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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Aug 1956, p. 3

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Setting a Hair-do in Russia Vvie had mny flrst professional rhairdo in Russia - and It was somrething! Since my owýn hairdresser, Nellie Cavallo of Akron, Ohio, had asked me ta flnd out how Russian hairdressers' wor-k, and because long dlays- and nights on trains, planes, and boats had lef t my hair in a sad state, 1 decided teY try a haidresser in Yalta, swiank Russian reszort-towýýn on the Black, Sea made f amous by the conference of the Big Three powers, writes Helen Water- lieuse iniPThe Christian Scienceý Monitor. The hotel coinbin ationi inter- preter anti desk clerk, a woman of course, admnitted she wasn't too sure where I could flnd one. "4Most of us do our own hair here," she said. However, dlown oni the "board- wvalk" which corresponds to the tine at Atlantic City, I found la bus:y shop, witlT customners. at ing-and seven operatars work'- ing at seven chairs with four mfanicunirsts' tables at the sidie. A cashier sat in an inclosed booth like a theater-tlieket boooth. It could have been any Amen.- ican beauty shoip at first glance. Then 1 began ta notice the- weird equipmnent. Strange antennalîke couls and wires were sprouting frrni the heads of the waomen- who ap-. parently were gtigPerman- ents. .1 found even in Moscow -cold weaves" are unhecard of and the 0ld machine waves, plus plenty git old-fashioned marcels done with a curling iron, are the rule. These machines, however, were strange and amnazing looking- ap- Paratus Sa were the hait dr.yers Urmder which 1 sat later. They are cheap tinlike affairs, arournd whieh the aperator drapes a cur- tain of sheetsao- he-avy -natevîi iilar ta dishclotb. Yeu sit twathed like mumrmies until yau Ire dry. 1 was getting anly a wash and a wave. The wasli was per- formed with a teakettie filied with bat water at a nearby sink gnd pauredi over myý headi as 1 sat iigainst a tin wa sh bastin ai- fair. 1 tried ta explaîn "bobby pins" but tbey were unheard of, My blond Young operator utsed aid- fashioned curlers with elastie bands. I noticed each operatar kept lier own utensils, curlers, etc., in a small suitcase. Women swaddled in the sheet dryers were gossipit,g , suppose, as al wamen do in beauty shops. They soon discovered I was un-1 able ta catch a word and foal- Iowed mie curiauisly1 back rýta my ehair as the blond girl began combing out my Iocks. First thing 1 knew 1 had an- av-dmiring audience surroundIng Me, twTo deep, And mrucli ta my amnazemrent, the operator was catching on ta mY Poodie cut and doing a cred- ftable job at it, despite the fact dhat a"] Russian womnen wear their hIai r long, or fil og and mostly combed sgoothly1 bac~k or hanging- in frîzzes aroun'd their faces, l'il choose hairdressing Aner- ican style I'm sure-but at least 1 was "qileen for a nîglit" wheni 1Ivient ta a restaurant later for dinfler and was given a seat of luonor at a table alone, close ta th-e tbree-piece orchestra. Ineidentally, the hairdo is the One thing F'ie toilnd reasonably Priced in this country. Peering juta the ticket booth .1 asked the eperator what was eny bill "Four rubles, 18 kýopei," she replied. That's about $1.25 - in mny miciney. Incidentally, Soviet womren use no cosmnetics, not even a tcfh ef ïlistiak Key To The Suez Crsis -nuIL ' ently s.11a SYRIA Tabr~z Tcheran , ERMANSHAH E~. 'UjDI ARABIA Oit Fields Refineries 1953 produi (In carre BaFhind ail the international uproar sparked by Egyptian Presi- dent GomolnaiNsser's nationalizatïon of the Suez Canal îs one key word-O[h. Sixty severn per cent of ail shipping trainsiting the canal coensists of ail tankers, Pipelines shown an Newsmnap obove carry somne 800,000 barrels a day, Ie-ss than a quarter of total production. As Russell B. Browni, of the Ind.ependent Petroleum Association of Amlerica, recently pointed ouf, "Today i's,ihe Suez Canal that'sý been seized .-.