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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1956, p. 6

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"Deýar Anne Hirst: Ever sinece my witef. and 1 merrird five years e aga, we have reed your coluntogether. Now wbrn I ree.y eedsomne good advice, 1 feel I1 will have ift ram youi. "About a mionthi ago, my wî7fe took 0cr Ihrer children anrd lef t our Lile t erm for ber parents' homne la the city. 1 knew she had been i onel, w %e have nio neasby neighibors and sbe seldom could leave the place. Shle losI fouch with bher fr1 rnds, shie grew m neiancholy, but 1 guess 1.iidi't realize how haprd il really was for bier un- fil [ibe day Sh-e lefI. "I went rigbt et tes bier, of cusand I used every argu- ment I could tbink 0f. (1 sbould remi.nd you that we have Ioved eecb oCher pesfecly ) Afkfr seVerivisits 1I did Persuade ber to corn-e back wvitb mie for fwio days, end fhey were the happiest 1 can rernember. Nowv, a week later, she silîl refuses ta corne here 10lUve .. and sh% thinks, she likes an old beau wbo looked ber Up. - My w'tle eis bound iup la my family and our farin. Th- youngcîrrs and I gel long fine. and I miss themn beyond wvords. How cen I gel ber back? Shfe agrees witb il I 1say, but re- peets sie just can't stand living there." ARTHUR" * feelsse cen cope nwitb any *new pattern 0f' living. so long *as sýhe She11res il witb tbe meni *she loves. Buit sorneie h *rltyovemwhelmns ber. Your, * wif wastranisplanted f rom *an active socil lit in town 10 oeIbe blk routine 0f an bn-ý * afed -Jferm, The teiu i *uneccustomed chb orce sthe '~desperalon 0f lber elownees, *and qabove Ail tiu,htousands *of tômosrowns o ta lec a heed witb n hpe of change, *gaI e r cdown. Someb21hin g *snappedi. Slipcamn. e4, ~ralu, * 10t'he ýbreakigpoint,. ' Ail tIbis does nof me g i 1 *my mdn-, Ibaf she bas op *ped ovngyou.Reebr * hose tw-o days? Atter ship *left,louIsIl shne cudre- *eau asIb mno o 0fthe *years tha preceded them. *She is in tbe mood 0fi some *husbands %who. wien the * bilîs 0f miage wmar os, *,t is a cond-ýition f rom hih *believeý she wiïlIrecoves- * Yo)u vwillhave ob b atet *Visil the ebhlîdren guey *an d OtenI; hey arrîssingýý, * ou, anid fmogbthir 'e.! * will sebwculii ea * chou is. iBer mother-l ,vou say, *isUdnstesed by the ,situant, ai-ndcyouacn b ueshe hiý ~exerling ail ber1-1 eom * wie 1 retmo;sLe is mini ye't Sin the m o liten. Poie *togwbIen shedos o vvwiI-sec tatyou two hav * and smbwyou \wil]mn * ge Il. 11 In eitilie wbIe s '~wiib bginb mss you mo,' * Ibe othes m ian. Lbisthe l- ite fleiersnt, o b imef SbeGav Ip oL l i in the beliefifît may belp corie wit e fa stick to bler job. For eigltyears my bstsband wes an elcoholi,; e nd Vie maàde life sa dreadfL for our t iïle, son n ld me Ihat I last anlov 11,e Fa habd . ,,- "You guessed il. I fr11 in love with andri rnd, end Iftell 1 couild rnof'live vwîfihotuîhi,- When my busbend heerd of if, be pro mised he wvould stop driniking and takeý, care of ius. I cnnfess I dlid not believe a single wvord lie said, but I a gr ee d parliy for the boy's sakS;be Padores bis did. "My busbnd basnont baa ldrink sinice, "ilICIthet wý,as itree yenss ega. Wr bave ae closesr firiendisbip Iben vWr ever hed; we attend church and bave made uwondrrcl friends.