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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Aug 1956, p. 6

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do V 4Dear Aune Hlrst. My n-law >problem. is differeut tram others 1-ve read. My parents are dead, rnd -I have no relativ7es ta hlil with my Flve-ycar-old grlex- recpt mny husbaud's maiLther, wuho lives two oloc-ks way. We àare ,tuyin-g aur haine audic my bus- band hlas taken on extra wiork ta '11elp ouf, 50 we can't even ai. lord a sitter. We ask bis mother ,a baby sit ouly about once ev- nry tliree months, and she al- ?iayscamplainis that if puts lier lbeinrd l iner bousework or lier "Yef she minds my sister-_in- law's children anec day we wo she can go places, tjhotigh ýjtere's a part-time maid there. 1 cdo't rosent this, believe ne, b ut I expect another baby iii a r1ionth and I've been very sick; h e fbas nat offered ta bhelp out Xail, she is even planning ta0 t wc h week I amn expec- ling, This menuis my husband wvill have 'ta take time out trami 'wvork while I'm in the bh spital, 1a look after aur lîlttie r "My frieuds and neiglibors PaJk -about nmy mte-nl 1L ÏtrY ta cave0r up. Setls lhem ai-id everyone liere, haw ýnuc sbhe lîkes me, but wliy Won0r't sile pve it? If myv own Piotlier were liýving, ïhow dit- lerent fhings would libe! AIRS. B. D." lJ OT UNUSUAL In many a f amilyv, such fta- >voritisin exists because the olader womau favors anc son 's1 > wife and does nat tedl as lose IL ta anothercda u g h ter- in - law. SYou probably do nat know tire cause ai this, and if may evenj 11havýe started wi th yautir ma r- > nage; this and aother factors are nobody's f ault, and thiere sceisns otbing you can 'do Sabout it. One would think tliat thflicocmiug emergency would >inspire lier ta case your lius- >band's burden, but if1 sceinsýý A his is flot ta be, You and lie arecancerncd witli practical Sdetaîls, sa here are a te-w 3 deas Iit nay be useful: ~'Confide your situation ta Syour doctar, and ask hlmi about ~the social service agency at the h1-ospital yau lhave Cliosen.ý *Somretimes filec Red Cross or '~similar groups take over if ~tbcy cen, SCan your îusbanid arirangec .'ta take that week as part ai h is vacation, so ie, Will nati Slose by it?, * Isn't there a mridcouIple *witb chldren among your f riends or ineiglibdrs who ý would take y our little girl for1 ýt the week? Tliey would flot Scharge you,Iai sure,, and a Slittie hausehli gif t is d\7,'YS proper ex.,pressian i your gratitude. t lereatter yuwïll be- wise ta 'count youi- mother-in+-law, O)uf for any lielp et ail. Hope deferred is depressing ta live >ý witb, a liyhope ,any longer? Shc is~ as she is, and y1ur Spliglit does 'no't mve ilirI amr rlieved tbat you do flot Sresent yaur sister-iin-la's luck DIAMONO IACK - Diaonds~ rea girl's best friend - even Ibehind her bock - accarding ta ïpn designer's creations for the f ail, Done inP black peau -J'a n ge, h é cocktail dress, abovç, - hcs a full skirt with unpressed lettiny cap steeves, ,and WÇ* bow,ýs set atop the diamond *(which wauld. be natural) andi 1 h op, e yau male a point ai being -o) 1friendly terms with 4 Yor situation, deplorahle as it seemns, lis nat uniquec, 1 *repent. Accept if as permanent *and useal yaur wit and prac- tical cammon senise ta Mani- age as best yout cani. HOME 1S BEST "Dear Anne Hirst: We haveý been married five years and have flirce wonderful cblil]drent- Everything bas gnebeautifully for us ail-until now, wben 1 am sa confused I'm ,almiost crazy. "Recenitlyi m,1 et, ag-ain a man 1 -,as in love wifh untîl my famnily made us part. 1I find I bave neyer really gatten aver hlmCr. Wbat on earth ain-1I1ta do? CONFUSED" Do whvlat you know isrilt You cannai separate your chuldren from t'heir father, *nor can you deliberately leave *him. The lives of you -ail 'would *be blighted, and, as the cause ofa it, you). would take on a ter- *rific - iesponsibîdity * Wben we irîarry, we