from page 1) uth cif the buil re Hall. It was also pay for ai , cutlery, dishes he patients andj yr other articles -aperies, electic by them as re Bou IÎf $1.0 $1.00 ' T 'a$1,00 Ivalue. OLýrÎy o ne eau b e included in any prmm rieepti; Goo 1956 Dc.31t -0 Ronus -Gift Coupon IGA Cash receipts-. 4.. equa~L value. the dotted Iiues) and irclude it with your regular cash tapes ir* your sav- ings folder. Itwill count âs $5.00 te- ivard the total required for auy oee premiam in our new catalogue. This coupon irnay be usd.onlyý with Just clip oumt the coupo'n- at lef t (on Good until Dec. 31st, 1956. .....-...... OF2>, Immuc tn 3 for25 15 oz 2l Meat BaIIs a29c Ga -y '15 o z w9 Roasting or Frying ~ickens3c ýA FEET AND INSIDE WSERMVI [4nk "Tahierite" Sausage 1I lb. pkg. 45c. Cooked am "Tablerite" 6 oz. pkg. 43c, Chicken Loaf "Tablesite" 8 oz. pkg. 29c. lineed Beef' 3 lbs........ $1L00 a, Swift Pxemium, by the piece 1lb. 23. D Il IGA SPIRIT OP, BLENDED PLUS 20C. DI V/inegar gal IIE INZ Catsup ilO'o From the Niagara Penisula - New is the time tO Pre dears l6qtÇ7 fONTAPRIO GKOW~N WHITE AND rlFIFY Potatoes 10 lb baý First of the sea-son crop, SWEE/ RED) Tokay G rapes 2:I FROM BRADFORD MARSH, SWTEET, MILD -~Carrots 2-3 Ib ba Tôi 0 loz4 Sýpup 4Tinis i1~IRR'S VANÀURKAU 28 oz tins 2 for 3 pk SIRRIFF'S WRITE Cake Mix ~FROZEN FOOD 1ounald Duck Orange Juice" 2 - 6-oz. Pictsweet -Mixed Vegetables, il oz. pk, tubbing block to the tile be rustees decided to go ahez he cünstruefion of the was] and ilso seek tenders for ti ilg. RI C. Porrester was put u f thls wtrk., ~the Women's. Auxiliary obtain an&d their nmoney tndepenideiitly. of )ard of Directors. -- Opfno Girl's Softball tearna meeting last week when il aa d to hold a weiner roast taiku Saturlday evelning at WaltGln's A petitianrasipresetedrto th ATru t b our aprernty o herso Ghurch Street iouth for the con- struction of the sýtreet 'south 'fr-om Cobbledirk Stieet to the fifth line. This bias been under considleraition b foi snjtie. ls ichded tb b «ssurediý petition wa a sumn of mnoney to be3 ased £0 purchase a piece of property 3w t ito be used as thie road. As one cýon- ,,-cerned party iin this project had o signecl Ithepeptitiinn f-or had entered in the finiancia1 agrýeemient the imatter dfI pýs etid eentelal id hene eyans wapetitnasid esntalhsged the UVIULa f money. It was the untand igo the Trustees that if the petition was sigrned t1hat the project could be I ~ m i star-1ýed immnediately in order that it F EL- êI wudbe completed this year.1 The reinainder of the evenýing9 asQuic&-4ntùI ingh given over to studying the presenti Building By-law in the Municipality m of Clarke and also to preraring a newy By4law.whichi was to be presenited z0h Cleun bJurning-. to the Township Council at their Sep- ___helps prevent burner temiber meeting on _Monday, Septem-- troublesbrlt.___ ufmtelydlv W '. At fl ered with pe!Sonal 11@ ei~nulilay ~atutention t. youc RIUoUiUI4 Iv'Canvas l' * Cu~li us nov' ta arrange for On M,.onday, Septemiber 1'7th, the next winter's comfoet Wom-e-n's Auxiliary of Men-.ial H os- i pital, Bowmnanvi, are miaking their! aninual bouse to houise cainva.s fori funds, their only public ippeal during C A E c th~e year. We kiiow tý he, people(- of Or- iono wilrespond gre ousy mi hs 'l cofiyýause. Fuel & Lum ber LtO..ý l This monley is uised by the ladiesl Ito supply the bospit l idNurses',P@e Oon 41 BOWMANXÇILLE MEMORAL EPO0S IT ACTIVITIES5 c ~PUBLIC -SKATINQ#n FRIIYAY, SEPEMBER l4tli 8 i 10~ o3 Il ~Saturday, September 15th 8 te 10i 1 -Admission - - Adults 40c, Stuiderts 25c. eserve oo 19 PUB~LIC SKATING Wed*eday, September l9th - 8 to 10 .g29 'Admuission A -1- duits 40c, Students 2ke. ïs 29c Içe Time Avail¶ble le tünt îls available at the Memorial -Arer-a For details and reseirations Phoae MA 3-11211 For choiee times make your reservations early. i ~ Witb Clark Gable and Susan Hayward ~ "Seyen Inen FNem New" ilS THURS To- SAT. With Randolph &Sott g 2 c j Shows at 645 anâdS25 rdGi usl ii COMING - NEXT 31ONDAY TO WEDNESDAy, PhW at yAdultEnerta1nm/atfornedy Uit OR THE PRICE ,-7771