-My bcsbnd'sgraitud istoLuing, and erytimr I ioo)k et rny son I1thenk the Lord I'unhbrrr . . I bave not seen nos heerd of She oher nman since; Ibat là ovesr and done wiîth -..Yo knnw(ý7ý, Anne Birs, beppinepss cones oly wheniw e tfry 1 b)ring il1 thers.One cen for- gel berslf if se pieys fais MAR y" A A wùnian ot ctîong clieurae- l es, and wl, ieyonuself, cen] sacrfic1pesonl hP "- ilne ,ss *for somueo)ne rlse's sek1e. 1 J hol'pe yotur xerece wl *bring new slrengbb l nîers TrouLble cornesbusal, nd calîs for understanding and pa- tience. lIeMUig Anne Birdabout lb wiil benp. Write bler et Bo . 123 EgtenbStL, NwTo- ronbot Ot nvr eoflien tarmers -have i-uexpý-c1ctdprbýierns b1k)face, A fexv ycals ea c'il we f001and m1outb d -iseetsý,e, Ib camI New cesîle disu-esinbpo)ulry, land now if i bis . Of thetre salsis fthe m1St aneru beceuse o !is enace 0 hu in-g 10 know Ihat il ceýn brwcn- trliryd V a erai ètcb cb boUCod es.Ta01owvr stry dos that îPne corne pasdon b umns y he bite c'f annimal but we suid in hesalvaof Ibe anial nd may e trnsmîtedqoub 100 centl if dog Ickse cbid wb sasý il - iat1,f bdgbs !emosu,"os isuctn iscnenc nte enn 1chat lb is aiuation w;ýe 'musiý icaro 1 1-v'tb orsevra yeers)t if bboeboii .pjlus 2 ts nesibdck jfos Ispe. MgiclBa kinig P 2der i tp. at, c. ine grenuil!bý Ate suge;r; ix i c. desiccaed coconut. IVike eaweiiip dry anrdet nd edd in order given (do ont stirmiur, C. Vcern (salad) il, 2-? unheeten egg yolks, 14'IlC. plus2ts wabrI sp. vanille, 22,'oz& uIlnsw'pceteedchcatcld andcord Stir iiquids e bit, then si in d1ry ïilgrediens brat until botter lesmnooh. Meesure m e a rge bWt c. eggwhites (aI rooni temperalur) and sprinjde wih 14s p. cerm of luarte?; beai iunlihi zsarn vrr biff-mnuch stiffer than for nmerigue-s, etc-. Add flour rmixture, about a quarterM etî ime, and fold aftecr rach addiltion until ballecr end eýgg whAts arr WelCMbined. Trballer ilo t a ungreesed 8' angel .cake pan; beke la rather slow oven, 32.5'ýqabouIt 1I heur.hmeety cakeceres froi oven, invert pea dssed , ell1e ubIt cold.dua n s,.*rje. i I Week's Sewy- Tr A Wrapontor you;rduger JuI seýw two or throeMte -- and -ELAX for, the seýAsoi As you see, it bas FEW pattern parts, wbips up in, a jiffy, o0pens out tO iron andc a child cln dressý cotton. in foe fehpaste Pattrn434 Cidrns izes 2, 4, 6, 8, il. Sie 6 takes 21 yards 35incbl fabrie. Ths atr esyto)use, ssm- PIe. to sew, i -s tested for fit. Bas- compoeteilustrated insructions. Send TMHRTY-FIVE CENTS (35,) ini coins <tmp a nbe STYLE 1 1UMBER. Ont. we shoiýuJid be !îýta vaccnatjîinis possibe thaks tothe dant- work ciSre miutby 'Luis Ps t,-iskeubi n a e a gond!manu times in carying snut si permens bire the f 0gýIrs n- perimnt wiidsuccs sul andý teur lnsitute in1888. Hd bil cix Tha peopleare awre o about heviHng our twodogs n.