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Orono Weekly Times, 31 May 1956, p. 6

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2. We furciîhý anyeeg1ecy ser- reed ;ed Ïuiiog the yeur. autamatic deliver- les -fto-uly ,.il of ie lrgt grade for ,your od bernef. tlus the rosi of the oit ol e o only is it the finestkc dohMn er ,Lut tlhe m03teco- P. o n Il i'JON o etis or Your Mmus O' n. F ex m e Liimûted 67 remo Ont. CAR 0FPQf&.$ T'q yDR Phone 14816 Newcastle Preparingi~~rhamClub i~f Týq Ce-pe-t'0toarrv t~ wnn - tour through the Long SauIt, Dur- Celeb e-tto 11'1ýhara Forst, Tower Hiili, Kendal, Or-' For Cent nnial C lebratio anroJ ,ity 'Hl-astle where they will a plns tin110and NeWC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _te -l__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b e h o w,ýn th ro u g th a s y C m Plans are takirg shape for M A- ins l Newcastle, when the or'igial of Durham" on Satu-rdy, June 2nd. yU utYis time, say 5 tto ~castle'è lOth anniversary with ai Mr. M asspy am mîigratedl to this A co rdig to a leter e ev d f ro m 5;,:30 p.mi., the sig hltseers shoud 'have four-ay centenniai celebration sche 1o1t% nd st p li m cinr President Allan Marin, the cavalcade w rkd up a fair sied appetite. The duled to begin Friday, June 29, to~ bus,ýin-ess in Ne-wcastle.. thefoe ladies of St. Ge o rge'Y Anglican Mondy niht Juy 2. runner of the present day impluenet ith cothing food and helter, Emn- Ch rch, Neýwcast1L, have contracted to empire of the co bn d M se - a-e rg n y h spll eud h v0t i atsy at hungry feeling by serv - Don Faibain of Neighbourly "new iinneg s n C mp n e.s t u usd t e sre e ii s g a su miptuous supper. at $110 per wvill be don Sunday-, Prir to)de, A naie band will lead off the fest- The fHat thng nessary for a peron. If you wish to join his happy ,vent to do his bro dcast froi the1 ive sie of afa rs wjt a uge stre s lt ow s cvIdf nc lnninlg is group aroundi the festve board you Nexvc stlrCom muni'y Hall.F r op. dance, riday nght Th re 0 11i bl e o determine ho w its present facili- must mnal& your r s r ato s im- enïig day, Friday, Mr. J. S. Dunan, pa dews Of ba.d" m plete ith1tes ad layout can !est be use-d. loIximediately wvith Mris. D(,xdey, phone P r e i d e t o t e M s s e . H a ri - F e - f o as ; w a t eýr s p o r ts o n th e la k e ; i ma n y le fu g e e s c o u ld it c a r e f o r ? N w c a ste 3 4 6 6 . gUson Co, wilihli guest speaker at soring events at thepak a -ionsWhtel could it: sparefor a trget Miaybe the apple blýssomis, whiil ce offiiai opening. The close relaton canial; band concerts and an open1 iny? Hasit anylarg ulig ha r aetisyaxi1beotbyJn ofte ursent 'Massey-Ha is-Fergu- I ir show ý-pkin any othler itemls and could servýc e senrgen cy hospitals? 12nd, making. the teup an added at- son nny dates hack to the early e entye tytolY annonncedl. mn feedilng estabuishmertstrcinBudo'qtesonti _________________________________________________ ,asit and "bat ecpa Cit ould Ht$6.0quston! adeinan emergency ? Sni llM entïe in es u hen it nîust have a Plau through ue h a i ites an be put into R p rt F F di m n ~~TI need (of'vohlnteers trainled 01 i t supleentail of a townï's regular - u f~ ires n i~uc ear W ar are xx ie-s obvîous con'smdlerîn-g thel (Gontinued fromn page 3) i T he saino n il a e to c rn' v talrole in the over-al plan. ince aed dem ands a a rgy e infux of w s r in t ake a ruling la the o t'he, resc uie of the cites if Canada ow s c se o ci es m y lie re- refg es w ouid imake on th emi. Ifae f c n ta titeruptions boýK sev- is ev r ivolv eýd in a niuc elarW,1. 1In quire d o p o ide nma y types of au n o ~ u iy o ev r s aî o r l opposition tn mh rs riinlg on 'thecivl pan, he illil twn i l isu Ni ýýC cl, 0w jw ay ,points of order, questions cf priviiege, the cvil efene pln, te smll t~ sitanc. Trnspotatin, m~t vtal solaecan consider itsels outid tcFnal, a tte ha a a woldasume -the role f relief and element ineeacuaion pannig, may thee responsîbîities, Tue vist areeaet ard enouhe d iscind as re beob lainale euie t elp carry away the ta wud l'1(2Ctedl by just one 1ýadeiuhiies,,oladwspe ci y o p la io . A ssi ta n c e f ro h i - o i i l r t e u e t e ie e a y p a re d t e g iv e !ls d ci i e n. . F lie m- heonlyeffctie eferice againsti doser