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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Sep 1956, p. 7

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Good EaUîng- Good For Health If only there were somre truth M i the oild saying that "fish i brain food", whrat a nation of qîinz kids we would bc! For-, the fact of the nuattor is, Canadianis are eatîng more filh these dlays. A connotation cf elegjauce is replaclng the "peor mian's" label that used to be associated wthi fish and fisbi dishes. This is re- tlected not onJýy in the increas.ed Canadian consumption but aise lI the seafood specialty rest- aurants whîlh have spruug up ;n iosot large cities. An1-nual per capita consumip- lion of tish in-,creased four pounds duriug the period 194- 5-1, raisingý the rate from . .8 to 13.8 potunds. Mreo\7er, thje fis- Îrig industry hepes te boest tis figure considerably over the next generatieni. Perhaps the mnost spectacujlar acceptance of a fishi product is the over-nighýlt rise te premin- caice of fish sticks. Sales in Quaad a ast y e a r e-xcebded 5,000,000 poundisanad estimates for the United States for 1955 rm.m as high as 8,000,000. En- couraging fronti the Canadian point of vtw is the ftact that a large part ef this volume is represented by Canadian fiali supplied to, U.S. processers ini block formi. A peçuliarity et fish sticks is fhat the characteristic finvor of fisb is sr) moditied that the food appeals te people who don't ordiaiarily care for tish. Between the bread crumibs, cooking oilu aaid the seasoning, it hardly eems to m ratter what tisb is ,jsed. The industry blleves that CanadiVns will eat more fisb, if they are assurod ot a produet of consistently superier quality1 a-nd freshness. Hlence, the at- tenton bingpaid te this aspect (5f consumer requiremients. lI the early stages etf fish marketing the - mi,,st crUt-ia1 phase now is stowage time at se a. The Atlantic fîsheries1 scientists feel. that the test im- portant thing being doue to raise the quality ot the fish in retail stores is te have a higher percentage of better quality fish arrive at the fish plant. in al of the research board's work the underlying thought has been te diEscourage holding the fish *board trawlors or f is h ing schooners for aaiy period longer than absolutely essential. Homnemakers, too, should re- mnember that.,most fish is tastier wben cooked als it comnes front the water. It isn't aecessary teo Ëenderize fish or te cook it in a slow oven to) bring eut the best lai flavor. A few minutes in a hot oven or a quick fry in deep fat is the3 best advice to f ollow lu ceoking fish. Its flavor is inherentit lts, freshniess and tenderness is natural, net in- duced. Nevertheless, the developmrent Of Packagod frozen foods offeirs the brightest new opportunity for the iaidustry. It permaits preperly frozen and handsomnely packagod seafoeDd products toeon- ip the same economny of mass distribti~on as related frozen food items. Fish and chips is the newest dish te join such innovations as fish sticks and fish -cakes. To retain the quality ot frozen, fish, , ackaging prtection lnist be provided. It 'Must guarcd against nuisture losses as welJ as 'the los of vitanins and vola- tile flavor. It must prevent1 exposure to the air which yesuxts iu oxidatiOn, rancidity gaid ch~aniges ini eolor and flavor,. G a0o0 d packaging an guard against .these barmafttlphysical changes., Wrapping for. frozen fîsimu tt uusaly misture - proof ic(e bow tesaperatures creato cxtrenlely dry conditions catis- kng dehydration, For these rea- sons, packers use cell ulose film iCLASSIFIED AbVERTtSING STRIKvE-BOUNýD - This aierial view of t fleot of the oro-carryirsg Pittsburgh Stec of ongineers and dock officers. More railroad dock workers were idied by 100,000 gross tons of iren ore. Shaved Head To Keep Girls Away Good iooks can be a draw- back, as a handsemne young Persian student found recenitly when be went te study in the university town et Freiburg, Gernmany, At first he thought the pretty girls whe glanced at humn as he passed tbemn in the streets were merely interested becauso hoe was a foreigner, but he soon found eut bis mistake. 