~-o h arebten particutars, Bri>y IHa*tIierY 10 h BE A flAIRDRESSER k»în egb o$mei ný'liex panrieed rooms is grace Trîîgmyh ae tN., Hamilton. lONCNP'~LIWGSCHO*L . m asru lie 'at htm If yen could walk down the 1 home witbh tiie use andI ban of yaur fingers. if excess sizîng Ias d.i~~~astrau~~~' beenr ilan tha mrcce ofe-~~t lai'e suORd" ppar hai' are-hars cfve [iaap-ad rafssn gu et hewoiI~I-a t b doe il oud e-rptd coar r ido r you the Self-Teaching Code M - benue, yac ai idt "OF l The" apre, h rscks lfe 9~ ?~esn 6-ver ag-ain.olle cbarni-ed by tbe white Chine, Witl- the powdereg ofI at-l per -el'u-t. er i aeu ae-wgs.~h-ueg i ucsiu priee - Remnember toin that wbven buy- i-ion and breeding. Tbeyé have la Ia Mai-val gu4cuates. Lik, ihatu Qee A-ine paintwark, Tha elo ceings tendmtg se-hool atry time for in amn r lt hr ood becau~se lawn -ievI ei AYi-enr1aa Greatesi Sy;steun J in aorclthwhrea md &i ehicks for cur owri fiociis, - ilstratld cat-aloa Vr-c died in thie 'paigce. Quen Vie_ are intended1 tocdreate- a suIn- check-up anid speed tests;. Train- 1 i t's big, vigorouF, and early nmatring. Wlt or!a, tlii was Iar 1tere, When shine effeet even n a duli No- ing is also gi-ven in Day anid ' wimlaRok W358- Leglorna Si.iVI IWE N TocnUqQ tere1hisIvn hrea ih Sho.i Riwycf article stay crisp a ier Crossbreds. Newv namp i-x SussexBrce: The drwn-omiS a wonl- eer initerests you, secure bock- thsCro,,slhreds, Leahorin :c Coi n,ýii-a Jkaclr ge King Si. ELamilt-on zovee g, lliswif lae. ot te Witefoi fre foder Th Ci.nfrd,72 Rideau St. Gtlawa sôverei-gnln of~ wife ladandbe d c white. lotp Fames o-peatve1'pdceCa garitens. Convi4ncedt that she wa erlet cdan h without olgtn.Tele- Pleaning WrCeorrn- -Idr jpaying thie bills out cd bier prv settees bave bea upholstered graphars and Station Agents ____ payiv Liunii-d. 414 Mair Street- Woôd. A-# puirse, the. King nover ie- i-n gold, and liieces 0tf antique wr~fv-a ek ih-~u _ iau _ckair furniture ___he eý ediPiuree FV rvrt,,AeTriai te,rHehâa rud~ e k e wihwrwedng day, rece-ive Ulnion pay. pen- MLW-0r. SALEr i- ~ 1*ier deatir vhen ho eained 14ft - been broughit out of io and- express -commis -sions, A T O .C Jftm 6 TUI AK ircc F~ eaei - na-L$ hsbn-accoùnts 2ýrd foi-id tbe 'to e- thirteen years. Prin- ailC ofTlhmasbgWlga a .ouAreN Queey< had irlw opark, rio ce,;s Alexandra bas a separate -tank wl-h buckiet bo at raar, -base. ïvei-iilons snd f1 ïrh latlIon-sent te li~ ap a- teoo.sifttmg-roomi in wbucb she cati reei and -w~o si ôde ilai dolors. lFee. The- Raisay Ca- - seldd Wd T'oray Kensington -Palace is ei-ertain heru cwu friands wl-h, -ar trd - ,<Rdi iox prssnp 51I emit- avrsalýbeio ih teli-y 7 al t Olw thbe only royal residence in~i Lon- a moemn radiogramn.À olcrdsealywie aOR) SF PDCT egu.ir are six --'-rlbu twa -cent 1351 Uawail issue, But avcn Mei-atrgesaaieqImf- Cet don with state-rpartnents 1 -Srý1!n pgeýa rqîenn lal pnt h twa of thacse ara, smal gues- 1 ~ a h si-amp ' belonged ta hl i s - etroiu X1audlnLug Equta eut tgt icïuded T1e4Psnao- ~O~~<i-a va~ rom bcdraomrs. The Duchess'#ý be-lr.i friendx4i refused to partI w'ith Boxictaî- tet N24 -Ti~slA. ýtaiota Ont an ig en- roamn is carpeed la, cherry. witb it.'