handled thle various phases of school a t tee or0 2oe0 business. isfr to be seep b y thE of the schogoi prior l a Mr. F. E. Lycett, cara of the dýc i sÀ onï. Bord rporýted( that on inspection MssFoster asked that it appeared that no ieak existed in advertise for thlelreg-i3teri the pressure systemi at the, school. t ren Wh10 are to start their was fouind thaýt the great volume of of schlooling t lhis year. T] watev ,was used at the sch-Iool and that areto be registered on faîýcilities ini some cssused water from 3 to 4 np',, Inspector was ail thie factsc etor vas authonlized to um %L t ospray ail cattle s ndtc,-v0n c per head on smiaillcaeryon nt 10 in nanumber and 2 f.ri. The herds over 10 il in uml- Iil li h e ()The Inspeetor was cînwertd obe respon,-sibie for the Collectýins enitionled ini item 2 aoe (4) Ail spraying to be donemimder e1 direction and supervision of the ralle FlIneeco Mloved by J. H-. Lwr~scne 1-1. E. Walkey - The GenCeeral wsipRule for 1956 aýs appied ,r taxe, ini 1956(1be redued w qulal 1amlouint of $2000,00. Th'is xatter be recordled in the196 asngo jtes ]3y-law and presuiited to Counti-1 over tne thne day. to eut di used durn A refp ,vas submitte.d to the chairman on a re Leettt the afternoon. the High Se'hooýl Board feit thattheyl wold have ade(juLate spacýe in ow man'ilvill, e net yeal' for puipils of the ares. Both partes viewed the need ol'flthe Public Schýoo indJ Mr. Ryna is- tý'o pres-ent the facts to the District HîhSehool Board ait their 'Marchi me i(etinig. Mnj. Tmly t tedtat they imust soon get auan ner .so that soidthing can bhe do0 +, H. est stated that lie cmudzuo ity vote would go along withi t. la thü1e dsusinMi. F. E. Lyce-t. favoured aLi mid-way cuLr s e-,giving the loalmechnt a chanCe 'o seiL to the aclhool. lMt% J. Tami-blyn voied4 th1:d the local i rhnt hudht- coidiieredd u(1thoughL a profit ef twenty percent could be charged On, the ar-ticles. -Mr. H.LJtest favoured a& policy, of buying to the- best advant.. Mrnied to nieet 1956 at 10a.m .o-operative In Seventh Year Attains New Record 0f Sales ounty Farmrer's C ,s seventit ant quet in the Towi on, Tuesday afte ýk. It was report at thie C-pr it.b- ' v .r ?t u'ls to) be Public ymipathy, to, be a mai, to make fnbe m.i and not to look to onl1y see doCîli1 Dommn spoke of tl Geimia pilosopI not as -S imeans ,e should t-reat pei act thlat the law pvssïbe for salary sched- epresentative tion.' Lt was an rd-c that thby S( up the signi- at ýding a mieet- m-l sFederation. MI rn-.eet ,with a rei sderation but 0f gning of con-l se two sakn chairmii fe~w i. Ilage lu to ppeaed,- sid -ie'said tmu mac wuVrl - ,pperedsaidthemans. Lovýe is an il ý56 was to Inova O?" The speaker said their sales had 1ii.-I- what we are but it .00 on the first two Hie em.Iphasized that bed to the pur-chase potver greater than sand a new grnde~fr it is tiis power tha ji put the CO-op In what otherwise we condition. Rep Domm WaS, Lager of the Co-op0- Bruce Tink. .AlsoG stated that with "in- a tenderedJ the Ki that it soiletil-resi Brass quartette by it ed o)ut tiat sp 1Villag-e NWas a f t here memibersliii ineil felît that ifý .5, year tha-ut con- sli eto be given in 1) feel. 5t ofIt O of a The V hat will be do Mrs. Aý Mr. I turnled nceAh Sof the )wery, se,, Rond Si îy wno el greet 5>