1,11, studonts at the university waitresses at the cafés ho visited and even married women shop- pers li the stores showed an embarrassing linterest in bis finely ciselled features, bis dark eyes, his cur-ly black hair and fine Physique. As ho studîed in the univorsity library, ho would suddenly look up te find a girl student's on- raptur3d oyes on iti. When ho went te a movies littie groups et girls w7ould contrive to change their seats in order te view humn botter when the lights WOerO up. This general adoration bogan te worry hum and interfere with bis studios. Ho became desper- ate-and thon bit on a plan. Off he went te the haîrdresser anid saîd: "Pbeaso shave my bead bare." The tan gasped at bim, but did as ho was requested. The lovesick girls gaspod in horror wbon they noxt saw tbeir adored one, hardly recognizing ity.. Sirnce thon ho bas been lftt in peace te pursue bis studios, World's Champion IStowawpy. The world's champion stew- away--a brisk young German namod Hans Etard-has smu"gN gled himselt into sevonty-eigbt ships, bas illicitly sailed the seveai seas and travelled, passage free, over 100,000 miles. And is only un bis early thirties! Hans started stoWing away ~won lho was orily' ight years old-biding li a barge up the River RBino for fit ty miles and living on apples! This whetted bis appitide fo adventure. His aext exploit was te travel undor the seat of a Iuxury express fret Cologne te Borlin. An old lady, a seldier, and a staîl boy sat abovo it. Wben the boy dropped a chocolate and stooped te pick it up, Hans was nearly discovered, but ho mni- aged te reach Berlin undetected, and wn.ngled bis way past tho barrier by pretending that be had been scparatoed from ils mothor. For three days ho saw the city in style, snatching froc rides on buses. At aigbt he slept in a palatial hotel, boldly entering and sneaking lito a eniptl'bcd- r0oot: As ho grew oldor, Hans in- creased li daring. He crossed the Continent f rom Colognle to Con- stantilnople ou %oCds vans, changing front one to anather, and earned his bed anid board by t.11ing his storyi vivid Iashion te travellers et bIn aIeri the. route. Then. ho turned hîs attention SDuluth, Min iship Ce. (U.S. on 1,500 'sec he strikle, wh te the open ea--and toütnd op- porturities gaI re. "I maýde twenty tran -Atlan- tic crossings," 1 esays, '"an-d learned-,a neat sto ,,.ay tech- nique. "The trick is te select a princely vessel where bigh pas- senger rates are likely te beave several first-class staterootns un- occupied. One can thoni cross the Atlantic in cotfert." Hans bought a pet xnortkey and trained it te climb c -own - ven'- tilator shaft and steal food for it, frein the galley. Ono day, bowever, a chef ýnet- iced the monkey and follewed it. The animnal's eatry lite the staterooni aearly gave the show away, but Hans bid lun a ward- robe and managed te escape disco'very. His pet was held hostage, and Hans was at his wits' end te thînk out a plan ef rescue. Eventually li desperation ho ho borrowed a stewart's white jacket, rnarched boldly into the galley andi grabbed thie tenkey saying "Skipper wiants ti! and made tracks ho bis new hid- ing place as fast as ho could. Scottish 'Version 0f Ciniderella Noo, weans, if ye'l be guid, 1'11 tell you a tale. Lanig Lang syne, in some far axva' country ayont the son, there was aý grand prince, and ho bad a shoe made o' glass --- ay, a' glass thegither; anid the bonniest wee sboe that e'er was seen, and -1t wad only gang on a bonny woe fit; and the prince tbocht w7i' hitaci,' ho wad like te hae a wife that this bonaiy shoe wad fit, And ho cýaîl- it ' bis lords' and courtiers about himn, and teIt thetn sae, and that ho wad xnarry aoi ther. The prince then orderod anc ,,his ambassadors te touait a fet herse, and ride through a' hi' kingdem, and find an owner fer"-the glass soeo. He rade and rad4:ý,te tew;ýn and castle, anid gart )a' the ladies try te put on the sfloe. Mony a ane tried sair te 'et it on, tint she n-sgbt ho the prince's brie, But ran, It wadna d; anid mny o' thet grat, 'se'L'warrant, liecause she couldnia gé on the beainy glass shoe. The abassador rade on and on tii hecamùe 'tea bouse wbere there xeewtta sistors. Ane o' thet WaS1 proud saucy cutty, the ither was a bonny maodest lassie, and nover oven- ed herýeI' te try on thie shee; for she considered wi' hersel' she wasna suitable te ho the wifeo' a great prince, even if the sboo fittod. The folk wad only lnugh at a qucen o' ber lw degree (for she had te work fe ber