-.tamnorrowv it could be a pipelinie f0 the Eastern Medi terra nea n." This was borne out by usually pro-Wýestern Lebanon's seizure of the Iraq Petral- eumn Company pipeline and terminal ot Tripoli. The UJnited( Sheep Shearing ln Wales Sheering can-, of course, be dôemechanically. In Au,ýstraili-a and New Zealand the vast flocks are sborni in long sheds with"-, powver-driveni clippers run off a lengtb) of shafting. In thiscun trv y any ,,fans useecetrie 1 obtaineci an electric shears Once for trial, John Darnes is s urpri singly open-m-indled ab- Out n3ew,-fanigled m e t ha d CIs, thugiittie cluxnsy. Wc t1ried the shears on about a liundred sheep w;itbout any trouble, ex- ceptht Thomias gave hiniseif an electric sliock by' feeling for the igbht'poinit with bis fne when he a plugging in. The Welsh Wooli is connre and wiry, and blunts tlhe blades raýther quickly, ani-d the small angular body of the sheep doca froti- iow f2or niakinig swecps witb the machine, so no, mucli is g-ained by the modem iway,.. Thý'ere- is still some sliearingiî ta be donc aftcr the big day. Stray sbeep corne in tramn other- fanýs, somnetimes twenty or thirty at a tume. And tlie ranis have ta be done. John Daines aliaws -no one ta toucl tliese but huniscîf, He drives the pat- riaýrclial lock of forty or sa in- ta a building an-d sets bis bencli on the roadaide, while Thomias carn'es for bim and stamnpF the the shorn rama witb pitcli. cars stop ta watcli, and Davies poses for photograplis with a depre- cating siamile . . John Davies lias a grIeat f ac- ultyfo introducing bis p1hoto into tne daily papers. Once Esme and I took a long- winter holidjay. One day we becamne sniow,,bou-nd in a but in the Auis- trian Tyrol at six thýousand feet. In a bDoxi1 discuvered an Eng- lish dailyv picture paper wbîcb was a inonth aid. On the fr-ont page was John Darnes driving slieep with Bett tbrough dleep snow along the road in front of Dyffryn cottages. He looked %uite ingcnuous. In the aid days wbcn wetlis were kept in the hills the bulk et wooi was large, and the price was reckoned ta pay the rent of the farm.. Welsh, wool is shot wîtb a fibrous, wi,,'ry tbread kflown as kemp, and it is this which ren- ders the' fleece resistant ta card andI wet. But the kemp does flot eadily taIre clye, anld remnains white and bleached in the clotli. TI'us aur wool is used echjefly for rugs, blankets, and carpets, thougli now and again ladies' tashions lean towards v'ery rough tweeds. In those yeanu Welsh wool selîs at a higlier i Were William Tel ta show uLp at the Hollywood L-acsebal park sanie snioggy niglit, the lcgend- ary Swiss m-arksmnan wauld be more lavisb ithan tihat fw' trcaditional royal reception. i Si'nce pu,-.ting up tlieir $100,- 000 bale in the wall, the H-olly- wood Management harudly can wait for santie gimilet-eyed fan ta corne a-long, pitcb, a biasebal tbrougb the aperture and vvaik off with the swag--an attitude flot sýhar-ed by Lloyds 0f Lonidon who have insured the Stars vs. financial loss in this publicity stunt. ta end ail pbiiystunts. !n the Pacific Coast League wliere $100000 knatholes dot the landacape like su0maniy gouges in a alîce of Swýiss cheese, the Hallywood club ne- mains the flrst ta offer the op- partunities of tinancial inide- pendence ta the fani. Bath thie Potrtland and Seattle parka boast $I100,000 knothoies in their outfeld fences but those are for the players' amusem-ent League bitters have fired at theni. for sanie time iwitbout, appreciable letuip or succes. According ta rumior, an inter- nationally farnous physicist has just emerged froinibis labora- lt*~ with figures ta prove the possibility of thnowing a- regu- lation size PCL basebaîl from home plate ta second base, a distance of 19- ft. 5 % i8n. througli the 3.3647 mcli aper- ture in the ceniter of the seven- foot-square Hollywood target. To get a M.647 inch basebail througbi the hale wouid require tbe talents of a mian c-xactlyv ,3 ft. 91,' in. taîl antI capable of throwing a basebail 151.3 iIles an bour. No one but sucb an. extraardinary specinien wauld be able ta drive a basebali thrýough tliat ize aperture with a hamner - at îeast not at a distance of sanie 40 yards., Neventhelcas it îs gnatify'ing ta aee that at least in anc park in the caunitry the customier is bcing given an even break.. -Manksnianship 'of this nature is notjsing new or thp PCL, a region long growo accustorned to the uncanny an d the bizarre t- say nothing of the unnatural. Mickey Livingston, a bat- tempered Southi Carolinar Wbo cauigbt in the major leagues for a variety of tearns including the price, andI many a remnote maountain bothy bas extra win-- ter luxuries because of the vag- aries oif some leading dress-de- signer have decreed hairy tweedis.