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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Sep 1956, p. 2

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ORONO Sa', Seupt.uth MEET YOLIR FRIEN SF RO FAR AND NEAR et up-to-date on the ltest iw2griculture, the crafts and I}omestic manufacture also t heé shool work and jÜ nior activities "ARNESS RACING - ENTERTAINJ4ENT - ORONO BAND ,dmissiQn' Public School Children 25c. Other admissions 50c. DLiramatlc Contest, i Act Plays TOWNSHIIP hALL, ORONO Doth nlghts TFrI. & Stel,,-t. 7th and Sth ssion, Aduits '75c. (four for $2.50) Children admission 35 c Eiîgratory Bird Act 0 11, wiIl be law'u«l to shoot ducks,S geese, rails, cots, gallinules wood- cokadWilsoni's saipe in accqrdance i tWA thle provisionis of the Migiratory Birds Conivention Act. Commencing at noon on Septembert 99th to pec>ember tSith, 1956; ïn the Counties of Haliburton, Victoria,ý Peter~borough, Northumberland, and lan Durham Coun-ýty except la the Townsýhips of Clarke and Darliugton. Commencing at noon on October 6th to Deceauber l5th, 1956; la the Tôwnships of Clarke and Darliugton'Ï lan Dxirham County. 1iPossession Linits: Ducks - 8 per day, one of whic!h which may bc- a î' wood duck, 16 at one time. Geese - 5 per day. 10 at oue time. Rails, Coots and Gallinules- 25 la the aggregnate per day. Wilson's Saipe - 8 per day. time. It is Unlawfui: To place blinds or decoys further than 200 yards from shore or a natural rush bed thick enougli to conceai a boat. T,ù se m.1ore than one flock (>f decoys. To uise more thant 50 decoYs unflessa two persons are hunting together, lM whieh case they may use 100. To place a fiock of decoys within 100O yards of some other person's de- To use live birds as decoys. To shoot vwithin one-haîf mile of any place that is baited, or lias been baited within 14 dnys- To drive birdis towards a hunter!- by use of any power boat or aïircrai't. To use a shotgun .tliat will hold more th-an three shelis. IL) he 1h possesson Of more than The RightPower Tran to Do of Engine Transmision, AxIl. 5 tu. i 6 cliiders s torque 210 a 20e0 RPM) 0 co.inI. 6 cylundàers as torque 232 at 2000 RPM) 0 Cu. in ,V8 atorque 249 at 2200 RPM> 0 Cu, i. V8 s turque 310 t 2200 RPM) Ikito TWO AUTOMAT1C 4-Speeci Hydramnat-,,,.-.Sin 6-Speed Povematic Sir 3-Speeci Syncliro4Mesh Sin 3-Speed Heavy-Outy Sin Syrchre-MeshSi 4-Speci synchro-Mesb Sin 5-Speed "New Proess" s Syncýtro-%Iesh i 5-Speed "Spicer" T synchro-mesh ngle-speed Ratio 3.9 ta 1 3,300 1 ba. capacity nirgle-speed Ratio 4.57 toc 1 5,000 lbs, capacity ;irgle-speed Ratio 5.14 to 1 7,200 lbs a. acity ngle-apeecl Ratio 5.14 t o 1 5,000 lba. capaclty igle-apeed Ratio 6.17 to 1, 11,000 lba capacity nmgle-speed Ratio 6.17 t o 1 13,000 1 bs. capacity igle-speed Ratio 7.20 Io i 15',000 Ibs. capaclty ro.speed Ratio 6.40-8.72 to 1 15,000 Ibs. capaclty Do kSetter, Fuster and More EcoaomicuIIy with- Che.vroItFTrucks.,, ROY W, NIOHOLS. DOW MAN VILLE - ONTARIO creshotgun, ~To use a rifle. Coartice Gis Oust urono Touse a shoi gun loaded with a ToWl km inhn single bullet or lug. r1r To use any power boat, ex'ept' in The Courtice Girls miade the deci-. t1he case of an outhoard motor wxhichl sion on Tuiesday evening in Courtiece may be remoinved and either left on en1diisg the activities girii softball shore or placed in vie bottomn of the iii thie arealngo league. The" boat. ginme p1iyed in Courtice on Tuesday was the seventh and decîding gameic O of the Courtice-()rono final chamý-- K E NilA L Tis iseres.ofplay proved to b - one which' wýent right down teý the, MIr and Mrs. Wilfred RZough1ley line before the leaguie champioiia and f amily and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd were decided. The series was the_- Ferguson of Oýha-wa visited Mrs. Alva best foeur out of seven. Swarbriek and Mrs. L. Thorne