When a mian and iÎs wife are business partners, differenuces are bound to arise- that som- tie ravagýe the g o od will' wihshiould prevail, and their cortinuance canl affect the co- duet of tlie muItual entérprises. As in marriage, it -seems to be understood that the woman Must .gi vc in t' the "better judgment" of lier hu(sbanid; bt 'when lis criticismns are Mani- ely nfair, t'hat is liard to do. One wife is at lier wt'ed -We've been mi-arri4'\21 yas and havê liiad our own4buj-js since '47; wve both wxork awful- iy hard, hle out on the truck and 1 in the store.'ý We love each oier an awful lot," slie explains, "and have nover had miany crossrs until late,. ly ,.-. . Myhusliand seems to want to boss mie around, anid lie says cruel tbings that liurt so I' carnnot help but sa 'y thiggs back wh4ch 1Iregret lie says I spend everytbing wie imake, -whicls I don't; I pay the bis and put whiat's lot t back in thc business. Now li&s nmadbe cýause our, bank balance is Iess than last year --- and if is hle thiat draws miore cheques than I. He seemis te be rmoney-crazy. "lus folkis ail love mie, an-d have often said hie wouldn't have had anything alone. HE u-sed to drink a 1kt and lie bias quit it, But he surely gers rudýe and snap-py; wbien lie sees I won'ttko if, lie stops fussing and then he's so good -- until be come in ai] wrouglit up again. h if bis vork: or the peopieleheSecs during the day? "Wcf own our homne, our sto re building, a house for rent, a fruckt andi two cars, and we don'f owe anything , , . 1 love to flsli, but hie gets mad wbon I fake off an atternoqni to go. Picase ive ime vour sdvice." *manage thenis- btter. t wl b, belard worlk' espeeially at * fli end of lis dlay, but lie *miglit learn 1htow w e Il bis t*wfe has coniducted their, af- *faîrs and cease bis 'carping. * She seems to h ave imrov- *ed bins Condition In every \vay a a working wif e can. Hle does *not drink;, any more: t is a *tribute itofber management *fliat 'the, business is making * edaand even if thrie *bank balance iîs less, costa ha= increased in miany flis- as he will discover whetlie cliecks flic figures. hhnle realizes hoý)w [bis *attitude is getn er downi, 1 expect lie will exercise * more restraint and be fair. * To "W,C.O,": You bot-li *sem ito be workîng too liard. *Perliaps your weekly routine Sis at fajult, t seems to allowý, *onjlyfor lhard wor,1noplay. IfL each of you wý,ould take *an affernoon off ecd week * you wôld finid it a reainee * toniý, s5o refrcsliing thýt *you \woulcln't ho tense mwhen *you tah1k over individual *prohlemns. Fatigue nmakes k veryhody captious, and you *could hanldie y oui r respon- *sibuities withouf straîn if *your husband wr more ap- *preciative and kind. *Why niof cliange the schedi- * ic,d try it? Lt is a pify *that a nmarriago wliicli lis *existed so pleâsanitly for so *long should lie harm-ed by aniy *confict now. * "THE4Y GROIJNDEO IME fecnhers cipped at oa enthiusiosts. Ho commn wo-s forcibly resfrcdncc sîc-eves of a generiation ag o have almnost dfisappeared. six ycars ago, Mr. MlrSoldo, ll uniiform -1outf offour with lo0ng siceves; last yoar il was only onte out of 27, As in every otheir aspect of modemn livingý, tradition lias given way to functional çomfort. Those w1lio dJon't ike short sîceves bv compromised with smart tirýe- quarter lenigtli, push-utps. Nurses, beauiticians, and olli- ers wlio spend their days in wvhite are buyinig higlier quali- ty unit ormis today flian tliey did 10 years ago, accerding t o Mîr. Miller. They insist on smnarf styliri-g and careful fit and thiey demanld fabries which are liard waigand easy to came for. V's' CiN t4R FARMI74 Duting tic laâ* week weather, the wôItTt ver, h'1 raCi flich headlinos. And if hias cerf ainly been disagreeaàble aoundl here, resulting linteacerausly driv- ing conditions, minor accidents and filfhyý,mud-splashed cars. t is stili slushy, wif h wet snow% falling1 so fie comforts of hiomeu seertm more attractive than usu- i. Even tic catie share that opinion. Onnie brigit days fhey gam bol arouind in flic yard like a buncil 0f kittens, racing tits wliy and tfiat wben Parfne-r trieýs to get themi back to tic staible. But wbleli a Storm is brwnorin itprogress, they buneli up together, bajcks to ti windl, and vait ait th-c harniyar'd door f0 ho lot in, Last weeIk \wc ld tliroe heifcrs ddhornied 'witiout anyv adverse alter af- fects, so that's another littJe -worry Par-tnelr lias behind him. Which is just ,as well as we were, faced w-,iti other problemns [ast week. More ahout thraf lator. To iook -at me yvou rmiglt think I was ithoýr lbeading for tfile di- vrecourt or had been inbib- in, tcoofreelyofthfli cup tuft C igers - or somofhîrng equlaily, drastic- as 1 have one beanfîfùl "shinm"-fe suit of buanpmg,, into a doer-jamb 1.ilt dn'hjt botier imeiathflc-timie but the nerf mtiorning . . . 