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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Feb 1956, p. 7

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fLe Medi- ýev recent- Ltio0ns troversy conom-.c and be- Ligh de- ýt çvhich s, they If muci ýints out. y was early in ,d States ected as erriblerr Last Oc2tohertw ardent Duck Shooters, SancIy Stuart and Djoug Matthews, had the tbrill of a life timie. Wiý"le fLC)Ucbd in their duck-I blind early one mo-,rning they were startled at seeing a great Bald Eagýle swoop dlowýn and take a look at their home-made dJe- coys bobbingý in the water. Af- ter sizing uLp the situation and apparently being satisfied witýh the prospects of an appetizinig mýeal (fromn the wooden decoysý), the big bird puncied on its choice seizing it by the hiead and m-akcing off only to have its breakfadst jerkedl from its talons ýwhen the long aco cord tig'bItened. This interesting episocte is re- lated here as ià seems to fie in with the rec ent article on BaId Eagles pubiished inhi"Conserva- tion Corner"e and reprinted be- low. "Underlga protection in Ontario in. recent years. Bald Eagles hav\e been enjoying a slow but stea.dy return to Seine- thing resemibling their former abundance. This is true in ail but areas most deýnsely pôpula- ted b humans, yet Bald Eagles are by nio neans abundcant ni Ontario, and probably neyer will be, according toý District Forester A. J, Herridge, of the Ontario .Departmient of Lands and Forests. '0f the more than two dozep different k-inds of birds of prýey that occur in Ontario, only LIhe Bald Eagle, and the Osprey or Fish Hawlk are leg-ally protect- ed,' he points ont, 'althougbalil but one or tw'o species are es- sentially or comipletely bene- ficia to man's intei'est. 'The one large area ïn North Amnerica in which Bald Eagles are truly abuUndnt is in the Territorv <of Alaska where, iii Tlrue happiness springs from Mod erati on - GOETHIE (1749 - 1832) 'J4OUSe " ~of ýSa9tam- rwpraclIce nmodeailwz today of the p of the 1 has deci fact, it iý ing the Shý ra Detroit cut one hour off thle normal five-hour trip. The Aerotrain ht 93 miles anp hour at, one point. Perhaps more imr- portant, it rounided curves fast- er'. The new, coaches are hoods of gleaming aîumninuin i-ounted on stee] iunder-carriages. They wveigh about half as mui as the conventional coach, and that is the key factor. They wîill cost about 40 per cent less te build when put into asml-ii production. And their Diesel en- gines wiil eat up f ar less fuel1. So, whle the new trains are edgiig. up te the plane in the matter of speed, if is quife pos- sible their fares wili edge down toward those of the bus, Robert R.Yon, chairmlani of the Central, was f Ik about the pligbt of the trais as f ar as passenger service is concerned; he called it a "dyîng btÙsiness." The train of tomnorrow mnay be the answer. In a)dditiÀon f0 t1he Aerotrain, other versions are in horse esty about their appearances on jf. In the screen, but Fred MacMur- ~coi[- ray is almyost disparaging about bis. Somnetimes when lie is miak- heads ing a, picture, lie does a piece it up of acting that satisfles him, he train said at a press luncheon in Bos- ad ton, but "'on the s creen it ,oduc doesn't look quite lîke what 1 ar re- thouglit 1di. 7Geni-i Mr, Macirray did a lot of flhurs. contract work before ventur- ýentrai ing ouit on bis own. H1e got into The the mnovies because lie went to gotc pick uph mail one day -- at t fl Uiï, iq n111, f t ûrv I.'J tat begani somrewhat earlier, 11e was playing the saxa- phone ina Hollywood pit or- chestra when the band on, stage ilost a saxaphone player. Mr. MacMurray replaced hlm and, because of a band contract, also took bis namYre, Ted Beachi. Som,ýehow, through a clerical jerror, lie becamre known.q as Rex Beachi. A fan of the author by that naine kept bothering Mac- Murrayals Beach to findt out how lie happened to have this name. At that timne the band was appeari-ng in a New York re- vue, "Th-ree's a Crowd."' Mr. MacMurray said that bis first, acting experience consisted cf staIding and lsening to "Please Give Me Somnething tex ,Reinenber You By," sung by Libby Holmnan. J-zst listeing, lie recaliecI, is one of the actor's hiardest jobs. The band went on toj play in -Roberta2' Since the group had ben a acustomeed to travelling. members' mail wý,as sent in car e ,0f a booking office. While lie wvas in "Roberta" Mr. MacMuLr- ray went in to pick up bis mail. A clerk asked him wvhy lie didn't go inte the mo-vies. MVr. MpeMurray said lie didn't know. The clerk called the head of the office, who also asked wby Mr MacMurray didn't go into the movies. Mr.MaVùry said lie didn't know.v Scion a screen test was ar- ra-ngedl, for whicbi Mr. MJacMur- ray had to borrow a top hiat and cane from Bob Hope, wvh( was also appearïng in "Ro- berta," So -Mr. MacMurray did goý into thie movies, He ~tl plays the saxophone once ïin a while, but lie is conicenitrating on the guitatr, DRIVE WITH CARE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GASEOUS - Jane Magruder dresses wvilh 90,.s. You see, Jane's whole outfit is madte fromi the new "mliracle fibers" produced by petro-chemistry, the science of turninig gos, oil or coal pro- ducts into tsable itemns. Her coat for excimple. is a comna-. ticn of orlon acnd dynel, anid is as d as the fur of the kitten she hold!s. Why does shp wecor these clothes? She's an% informa- tion represen1ative of~ Fuel Gos Compainy-thatý's why. shore, or upon carrion, in corn- panY with tbliecrow and the raven. "'True, it kilis mnany rabbits, grou-se, ducks anid waterfowl of various kinds, nd even stoops1 to squirrels, mice and snakes; but on the oe it confers no decicled benefits on the agricul.- turist although, on the other hanid, it is flot co-.monly in- jurious. On rare Occasions i picks Up a hen, usuially at a distance f,7om the. house, and in1 the er"'ring it has been knowt dtroy young lambs. But "hese-reflot commion of- fences" 'This is stli essentially true in most ý)f Canada and the 1,$.,' says Mi. Herridge.'Th princi- pal differee la that t1ue Bflld Eagle's pcïtentinl 'For either good or harm is now, significantl.y less tJian it, once was, because of the bird's cleereased numnbtrs. In Ontario, Rald agles jare nevet' lilkely te becorne abund.- ant. If adequatey protected], however, by an undierstanding and appreciative public, they should remain Jn sn6dest nium- bers as an integral part of this PrOvince's Nwildli-fe population.-' Vegetables vvill stay crisp miany dayýs longer~ if placeçl wet in apolythqene bag and stored in the refrigerator, if you have to, keep thein t00 long and they wIÀlt, yôu car, freshen thein in a basin of cold water which con- tains a taýblespoonî of vinegar or lemon :uice. range n Istan- rwnrds b eha v- ieha a s of N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N '1 N '1 N N N N N N 4 'N N N N N ~ N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N 'N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N thillk oe

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