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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Aug 1956, p. 5

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- 'a- -~--~~ i _________________________ M BON. W, A. EGOODFELLOW MINISTER 0P AGRICULTURE <Cotinued from page 1) 'ig at Lhomàe, keeqp the feel of thern. A graduate ùf tbe 'Ontario Agri- lcultural Co1,mr. Goodfellow reg- ularly advocates modem 1mrethoda Of farming. -Mr. Gooüdfellow s appointmIent, WaQ AMr. Gooidfellow entered public life made just 17 days before bis birthday. as sooli as he- reached the age of 21, He divides bis timie betWeen Queeni's Iwhen he was elected to the ~Bigltonl IPrk and bis 20-acre frn at Bright- h oNýiip council. For thep next four crn, 35, mniles southeast ofd Peterbor-j years hlewa eurd by acclama-. ough. There, wvhen his public duties tion. H1e was elected de'puity-reevethe allow, be chiang-es into working next earid for two mocre year' a lothes ofîa "irt farmier"-just 1t, reeve. ýEasi Clearing ail Cotton Dresses for...... Print Dresses, all good styles for . , .... Shorts ini BroadcIoth, Deuim. Size 12, 14. Your ehoice - $125 Women's Jeans in bIue, tan, red, tur- quloise.. Ail sizes. Price-$4.45 àe' Sport Shoes, colour navy or brown. Reg. $8.95 for $5.95 Men's Sport Shirts in plaid or plain Wrinkle-shed by Dan River '$4.95 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES -Miss Edna Renwick of Redaids,' California bias beein visiting ~ cousin, Mr. and Ms Leslie McGee and Mrs. Cornstock. Wbile ere Mi4rs. McGee entertained for ber, also Mrs. Thornton Wilson and Mrs. Eýauil Oron$,1s T'eiegram ,>carrier, Russel Rogerson, and bis heIper, Iiliiy Allen, were guiests of the Te1egraim at the wre(sthin)g matcb at OhaaonTus day evening-. The Telegr-arn at ti thime provi ded al Ibeir carriers from the district witb refresbmients in ad- diition to the wrestiing show., Russel Rogerson was also initer-viewedc( oni the radin station, XLB.Osa . ...... .....$6.95-8.95 ... . . . . . . . . .$3.95 Boys Stripe Jerseys, 'Size S. M. L $1.00 or plain Size 2.-6x. Price 95c-$1.95 Boys and Girls Cotton Jerseys, Stripe Girls Cotton Dresses in Glazed Cotton Print. Size 8, PI, 12. Price $1.25-$2.50 Cotton Skirts ini flowered or plain Broadcloth sîze 12, 14, - 18. Regularj price $7.95 for $5.95 Ladi*es.' Blouses BlosesinNylon, Cotton, Priced at,......... ........................ 1 Women's white Fridav audJ ,Wodnes'dayv Ope AUl Day Broadcloth sleevless Blouses. Ceolou~r white with red or blue trim. Price $1.15 Armstrorig's Monday A Brand New General Tire For HAL F For Every Brand New Factory Fresh nGeneral Tire You Buy 1]'Jamieson Tire Offers You A Second Tire FOR IIALF PRICE When You Buy A New Gexieral Tire, Original Tiare $18,95 [600ý-x16l Second Tire ,,5).o PLUS CLASS A TRADE-IN Orlinal Tire $20e70 [670x 15) Second Tire SI0.1 Egm"W TJ*IJRSflAY, ATGUST 9th, 1956. Local News Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and f anjT ily of Windsor are vstn his par- broý Recent visitors wîth Mrs. F. rm-e lr n r.iI~ u. The fire was reotdot the tree, acobe er NFssMarian Mc Mi. and Mrs. Glen Wimggis and plantatio of Dr.A. F. McKenzieý Miss Harding,M. and Mrs. Alfred a'ml ae visitîng with MrP. and Mrs. adjoining the Village duimp. Eliott of Toronto and Mr. Dnvid El . . aîe. j1 t wouid appear that a spark ro li-tt, At.Petersburg, Florida also Mr-1Mrýs. MaLr ,joie Russejil MryBleth, the durnp igited theu dry gri,ýass a atnd Mrs. Milton Elliott of Bwnn -de and Janet spent last week spread into the plantatinnolI cf ville. vi,-sîting wthMr. and Mrs. E. Il. Gor- the dlump. Reserve Tuesday, September tbe reil i!] Barrie. Shortly after the arivai of ti llth for the Girl GOuide's; Motlier and Mrs. J. E.F- ad tedd~b iedeatettefr a ruh Daughter Banquet. AcherBrown weddig in Lindsay on uinder control and extinguished- Saturday. mvrs. D). G. MP'i of Ottawa and ____ __________________________ Mlr. and Mýlrs. 'A. E. Luck, Toronto-w. ' .,.o---- visited vnAir. a ars. S. Itutner-j ford and farnulv over the e-nd M. and Mis. Ed Mhsr and Elien v-isýituez Nith Mr. and Mrs, J. L. D. NWdbb, Ottawat over t--,e weelkenld. SMiss Jean Buchanan, Toronit, speat fthe weekend wiýth, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drumnmond. '!Ms. Harvey Branton and son-s,! Windsor, are visiting ber mother, Mrs, 0O. Cowan and Mr. Coiwaa. Mr-. and Mrs. Garnet Gains'by and Bill, Kingston spent the holiday week- end witb Mi-rs Robt. Allun. Miss Judy Ganisby returned borne witb themp afteir spending holidays witb- Miss -Doris Laing. LMrs. .J. A. Rickahy, Toronto is vis- iting this week with bier son, Myr, Jas. Ricbaby, Mrs. Ricka-by und Nov-- man. