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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Mar 1956, p. 3

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i And Hunt Plan Many Activities ALLEN'So AppleJuic-,e 48 oztin 25c Q 3tins for 69e IHABITANT < QPE A SO ûuP 2 28oQâ,l Tii «3 2 =01=0<- z 3J0c--00 = =0C= 0 arme ~lb pkg 31 c 0D ORANGE Miïx l16 oz pkg 29c JOHNSON'S BeautifI oor o Fish and Iluat Club regu]ar miontühly imeeting- cia uildjing on Mlonday, twenty-five imembers wr ec meeting was first eni- ith two shlort films. R D I)WHITE -u R Na nu mt But e r L 0'- oz jar 29e gCATELLIS READICT g Macaroni or SipaghettiQ Am- 16 oz29 Q ~pkgsQ S1-11RRIFFIS InstantI Puddings 2 for 23c DAILY MAIL Cigretesctn of SIJNKIST JUICY L.emons large mie CRISP, SWEET FLORIDA Celery Remits U.S. CRISP TENDER~ Sh ballots For The Best tI Meats - Swift's Premium Blue Brand BLADE ROAST bladebone removed lb 33e 1~. It was decided by the cluýb toi hold a fox hunit on Saturday aftermoon for mnembers and any resideait of the Township. Huaters mre toi meet at Watson's Garage at 1:00 p.m. OnIy shot guns will he uised ia the hunt. 'The club is to hold a dance and draw on April 27tlh in the Oronio Odd- fellow's Hall. Comnmitteces were drai-ý,n ,Up to further the arrangements ini this eveningl of entertailimen-t. AlSO ait the dance will be p+esented thel trophies for best -marksnîanship flori hoth rifles and pistols.It wa learned at the mi-eeting that Mr. Aif Peron NamnelPresidelTt 0f Credit Unlion reepresen-t at the imeeting. Mr. ?errin was ellected ipresidfent for cr replacing MIr. Clarence Allun. Allin w\as elected as vice-pres- and Hartwevll Low%ýery secreptary. ongus Lottck-s wais appointed the ,reasurer manamger of the Uniion position bas been heJd 1by Mr.1 Spry siac-e its incor-poratiion. vas decided( at thle meeting to 3 percent dividead on share de-1 1 Insurance Service Every eIass of Insur- ance is represented in our office. The follow- ing are some of the main coverages we capn off er: Automobile, tîfe, Accident~ ana Sickness, Plate Glass, Laiiy pire, BrlayHospitalàzation, Livestock' Boiler, Wind, Polio, FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Leroy HI'Iaitonl RnA STATE dRiKKif Spring" Show « Seed Sale 2f BIG DAYSý LAMB OHOPS BACONý' -sliced sealed lb pkg- M MEATS .-i*deal for -sandwiches >TTAGE ROLLS 59c 65e 39C *The Quaker( Panlel Disý Sale o Ail SeeCId County OS'HOICE LAMB OUTS LOIN LAMB ROAST -Flank Of f- 4.5c RIB LAMB OHOPS -Extra Lean- Geý Orlono,ý Ontarlo & Q(rtfiàýrg ixfmt1lre bereaved, IIARTLEY Re BARLOW Phonre 18r7 FfiNERAI, HOME Orono, OC' IFour trophies have been obtainedl Sfor' a rifle and pistol competitioiI[ ' hc s to cmm ncefathe ii-mmedi- ate future at the rifle, range in the ~ MnicpalBuildinig. Three of the Otrophlies will bce used for rifle cn- petition, and the other for a pistol competition. Anyvone wishing to en- Iter the competition mus isterby OTuesday, Marc11h 13 mith either Gor- i dont Wýatson- or Jerry Duvaîl. The -club are stiLi holding tmap shioots and amymniber may tk part fa this fsport Iby getting in touch with Jerry iDuvail. It was pointed ont atL the jmeeting that pistol pe-rmiits wilI be colleclýd at the Ap j-> meeti'n'g for S The Bird House competition for the children is now uniderway and prizes are to be obtained for the pzewinniers in ti s competition, The club set up a nuntiber of mIles, thal builders must use their own pa st -ated for what bird, use no powý\er tools, onily hand tools, uise jscrap lumber, and do t1ae work themi- selves. This proiect muiist 'be-corri- pltdb lerid,,o pi jhi th petes te le fAri1 ~ e the ntres illbe jud-ed. Prizes will fbe awarded at the daace to be held HEIZ OOKD 5 o. in c Spaghetti0 2 for R E, JUICY, Pt, tin Wax 65C SWEET,M Car: AUNT MIARY'S (DAILY FRESHI) Breadi sliced 15e LIPTON'S TO-MATO Soup Mlic oz bag2 2 for 25e qt tin 67c 6for 29C 2in bag I19c 2for 19c PEA M -itula. S the Orono Club has nmade arrazgeý- ments for a bus #, visit the Sport,- man Show in Toronto on Wednesday, MaLrch l4th. Tbe bus wllleav,,e O- ono at 12:45 and the charg-e of$37 includes transportation, general ad- mission and a reserved seat for theý afternioon performance. Anyone ip.- terested in taking In the tnïp are ask- ed to contact either G. Watson gr J. The m--eetLing adjourmed. Oshawa Memorial Service MONUMENT MAKERS COR ER STONES ANI) fTATUARY (On No. 2 ighway E of City Maniufacturi g ýëorîals froua the flinest Grarâte and Marile a 'ilable. Before ma g your final decisisua bsee us. For information withojit obliga- tion write Bbx 21.3 lu Oshawa or ealÎ RA. 5-6611. ORONO- IIONE IR116"1 N N N N N N N N N N -s- N N N N N N N N N N N N N I i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N S N v N N 74c

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