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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1956, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY \ZA~L Not anywhere near as exponsîve as it looks, bccause the Cherry Crerne filling andi frosting arc one recipe miade wt evaporated inilk 1 This economnical form of pure milk savee pennies while it enrk lw-s yoar cooking. Desserts faste ercamier, soups are richer, gravies turu out smooth as velvet. Evaporatçd milk is useful dozens of ways. Keep it ha»dy, and be a better coolc. NEXPENSIVE EVAPORATED MILK MAKES THE FILLING AND FROSiIING t Cut a 1 suce from the MVeatimpe, pourtIP,2 cups Beat in t tbsp. grated Chil, foldingoccasilonally, top of an angel cake. ln evaporated mut into lemnon rind and Mi cep untUl ixture hiolds Rt cake, eut trough 1 12' refrigerator freezer tray. lemon jiece. Gradually shapc. Spoon into trough d eePp, 1lea vi ng lv" alls. Freeze ili crystals line beat lin e up sugar, then in cake. Replace top sie. Dssolve 1 pkg. cherry skIles t o' depth. Turn the partially thiekened Frs aewth remain- jelly powder in 1ý cup ir.to clilled bowl and jelly. Beat until mixture inig miXtre. Chilil iMi frm boiing water; cool until beat uintil siff. formas soft peaks. it begins to thicke. Mo-re wonderful recipes! Write ior Marie IFraser's new Evaporated MiIIc Recipe Bookdet: DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU DAIRY FARMERS 0F CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto Orono, Ontarlo logombL IR fia âmm ma OUM MAU MIR vIg UMM Gou LI Éd. Stove~~ 31 O >cents per gal. Fuiel Oïl 1i centls pr gai. For D'eliveryPon ORONO1537 or OSIIfAWUA RA. 510 ~onoeOO~< pretty wecRlrng on )on, January the M Narjorie Anme W [r anid Mrs. Wm. tthe bride of Goi riy, son of Mr. ar 'ry. ýe Rev. John) Kit--! White Becomes le'0f Gordoni Lowery was the scene sleeves and self buttons, covering a 1Saturday af- strapless bodice of lace trimmed with 28th, 196 duteh ruffles of tulle net. Lace toth hite, daughter walstline and into a V-shaped raotive-ý. A. White, be- Two dutchi ruffles inset wi1th lace ýrdon Hartwell emphasized the fuihiess of a waltu' ,d Mrs. J. H. lexigth skirt of tulle net. A softlpý pleated headpiece of nylon tulle, tmmd with iseed pearîs and opa l- Ienofiatd .eetsqn, held a finger tip veil, ayed the wed- of tulle illusion and she carried -% nions off ice ,andi an 1afternoon-of poli- d<Jgi~ nusiLe aau cmai ï.C tical haggling. Ross Taylor, St. Catharines, with two Parliament Aroused solos. As mnentionied last week, oala Gvr n marriage by ber father, br mrent as weîl as ,,oslt arla-, GivenPo been aroused by the mi-urders andi at- the bride wore a white gown styled in ge tacks on young girls by psychopathic French lace and tulle net, with a bod- 1, mnaies. Hlere, the Uines of action ad- ice type jacket of lace with lilypoint o vanced vocally have rot been as op- posed as in somne letters to niews- 10 papers. Most speakers haive been pear that we were favoring the Arabs TI heateti in their speeehes stating that, by perm-itting an order for 15 Har ai these "mion-sterýs" as, one Im-emlberV.ar trainers to go there. Later, hiowý- called themn, should be given ~rsi ee,1Vt.Pasndslsdta ae ommient, surgery or, practicallyT. any'- f u consideratioa is given tu ainy re- f thngele o tapout the atcs quests fromi outsid counitries and Pi The Law is Adequate 1that over $2 million worth of ilitary O WeedaMn. Garson, the equipmient had been shipped to Israiel -J Miniterof ustcecovredthe d dunng the past two years andi $771,-c tails of the, crniinial code to show,- 121 worth to Eyypt. However, in v-iew that the law cannot be blamied too of, the storm w ,hich even the(se c Jm severely; thiat indefinite detention paraqtivelY smaill shpmnt ave vý can be awarded d infact,;20 prýis- mande here, itwod not be surprising oc oners in pen-itentiaies through-out if all future requests for aýid fnom Canada are alr-eady being cofneo either countr-y were tuirned[ down-t itt basis, which could amlount lat until conditions there cool off tl life imipri.sonm--ent. considerably. b Adequate ProtectionBat nurneCmn idoubtedly, a solution somnewvhere Bigest ns of the eek ias ben( betw,,een the views of those WhO 0sug- heefots of th(' fedel ad prov- gettreating- these miisfits as theth fo worst type of criminals andi those incil goverramients to get together on who views their mnental quirks as an some sort of health insurance scheme. z, illness, will have to be found if so Official i anouncemnent of the federal ciety is to receive adequate pro- government's efforts to take part- tection. came on Thunsday by the Prime Min- Snooping Television ister. It now looks as thougli within Several people have denouned the a year most Canadians can expect post office's most recent expernimert legislation which will proyide them of providing closed 'circuit television.1with publie ward hospitalization as This is a cause which, of course, ap- well as diagnostic services, Details at' peals to everyon's imagination. In,- the moment are flot too complete, agine, working iu a place where\your other than in the realm of