--From "I Bouglit a Moun.tain,» by THOMAS FAIR- BANK, States imports (mostly through the Suez Canal) sýome 1 .4 illion barrels a day. This is 1.05 million barrel more ihan they export. If the Suiez Canal were closed to Middle East cil tankers, they could reach European and Aeia ports by going around Africa. But it would take twice as long, enor- mously increasing the expense. Dicgging of an a lternate -Med- iterranean-Red Seo canal bas been proposed by Rep. Emanuel Celler of New York ta "h'elp cut President Nasser down Io size!' The route, s.hown in map ati eft, would cross îsrael diagonally from Ascalon on fhe Mediterranean ta Elath, on the GuIf of Akaba, an armn of the Red Sea. Elath is in Jordan. Cubs, Giants, and Phls, once knocked , bouse painter off his scaffoiti at Holywaad's Gilmfore Field with a well-dîrected line drive dur1ing an exhibition game. Rip Russell, wb-ýo galined undying fame as an actor by portraying Babe Dahigren in a motion picture about Lou Ge- ri-, once went Livingstan one better. Duringt-ltie 1933 season thýe Oaland basebalilpairk featured a amiall bell atop the left field fence., Located in fair territor.y, a, hitter ringing the beli was supposed ta receive $500 for hîis marksmansbip. No one camne close so, anc the last, day 0f the scason, tbe maniagem-ent gener- ously doubled the prize. Las Angeles was playing -at, Oakland andI in the ,dntb in- ning Rip Russel went Ilaoking for bis manager, Bihl Sweency, Russell, who was out of the lineup witl ani injury, plearled for a crack at the $1,000 prize andc Sweeney sent hi up as a p)incb bIitter.ý According ta Sweeniey, Rus- seïI toak dead aui, at the bell UP, UP AND AWAY - A few flips of his powerful foiluand Algae, porpoise wifh a purpose, huris his body 16 feet into the ah-. Aigrie is the star porpoise athiete at the Marineland, Oceanarium. ISSUE 34 - 1956 tram the batter's bo-x. He sight- ed alon- his bat lijke a rifle miarksmnan zeroing, in on a tlar- get. Will Hafey was pitchinA*g for Oaklandi and ERu ssýel pronptly w hac kedCiisfi-st delivevy squarely off the bell wýhïib rang noisily wI' -ie the astoish,,ed Oak-lanvd owners toppled in blancbed bhorror off theirchrs Will Sweene-y got sa excited he stîll cannat remnember -who won the game. Ripi Russell, ta bis crodit, at least rmembered bis party manners, T-hey say he tipped Oakland pitcher Hafey $50, presumably f'or co- operation. And tliere was a less- er casýh rewvard for Hlafey's catche', Bih Raimorudi, whio also was a I-arty ta the plot. Unfortunately for Rip RusselhI, that D3akIîand bel!l was one of the fet he ever rang. TheY Walked Him To0 Get Ty cobb ! Unitil Fred H-aney delivers the 1956 National League pennanit ta Milwaukee, the littie guy's top baseblt hrill will have ta re- main the time liewa walked intentionally, ahlead of Ty, Cobb, The Tigers, who were playing an exhibition game, hiad tLwo out in the ninth inning when- Hianey strode mncigyta the plate. First ba-se wvas open. Mleanwhile, C-obb, tlie game's greatest hitter, bided bis time i the andecli circle. Haney, -a picture of determinl- tion with every ounce of his 5 ft. 5 in. torso tingling for ac- tion,wtlidOPen)-miothed as the o)pposingp. itcher threw de- liberately wýide pitches. Shaking Iis head, lie trotted off ta first still rot qiite comprehiending tbe honor of being walked in favor of pitching ta Cobb. The Great Mlan dug in at the plate, and suddeniy comp-reben- sioni flaoded Fred Haney. Rather than risk eniding the unimportant exhibition pireinatture! y, the other tear1u--li- d .walked Han ey in order that the spectatora mighbt have another opportunity ta see the great Cobli bit againi. But w'-atever tbe reason, littie Fred Haney lias the probable distinction of beling flic only mian walked initentionially îa that saneie lckless pitcher could wvork on Tyrus Raymond Cobb. SUNDAY PUNCH Bill Sunday abandoned a great big-leaguc career to be- camne