towýns' fire deparments wOd towf,, seoliaios ig isstdthat his question cf pi~ fie -Bom , wth it massive dest- lie needed since no city is equipped te ilege lie heard and refused tue reurne ructlve pouwer, is evacuation cf likely 1battie the fires expeced te folloW a 1 lisj estimatd, for eemnpe. thtis se 'at we askedt os eea target areas beforete bomqb falls ulear attack .Iltiar, co aniatdbyrdio-acýtiv- timnes by the chlairma. populat iet] stteg" ic c iti Onutthce bgjo c li e tecare for îty d>txîe tc or'exlo ThbemswW hm oh bob!1,1M9 bifg bwuld bn Mrd1omb might bces200 miles long and 40 Member Suspee thoiefore , d het i e a sor ed t OA leeng rfug e n y u d ie , id e. T e sijc hî ra As tis un e nmo t open defance in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tlý sml on ndvlae p e10hv noting wvýithtem bt h olgvrncrdnThehe wrorcfauthority yet experienced, the m il s w ay T 'vt li in s p ac ica ly clo he t e y er w e ri g. T he ni m al i et e i t i e i gi at w hich it C h a ir m n s tr ed th a t le cou ld n t ever conîuityin he ounry tows wuidhav teproidethe bar t.lih arir ettheO'tounieuner condaM.vnj"U n nant 'V... U ' q __ e'. ftfi ' i et n!;Ltlfi i otibd î î ste ý! p u the î\rerebîîrg to St, gta er ,patn iea~e lcrct Rr\r'ireîer, wsisticîjg e 1913, rer rge s seaorrl prcs for toue, ruraleleetrifîcaionLh s ;niiohs mor f" vurabeif a I du ~d rle Tdily. IX}dri tt s, piýmt r1 th uexe i tl eletrci a imo tan atii eeoo i growtlr cf Od ticad oish t""tv i Ilgrritue tectan Ita ý \l jto 0cr pro vincej h mes, t A ~4~Y Ass uR E S YO PRFEL E cT R icA L F 'U Tr U R E w~Ir-5ô- ___ _ _ ____ _ __ _ ___5_ r' tLhe bur1st n the weather at the1i time. It is posible te uritis fL-ot raiain apreper setefor ,siýh But evcuaionis stili tihe Lmest ef- benli as, lavng woflenuv regagees weuld have oaly uea safe coui se: te keep eing util theuy got as ar wayasposbe Se neo maltewn lor emnuit can coniritself tue olated te -(lbe dij us i rducinig the e! Ctfcsof nu- cle:-ar atack on. the larger and. less fortunate communîieps. - "Having reard e emagni- tud(e aof the roles efore is', F. F. W1rhigo , derai C ivil 1)e7 fen)ce ohciaoî,bs si,"it 1keust bb( 1VIOLUS te al that (our- safeAy de- pendýs 0o1natienwide unt ~pur- pose'. -ihere ",re neortct.The ce- ohudr f aniy oelvin ee menit, nýor canit resbti erey on the shouflders of -Éle thriee levels of gev- ernment. ýEv' ry ganization anid al the pepl ave te arysemi-e share cf responlsîbulity i eare te sýurvive in tihe evo f 1nuclear attack.", Speaker. Wen the rportý was made, twas e(b-ions te bus Le 'a der,, r ristht tiskind cfnnsns oud nort continue if there wras te lie any erder in thie Chamberu. There was only oething left te o andohe ac'cpte, his responisibuitiy by mioving that L Mr. Fleming lie suspended for the rest of the days sitting -- about an heur end a half. The motion carred, UNi eral and SocilCediters supportng it and the Tores and 00F-voting Must TMeet MDedine Whetherthi spnion w1in-, crae the tninor reduCe- it is hardte stiateat this poinit. 0O1 Monday the assie wili ontinue in aneffort tehae the comitea- stage cf thaepipeline debe concluded, by Tuesday niiglit or edesaywitl trd rading to cone ate btat, As virtall ne rogesswas made frelin WedestteFrda t co~gtine, it apeas bvieuis that closure will1 ceatinueteolie used teo Pffset opposi- tion obsýîtuction b"y procedural 1ok nde. Wihether the June 7th deadline wîill lie achived is anybody's guessà at the ram-ent. 11n the meanttimie, the ne wsp apers are hiaving a field day while Pa]i,ia- ment is more exciting tlan it las been Miraniv or I *'~" t.', 0 yur n, a real rirsk of losiniti. For your own, peace of, mi!,iI, it'S far WISer to send money orders. The sinal \ounit a fnoney order costs, assures you ftat yo mnoney wiýlLi1e safe and sounid. No one can recei tecashi except the person to w myu send the npiey order. Next time you wànt to send mon0!ey, wh d er $ ffo or $500.00, caï in on us for) a money <tder or bank draft. Ts takes onfly a frew mninutes to arrange. It's one o the many helpful baniking e'rvices we provide. THE CANADIAN BANý OF COMMERCE" Or'o so asoli A. L. H,0 eManager c. J A 6 6 c. 'c 6 c. J A 6 / 6 6 'J 'c 6 6 6 A A 6 'A' 6 6' A A 6 6 'c 't J 't A A A' A A A' 't, c' A' A

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