- oculatedpIcwastoid hi v;sipil of accne wa xbute uto Ibat moie was onthe way On th~ othr sîcle 0fte c turcIis rvbisore mfy hve uoe g oLefet Thee wiil p -obabi" be fewersra og arudand thone whostdo keep do,ýg wii e oreio pnartcar about avinthe merunde cnn- stol, or e their pes Pe-1 wato keeplad1gso at ail.ra bies pic a dl-caewehae lwy bad 0 co gte dwh but douptbe ifthee hwas evea lim ine st nry whnthenladgpou flatno veaseashgreat as ilis b Well, qugreeeraparthfot Mte pi7etyof a iteen arun beej.iaStely. re amsi LANNE IHRSTj liF",4 d t do W/e als'o I ni ojfarmers &ýeep- mnilk cw ecueof b"short age of help. We wnderwheree it is aIl goig0berd. WVell, spring is in thie air. hast- weecýk 1 mentioned seigone co,0Wthere are whole femi ilies of crows fig round. And tde redwoods in 1%e swamp are getting a deeper coou and teroads hi a v e started tbiei*r uisuel break-up. Som" of thlem are aIready in trrbl ond1,i tion. Here and there we hear people prediting an e arlyý spring ..and 'I1wouldn't be sýurpDrised if they are right. AI- ready min ly housewives hevus -staRted spring - cieening - frying b gef don-e before fhle bot weather sets in. Hot eath- er . . . what a tbought!My we be deliveredr fronm the kindî of hleat wehad let yar Sti-rge, fo w even bouse- plaints bave a way of coming to life eerly in Mdîich. Our mairi- enhlair fer"n has a few tIny foeso-n one frond. Liltte wee, flowers thet ,fo ok morei k stars and are s'cercely a quarter ~of an inch acr-oss. And i dont knw what f0 do Vth y Chr isi mas cactus -ilw on't stopbomig Almost as soon as the Christmias bloom hedac die('d 0off it sIateîed budding agein -- and ye!thtrowing oit new lavs tthle cerne tlime. The grnu slips arec, gn ning 1,c get spindley but imost of te ae in bud aenU a few in bIoom. I--hail be giad Mien it coneýs i-l, i 10 st fhem out. Sur needs Io love fiowers ro work wýýith tbemi as theiy cer- feinly tk a lot oftlime and patLienýe. And if is al -a Ilabour of love - oui only .rewvad fhe colour and bihtestbey bril' ng m our bves. Cal-,you ers: 1 can't 1 amn -ertin only of, one -4.inig -it wouid be ýa smaginenspening t w e n t y bed, despiete he 'tacthant you are perfectly fil. Tbet's wa wl--omiddle' - aged bache- lor living 'inBngay ac been ding for the past three years. Wy,"Beceause," jheepans 1loe bd. Ihauve no relatives, no fins Four hours' activify e'very d cay is ernOugb lhfor me. Dulring th1-a t limne I shop, rat, have a bath aind take a short walk in the park. T'Jhen 1I hussy bc 0bed" esashe dentsleep ail tL im-fne. He rends, listens to fhe radio ais b lies in bis c-"M fortable bed on the top fion o a modem b o0f fiatss.IBe fhas new Acive D-ry Yieasî! 0 Scald 3 c. mI,3~c. granutlatrd suigas, 134 tbs., saît and 4 fbs. sborteninig; cool te lukewasmil. Mcahinicasusre oto a arg bowl '/ c. iukwesm1wtcr sp. ~rnltdsigar ; *dr ianti1 stogar isý dissoived. Sprîinkle vwiîh i cmi- vel.ope FesbansActive D-rýy ycast 'Let stanld 10 misM TEN Stis ai coolcd mii mbiiure. Sîls k a .ownesiîdbred flous;beat wiîth a rnîasy beaber un11til the batler ir mnobi.Caver and set in a wami iPlace, fren tram draub.Leta se untialpubl !la buî.ok la 2 C. igfitly- packed fineiy-sbredded oAd cheese end 5 c.