bread, just luke me);, but, the auld sister that was sae prod gaed awa by hjrsél', and came ,,ack in a while hirpling wf tApshoe ,on,. hn the prince' ýnsseaiger saw that, ho was tain 'te gang haine and'telli bis taistêTho had get a own- or ho the mIss shoe. The prince tiien oredèrd a' bis court te got ready and" ntounted the niost ntorning, Mf ho gaun. awa' ho lethi hantebis bride. And I doot na ther. wasan unco steer i the.place whenthe. prince and bis courtes came, The prend sister got her:sel' decked in her brews, anid- she was set docks shows sorne ýo 'ai) thet was immobilize , 7,000 miners and ' tied up the daily shipr ou the herse ahînt the king-,a rade awa' in great gallantry, i carîng littie about her auld mither or the bonny sister. But ye see, weaus, pride soon gets a fa'; for ,they hadna gante far, tili. wee bird] sung out o' a bush - "NipDpit fit and clippit flit ahint the king rides, But pre ,ýf,ï-nd litt1e fit a' caidron hides." When tâë ig heard this, ho tured - 4î-,se's head and rade b -ýý1i a used search te Ma- gakînt the caidron, when the ioLdest lassie was brought out. The glass shoe was tried, and fitted her as if it hiad beeri made for her, with- eut either clipping or paring. She was fair and beautiful to look upon. The saucy proud sister was selon dismounted, and the ither dressed i n braw claithes the prince cof t for her;i and she was guid as she wasj bonny; and they lived hap y a' their da'e. - From eet Writings of Robert Chambers,"-- 1847 If we cannot have heroismn for the masses without war, we miust do without heroisni.-Sir Lieweillyn Woodward. Proteci, your BOOKS sud CASH frosu FIRE sud TH1RVES. We have a sizo sud typa of Safe or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit us or write for price, etc. te Depi. W, j,&j.TAYýLr"RLITD TORONTO SAFE WORKS' 145 Front St. E. Toronto Esatbllshed 1855 AICLES F0R SALE SEND, îozthis tt vo ,Cookbook, compiled' by a Go àan house0wif e, Send $2.00 m cash to: K. Costello, ttenew, th(e o n rbbe-ïzed rooflug cornpound that beses oen coildlNo measy tar pots. Applies direct froni (1dru-ni. Rof-Rercew Is fgu1aranteed stis, factory. Territories open for agents. Write to Hé,fari nVarpish Copmsn Lily led. P O. Bo% 218, Dept, VW., G at, Ontario. WEj are. hatching w eekly. But mostly to ordes4 Weîniay have somne broilers cid pfll ta ou blaud for lmmedite shilpmeu,,t, Ask for liai. Bray Hatche.ry, 120 John N. -iaion CHICKS f oi, ever3' purpose, special eg breeds. da purpose good) for b oh eggs sud ment, broiler breeds Ist genoration Indian River Cross, lst generation Arbor Acres White Rock~s, Turkey Plouli ha)tched every week Uni the >car. Câa]cIogua. TWEDDLE CHriÇK 1HATCH!ER'IES LTD. FERGUS ONTAIO INDJAN Iivera die soonar, yes, ani practlcally o1ai ds lihe sainie cdy- under the sanitafij conditions 5f molldemj dressing plant. Indian ler Ilve seevral days les than most roi!. ara but get more fun oui of life- berause they are s vigorou, and he-althy and practical al lvethe'ir allotted apan, se thel -short tif e la a happy ore, The goÉ die youing, fry tsenu, vyru wlll 11ke theml, also lis generation Arbor _&res, White Rocks, Catalo gue. TWEDDLE CHICE H[-ATCJIERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO FOR SALE FRUIT farni 5M acres, 24 planted t choieat apple ýarietlos, tied, bounded by river and higliway. Bungalow;, ,praver, irrgation units aud supplies2X lnriy ihousand, ternas. Bo x 144, 123 lÎth Si., New Torouito. FOU~ SALE--194ý acre farni 100 acres tillable, near lfighway 15, 2 barns-.. oneane-w. nov'silo, 7 roomàboiuse, hydro, ,nue,àr schools aud ehurches. fmmedte possession. Apply Oden bMusair, ýlip Ontario, MLP WANTED SPARE liM"uE AMBITIOUS AMEI wanted for spare time work ln ojvn home. F'or ail the. details you wânt on well pald jobs now -made iivailablé send today to. BOB MISO<w 14 ~(nslIw4I15outh liamilton, Ont. MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE TAIKING ABOUT THE GOOD RESULTS FROM TAKING DIXONS REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Otawa $1.25 Express Pt'epaid ARTHRITICS FR M II ealth ta fluancL security jrough NUTRI-BIAL. Use hî, got re- ýà1,and soul others. You rocelve mu u eedaed relief f roui pain and suff erig, and nioney by beling others. 