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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Aug 1956, p. 8

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ORONO W I Reeve Wilson~ said that IHopc hlias the sam-e arrangemient with Caa LASS F E W .,-,.-KTownshipE and that he rca lid a ~ ~ ~ ~ Clas Mal, >ostOffce eparmen.JOta wa tepastbut that -ne thugihy EGGMN h a d s t o p e b i l i n e c h t h e l e - r. a n d M r s . A l f r e d i g o t t i h A . F , - e t r u l s h r . . F r r t rc a u e s a l i t t e w o r k w a s b e; I g d o i l , PieO t v Ro nCt h e b o u n d a r y.i o ln o n c e t1 n g g e e n t o f t e ir hereeves adra ueitn daughiter, Glory- Frances, to Mr. B. £rk An l gee road South of0ý the fourtliune nd detsagee tmet at thle initer-i Fay Adamis, youniýgest son of MLir Ad opeI gges-teýd that v!1ereasl-par tIf"h seto f th-e budr wt ih a andMrs. Oscýar Adamis, Rsn4i kpeinat Fridniy's Hope Town unar)ae o pn, IHope night 2 tnin'loc ntemrn naj.Th araewiltk lc Fhip Coni etn nPr oe tk aeo h et lre a e nAgs 5 noder t isec teinthe Orono United CucSept- Ohe entlire Carke TwshpConnIil cently imiproved thle oad south woebo)Undar y and to mk an ar- eMber 22n.d 5. a--p and ~ ~ _ tatosip road, p i~nHigliwýay Nou2 lie sa idde- iai ragmnt _______________ denta~kd th Hoe concilorsforpressed the helief ,tat the portion ______________ an euithlearrngeentby hic I ould becomie more and MOre heav- t'fe t1oneuhb)rngmunicipaltis u rvle.PA TIEt could maîn1i!tain th 1road along their,> -A reqluest ha d bteen received for \O K 1~udr.A committee vas appoint- 1improveýment of the bounidary road eiislsg n ear of Hope, Reeve Jameýs Brown of CakefomEjYugmn fstrS TUCCO Clarkean the two road suiperinten- for the Ganaraska For-est, _Mr, Brown re stmae det, osDickilison of Clarke andsid. W rnp Garnte aselBaker ofý Hope, to work out )oknanh-ýuâate a aisatoyarrangemtent. Claike Councillor HI. Low,,ýery, a vet- First of th(, Clarke representaýtives ea f1 er evc ntetw-f A. C. W fii1I I shipcouniluggested-I that each mun- " > I t pakReeve Brown, inrue iiaitytke-care of onie haif ofte Phone Clarkeý 23à4 theoter me-mera, of lis d0legation1, lune, and bil] the other for haîf tzhe BR ,Nwovle ' aýnd aýfter they- had been wmelcomied by 1ot lrk isa agremn ft eveWlosaid that C larke bias kind with _Manvers Townshiplie sta ben akngcare of the houndary ted, and it;s quite satisfacto)ryý 'e LIMI E Between Oronlim- BeîenOooand Neweistie on lligihway Noa. ,c 95PlN ¶r] ORONO Vigor S/tanidard Gasoline 3S1m p'er gai -taxime vigor High Test 41 'c, per gallon -ta1nc ed STOVE OIL-foi your convenience ini small quantities avaliable at the Station - OpenEvenngs and Sundays 'î Q J SCHOOL OPEI< -AJi Top-Grain Genuin e Leather -Re-inforred at Wearing Points -Beýst Ceonstrucieed Binders Obtafuable Q Genuine Leather -- h.eavy 2 1/41c ingschTRA PEN & PENCIL SETS Two,ý pockcts, oie of them zîppered., Heavýy Trigger rla.T'he Schotol Set........54 OIn tan, red or blue fîaisheýd leahýer-. Compete wît coore in ex, tim tabe, e 4 Ot er Sets priced from $6.00 to S$10.00 ~ Reular$7.51) value - Special -., $5.39 priedcomlee t $29 $449 ~ Waterman's C.F. (Cartrldge fili) Pen Sets from $6.00 to $1O.OO1 each, thAie e upr inder of Black si oh eath'pr o with every ]atest iirvmn.Each .... SStuidents Attentio>n: Take aLlantage ofouir ~c 10 P..DSDNT --- ---During th-e xn-n fAugrust ON. -- U~ YX~ r*'h A o f . -. N.. Pulrcnase 01 anY MN DER I~or any VAITERIV1AI,,rý Nana L( ' j 'k-1 ~ckanFowerafor LOP EARLY AND SAVE! Orono, Ont. Diui.Si -' i., e Insurance Service Every class Ôf Insur- anca is~ repres.2nted in our office. The follow- ing are somne imain coverages of fer of the we can Automiobile. Lifie, Accident and Sickness, plate ,Glass, Liability, Fire, Bigrzlar, eHolspitalization, Livestck, Rilecr, Wind, Polfio, Hlail, Fidelity Bonds, etc. OlIoNo PHONE 1Rl6 FIRST MO9RTGAGE LOANS Leroy Hamnilton Rý.L-4LESTATF tdRoKr.1 DuIld Anhther Witb Insurance Yen ca't protect yau rseli aga inst uhhzr bt Iyoul can guard ag-ainst -oniiiiete Ï jless. Insurance is a4way79 yourr bestet 4. u ~ 4.F.PORTER LÉ Reýs. 125-9 SBuilding A House? t "Floyd IichoIson ij Phone 1r12 Os'ono F O Fundationm cbnd SePý.