(about>once- sifîd bsead flous. Kncad on alnd elaslic. Place ingrsc bowl and gseesr bnp of dougb. Coves andAICe scunfîl doubîrd ia bulk. Punch dowa ough;Wburt I1o ligbby-fourcd board and divide labo 4 eqnal porbioýns. Coves higbtlywilba cîoh and icm rut for 15 miins. Diid adi portion od dough bIu 3 pars;ked and Shape iIO smýoeth balis. Place 3 belîs ia eacb Of 4 grcased 10oaf pans oit" x 850"). Grcase tops and sprinkle cach bat wAil 4c. sbscdde!d chleese. Cover and le, miseuni douiblcd in buîk. Bake in rnod,,crabcly boQt oveni, 375', 45-- 50 mlins. no lepnebecause ha lhinS thaf mîghb temipithim 10 !o alter the rgarrhy[bmi" of bis,1fr and spn less timne in bed. Thîs manis psiolor bed is parilele1(d by that oftAM. Halloin, -a Jusýtice Of the Prace m0 Cae, Normrandy-, wbo about 1,20 ye-ars ago included this stsange in- srioin his will: "Bury m e ini myT bcd. ev me just as you found me whTlenii died, bua tuck me in and see thaf my p) li- iow is; comfortable. and that the shüeefs are streaight. And bury mei et night, piras. I*'ve loved my bed monre (han an.ytlinig rise in tb ilitead I'd like t10-go b m1-y veisi tst mini." Them villagers were not sr prisedewbrn ley heard Af bi request. Tbey rPecailed thet bis love for is bed had somefimes ledi him as aý magistrale ta pass "CornR8Starch IM-akes Tasty CasseroleDises! CII~$ ~D ~6 ftIEOLE 3 tablesP0 AZL Sld 1 Y epO0sait CANADA Car"Str' 11/, cups m1ilk 1/2 cup grated ces ,4 hard-cooke,ý egg5slie 2cupS canned peas, dafe COMBiNE MAZOLAI Salt and BtSIV rCND CosSaclamsaucePan- ADD rnitk Siowly. cok until tik trigcntf~ ADD heee> ofliflu8 cokig untit Cheese eis A R I 4 E h a rd -co o ke d e ,3 9 5 d p as 1 l y rs 1 ,t Ur~casserole. pOR hesesaceoer top. 3 BAKE b' moderaltoes Q30 . 0t 5mntS 4 sL: ArVingS. Cheese and Egpat:CMBI irs 5nredieOtK as irctd ibnelatop ofdobeoir.CO For fc folder 0of other a,:; ete bo 1 ntlcheee l1t. DmS :ceddelicio:srvecipes, write ta; stirris n d o c a s ' o n t b.S E V E lo t o n b itt r d to st; J a n e A sbh e y _ o Sý o all y .H o m e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t , LIMITED, AP.O0. 3Box !129, M ncial, P. Q. I-.m 11, '- . 1 - ýl - 1 1 1 Il 1 ý 7 < , ; ý, Z se!)fniUcr from i t. Bis bedroomý became b iis cou-rtsýoom- and of- tenders wr-re broughIt betore him fheîe f? r trial. BLtut when the2 euboits erd how jus.- lice was be-ing dispensed - by a men iisp)rawled d dep in a feaâ- thenr mattrrss, bis head support- ed by plostby rlee hlm of 'is post. 1'm qnot worried,c met eýd 4the magý,istrale -when be ,heard fbe nes-Il -will give me sij muicb more limie 10 devoIr f0ý To ca-rry outIibis dyinig wis, the villagýers dug a n enormnousý pit, in the cbuirch)'yard. Imb if bhryiore the bed with thei dr-ed mnan lying in, the same posiî- tion in wicbh-lei'adied, Th)eyî a ceiling 0of stout Wood Vwasz bil ove the grave and cover- ed with earfb. ý-M=-

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