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carleton and IiTerry spent a few days last weeký in 'the United States. t Niss Marlene Graham spent a few, ýda"is wit-h miss Joy Cooper; Oshýawa Mrs. Gec4 Henderaon, spent is week wmith ber daughter, -Mrg. E.1 'Mrs. George Ste-warfü of British -Columnbia bas bcen vî sit in-g Mr _nd1 j rs. Ro-bt Stewartan other frienda,, in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Acton of Hnam- !]ton visited ovel the weekend w.,itb her aunts Mr s. E. Gr,,ady and Mrs. T. -Wilson. r.Sidney Huglison, To-onto visi- i ted with- relatives in Orcono the past! Mr.- and Mrs. Bud Mlsaac have been hldyn at their summer hoein Omrno. Mn. ilnd Mrs. C. W. Biiings, Mrs.I EL. J. ouh, rs. Iiarry ±aileyam May Lymnn qtended a famiiy party at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cumminig, Toronto. o g1 g l~ g1 ~1 TH E Sale starts Autgust 2nd Ending August 18 T I R E fi (50cents per tire montting c harge> JAMIEON lT1IE S HOnâP o Kin- and Silver Streets aBwavn la 'I 1- fail ae visi-,ting her sister, Mrsý. I~d.GmaamMr. Grahamn and fawdiy. Mrs.AneHer of New Mark-etý Miss,ý MaelDvy. Vistor wth r.anl Mrs;. John11 Pattoinand Roy wr M.aid Ms Al-vin Lowe addugtrJoan nn]d 1vr~Mlton Lo(we from Peterbor2o; mid r.ýz snMr.John -Mallev and fanily, Mfrs. Mary -Maley, Mýrs. Lottie MahIey1 of Oiljia. Mr. nd M-s.Jbbn Patton atten)ded the funeral of -Mr- Amrbrose Fowler \vbo died siiddeniy i Pon)typool on 'Mon, a v. SPO'(RT BRIEFS (Cotinedfi-arn page 4) for the wn.Ai Quantr-ili aad Rog-er 3alwtook ten, strike-outswie Brown for. Bowvmanville tookGI five. Providing .-the diamond is op-en thiese, two teams ill battie il out again oa J, VL4onday n right at the Oroao Park. A wei desrvedvictor Y Wen t th nlg iii Cour1tice w"bich wais tbe fI..st I-ame o(jaseries of thjree vith Cour- tice for the League (Chamipioisb)ip pladoans.A retumnl game is epc Led in Orono the-( earlIy part of the I wVeek. Doevyet as the inin plitcher. UNITED ýJHURCH Charge SUNDAY, AUCUST l2th - IRBY No service FORDand MONARCH l'a . SALES And SERVICE Our complete service guarantees year rounid driving pleasure CAR VETH MOTORS P-hone 3251 NWCastiie, Ontar., .7RNO Iïôifl P1uinîg Fixtures, i(ir Air~ 1 B-H Pain P. E. L ries and Repairs Air Heating and Conditioning nt and Varnishes LOGANPFrop. SPECJIAL -- Nylon Hose, Ladies' Sheer Nylon, strechr'y' substandard, color light taupe, light beige Sizes A, B, C. Limited quantity...... .. Pair 79e Sweaters, Childrens cotton knit, Short Sleeve, roundC. neek, stencilled fr-ont, assorýted color, Size 2 to 6. Eachi 39c, Tee Shirts, Misses cottoni gingham, in many coljorS uiÀld styles. Sizes 7 to 12 ..........1ach 95e Cardigan, Misses 100 p.c,. Orlan, ribbed neck, cuffs ce>id-ill bulk. Colors white, p-ink, sky and and waist band, seven button closi g Turbo pro yellow. Sizes 85 to 12 years.....Each, $2.98 Tee Shirts, Childrens cotton k-nit, short sleeve's round neck,', stencilled fr-ont souvenir of Or-ono. Canada. Size smnall, medium, large....Eacha 89C Sun Dresses, Childrens prinitedi cotton, sleeve- les' many styles and color. Size, , 6 6x. Ea $9 Pa -l Pa,-inig Knives, hollow ground, stainless steil -blade, har-dwoodn rivetted handie......3"9c, Ivory Flakes, regular bo................ "j5c Càark's Pr and Beans, 8 ounce tin ., 2 for 19C. $tokely Macaroni Dinner, Spaniýj Style~ 15 o-nce tins. ...............2 for- 29r WVeth-ey's Blueberry Pie Fillingl 20 ounce tins Redl Rose Coffee 39e.- He4nz Cidler Vinegar, large 33 ez. bottle . .Tc C h 10o -iiia t ed Limii-e, disinfectant.....2 tins 29c, tJROMO 5c,70 $1-00 STORM Open Friday and Satjrday evenings for vour con verience Summer Dress. Sale 'a 'a 'a 'a 's 'a - 'a 'a -"a 'a N 'a ,.- 'a. 'a N "a a- 'a "a 'a -'a 'a -'a 'a '-C, -'a 'a, 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'C, 'a 's "a 'a 'a --a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a -'a 'a a-,. 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a a' 'a 'a N 'a 'a '-a 'a 4v~ 'a a-a a--,. 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a as 'a 'a 'a =o=:ýoc=oc=oc=o=oc'

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