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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jul 1956, p. 2

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In any event, Mr. Canipney took Q4' ~John M. James, M.P. akuo islth wewie tacsi pnhiemtel hs we. Reports From Parliament HrIIIdicusig Denies Charges Verus iinond r ossblyàitbecamne ees'ary o M, Hé deniied that the organization Campvey Verus Cammneysto take coglizanice oýf the at Natlional Defence H-eadquarters lt i2 not often in thé House oýf' criticismi which retired G E ýner im- was breaking down and discounted {lmmmons that any iinister dvtsmonds, the exhiead ol the General Smonsciticism econeerning the, '4rbe time and effort answer- Staff 1,ad been- levelhng at ail and erection of th~e radar warning system. 'W critics fronci (outsideP lan.Sundry ii the Defeneecej) eprt. ilu the north. Most of trhe moaey be- g g g g g g g g A- g A- g g g v g g g g INew C)âev olet Heavyweight These new additions fb Canada's best séllinq t-uck liie lhi!hiai1ing, less braire wear. Hauing's easier, more oee- Chevies thriugh cmd throughl For prooi, just take a than eve*rbefore! look at these yearsahead big-truck îeatures! New Load- N',ew Triple-Torquie Tandemis! Staindard on new S raaster V8! This big. heavy-duty lozd puller is standard mnodels, new, Tripie-T(,oque Taindem hures G.V.'s ul modla.. dlivrs 95 p. Cb;. GC.W.'s uip to 50,000 lbsý.! These brawny haulei -310 ft. lls. of torquze! Its the mot efficient, economnical, ton mile! big-tr'uck engine yet-the leader in iis class for compact New big-truck stylingThyrthnecamso shot-sroke design that deliversmost horsepower per w;,eight class, and they look it! 'hat sleek, massive front poundi refiects ,the POWER thiese new Chevies provide, hielps New,,Powertnatic Tranmrnision! lits thec firstauatctrasisin businiess prestige! designied especially for heavy-duty hauflîng! Six fulfly autiomnatic You'1l fiad Pmodern features sincb as these sparkinj forward sýpeed.s and a touque converter -,irtuajjiy eliininate manual of performance in these new Chevrolet "heaivies." If bi gear s oftn6 hi1is!- Revo1utionary "Retardý," gives safer down- part of yçuur business, we'll expeet to see yon soon! ~ ChM 'of~yy wight class lI A Geaerai Mot ors Valve Mddleweight Champs! Lightweight Chiamps!, and theY, aPPl'entl y, feelttfie ex- penditure is ju'Stified. Shîm4nds szug- gested that the screei would be eut- nmoded by the fast-developing inter- natiional guided mnissiles and, to se-me extent, he is correct. But, until tlhe missiles becomie effective, possibly in 10 years, the screen, will provide some war-ning protection. Even aftei, that, the thinking is that an enemy might use guided missil'esý as ant open- ing stage of attack, folowed hy troo~p èreers would still be effectnve. In the mneantime, t~he erectior of the svereen is openijig and deveioping Canada's pnorthland. C.P.R. lUnder Fire Pass1~ng Bud< Mfter mnore than two dlays' des- cussion an,.d sonle rather roughi in- terrogatiori, the C.P.R. made a good case by claiming that it was poor raili-oadir.g to 'have loaded box cars sitting on rails for m-'ore than a couple uf days. Uad the unlading been iacreased, the situation would have been corrtected. In the end, the enire discussion s a round robin èf passing the banie lrom the Wheat Btoard to the Trangpoz forllTer, to the C.P.R., to the uniloading termn- iiials. in fuWiire, it appears probable that ail of the interested parties aiay, ,f. 1 it a 1- -bLet wr-toe' eri " Wheat, that subject of great inm- jmoecosely to co-ordinate their ef- Iwt r n r.Hr enls irtncetowesei~ frmes ad e Ifors.From thle discussion, 1 drew the Visiting with them this week is Missý- ýnada's ocotnïy iy n the expcbrt'impression that wheat farmers will~ yno!Trno eld, once again was ii jected iute still blaîne the C,P.R., mainly because Miss A. Brereton of Toronto îs ri House of Commons, or, i'ather intýo they are more interested in their own spendiug a few weeks with Mr. and ho Agriculture and Colonization procblenis than in the economic oper- Mrs. F. Stoker. mmriittee, The C.P.R. had been blani ation of a ruilroad, dby Transport Controller Roy Mii- I Many happy returas te JirnrnY er for "lottiug hýiirtdé'wn»ý during a Stevens whio was ine years old on. itical six-weel period this year Embarrassing Sabre Jets July 23rd. lien they didn't send the nuniber o!fnhldya enGrHlscm ox cars ho requested. Officlal,% of iuto sO oia tK!GrHlscm e C.P.R. took the stand te detend The- Middle East siuain tilî are Wayne and 'Sharron Godden of oiz osi4çw mn.