an evangelist. One day lie was pouring it on bef-are a spellbounid audience. "Bewa.re of the wrath ta corne! Beware, you sinners! Find the, path of rigliteousness, or there wvill bc weeping and wailing AGI BABY CMI ordler)- -Oct-ob er - b r oilfers shuc, ld àbeéon order Bray Hatchery, 120 Jehn N-, Hamilton. TOP quality chicks hatched every week in the year, For miaximum ai gg production try aur new seules 410, 401 or 402, or ou.r strain cross Whilte Leghorn-s, Strain Cross Rhiode fsland Rets, our straîn Cross White eor X iRhode Island Red, Our 1,,o bet for broilers Ist generation i ndian River cross first generation A-ýrbor A1cres White Rockýs. Turkey Pouits, Catalogue. TWEDDLE CIIICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS OýNTAR10 FOR SALE FRUIT farm~ 55 acres, 24 pltantedti t choicesi appile vîrieties, tiled, bounied by river. ad highw,,ay. PBungalow,. s prayer, irrigation units and supplies. Thlirty thousanti, termi, Box 144; 12-1 l8tb St., New Toronta. ffOT SALE-194 acre farm 100 acrez tillable, near HIghway 15, 2 barns-. one niew, new silo, 7 rooin bouse, hydira, nea lichols and cuchs Inndaepossession. A p ply Oden M1ustard, Elgin Ontario. MEDICAL HAVE YOU HEARC ABOUT OIXON'S NEURITIS AND RMEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? 1IT GIVES GOOD RES uLTS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 135 ELGIN OTTAWIA $1.25 Exiiress Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tormnent of diry ecçzem-a rashes and %weeping ikin troubles. Post's REzemta Salve w-ifl otdisap' p oint you. Itchling, scallig ômd bura- kng c7ema; acne ,rig rpmpe ta tUle stainless, odlorless ointmec,ýnt re- garilesof haw Stubbarnor ) ýhopels they seemi Sent Post Free on Receipt 8f Price. PRCE $2.50 PER ýJAR. PQST2S REMEDIES 2865 SI. Clair Avenue Et TORONTO OPPORTUNiTIES îFOR MEN AND WOMEN VARN up ta $25 a dlay in your aýpirq tispe easily. Work h1omie. Thousnat do t. Receive aînazing otTers. M'any dii'ferent ways andi exactly how tio do it. NLo risk No obligation. Detaýils free. Rush postcard to B. MAýSSOW, 166 Kenillwortb Ave. South, Haiýtofi, Ontario. BE A H4AIRDRESSER JON CANADA'S LEAOING ScI'iOOL Greýat OppoirtLinity> Learn Hfairdressin.g Pleasant cligiied profession1;gat wae.flînusaýnda of ýuccÏsaful MarVel gradtuates. 7«AmericaCs (ireatest Sy'ýst eni lllustrated Catalos F 1ree Write or Caii MtAT VEýLL HMRUDRESSING SCIOOÏLS 353 Bloor St. W., Torontoc Branches; .1- King St,, Hamiilton 72 Rlideau St.. Ottawa EXHIBITION FREE PARKING WHIl1LE visiting sale at French's Art Galier, 563 Yonge StreetlLargeat seleàction of Oi Paintinigs anti Prints in Torunta. Openl evenlings. Pictu-re Framiing while , ou wîit. Corresponld- ence velcomie: or phione WýýAhnut 2-0858. PATENTS AN OFFER ta every inventai'. List of nventions mad fuili information sent free. THE RAMSAY CO. Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank St., Ottawa. FETHEPISSTONH.IUGII & Cao mip ' i y, Patent Attorneys Establsheti13U0. &0 Un!versity Ave. Toronto, Pate',nts AC1 countrics. PERSONAL $1,00RKIAI. offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requiremients. Lateit cata- loge icluetiThe Medico 1AgencY, Box 22. Termiinal "Q". Taronto, Ont, UNUý1SUAL, iloroscape, 10çf. CGive blrnh date "Fzratîy" P.O. Bax 7509U. L.A. 5. Caifornia. ARE YOU DEAF? MAN'ý typac-s of deiniessanmd headl noises hv been helped by Leonard's Tinvisible Ear Drums Send $10 for comoleIte kit, o ' ask for free informa- tion. A. O. Leonardi Company, Dept 4, 'Box 306, Stat ion F. Toronto 5. STAMPS 1,000 WO-RLD\WIDE stamps. somie sf111 on piper, lots pîctarials, $2,00; 6,OO, $10.0 Mini omeoitvsaccept- ed in Indce. Borcttger. Box 488 Station EAlKtiit lI. SEND for photo of oui' new imported boa Chirtwell Viking 3rd, bred and ralset by Sir Winflson Chuirchili. Wil havýe weanling sû,,s md boara 'ire-d by this boar, a guaranteed mn pig sowva bred !o this boîr. Sent Foi folder nd fulitl dtll FERGUS LNlAESWINEFAýR-M FERGUSOTAI and a great gnashing of teethr' An old crone rose to ber feet a~nd yelled, "I have-n't gotL any teeth 1 " "ýFear not, maclam I!" roaqred the resourceful ex-bafl player. "Teeth w.ill be furrished foi one and ali" L IRAN

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