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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1956, p. 8

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- OROG WEEKLY TIMES TLLCR$tDAY JANUAR 12,i ______________ ~ EEKY~"'Letter te the Editor OLA$$IFI O SEOTION Prfesona D1rectorry AklÉiirized as Second Class Mail, Pest Office 1eprtanent, Ottawa a etCakStet envl of submiria2:il land4 fri-1n; cÙMING EVENTS THE~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ WRN RME~( OMEÇ erM.~r est Clar Stee, 1eonmae ýdbs~n uniideir. W. A. Forrester Pub'cr. IL C. FoîreLster, Apa1rtient C, cutilton te establiahas f .NcK N I, Redlands, California. mnunity pasiaires on these >arcatý and 1 KIRBY ANNUAL A .M~ N*.M1 ______ _____ _____________January 6, 1956j t'le rehabiIîitation and reelriet ICONGREGATIONAL MEETING PHYSICIAN and SRE f. nd er this prograin the goernnents, 'lhe Annual Congregatioiial Meet- Go a on ocai~n he rjuvenati of the Oron-o IJhrne arn elosing,, hen-(evwkth cne k for, 5st<hX) SfI ltoa jigoKhby United Ci urch ,vill hobt e$ 44GO e80 CûlÇommerce- luS been il ged il) tliýs paper eitl'er edito-iallIy or ýeLj5O in paynient of our snusiption in nted af n,eioer e ae~ndere hehli on Frîday, Jaxuaii 2Th at 8 uia~ zdWdrs~&b 1_rug k te-o> ýihe dIto.owever up uiitl reýently, evýen tlhough .o the, Orono WekyTmsfor the hi need of lad. e 'Gveiýeit ' rrn o ct0, 1 a-p app~itun ~l e. o, ý eed th7at H-e Chanilier' of Commier-ce shoild if,ýctou, year 1956. 1Conidî 1a i<s The 1 poae and! of4ý - RN etl ha( b-,een d ýe. Tt row appears as if 'an attenipt in] reviviîng -re t, faianten ad '_osthed ûond OROINO ANNIJAL 141-ON( 1 eris te be m~ade soneii ding te nni of january 1CJG.GTWA ETN Tiz tindeý.stood that the last existing dir-ectçrate of eýleven qilite a~ gatb.ering off fermie, Or-ono1 11 onity pastlires iniih ueaý seI ced., __ i' 1, l"usked t, Iuld a ne'etipg to airang-e for ný1 an maleeting f1ed Pasur bcaie af M.-Eelmngm as been imi-: The Annual Congregational Meet- DR R.J A G T herfin1) of the local organiz'ation. This nieetlng. of th Renô Vn my)",n -UtrLn ~ rr î>~r R .J A G R 14hoid VIIpoah ~ ed hi orig ' y~vnngPedlandL went te 0ce'ansi4e-t .1t~atI h'ieo~ fzhsi n fOoo LtdGuc lb VETERINARY SURtGEON id bo ard i he p o fl Come e this con ii M unhipaty e i .g i. can ith M r. and M m1r . L. C. Bl( ýli l , -;z i larod -'A n e Àî a1 - 11 .7,00 et on Wvednesdày evening, January eC ro - a s an ce2i of C m er e i a )- if uacivt er ng (Ba th W a1e fr ot 'T r u o df d ca reý- a- e been resee ed snce 1 9 5th at 8 o'clock. a-p) V eteri a y y nied icies, bioIêgie'ad& mra sitfc nnany undertakil' ' ise; in theurtaher.Brce .a4i I'b is rei g:assing poticyý coel ý,y'th and instriuments e'thMa1!' CelveIopmeni off the coimunity. A grieat 1 i' eed :, an ind.,ustr-y of Y'the progfrani o ira l er e eýoent SAIt dispense4, Ï ýine descrniption and here a Cliamer wi ."&î 'onnection-s throug-h kad, ca a, j_'l] ît wa o aA _;i'Liolled g-r , ghaz; _1'ýn eO SALE -EUO 106~16 ORONO, ONT. t' the Q&aadian and 'Ontario Chaiies can help) to thjis end. Recenly 'gte eho Ye a newi t tXt pe the oilg' ia carrying of the A double Wardrùlie; a Winghain î., industr did inivestigate the 'possibility of ioeating in Orono und theý' Ne Yar ,A ) icy was initiated'! Cook Stoe. eand a Dresser. -All iii. LEGAL f oiuud 0roino suitabIe for' tieir location if they A-ere building but as Our -ir'eathei is very fine, lovelyP 1i 95F4 d'irecýted tovards. cearin.