top *living for ourselves and begin *living fir others. We bave no *riglit ta seek a new personal * lappiness when we know thaf *others MuLst Pay,,'for it. Temp- *ted as yout are, you will Pr ay l or, str-ength ta resist, and take on your rigbtful job as you *must see it if you are being *honest .vwi. yaursel-f. Béing gaod may be duli for a wilci, but 1I knaw of na *surer roai ta peace. Wh71en a busy mqtlier rea- lises sihe lias 1o1an on oïlM10 she can depcnd for hielp inlier domiestic schedlule, sompelow she arranges a routine that sees hier tlirougi. Aune flirst lias ideas tliat may prove help- fI n S!cb situatIionan er readers are welcoxne tofthema. Write hier at Box 1, 123 Eli-i teenth st., New Tarontao, Ont. One more chapter Was aidfd ta the history of the wýýorld-f a- mous Hope biamrond the othier daïýy when its present owner, fiffy-five-year--old M1r. Harry Wn sfon, quiet -vaiced presiden t of a big Ne York diamrond mierchant cam-piriy, declared thaf he had braoke-n tI s-cale cuLrse On it. Many suic!ides,, accident, ia lent deaths and bankuptcies have been ascribed tao awner- ship ai the stone, but Mr. Win- Stan 1ear'nestly poinlted out that in bis opiniOn it was the, people howere at.f nuit - flot the Hope Diamiond ffselt. He's been exhibitingit i for ,,even years and in the United States it bas riaised hait a mil- lion dollars a yecar for chaifies. Said Mr. Winstan: "Yo-u can't cal that badt luckl." Hfe paidi ý750,000 for the Hlope aind hle ba1s a planl for exhibitigitl i Britain in 19:57. It is said t'haf flic Hlope Dia- m-oiid, an oval-shiaped gem wilh a rare sappire colour, was stoleni tram- the eye of an idoli'n an Indiain temple three centuries aga. Even the guillotining ai Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI have bee-n blamed on flic Hlope Diam-ond, oai vhi(htey er aw-ners. Mr- . H. T. ope,, the owner. tram whidli the diamond re- ceived its n-aie, oghtif for $'55,ü00. It remnained in his pos- ses.sion until the day aif bis death wmithout exerting any evil influ- ence. A wowran oawne-r, who wr it wvhile aittendàin1- a race m-eet- ing, saw a harse namced Pridle ai India, b-acked it and won a huge sum. Whoa would cali fIat bad luck? It's also recorded that enother owner namced Hahib set out On GO ON WITH THE WEDDNG-1 he bride makeb mockery of ca mnock wedding as she tearfully pleacLs ta get awoay from ii al. Shirley Lamib, wasn't Ccought in the spirit of the Occasion, but the bridegroom - Shirley's brother, James-finally canvinced her to stay, and the make-believe ceremany wen-jt on as scheduled. What Becamne of Mussolini 's Milions? When Mu LS",sAlni, conilthe runi, Was plaiininýg his northwý,ard fliglit lie drew a t'hausand mil- lionj lire, then warth about $6,- 000,f00, ram ithe banik at Milan., 1lie also taak Vwith hlmi, accordling ta the Italiari press, treasureý w,,,hich îicluded aver a hundreci- wý,eight of ,gold, sixteen million French francs, 200»00 Swiss francs, an unspecified amaunt in pouis sterling, bath paper and gold, plus dolilars, Spanish pes- ïetas and Portuguese escudos, The gold ,was flot only in barsý and pieces but 3crap, some coirn- prising gifts made by thielital- janis ta thle stat( treasury,ý,, in-cý ding rihigs anid ailkinds uof Jewel- W hat bappenied ta tis vs treasur cwblicli was stored in, the cars of the coiun hIeld up by partisans first at Mussa- and Do- f 1v~ Fashlion ",Imustf" for Ilhe mo- ther-to-be! This grcfu op is a won lcriuliy cool, becamning style fort summ.,er. Novel ncck-, linfi, pockets -- ta tri-m witbi gay embroidery! Paff cru 723: Mlaferniity Misses' Sizes 10-12; 14-IG included. Pet- te ri, 'transfer, directions. Seud TWENTY-FIVE ÇENTS (stempis canat bc accepfed;- use pSatelinote for safety> for thilis pattern ta LAURA WHEELEH, 123 Eigbfecufl Et., New Ta- rant o, Ont. Print plaiuiy PAT- TERN _NUMBER, your NAME and1 ADDRESS. Our- git ta y-ou - tWo won- derful patterns for yourself,, yaur home - printed "in aur Laure Wheeler Needîeccrait. book for 1956! Dozens aiofliter new de- signs ta order - crochet, knif. ting, embroidery, iron-ons, mna- velfies, $end 25 cents for, yaur capy oi this book NOW - %vifhi glit patterus priuted in it!