~oi4s 4arg- p~yin trulylsom to tfederal Windsor. Carron Steed oa Brantford, ont was because on C.P.R. lines in govern ment, and lately provided I,ixindy Lou IRe4ford~, Keith Swarbrick, Le west th'ere were mûre farmers on emnbarrassing incident. Caýkdais an- Mr. atii Mrs. $eck Garbutt and Leica, Dw quotas than n ~C.N-R. Unes, In! noî,nçemnent of an outright gift under 1-amnond Wigurri, Reta June Mar4ih- ther word.s, C.N.R. served laiiners'NATO of 75 Sabre jet aireraft to man , Carron Matthews, Maure« n rany points had been able to ship} West Germany revived a previous dis- toughrey of Toroento, Mr. and Mrs. ,to six hushels o! wheat to the acre eu,".on coneerning an Israeli offer Jack S-warbarick, Maureen and Johnny vhile C.P.R. points were stili o)nfort purchase 24 Sabres from this o! Buffalo and Mary and BuritM. c-ountry. The latter mnatter ,vas still Parents o! Mr. George MacDonald under consideration when the Germyan, visited theni for the weekend. gift was a-nounced. It would now appear iikely that Canada would ap- Mr. and Mrs. George Snelgrove gn4é prove the transaction with lsraei, ai- childiren of Woodbridge were visitors- though', this is only a guless which re- with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sopýer and flects the thinking of several promnin- had dinner with Mr. andMi-S. Bert ent Liberals. Thompson on Sunday. Tax Agreement Swlabble Do iiini on-P rovificialitax are 1 e t -- - upI tne,- rat- - Pa, i - h Thirty From District Attend Witoess Cenventio Houtse of ol n te ions deats durieg The foýur-day assembly of Jehovah's the week with opi o proups be- witnesses was conciuded on July 22, ing split within 'themseL.ve.s e the deepite the weather as an enthusi- correct mnethod of aipp1 yinig any f'orm- astic audience of 5,634 a'pplauded the nila. Undoubtedly, yoý i viii ha-e no)ted mnoving public lecture "Why Perman- that Ontarlo and Pi i n I: te-r Fi-ost ent Peace Will Corne ia Our Day," hnave been most vqcal te la sug- delivered by Percy Chaprn, Super- gesting chat this pr-ovince \w ',bt get- intendent of Ministers and Evangel- ting a raw deal under thie new agree- ists for Jehovah's witnesses in Can- ments which be a greivoms blow to the ada. provincial economy and li s expansion, Mr- ChapmYan told his audience that l'he mnain thieme o! the m-any argui- the signs o! the trne areindet neats riow beinigex-poinded is that J which indicate that we ar-e seeing ia the federal goverarnent hiad money this gelerationI, the fulfillhnent o! to humir which shouli(f be distributed Jesus' prophecy at the 24th chapter b'ack to provinces and on to miuici- Of Matthew coniceraning1 the enýd of the paldities. Mr, Harris, Miister o! Fia-I present systeni o! things. CIPeace is ane'pointedi out that the federal a time when persons are expo,,ed ito 9government was the one body which 110 violence to interrupt their tran- in the!, past two years bas had defic- qulillity. There is no peae la sight its in its financinig as comparedi with amIong the inations and this earth 1,iigesrpuss nOntario. has neyer knowa pence. Not by the, larg surluse lueffor'ts of Men buit by the power o! Jehovah God will Permanent wnd Involved Af fair lasting peace cone, Mýy ,authOrityV for this statemient is God's Word the Actually, the- agr-eemie-ats are quite Bible." inivo.ved and miany miemirs Wouldý Mr. Chapm-an Contînued: "We cer- like to see the federai goverament 'tainly preach, the end of this systemn give uip thie idea of trying to bringof things by God's, power. It Mnay about an, amicable settlemient The1 enstag tool bto o alternative, of course, is te return tax! those Who know the Bible and lhav7e fiedý t te povncalgoveraments, Seen1 how Jehovah God bias already fields t the rovnc hil n nCMe:destroyed several -sYstems includng andi corporation taxe-, This would ta hc a nerhboeLl bring greater hoNvls f rom- practically fîo ail provinces %vhich now benefit by a "Somne peole are looking fori, tis redistribution of wealth !rom i. he ýolid to be cOnverted. This idea wýas, wealthier provinces to the poorer and! (otne o ae2 wovýculd 'force a rettura to double taxa -_______________ tion andi ail the headaches which wouldl acconrpany setting u l, ct------ ing1 agencies. - n L ;ries W 1900 ap to 12OQ ers gjvc you g cpst per )f the beaývy- nt-ead styling ýbuild your g ai phases )ig truckrs are- Heavyweight Champs! CT-6u66C Rh'>OYW.IHO DOWMANVILLE The Tight-Fisted Ogre But, under the preseat sehieme the -federai goveilinment is preseuted as thre great tiglit-fistedi ogre and !the oni]y goveramient colleting incomie tatx fromindividu iwile actually a port1ion isý colected onl1Y to be passed back Io tJie province. It also 1provides a scpegat or any povinel" ic for h&p from inu-Lnicialities or otherý grusunder its, jurisdiction. Now, as you have see, ù anýsweri' s "Dntcone to us, woro n yu e eral goverament Nwhowntgieu whtwe should have in taixes." Il is a vicious circle, but one Off t'hese days1 1 believe the federal folks will get sick o! beinig kicked airound nd sug- gestth prov'cs i-hthyeturn V0 coîecting their owa taxes. r - Bigbrothers of the best seller ... and every bit ès modern! < ~-~: ONTARIO w~-~ -~ 77777--7--77ý , - ', ý ý KENDAL Mr. andi Mrýs. arry Hoýrtoni, Fre and Les Stevens of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stevens, Newtonbrook, Mr, and Mrs. Normian Graham and f arn- ily, of Oshawa visdted Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stevens on Suniday. Callers (mn Mrs. L. Thorne andMrM Alva Swarbrick on Sunday were, Revý andf Mrs. Pike, MaIs. Chas. Thornpson, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Swaý,.rbrick of Toronto, 'Mr. Ro~ss RougbleY Of Osh- awa and Mr. and Mrs. John Patton and Roy of Orono0. Mr. and Mrs. I2oyà Winterfield jand Mr. and Mr--. LoYrrne Reynolds out .Toronto rnent a few da-ys last week

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