- and igood condit;i._______________ 1,th1e prefer te. ent, no suitable space wvas available. " warril days but no rain. Ne iot "d don grass iu currently' Appiy MfÉs. iMilten Morris. IPhonel ayThe Chaniber cani be of assistance te Orono in varions other Northern California 'where the flood Wo'oded areas in Manfitoba. On the'!-PUJ Or>i'io, 11c LweteC 1sn  au ui~existance is one media ii Which promotion and de- lisaster, Îs great. L~iodpspenirxnti 0 _______________ a-Ipiit b ogt ýcres -III traated ini thi maner' j oRl SALE ars adSljt> Tlib dhamiber off CGoinerce ini Oronio wsfrtfrediii 193ý7 Kid regards teo ur Orono friendis ýi nd anjotherý 5,» acres ver, 1 c~aa-d ia fer, cl ru o Publicity CcemnI)iitee was dxopp-ed. The2 ChIbe In atwse o 96fr the Or- the ,eaver- Hihls eadoy tbi.s sfpring. ITwo 7015Sniow Tre2,ad Tubiess BOWMýANYILLE, ONT. ')ýoeuted iin Orono fri L493 7 te 1950 a toital of thîirteen ners ono,ý WakyT1s An out-standiig featurp ini coninoun-' Tires - 45.0,1.Phns At the end off 195,0 iuterest ini the erganizat'on -feIu off consMderab1y Yo1 cytuy iypsuewr ~>l 5PaeBtay-$3O u erOfc A3'68 Hm'M.35 eid v r ruy1 Pltbattery an __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ audner h~~n o to ea iasnonexstngasanaciie o41 Edna, 1. iRenwicýk, thier Ilvestock iniproveirints in the ()Prestone pcr -ai. ivhfle itl asts $3. Since Ne br1,54, theo leist etigdate, miany have ------ reis that off the breediug service PdenTmlralclus< soe of' thbe need> of the orga)niention i the Village anrd it new Pigos Di.iblrs al TLcopneedly h edrurGvrasc --Ipoe tha he reappearauce off this organiizaf oni is quita possible m.omtîvLs~i~IIIL int Bulle are providaçl ona a rental rO ad ii -vetri near future. Tt will off couise, ha up) te the people WLT T fIbes oteGaigAsoi1in iwy ENe 3.5- v115 Ston, B.A.I Viest up tilil Acres aii to tofhe'puhe beef.hree Aso iation and hva No 6~15 orB- JOHN RE(L4N, B.A. orf Orono to b1ck 'the Chanriber -wh-en it le again refornmed so thiat -atia f-7rube efbeàblI eaer-. P its, lwrk a be off au asset to this commiiiunity as a irbole. irare unsed iu this service ln 1-954.a- Ntîylhi ~1hecen~untyp~treprgrniIT his to)tal le inade up o>f 770v Heire-, tarnistei', tryréi western Canaiida -Lnder the adenil- foade, 95 shorthorus, and 5 Abe*,deeni FOR SALE ~iien eae .,ç»tjiI stration 'of the Prairie Farni Rehab- Augus, the specifie breed beiiig sel- 33Oueac t. omnïl BIG FACTOR IN ECONOM1ýY ilitition Act, h'as been instruiunentaI ected by the Grazing Association. A i Space Heater ln good cendition. Phn iIA 3-32 iu toi'ning a national liiity into a servie charge of $.O-per fhed 1 1 Aply John Gîý,sou Sr.ý Oreno. e sPhone l10L218. a-p -" Aiu- Caaa a't ane t1im, w-as de-pendnt Upen the waters national asset. Last year there were set by the admnioistation- and reven-I _____________ o >f he.r e!