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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Aug 1956, p. 2

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Ballyduff is thirteen miles from Or- in th vienityüfono, and conly tbree miles fromi Pont>'- L c lC t en N m th vimit ofPool a muchi more important place irty sevcn years, than Orono. , ngBallyduff zen"- Canada By 1% politan dail'nw- Mr. Gillis left bis native township because the hamnlet O! Manvers, wben a Young man, te, important enuh:lve in Toronto, where ho becamo You can help protect your country i-; weninore fameous as a bowler. He was a mem- b h CA rudOhserv- post-pffice, cliurch, ber of the only Canadian team to er Corps. Thtis organization consists of it's four corners. ever win an Amnerican Bowlý7ing Con- of niany thousands of patriotic Can- gi-osa World tournament. He also iaslk yorefw dvta the Globe and Mail 17ed the riecord of rollinig up a threeainsieyurefwo evta ~am reordof 47small part of thoir spare time re- ef Herb Gillis, %gEd aereod-o 4 porting by telephone te the RCAF ýd that ho hadl been At 8<, ho, scored a five gamoe total Filter theo movements of aircraft r, near Oreno, i (Continued page 8 011 Co.Ltd. Stove 011 20130, cents per gai. Fuel Oïl 16' cents peàr ga. For Delivery Phone ORONO 1567 or OSHAWA RA. 5-1.109 porting Aircraft which pass witbxn, seeing or hearing dstance of their bernes. On the basis of youar report and those of yeur neigbbouring Observers, other volunteers at the Filter Centre will establisit whýýt is lcnown as a "track" on, the aircraft. This traclc or position and probable path of the air- craft is in turn passed on te a parent radar station where its identit>' is de- terxxined. Sbould there romain any doubt a fighter aircraft would be sent aloft for an identification inter- cePtion. A' you see, you might by making just ont telephone caîl, save Your own if e as well as the lives of many thousands of other Canadians, should there ever be an enemy air attack on titis country. An>' loyal Canadian citizen of mature judgement is 'eligil>le te join the Groumd Observes Corps¶, Once accepted as a rnember you will re- ceive training ini aireraft réporting and recognition. Upon completion of training you will reccive your GObC Wing-s; whih You can~ wear with a feeling of pride for a job well doue. Flo furtiter ikformation drop a letter te the Detachment Commander, 61 GObC; Detachnient, 129-131 Dun- Io~P St., Barrie, or btter ailI, caîl in and have a chat with F/O L. J. c- Guire who will bo visiting your ýloca Post office in Orono on l4tlt Âug. at 12.30 p. m. to 2~pm SII~~Z~iU,'ii' i'1~Z~ZIIFIUiSA GENERAL MTR AU wv4~v . "ROY W. NIOHOLS D"OW MAN VILLE John M. James, M.P. ,Reports From Parliament Hill Swords Rattling, Agalin Egypt. In the long run, it looks asý Many people seent to be so 'busY though the U.K. and France will have with their own affairs they haven't to hack down, losing considerable face paid toc, much attention te, the sword and prestige amnong Middle East adâ rattling 1îhat is now going on over Asian nations, with the Soviet Union j Egypt's nationalization of the Suez gaining in stature. Nasser will con- Canal. It now looks as though. before tinue on his merry dictatorial way ethis prohlern, is solved, there miay be until his, assassination. In the mneaxi- areal trouhle and we would do well to timae, the SuLez will ;remain under Eg- rkeep ourselves informed on the sub- yptian control, that country having *jeet. Even in the Hlouse of Cormmons given assurances that traffie genierally b it has not been discussed as one oif will not lie subjected to, interference- -the most important threats to peace excopt, of course, ships from Israel yin several years. which Nasser considers an enemny. eUse Toffs For Project If you want te be philosophical You will remember the background. about it, the incident, important as ;t y Egypt's. new dictator, Premier Nas- is, shows that the days of colonial esoi-, had pîtted his future on beiugI rule have gene and been replaced by- fable to build a huge dami which rising niationaîismn in practically every would irrigate millions of acres Of backward country in the world. Ail rnow non productive land. At the last of this is, of course, My own opinion minute, the United States and the which could be wrong. But. 1 just fUnited Kingdom withdrew fromi any can't see Canada, for4 instance, szend- conmitmoents of financial backing. ing troops, to attack Egypt in support Nasser then announced that hie would of the United Kingdom on this pi-o- Pnationalize the Suez, that water life- ject. line usod by somne 40 nations of the weorld, but especially essential~ to the LO , United Kingdom and France in its L C L NEW S world-wide trading. Nasser said he wouid' use the toils ef the Suez to The Onino Band will play a pro- raise mnono>' for his dum prôject. grani of music at the Oroxio Park~ at Another Hol>' War? J2.00 o'clock on Sunda>' afternoon. At thàt point, Prime Minuster Eden, A Miscellaneous Shower was held bolstered by the French, took 'great last week in honour of Miss Annte exception te Nasser's action, c--d- Stapleton, bride to be, at the home of ering it a threat te international Mrs- Wm. Armstrong. Miss Stapleton trading and an act of great irrespon- received many useful gifts and er- sibilit>'. United States, while aiso, pres;sed ber thanks and appreciationl upset by this meve, did not go quite toi egrs rsn. as far in condennng Nasser. Thef A deiejous lunch was ;se-ved, by the sword rattling, show of stre-ngth I hostesses, Miss Mary Ann Armstrong strategy, so popular in earîier ',iays land Mrs. WmI. A7rmstrong. went into effect. Warships were senti on secret miissions, reservists called up and a state of emergene>' declared in Britain. Nasser counteracted by do- ing miuch the samie and put the squabble on a red bot footing by de- laring that if there were military '~ interference b>' outside countries it' would hoe considered a bol>' war by Eg-ypt.I Caîl For Conference o Neýxt step was a compromise by the iwestern n)ationsý, a mo\fe to cal an international conferene o ntrsted placed under United Nat1ions ýcontrol .i ~ whan inntional governir,> body. 1'hat has been called for August 16, "HOLD VOurý HEAD~ b-ut at the mnoment it de not appear é4 ;GVO> H R A hecdecd for success because the Soviet HE I3OTO AEA Unin and Egypt have not agreed to OFy c uR pP, s E' attend. Without themn, the, conference, can do nothing- except more swordý rattling and economnic sanctions, Park PlIaza World Support Lackirng 1 Frankly, it looks te mie as though 1White R6se Nasser has outmanoeuvered the boysSt io anýd tbere is not miuch the> can do Sevc heaven. WoerLd opinion generaîll>' wîll Greasiag - Tires - Batteries not support any Imîlitary action and certainly the U.S.A. ini the miiddle of North Oro-no Highway No. 115 political conventions preparations Phone 13r15 would h~ave no part of an attack on ________________ S chool Opening Remin"der! Bigrand Better- than ever...Ail mwith 2 rings and heavy duty fittings. Smxart colours and a large variet>' of leathers te chobose front. Prrices Stairt Pat 4$345 j :lKingStre.tW. R.'w nias ville ONTARIO 27 King Street W. sewmanville

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