- go, tLhen at thie Ponte de[ Passa? What becamue ai important docu- ments and ather mateLrialis wlicli Mýiissolýini fev,,erisbily prepared and collected for bis defence lie- fore auy war-crimes tribunial liQ miLihave ta face? Ali coin- pletely vanisbed. Thei-t wlere- ithouf s is sf111 a m ystery, Roman DomnbrowVski ýi "Mtus- solii: Twiliglit and Faîl" says thaf Mussalini sharedf ouf part aiflice cash aan is Fascist coümpanions. "Rýenza," fthe par- fisan wbo %wrate an- accaunt ai those dramatic last days before lie, fao, vanished, stafed thaf theý pa rtisans found 18 million Swiss f rancs ;in Liveriaui's car, 36 ml lion Ilre in Bomi-baýcci's, and 35 -kilo gra mines ai bar gald in the possession of flice lleged "Span- âsb àinbassadaor," wha could flot s3peak Spanisb an-d was thoug-lit ta be Marcello Pet acci, flic broflier o!f Mussoiii's last ms tress, wlio was fa die wivth hlm. The documents, wbicb includ- ed the manuscripf "That flic Italiens rmay kow were crain- mcd info twajc cases, one af whichMfussolini clung tfa as long as lie -"vas allawed, fellin-g the partisans repeaftedl 'y fa make sure if did not go asfray, for if ,onitainud cdiploinatic papers ai great valuje tfaILta]y. Onie was said fa contain pre- war correspondence 1befwýeen hlm and Sir Winsfon Churchill, and ta have been flic reason for Churdchil's visif fa'OComa-no on1 aier the end 0fiflic war. Thle tw,,o cases were knawn fe, have been cx,-aiucid et Domrasa, possibiy in flic villa aiflthc ricli Svviss, Luigi Hoffmann.. iu view of his contacts wýifh partisan cammander "PedJro" and bis pat- ronage ai thie 52nid.Garibaldi Brig-ade which opcrafed ag-aiusf The polit ical dossier was fin- plivy deposifed iu the Domaso bauk-, lafer faken ouf, and, ac- cording toa'a report, kept for a- fumje in an aid sarcophagus in a local chuircli, then taken ta Gen- eral Cerdoan i Milani by týwa partisans, anc oi thei"Pietro Getti," wh7o played a mys.vteriaus part in cauincct ion witb the tr-easure. But if neyer, readlied Cerdoa. "Renizo", who estimated flic tre-ýasure's fatal Value et 2,000 million lire, said if was al] con- ceeedlaHaffmann's vila and immencdiafcly, affer Mussalliis deaf h bath flic gold and cur- rend es wcrc sent îta Cama by car in a sealed dhest. But if was reported that anc otfIlic escart shot tli, other in fhe back and vnislied wifh tflic chesf. Pavalini, anoflier Fascisf, aiea0 ladi currenicies in bis car, and wbeu if ,7as brouglit to Dongo u crowdé rushcd tQ seeIt and san took "souvenirs." Conse. qu-ently, ouly twelve million liwer.. iaund wheu if -was searchedJ. This suWi "Petro" de- posited in e local bank. But on flic saie niglif as the other murder i ,,,ranaupartisan con- necfed with the 52nd 3rigade- v-eut ta fIe bank and fook ouf the fwý1ve millions, fa take ift t flic partisan bigler corrmand1, SIc, fao, vanished aud lier body was eve-iiually ýfound1C in Lake Sne g-ýl1 and currencies w?ýere cancealed i liteGra cars with the column. Whent the Dongao partisans searched them they'v were chiefly concerned wvith checkýing the Gras identities, and the diszcavery ai Musso lin-' in ,l lorry caused saine eýxcitem.Yent and confusion. Sa whnMajor Kritz's column tcf t Dongo C it stili held part of the treaurPe. At Domasa twý%o Germaun naval officers from one of th-e lorries asked two wmnif there wgs any trustw\ýorthyt person in the town whom -.theyc-ýoulid conIsuit. They were dir-ected ta Hoif- mann's villa, wbhere thepy handed hlmi 33 kilogrammes af gold and 36 million 'lire. Feeling usf vith sa uch wealth in bhis hiouse, Hoffman transferred part ai it ta the 52ndï Brigade's Comn- mander. "Pedr-o" deposited it in the Dongo ban1k, natifying h)is On M\/ay th lie was înstructed