* aka SECTI-ON COMI111NG EVENTý" TeSumm_îýereholFor Laesof T B BaY of Q:inhte Con-ferýe Brandi of TI-e WM.. f The United Churh o Candawill be -l'il at0. L. C., Whitby, Augu'st 2ý0 to Augu-,st IheBbe AStudy -Period eacli morn- ing fr.om 9 to 10, WI le conductted fori' me by Dr. Winnifred Thomas; for girls by Mrsý. W. . Scott. Studty gro-ýups from 10 a.m. to Il a.sn. dlividied into five diff-erenit groulps il a.m. to 12)- A speaker. 11230 unceonand a rest period. 3-pm. Program planninig for al! gi-oups. Dininer at 6) p.m: and an in- teresting evenlill-sesion each day. Plan tÏo attend, Flower an)d Veg-etable Show in the C7ommi-unity Hall, Newcaste, Tues- day, Aug-ust I4th. Tea will'lie ser- ved from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Aduits 75c. Childre-n under twelve 5,0c, a-c FoR" SALE ANe Frame Hlouise, 4 roomns andl bathHadwo floors, Heavy Wir:ng, XKitc-hen and Batliioom' tiled. Forcedý Air Qil Furnace. FuJlly modernized, Bungalow witli B>reezeway, and gar- I ag),,e alttached. 'Low dow,ýn, paymenit. Phione 1144Orn,0-- CEMVENT FOR SALE Limited quantity of Cernient for s;ale. $1.5,0 a bag. RolphIllar-dware. Phone 143, orono. BUIDIGSTO SELL Buildings. to sejj. Apply Webb B»ros., 185 Kinlg St., Peterboroughi, Ontario, b-p G Eavestr@ugibimg FREE ESTIÂTES Harvey lPartnlei 0 TYRONE MA. 3..2240 We wil liec pleased to, pick up dead or crippled farm animais for sanitary disposaI. Teleplie collect, Cobourg FR. 2-3643 or Toronto EM.3-16 GORDONl YOUNG LIMTED REALTOR P.O. BOX 71 phone 11911 ORONO - ONTARIO OFFICE 2Doolrs South of Uiiited Church li you wvish yo-ur DEAD FARM .ýTOÇK remaved h fastest way, ther, cal us colleýct - Bowmanville 2979 MWe also buy hlive ho,-sea. MARGWILL FUR FA.RM TYRONE, ONTARIO Orono Electric PIIONE 129 C0ýS fRACTORS FOR FARIM and flOUSE WIRING Flree E~oae APPLIANCE S '. S Promqýt aud Guaraniteet Repairz '0 al js of ' - ical Eanipment aasmo ' ater fleaters, 21umbIn A-ND SbUl, FOR ESTIMATES Y E. LYCETT i Phone 94 L 1 ~ - S, J~ 's --~~ - ..~ >o~ ~ ~ ~*W '8'.ki,~ Professional Direct ory -A. F. McKENZIE, -M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGIÉON Office Ho.urq: 2:00 te 4:00 p.mn.; 6:3G ta 8:00 P.zu Siundays ai Wednesdays by DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Vetierinary, medicines, bioliogicala and instrume-nts ethicabyv PHONE 10616 ORO )NT. Lawrence C. blason, B.A. Barrister and Solitor BOWMAl4NVILLE, ONT, Phonies office3 MA 1-568 Home MA 3-55" JOHN REGAN, B.A., Barrisier, Notary Pubic 33 Temperance St., Bowmanvill. Phone MA 3-3292 JACK RE Auctioneer aud Valuatoe, Specialize in liarm and F~urniture Sale. Coilsuit Mt for tevu. and dates Phone 5 Ir 1k - rn TED JACKSON Aucioneer and Valuato,,r Conducf.53 Auction ,,SalS .1 fai01MU - and at reasoniabie rat.. Contmunicaie with hîm si Pefl Perry, OntArie, or see hi* Chrfr . E. Morton, at rono, far date., LIFE INSURANCE Pe-nsion plans; Educ-ati0e onaPola Protection and SvnuPis. fW Chiîldren ami Adulýts; Mortggla. U enraicePlanl.. F. E.LYCEVr Oroe, Oit, -Ph...11718 STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phone Whit'by 5ý52 :118 Dua.ds St.-E.,Witby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND SMARKERS Ite net xpnsivete Lot us erect a handeiton, dit- 7afied mon ument over the r.s. ing place Of yeur love&. Que& It 1 mnet expemsive. And goimg this last tribut, wil zi,. y-au eudless Conifort. Tite]RU=,ER GP , N1TE Phone Turner ài 16 t P.O. Beix 62, , Pert Hope, Ouýtarjo Monuments, (Gravemarker% Eugraving, Goldlea-fing 'Bay direct and z ave mommissaou" REAL J '1Thk'ltSLI Propertie. Sold, RexAW. 1 Mlanaged ai Apprahsê. ALUISON îtsi Rotais kaki ýPHONE 1471 ORONG 1

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