'nuf said. Now the sxeling lias gonie down jjthc blackness is blackem tha)n everfi, Hiowevor, I am rcally Ilucky vas the impact did not break ny., glasses. Joy anid Bob came uip fromn Oakville durjing tlie storm anid leit for home whon if, was even, worse. It cdidn'f seemi to worry -Bob. As for Joyý and I we forgoýt the weatier as w anticipated flàic jo 'ys of spr-ing by pouring over thc nwl-rrvd secd catalogue. Tliose beagtifui, col- ourful flowcrs! Boetween iscus.. sions of the best type of roses and wýhetlior to sfarf asparagus3 from sccd eor roots, 1 beard snafches of conversaion be- twecen Partncer and Bob--trmant talk - about tlie collision 0f a frpuck and f actor-traîler and Oie mnarvellous work clone by one sinall tow-fruck with the lielp of winches, block and facklc, I was paying a littile more attem,-, tien flan usual 'bectauso 1 lad te' gýet fowed ouf of our lane last wcek. If wasn't because- fhe go- ing was heavy, nor was if ver>' slippcry but as I turned -Off tble road b> drive up, dur lané 1 I s facing e&st and 1l ladu,'f gonp, tift>' yards before the win.d- shijeid was aI solid sheet of! bo - Robei4 Louis Sebold6 2, ce'nt indoor air meet of idoered this nocift lile cc om Iounchlng it. i thougit Ixvas going Straiglit until my two off-side helsu tileite c. I sliouldhaedin with the door open but it, ail happened SO qusckly I hardfly iad lime f0 think. I1guSs m a fair-wcafher dri-ver al igU f Anyway if is no ia9rdship f0 ,ýstay home wliçn if is soigand blowing ouitside. Today I lad a bhîgpileiof Auils - t rali-*anIm]a ga z iin esto- ook flirougli and if suddenly trc me wiaf a lot onie can lcarn oif1 anunknwncountry from lot- fers an-.d advertising mu tag- zinces For instance, ii one let- fcr flic writer ,wailedoi Why cgn't Australian w.omen hiav houseb-oild lc ciappliances flic same as Amer' an womnr?" Thaf naturally cxcftod rray curi- osify 50 I began leafing tioul flic magazi nes Pagain jusf to sec wliat coula be gleanied f ronyi the adverfisemenfs. lucre ik what I found advortîscd- 2 refrigera- fors, one 3-humner eletrie steve, one mîx-mnas fer, anc fluor po- lishor, 2 radios, several -washing mîachines, and that's about ail,. Theme wcre onîy f wo advertis.. montls for cars, anc a Miorris and flic otùer a Ford-"-and nef one- ad for any kind etfolvsbi nôr any kin& uofliqu1QL cgar- ff os or tobacco. But flore w1-ere ads glr for dress nateýrlals, turnifure, soups, soaps, biscuits and ,osmietie-s. Judginig froni, thaf wliaf wou.ld youimj -raginet flic average usrlinhome ý te ho lîke? Thon I1 came tf0 an iii tfat depbored flic tact t tn modem bouses wcre built mjinus ý;a veranda. Bytfins lime I was a-sing mnyscît questions about new ,Caniadian boues andsud- ClEtee . un *~'>~treat you can moke eaisily with dew denly rcalised fIat ncw huscs ini Canada don'f. have vomearîdas ci'thenIf was qife a slock bje-s cause I have- -always thought a scrconcd li perd was flic igrandesf tiugig t have. Appar- cntîy flore is iio mediumi le. fween indoors and ouf, The trnd nwi or"czeways n ,paos. Whenilyou ican't stanld Ic 'fliics mýd nmosquitoca any moreyu get behiud closed doors and glas wýindowA,, Or for those i ichemonied ceîap thero lu. -a co4ege et tehaite andi lu wiuter a trip t 1ûriofda So I begau 14 wonider ,about fmanis homes. .What ila 1h* aver- Ae afaxmihome 1k.? le there sueli a thlig? I doubt it, b- cause right 0On the sanrie rûo you ecau finti remnoddlleti homres with al flic modern fappluga and1 porlaps jusf across thec%!W azjdfler place where liere is râe kflfhroom inor turnaco. I know one place, \m-any miles freinî home, whemg fthe fnmIsil sf11 ue cil lamops sîlichugl hydro gos, rîgît pasttheIit gafe. This tae- ily las a mortgagc complerg, denying theuiseltes thec cota- forts tIhey sbOLd hiave, S59M. t» scrlmlnpanai save tb pay off e mottgage, TIc>' stf111have tlie old-ashlncd notion theta mortgage j? somethiu,ýg to île ashiamnetioff. Nohini could, la turther tmom t he fruth, A mou. gage can le gootibsies--e providing tle frsebel. corne will cover the infere-o Perhnps a znorfgae-or lc If-fs ,Iea easoiwhy we cui gna detinifïccaipeo! wbt, consfitutes anl average bore.ý CANADA Co>n' tri ¼ 4teasp>on sai b ýq, hecto" ý ADD uncookoi rice te ilk in topofoulblir c V R a n d i c e i 0 s f b o t w @lt r , st5 l O o C a eiWebot 4 miute oruni,rie k lscooketi. ÉIt HEsu40 IESON'S or CANADA con' ADO ta ism*trsiril oi itr COVE nid 'OakIo1 minui. cOI osi1 mWl f1W bturm over baO ega; n1 woIl, ble ýejjI; :o R.TURN te doobitboerlmdtI ck2 minues ongr, girrntgconstOtlty. 3EMOV5 froli'ha;aiivfhii S3ERVE o rcti YIL:6te eN'l For froc- folder of other deliclous rocipes, write toý Jane Ashley, Homo Service Department, THE CANADA STARCM COMPÀNY UIMITED, P.O. Box 1 29,, Montreal, P.Q. - -'--- --,--,- t - -- - ~ S .t "onSiarch Makes C;roamipr Puddings!"