ý ,on rivers,. as weil as lier railways, te. provide transpor- 62 pasture uits in operation repre- ile froi this source is creit4' te, osio ffot2her eê?pandiînz ecoonmy,, the adveut of tho miotrir cintirg a total o~f xiel over a million paeture earniDgs. A. tota of 20,591 WORK WANTEDRE I c" nýge lyrugh aothor a;2ency into tire field off transport whieh today, and a haif acres of higli produeing mire irere handIed last ý,i*ar and theilACI ngy een roi-ipetition froin the rai-Iways, is eXpand- gra ii g land. This pasture carried ap- cafco rs~u.~prn.Wallpapening -- Devoings and S$ ng y eap bunde - pro-xiniately 1O60 haa of ati rono's ice---d We retar t the tru ki- indistrv whose cehieles, large and di- ing the spring -ri ume ontbs Close ceOPCvartiol esis Dowi~~)uglas Si on,. -- ?ne 1711S, -osPai1 11;r1-1ni iar- siht 011 the fhigliways "of- Cannila and the Un- o f 1954-h.gaa ovrmn n h ~o< -'A ci4~ ndVau si-td &ae 'i O2,- ia, growth -off tin duçtry has heen phIenoili- O(Jinal the P~ir Fan t. icilG rmntrlvvd ke thee-- lna I I45tiucklng eoiatjaniss'- onp ith n uer-city and- rurýal liblihtationi 'Act, passed in 1935 wasrehabhitation prograiris, and they t. a es ~0tQ~ ghi~1~ Tody heri~ ~ iüe than 5ý,0suc. - "dejgulld for f,1he i'ehaf lation off ceive &niusat ppe.i'tt soin est-in- arEU> WANnJ theiaIZ eru fa;i-tler t tlsg swt hi-ue te the, "develoi-aphen -of emnallar --- ub u ô{4itrgaesl e mfmir. ---- 'Wonianfr, 1 ntnn hîl a-ta1flhtU '-aad i]t- 1çentres whil bt1e idustry, due ta its (Iexi-; -prfl"aries - ~ a fieýe yenr 'pnod. IIow'. P est Rome. - ~*i Il' 1ul serv> to best Ilvat ie lu act ther er-l 'realizatl n -l-,at thousauds Poe1'771, Orono. I ' fl1dT-wm -s epraxof ey'I offthe'istinarndet es o-f -ý4pp lation o, f acres off land art ular-1ii Ss-.-ai4i o < ed ralia ue htare e1 'ii lys ile's kat e vcl e ustïited to gra,,in - nneaes' Liont ~. - rdcinled te, an uredeto tî % hý1LIIthat tl( -devs-Io - h re'o-t - ~ w , ao of-fïeig-h tlîjra ýtation-,iu' beoi- f thc -lbe s i I s nf f Canads'ura ex- -1 'i"c~ r i -- ,rteT I A K O e ~4uar ce -. -' - the n-1~ - -~-- -- -~ -~ CORNER STONERS AND - ~~STATUARY Cnut iOinS so-al~z - - - - -EuU ,A i~hr: -' (On No llghway E'ast of City -- aed art reasoable rates F0 ' 1 W N TEl' H EA, TH - A KII ES ?flel Manufactiuing,,enoiais fro hatlnct iti b at Port ~ og~ pe~r ~se~ j the- finest Gýraite(, and - Marl î err-y, ntro r~ see his Çlerk, ,L -aalue siteh ha-ards. h ut available, E. Mor01ton, a, rOono, fa-r date. --r> t~0~V~R lee. Thuran ai as et Befere milaig ornl-deeîsion We 'Mt few items of 0-il o p4 stock at LO ES PReUbaCFrnomtonwtou bia. lE IN U A C eaulf RA. ý_6jj Peý-&ion Plans, Eduaetiori~a polira .~M~PnDTR Protection andi Sa-virags Plans for 'r' ___________________________________N._F. PORTE Children and Ad'nlts; Melrtage i. R ReS. 125Z surance Plans. trett of Cnd Lîvýer For âges, ple~ of __________ BUSINESS FOR SALE liF. FL LYCETTY t~r~rpeopIeef Fer th-e con trot -an«d tïLreatfa ityu rprywtiusfr Oo~ n hn 11 me t ofco m n ~ I s -Orono f -7ledric - Estates ard p,)roPerties mpnaged - For Fast Action Contact -' r -,q-ibbh10 D Wco LîvetrOi CONTRACTORS FOR,---- ... E ~ I u $101 an 225 *- M a- To -e î FANoWT1 L D .nI u menta orgs, 9 Water*h+ys C-ompound $L.25 "~ u îIrn i n n REAL, ESTAITE BROIKER Phone WIib 552 ID111~~ 318f1I fl t'IKD.f $Sundas St. E., lYhtby 4eaei'oM4r $10&$.75WIRN~GPh. 10311 Oroneu Centre St. Froe Maltae $1"$17 FOIIN S QA I~TY

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