on Oronio held the lead in Tuesday,', Mond'ay and brought a beautiful big- gaine 3" to 0 untîl near the ,iidway trout which Mrs. Roughley hýad mark when Courtice put three acros5u: Caught. the plate te tie the gamne. Oronio waa then unabie tW hoid the Courtiça. Friends in Kendal are sorry to hear girls who snagged another three ru!n~ Mrs. Johni Patton of Orono -s ath ad win the chamnpionship. Bowmianville Mennorial Hospital and ___ hope to hear she is hetter soon.Bwmu ieil LtnTe Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mercer and- Maryl of Guelph are visiting heri The opening game if the Bowman-. parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren and leMko eisedd nafu i the latter are returni-ng to Guelph Le. Twelve inning-s were piayed beforE,- withI themn for a visit. the gamne was cailed onp accouiit of -Mrs-. urwash is visiting lier sitrdkes Mrs. Chas Thompson and Arthur tins week. M\1r. and Mrs. AI. Stevens reýturnied home on Mýoniday f rom a ý,wo \wee'*s vacation. The first wee,ýk was spenjt at Co)ehiJI at the summner cottage of AFs brother Les on Rocek Lake wlieretý Jimmi--y and Brian learned to swimi and ail enjoyed boalting and fishing lThe second week they v-isited Niagarat jFalis anid saw the estate o Grahiam Bel!, iinventor of the telephone, iin Branford and went on to New York City where they ejoyed lucen l one of the public parks. The ch;idren went bacli to school on Tuesday ndMis. Simp1>son of -Kirby has taken up her duties as teacherý in the Kendal school. The WmnsAsýsociation he-id their C 1 motlymeting at the home of Missý C. WY. Stewart on Wednesday evening,î August 29th1, with the vice president, i Mrs. Garland C thcart ilah har who opened the mieeting withi some thugtfl u aton. Mrs. Lloyd Glass andMs.Avaalrrc vOuno Weekly limes accompanied the hyr,,as at te pao '-OE9r1 ORONO Miss Stewart rend th scipuxean Mr is. Catheart took tL -e deotioniai part of the metn n matd somle very xeln huus Ot _________________ ober l13thwasthe Cdate chosen -'or ýhe niext bake inlead ibazaaàr in the of - fice of the pHy dro, bu - i. i li l Bow- mavil. r. .E. StevnsInr- _f duced Lier fr ind Miss Irene Reeso, ,< the gueýst speakr, ho toid 1us ofîluer exper-ien ces as teacher to theId i an - ' people. Nwtacigat teMne that the Ida peopIe wý_1eedasien- Î. Ç did poi ihafinatn-- ens 1 of hum)our w ho have tagh lera2 lot and sh ops she liascben abfi eF to tea-,li them oehn. paig _ of the OuhaaaReserve near - MotelwhereShnehndpreviousiy LOr o r taught, ýMiss Ràeesor s aiîd there were PAck UP T EIFP TrOi3 twto-very beautiful churehes, one Pro- AND SENO ruME p testant anid the other Catholic. Two 70 U A E~,C p other _Reserves where she had tauglit were the Saugeen oni Lake Huron and'i the 'Walpole Islanvd 1eserve on thee st. clair River. It wVas stated that Par I B2 the Fedleral, Governrnent are tý aking a long sighted view in the(op. tatW .i 'Rose help the Tridiarn people t scal Service Station with other Canadians aend int time t1hey wlill 1-e able te do away with the Greasîng - Tires - Batteries reserves aitogether. The meetingý closed with the singing of the Mzpah . North Oreno Highway No. 115 Benediction aid refreshments aai4 PJbOne 13r-15 social time weye enjoyed.__ ____________ -The Wemeh's Auxitiary of Bowmauiville Meniorial Hjospital are holing their 41nn'ual frm610to8 p.M. As this Canvas is to reise funds neesary to carry on their work, the Auxilliary hope thetal il ii support the effor.'geneyously. Mrs. Mcenieil]i i o f ~h4~oCanvas. TWO-speetl Ratio 6.50-9.04 to 1 single-speed Ratic 7.20 t .1600 b. aa1t Dc;ubie feàuctioti Ratio .-- to i Sir.gle-speed Ratio 7.17 to 1 Two-speed Ratio 6.50_-8.87 to 1. Tandem Drive (Wg0seis)ù Single-speed Ratio 7.20 to 1 30,000 lbs. Tan Single-speed Rato 6.17 t o 1i f C - 1 1

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