<-r year-old girLi, sto4 in dreFsing- cnUrtaïnq cf wbîÎte and red--flow- ->?.w Sa Gi-aux murderedi bis f riand MIiCl (i--J Steain Thrè5bar Caitaýlatoas and - -gôwu-n <Tshawl ta receîve th-e ered chh>iz ta set th-e tbhemre, and 0~r ----, -~ -rr eal t1re-ii poo Fpis ~mas ha s-ewa #~ueuai abedspread of pu-re white sain r- >ri.<rYhscoltn. . n -e n PROVEI$ REMEDY - EVERY SUFFEIRER GCde$ci-l, Ontario. a i b ~ . a r s a e d î î s P r i n c e s s A l e x a ni d r a a s C h c s n- - * .-s eni e c e d t a d e a i h . - $ U A C P î S O R N U I T i - ~ aiLY ncai-i-~ro c, awbite-a allpaper, patrterued c~;i~t.~r aaicisan iieti~cr SHOUID TRY DiXONWS REMEIY 4'y y ui cai siver la a roorm so - itI pik and red carntins, BY -rY tainiy go to im believable lenigths MUNIRl DRUG STORE, dmaugbty that lig W-ic otrs- teyun ua frnri-r to furtbe their hobby. Dr. Ber- 3 -Oul-Otw - '> rr i-idIsaacs a etiri- dentail $ 2 X~IPeç ia~b piumnaweIe eî Kent and prince îvIi bhaei bava ra, ______s_____a FsïeeOp there. antien y roculs- -ugo inSI11 <Tbei-' i-~ ~ wnî - ~ ôf ~ . 4r~-i~~ 'Nonce travelled 12,000 miles to <S# CEASW ________f______ conasi-glafor aac a bct- - "r-,-sp On ariva with a Australian. BANISH i-le tormrent ii- g-p- h ~ t a ifhought ta be niadoea ebcny rfKnig-nPlc a --- - - wpsa---swhs--ash~es and weepin- akîi trouls __________On____________i_ Melbourne hie Ï' st's elzemia Salve wMii not disap- Coui-l as I-ai--i-a s asiilarl t-------------------------GENT tht-ta ---a, snca- R-AvPHi-clu-E aiiSi.anphm AforT5rnP e~pafrn ilg eczenma. acue. lngwormn piinpies Na ýcu ~roe. wrik ý' us t as nmadalled, Clarence Hanse, And--, ai aldfoiirsn efiy MERRY MENAGERIE tantad sie i-Wet-fu ,nd fotecana -s voiiesoin edlr uoreedless; ta say, thera araà 1 isr nie.T-~~'-r-'---rs~sanen tala limn d~TOl u iamch i ay ai- o how, slubborii or hopje. rya-ArFi-~>tiOr a-o i-be kins olk oi thbe Rayail Famn- ed a- nn-her ship and cauglit uip les thr cis-er, , good prospects for permullo te lly who have beau eyaing i-be ?wii-h i-ié rcaptin aix Ba'~risbane. SI-Pa rca aep $5,000 ;oL. You calI cuil hi' àPl~C $2.5O PER JIAR mi It s nlcna ~ reni-iming vacan suits ant 11h-o Itlis stamps. ! gentlyv hi-ting tibat i-bey to N ~ aID ~sa& idofPS5REMDIES - -achiigm F'uathi. Deuwu f-or m woldwilcone1-- tae-riî889 Quei St. E, cilna of- Logan Free beai- eurpteiip. would e coul tii- graceanti-a stamp-r dleal wiba ba- <ofi- OOT fa-vour ai- i-base désirahle rayai e ial aite argii from<ui-- 2 p.,i--~ residuces.' r~ until 2 %m Hlerspèit a f-ortune anbi cllec-in aid ~ i-I~- Mqike Big- M Ine At Horne! 0S~dn RM T ne i ig Iota ,e1 i--va i- a-i corn c f r - ~ i-haeartb for a si-amp. 50 celitu brirngs yau L, - LIG MAIL- An nunrthodûic but effective- Chock fuli of mail oriler mgnns -- e Iad f o-i-inig rre i-aPs-- oney making opportuniSfes cind FREE cyane. ~ ~ o si-mp arg ni g y r makinibr I"I,+ They're~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vokn on te tok colc-sdun! Cay hs o iaraupta IZp-iaolv

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