tu transter it ta the Comao coin- xnand, and thýe partisan e-tnusted with the miessage and the task of taking it theýrewa,,s Ithis same "Pietro Gatti" 'Lreal name? Mi- cheleMortti,vwha gave "Pc- dru" a receipt for it. But"Gti f ailed ta reacli Cama. At, the end of the fallawing May "Gatlti" w-as found in M4ilan. In view of the. natoriety-N sur- rauniding the treasure, he said lie had thought it proper ta band it tao om.e hlýiher commiiiander., He neyer produced the re- ceipt, and altlhougli the case was referred ta the Italian police, to> this day it is nï.ot publicly knowni wbat liad happened ta, "Gatti," nor in whose namnelhe acted. Another partisan, Luigi Ca- liali, known as Captain Nei, wvas shot in the headi on May 8. Evidently lie was opposed ta al this sleight of hand with the treasure, andc was eliminated as After Mulissolini's death a fur- ther document case wuas found at the Villa Mantero, Comna, where bis wife Rachiele 1had stay- ed wýith the cbildren. It con- tatined documnents and nineteen gem-studded Italian and fareign ordlers w,.hicli hadl beeni conferred an hlmn. Thiss the only- trea- suretwhibfeu ,intath le hands of the state. Italian public opinion believes thlat the rest passed into thïe Ita- lian comnmunijst party coferg, which wvouldt explain the contra- ictory reports and stariles put out ta obscure the truth on cerning -Mussolini's de-atli. This book witb its intrigue ai-dC drama is as gripping as any novel. Mo de rn> E- t tq-ýu-et1te'.. Q. Wlien anc deeos înot believe in the custom oa itP-Ping, iSn'tIà one's privilege to omi t i? A. -Althougli there Is nothing com-pulsory albout tipping, st-ili a persan wha tries taompit it must be hard-shelied enough 1ta Shake off the black loks lie will recelve fromr those wvha have served hium, and tLhe passible acýcusa- tions of "tnîlS. Q. Does a 3,manl seat bis woman dinner partiner on lits riglit or bis lef t? A. On his riglit. Q. For wliat uses 0111Y is tlie napi at thxe dinner table? A, For -wiping the lips and the fingers.lif is flot for the These separates arewndru for a busy gal's wardr-obe-they mix-match beautifuilly, eliinatec wreekend packing worries! Blouse writh its graceful yokes,sin shorts, favorite 8-gare side but, tnn skirt-easy ta sew, a jay teâ -wear! Pattern 1820: Misses' Sizes 12,, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 blouse ani shorts take 31'/s yards 35-inch fabric; skirt takes 31/s yards. This patterni easy ta uise, sim- pie ta sew, is tested for i t, e complete!Illustrated instruction%- Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot, be accepted; use postal. note forv safety) for this Pattern. Print plaily ,7SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS andà STYLE INUMBER. Sei-d order ta ANNE ADAMS,, 123 Eighteenthl St.,Ne Toroïnto,, ISSUE 32- 1956 DO.IT-YOURSEUF QUEENS - Contestants for queer, of ci "Lu li Yourself" show, hold saws just as if they kie, ho,,.,to use thcmn. teft to right, Joyce Winfield, Judy Bombecr, Judith. Berry, Audrbt loweIl and Pot MaIIoy cheekspersira~n.or the nlose. The napkiin sbould be lifted as inIcanspicuouýsl als possible, and lightly bruisheL. across thýemut -ai-d then replaced on ithe Jp Q. Is P, proper for a yocang man ta give bis mother'sena- Menit ring ,0 bis ftancee? A, This is frequentflY done, anid is quite praoper. Q.To whoin daes a bridle ad- dress lier letter of thanks tor ia gift whicli hias been receýived from a married couple? A. She writes to the wif e andl thanks bath: "Thank you for thwr loxTly present, you and Mr. Sm-ith (or jack) sent me, etc." Q.When a man invites an~- other man to luncheont or dins- Der, shouIl the liost give thei oeder for both ta thie waiter? A. Ný,o; he should allo-w bis guest ta arder first, an-d then give his owni order ta the waiter. Wheni dining with a wamni, sha gives her order ta hlmn, arid i te orders for bath. For SuOtn and Fun!

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