specula- every movement is watched by someton niooper sitting in front of a televi- The governïing body of Nortbwest sýon screen r4sdy te pounce upon you Territories of Canada which met if you make an error. there recently, was presenteti with a new mace, designed and tarved by Will Replace Gallerles the Eskcinio-. The beautiful iace, as In point of fact, the situation is well as a non meting igloo, carvings quite a simple oae. None raised ob- coloreti photos, a revolving taule of jection to the construction of expen- enetals complete with rattling Geiger sive observation galleries wivth peep- counter were on display in the Parlia- hole slits which have been built into ment building and. attracted many the larger post offices across the spectators. country. The television idea is being trieti as a less expensive and more ef- Long Distance Greetings fective alternative. Ordinarily, neitla For me, the most unusual event of er the gallery or 'the TV will b e used.lthe week was on Wednes-day evening, Only w,,hen piifering of the public 1wlen my phone rang andi I ýVas to mail is suspected will, it come into gave a short word of greeting over operation and then, onily outside in-'a llouti speaker to the friends attend- spectors vill be allowed to make use 1 ing the opening of Port Hope Tele- of them. No local miember of the post Iph-one Comi-panye's new buildling at office sýtaff -will be perm-itteti aes,,s screens so( the guest speakers can ne- to the -viewing screen-not eve» the Welcomie. One of these days, oun postmaisters. Many factonies are ai- communication system will be se good ready using TV la the United States thait service clubs \vil! instal TV forbimlanactvites.main at home miany miles away and still present their a(ddresses.1t's quite - The Sbipment of Aris -an agew're living lin.i L ut n issue bas been raised oven - the sh-iinent of armns to Arab and Is- ORONO HOCKEY SCHEDULE 1inel ontis For a vdhile, un-,til thle full detils wre pnesented, it did ap-, Saturdayý, Februan-,ty 4 Bantamas 10.45 KLibyat Orno. Kendl at6ro.ýiies73 Wensday, Febo.PeWes70 Midesllbrook utPeeWeerono l Mitigeo, ts 8:30o 7Mi1lbreot 8ron -Com eout and supporÉ the youngstens Miss Doreen White, sister of theýi ride, was bridesmaid. She wore at owder blue nylon lace waltz lengiX,-, own with bond piece of nylon wiîthý Ice flowers andi canrieti n cascadeý 4 pink carnations. 1Mr. Donald Me rces, was bestmai 'lie ushers wvene Mr. James Handiag- ati Mn. Lloyd Lowery. The reception was held at the Oý'. 1'-w' Us1 hene the bridei mother received in a gown of paleb green -with rust accessories and m. orsage of yellow mums. Assisti'ng w'as the hridlegrom's mcýther, -Mri. 1-H, Lowery, ia a gown of old rs cith beige accessoies anid a corsage-1 For thewed ingtp to thie State,,ý hbe bri'de travelled i» n ir -forca lue wool suit -with w,ýhite and iav accessories. O n their retura th e couple will reside in Orono. The bride gave her filowers to, ber lrandmqother, Mrs, A. H. White, M.b- awa. Kendal Dan e Friday, Fehrua y 10 Stan rwîhhis Kendal KEND L ALL ,S9pmnl ADM SSION 5o. Proceeds f i 'lRink KENDAL TUrkey Dinr Wednesday, feb. 15 The, iend àI1Hockeýylutb, assisted by Keadal\ WOmneu and Instituite Menihers are holding a Turkev Pinner/ at Kçendal t ySho Wednesday, Febru*ary 15 at 5 p.m. Aýdmission $1.25 and 75c. Proceeds Kendal Rink xru can't rush the cakenda Lr -Nture ta1kes ber tid n ie ilding the fargier '4 rern on his investment of mnoney and effort. Meanwhile he may need cash for feed or fertilizer or implemnents; or to re-roof his barit; or buy livestock. Bank loans let hirm go ahead with his plans or iînprovements without waitirig for harvest timie, Across bis local bank mnanager's desk he talks over thre purpose, amnount and repayment of the loan, It's a simple, straighrforwýard business transaction it1volving the use of bank credit to Prorn'ote enterprise. In big city or rural area, the local branch of your chartered baink is a conveniertt baniking service- centre. Staffed by friendly people, it is ready t», help you with your saving, borrowing and other ba»ling business,. .aiI under one roof". EXHIBITION ROCkEY ORONO RINJL FrIday, F7, 1 LIRPHANS, vs. .ALL STARS See the Orono (rpians ini actîoit the Orono rink against the Ail-Stars picked froin Orono, New- castle and Clarke Township. f Only a cbartered bank offers a fuli ranuge of banJing serviCes, icuig MONEY ORDERS AND BANK DRAFTS To senti money anywhere in Ca.nada or chrougisout the wold. LETTERS 0F CREDIT l'or travellers on extendeti trips, or to finance buiness trans- actions at a distance. MORTGAGE LOANS For baUldinig your home uneler the tcrms of ehe National Housinig Act. FARM IMPROVEMENT OAN S For many worchiwhile purposes, aehing to progress, effciency and the Cosnforcof farm if. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERNING YOUR COMMUNITY ORONO ODDFEL OW'S IIALL GameTimeý:0ûp.m. 20 Cames for 50c. Share-The-WeaIth Special Gaines Jackpot $20*00 Sponsored by the Orono Athletie Assocliation f 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, f -' 4, 4 =-,Iý

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