ir Productîon Hart House Theatre s in1 lis hi ster David end with St and tf SDALADA TEA BAGS pkg of75 iLine 's go to Màr. Allen bra ted hi nietietli h 3. Mr. and mrs, entertained -a few or on Siturday. Lofthouse spent the ýs aunit, Catherine( Loftjioses visite&i [ont ns Tea FANCY TID BIT Co~ktaiI ' lb am ~pkg 54)C 20Ooz Tin 21C Tinz 29-- 48 cz ce Tin YASSURED 0 y ariin uits r I TEX 4S NEW CROF Crrots i 'ASTE 2 to 32'blb41 averagen h l lb 29c 39c lb lb 27c lb pkg 37c 25C G reen Giant FANCY PtÉ.AS 15 mince tins 2 tins 33 IGA "Royal Guesty WUITE or BROWN bREAL) 24 oz 1l5c Stokely's Fancy CON 15 ounce tins 2 tins25à-c IGA Evaporated MILK 2 tai1 tins 25c pkg of 10 24)c pkg of 8 119C pkg of 20 25c CHI GOLDEN JUICE-!,FLORIDA-ý VALENCIA, JUMRIO 176'sdoz 39c RED 2L.B29c 10 FOR 45e TATOES 3 LB 23e lb 6c KRAFT. EXCITINGLY NEW YIINIATUiUktI Marshrnallows 10, ozZ29C OLD TYE . .. IN GLASS JUG TABLE SYRUP l6Goz 23c ZEN FO"%DSg ~CENTRAIED 1 [ce *6 oztIUn2lc teaks 5 oz pkg 31c lb 29C ilThe play was extremneli y well dir-s ected and the actors Playe-d th e i r pa-rts as if they were living at thel time of the Play.ý The costumes were excellent and d reailly created a medieval Danish at- h [ mosphere. Both staging and lighfting were of the highet calilbre and made thel idirector's w,,ork that niuch nmore out- standing. AIl this wNill he'p 1ilimlense-t IV those students who attended and w'ho are studyihg Hamilet back hereý at O.lLS. During the play there -werel two minute breaks durin ,-h ieh wmost of the students enjoyeda bite to eat at the Arbor Roomi cafeter-ia in Hart B-ouse. On the whole, the play lastedC an enjoyable and interesting three hours.1 IAs it -was dinner timle we h play concluded the students dined at restaurants in Toronto. AI! in al everyone enjoyed the trip and we ail Ireturned homje mucli wiser for hav- ing seen such an excellent play. fOsba-wa spent -, .and Mrs. Ga)c- f ow gave a ver,ýr f her trfp ta Il,- 'riday night laslc- spent the weeklCIÇ Lrned ta Napante- wvith Lis uni(.e MV'any th ýiks to the nur-sesiat te Oshawa Holpital, e, ilyt4Nui,,ý Mfiss Pat lrrison and NujseMr. H. Leitner, i1so ta Dr. J. -. Rni for. wonderfucare givui en :Thn too for- the loa ely card fr ým 1Heather, Rebekah Lodge and also t the friendaI' wvho helped wh'lýe 1 I in the hboa- pitaLan \,eIIý- ariTaylor-ý Orono Fýsh and Hunt Clu Hlave Charteredf Bus to attend el SPOR&TS EN S0W Wednes,,14 40 Tickets available from ithtler C.Watson or J. Duvall $3.75 includes bus fare,' genera adI s on ad reserved seat for 13Eveuing rfor ance. 4 THURS. - "&The John Ford Irish immigranti Acadenmy at West eventually becom to several genera Chuckles and tee tenmpetulous w0ohi warm relatïinshi Co-starsi 'atuýMiay 2 p.m. g,ù-ray L'iina"9 (Techi.) tascope, starring AND -MAUREEN O'HARA inr ROBERT FRANCIS and Show Tinie 7 and 9:30 ýMON. - IVES. - WED-. -- Mý -,OND 3-14 *.Cue . Newsweek Trwo Perfrnances Nighitly at 7 and 9:05 Advance Tl&kets Availableý COM'E EARLY! '7 1TEXAS NEW CROP 2bag 23c1 Cabbage ai" 1 ess C(