'ýWrite todlay to Nuiri-Bal Produets, 13Pinowood Avenue, Toronto POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISIS the idinuent of dry eczenia rashes sud weepïng ÊkIn troubles. Posts Eczema Saltve will not dlsap- point you. ltchiug,,,scallng aud hum-i Ing eczemna; acue. igworni. piniple,- and foot eczenïia wý1l respoud readily to the stainless, odoress oltuent re. gardiess of how siubborn or hopels ihey seesuRcmI1 Sent Polit Freesenfl t ïPrice PRCE $2.50 PER JAR, POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. clair Avenue East, TORONTO ISSUE 36 - 1956 OP~PRTUNï-TImS FOR MEN &WOMEN ATTENTION "Rural FamfillÇsI o miarket forcru d ruga folage, ofis fprs, aninal ta sInsecit,, leeches bristles, lftucreo. Cash IrçoùvasL Canaliau, andi Anirï(n dem~and. Fre0 inform.ition. Natur 4 cresKearueY, Ontario, A 3TIOUS W01VEN w er for'apare trne 7ýs;rk in own home. For aoh the details 0)._tweil pald jobs now made availabOë aendý teday (0: - BOR MASSOW 16Kemllworth outf) BE A.HAWDRESSER raXopportinity Learrot tlairdressing Pleasaut dfigni,edpresi5,go wages, TlaOu5anis 0of succesaful Marvet gracluates, -A!nerica's (-rateat Sy4tean iliiustratd talog Fyeoa MAVEL 11A.EDES SCHOOLS 58 lorSt, W., oronto A4 Kn St., Hamllton, R1 iideau st., 4ttawaï EX ITION FREE: PARKING WVHILE 0siting sale a Frencls)'s Art. Gallery, $133 Yonýige treet. Largesi sol1ection B f Oit Painth ga and Prints Iu Toronto. Open ev ninga. Picture Franilng whila , ou at, Corresporud. onýe vïe]coj-ne or phonoe WAlnut REPAIR and save. LOXOL SEAL wil repair anythmsng econta)aing Rubber or Leather. Guaranteed or maoney ru- fundod. Sanaple set $1 p)ost free. Pom'. roy, 118 Nevile Park; Torontýo 8. AGENTS WANTEO GO INTO BUSINESS for yours(-17. SoUl exclusive houaeware prodluctsansd Sappliances wauted by every boulse. holder. These items are flot sold li stores, Thora Is no comipetltion. Profit up to 500%,. Write lxsmedataly Sfor free color eatalog wiib rotait prices shown. Separate confidential wbhoie- sale price wil bce lcldod. Xvuray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. PATENTS THE RAMSAY COMPANY, Patant ,At- torneys, 273~ Bank Street, Ottawa of- fers te evary Inventor fult information free, on patent proceduras. FETrRSON1AUGI ,~ Co i P a in Y, PERSONAL UNUISUAL iHoro;scope. l0ý. ive birth date "Fantasy" F.O. Box 75092, LA. 5, Cilifornia. $1,00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-fiv e delLuxe peraQIsal requiremenis. Lateat cata- logue lnctuded. Thse i'.edco Agejscy, Box 22, Termitnal "Q", Toronto, O<)n. ARE YOU DEAF? MANY types of deafuessansd lsead noises bave bee5i helped by Leonard'à Invisible Ear Drunms. Send $10 for conipieto kit, or a.sk for frea inforrma- tion. A. O. Leonir Coapany, DeptL 4, Box 306, Station F, Toronto 5. LIVE STOCK HEREFORDS: reducing, niy seveas excellent grade brood,,,cows. Thesq cews are tough aud fttgged out ol doors the yearround. Sure , be-ederl! aud good niothers. K. Barnard. Oi ford Mils, Ontario. Keniitvillie 634 S'WIN E TOP QUALIT1 Imported Landrâcý bacon type swIue aiceos to si aidi pck 4 ocnim*atid sows an4 3 and 4ket bo, vo Glsows an boars msa guaranieed lu pig sewb Sepnd for new folder just off t ho presti FERGUS LA,ýNDRACE SWINE FAR14 FERGUS ONTARIO N N s N -N -N N N N N 'N N N N -N N 'N N N 'N N 'N N 'N N N s N N N N N N I i I COUNARD TO arhrift seuso ad CHOICE ACCOMMODAT)ION AVAJtAIILE &VIRIIA Aug. 31 MONTRE ýta GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL CARINTHA 3 1 pt. 7 MONTR f0 U LVERPOOL MSCAA Sept. 12 MONTREAt ta HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON SAXONI Sept. 14 MON.TR f0t GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL IVERNIA Sept. 21 MONTRÉAL to LIVERPOOL SCYTHIA Sept. 26 QIJEBE to HAVRE, SOUTHIAMPTON CARINTHIA Sept. 28 MONT EAL ta LIVERPOOL SAXONIA Oct. ,5 MONIREAI. ta GREENOCK~, LIVERPOOL ASCANIA Oct Io MOt,4REAL to HAVRE, SOUTIHAMPTON IVERNIA Oct. 12 MOTREAL ta LIVERPOOL CARINTHIA, ct. 19 MgNTREAL ta GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL SCYTII EBEC t, HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON SAXONIAK Oci. 26 MONTREAI. foLIJVERPOOL Prequent scilings from Montreol and Qu.bec <turinq balance of St. Lawrence seoison d cwi'td'1 Se* your local agent- ~ ~ ceQruo -24 Ne en@ con serve y.u I SAONA 0 ý: ý Cors« e y a £Wellington Sis.. Torento, Ont. N 'N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N s

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