RADIATORS and H1EATER REPAIRED an'CLE.ANE. Gene ai Sold ang Repairs Queen $t.$.W .Bowmanvi PT~eMA 3-3159 ,06ooeo.o0e00 FORD ami MONARCR "-. ai SPhoni yearIn dI just as color- There are, tex- of room. Bold ivy leaf patterns, amusing nursery motifs, pretty ted papers for kitchen and bath- find ceiling papers in gentle tones hi the papers of your choice- rol..ý........... -20c--to $1-00 r every roomn, cottage sets, tait- frilled niàrquisette, tailored ed Nyltn, flowered marquisette, Store Open ARl Day Monday e on Ilighway No. 35 or more of 3919c per gai - tax i c per gallon - ax incided Evenin gs pete in the Lions lub Publie Speak- ing Contest wýhichl is to be lheld, in LaklefieIld ton)ighit, Thursda. J ý1 Mr adMIs. Ivanj Farrow an.d H-azel Eilhinson returlIed home Tus day evening romvisiting w Mth their friends ini St. Petersburg and Braýd- eliton, Fiorida. Mrs. M. J. TFamblyn visited Colum-, bus oma01n's Associationi on Thursdayl Mareh 1st, bing«ipg to the miembersl (as reqjUestedA) soile informnation about places visited ýn Clifornia. An acco)unt of the beautiful Memlorial Court of Honor buiît in 1924 in For- est Lawn Cemeinteryvas givenl, which is Leonardo da Vinci's paint- ing of "The Last Supper" recreated in living stainied glass; also Jan Stykn's Painting of "The Crucifix~- ion" which was conceived by the re- -nowned pianist P,rewvski. The mias- sive imposing Hall of the Crucifixion was cons-tructed ini 1951 solely to house this Masterpiece mrhich meas- tres 195 feet long by 45 feet higli and is the lar-gest religious painting in the world. The Orono Orphan Hockey Club are giving you ain opportunity on Wedniesda'y, Mýarch 2ist to Qe.joy ai good $5.00 dininer and win $250.00î cash if yours is the last naine drawu Iout of the drum. Thiere will only be 200 ticessI Iso nýiake sure andI get yours niow, OshawalBoy ins Spel'ling . C OnteSit A 1 îlro0nu0Sa tUfd a y A twelve yn old boy froin Oshawa on Saturtday" afternoon in the Village( of Orono wvon the area spelling bee conteet which was held lii the- Odt-i fellow's Hall. In this round( of thei cornpetitîon ten students from vario-us' centres such as 0Oshawa, Bowmanun-i ville were presept, Norman i-,Rickaby from the Orono Public Scho repres- ented the Township of Clarke. Nor- man Med fifth place ini the comipeti- tion on Saturday. The winning boy, David Mced is a graàde eight stu-t dlent of King Street School in the city -of Osha-wa. David will now coni- pete in the district finals in Peter-~ Orono Orphans Bang Up Skates, Lakeiield ln Finals The end of the hockey season came for the Orono Orphans on Friday Ievening when they lost the fourth gamne to Laketield in the best of seven series in the Lakèshore Inter- miediate semil-final playdowns. On the series the Orphans -were only able to .edge out one win giving a ganie :core in the series of one to four fori the Lumbermen. The Lakefield teain now aneets wýith Cohourg for the top honours of the league in the play- downs. Orono in 10osing to the Lakefieid Lumbermnilosf to a hard h itting team wý,hich can display very good hockey. Although the Orono Orpbans gav'e titeir best in the series, the Lumnbeilmen were f ouud to bha jst I a little too muach for the local boys. nd as a restit obtained the nod to muove into the final playdoWflvs vith Cobourg. UtIITEIJD CIIC Oroino Pastoral Charge Reverend Joh ifiKitces Minister MARCIJ llth, 1956 EDUCATION SIJNIAY ORONO Sunday Sehool at 9:45 Churcli Service at Il Preacher: MvýJ. Warren Watt, B.A., Principal of Orono -lgh School KIRI3Y ~ ~cioolut SALES And SERVICE uir compete, ervice guara, tees year round drivinig PI sure CARivýETI+MOTORS le 3251 Newcastle, Onta r: ORO.,NO TINSHOP Plumbing Fixtures Accessories and Repairs Warmn Air Heating and Air Co-nditioningi B-I- Paint- and Varnishes, etc. P.E. LO DàAN, Prop. P'lflPi llQbqi1r46,r 0N-A Blouses, Ladies' Dacron, assorteilatest zf tf-Tlps and colors, sizes 14 to 20. Each........... $2.9 -Briefs, Ladies Stretchie Nylons, fits, ail sizes,-. white only ....... ............. . Pyjamnas, Ladies,, 2-piue rayon cellasu «e, assor-te-1 styles and colors, -ediuLm and larggEach $2- TJeans, Chîldren's K aki, sizes 3 t 6x. Each ..981 Shoes, Ladies binie --Casual, beige, si-les 4 to 8 including haîf si2ï s. Pair....... .9 Dreses, Children's 4w st l-es and colors, size 2 to 3x Eac1 for........... Hose, Lady Beth sheer,stretch, full fashioried spring shadles, size A, B, and CPar... Hose Nyloni first quality, 51 gauge, 15a denier.z spring shades ..... .......... 79 H~Iose, Lady l3etJi, sheer lace, ladder proof, sizes 9to il,. pair ............ Grocerly Clâ';earîing /rice, Corn, Creani style, choice quali t, 20 oz. tins 2 tins f or only- .....2 Lyons Coffee,.............Y2 lb. tins 15- Bramible Jelly, lar e 24 ozjar,,s .....5 Tomatoes, choice qa1i t lre 28 oz. tils, 2 for il Snap Household Cleanser, 2 king size tin..2., Soc iety Dog Food, 16 oz tins...... 3 53 Limia Beans, 12 oz. bag,,s .....- ......... 2 for 27" Lipton's Orange Pekoe Tea, V? lb. package Regular price 70c. n ow f oir nnly......5C I Open Friday and Satarday evenings for your (ey are N N N N O-n Orlo -1 wo1m .A.A4.. I TYRONE MA, 3-2240 011tbi Gion 0 C= 0 c= 0 C= Ou 10010 N N p s D N N ille N N N N N *Q- N z I.' NN V Il N N N z N F NN N N N N N N N k N N N N - N I N N N N N N N N N N il N N N N N N N t N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N <N N N N N ~0 -~ N A N N N N NN N NN N N N N N N N N ~C. I N À 191 N N j; N NN fN N N N N N N iC. N N N ~eY N N N N N N N NN >c. N k. = N N N N