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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Sep 1956, p. 2

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~UV. OW.,.while your present car/comman~ds its peak trading value! UY' ~O ...before rising upkeegp boosts the per-mi'le cost of driving your present carle UYr~OW.,and buy Olds .. the big-car buy with al the features you want, plus an attractive price and value that Iasts! u..~u1c~I .. OW WMAN VILLE ON FARIO Hedely of Haldimand showed "A. Critc Viws D amat-c C nteS 1 l Elanned Costume for Spring" iCrîic V ews ra m a ic Cands "A Well Planned Costume for Certain Occas-ionsI was presented by :1 (Continued f rom page 1) Mr. Peter McCombeý A word about Joan Marie Aikens of South Simcoe was much ainxlý-s miotion ona-tage the author, Elda Cadogan, A Can- nnd Pearl George of Wentworth. "The but again we feel that further ex- adian, ýMiss Cadogail is the wif e of Wool Sldrt and Its Companions" wa -rience wlll right these faults. WVe the editor of the Durhamn Cronicle, exhibiteà by Laurel Anyan of Tem- would like to see miore of the Wopýd- and ks the author of several successful iskamting and the care of the banlds ville Players and hope they will coin- plays. It ks certainiy gratifying to'was emipliasized by Mary Gordon of Yete here again next year. see a play written by a Canadian so Wellington. "The Dear Departed" was ThQ]u-, well performed by an amateur gop to)n's Corners' offering on Saturday A comedy with serious overtones,, Food exhibits included "Five W-ays evening. The âne really outstanding ,The Inivisible Wormii" symbolizes the with One Veg-etable" by Joan Ber.-o performance in thýis pla'y was given unseen. well-nighi unfeit creature of Waterloo who demronstrated the by a very young but talented actress whi<ch gnaws away at our insides try- different uses o! carrots, and "The who played t1he, grand-daughter. The i g ta warn us of impending disaster Cereal Shelf" by Betty Bailey of randfather, aboutwhoi-r centered the.. . the disaster of unreality facing Peel. interest and comedy, was played with us in, this world of mat,,ritlistic ______________ a fine sense of the comic, but the voice themne in the highest tradition of just wasn't the voice of the aged. The conmedy. .. universally appealing, slick- two daughters, who found their and sophisticated. The Hutsband un- father such a trial to live with, Coni- willing to ileave his bed for fear he heart when they thouglit there might comte, but as he presents his argu- vincingly showed us their chang-eof! menitýs he convinces not only bis wife set and costumies were weIl handled, 'qut his ])octar and perhaps some o! but a play to truiy entertain, us myust the audience that mnan is disappearing transport us ta the time and place of The Husband argues that Science is the action. One finds it mosýt discon- taking such alarge part i our certing to be too sharply drawn back xay of life that not even orange juice to reality and so the "Dear Depart- and coffee are immune. Instant coffee ed" lost most of its quality by using and frozen juice guarantee that noth- local referenees. These were not oply ing is as nature intended it ta be. distracting but in~ poor taste. We And with mnodern medicine the role of trust however, that the directo, Mrs. the Maie is likely to become obsolete. Anderson, will correct these rninor Mass entertainament media such as faults and the "Dear Dep3arted' will radio and television practically guar-i be a piece o! aniusing and well-paced antee that no one will think for humi- entertain ment. self, for with a flick of the switchý r)ie fourth and prize winninig ',canned" opinions are available. Miss' sye -rVfYbu" offering was Peterborough's "The Cadoganl pokes at everything from .- Invisible Wormn" so abiy directed by food ta love-miakiag with a swiftly C satiristic pen, and the Peterborough Flayers mnust be heartiiy congratulated for their fine, polished performiances.1 rnj el ie Mr. MeCombe chose a competent casti and gave them expert direction. PR11ONE 9r1 ORONO Rightfeully "The Invisible Worm" won first prize. Itws a worthy pro- duction._________________________________________ Se!ondl prîze went ta Lakefield's "La-dies Alone"; third prize ta Thora- ton's Corners' "The Dear Departed"; and faurth prize ta Woodville's ic-ation of these plays was capably hatnlIed by Mlrs. L. W. Dipple of BowmnvileMrs. Rob-ert Sheridan of Bowmnanville andM. Warren Waitt of Orono. We, hope the fine tra-' dition o! theatre ev'dent in, the.se pinys will continue ta bing Orano entertainment in futui e Iestival-s,l and will draw caipacity audiences. In its own way the Orono Agr-iiculturýal Sac-iety is mnakin.- a worthy contribu- tion ta dramiatic development in Cani- ada by bringing higli quality theatre ta this smull coim-unity. (Cotined rom pauge 1) Mr. Walkey painted out thaut the ex-' pense wayuld notrat such a mv.A newý school was the actualý need hne said. The Newtonville school h-ad been coindemned na.ny yeaors ago, and' reetarrangements, 1-emain in force unil a solution is foun'd. This seemed to satisfy m--ost o! the ratepaýýyeris after reason caime ta mule. Aco ite was appointed ta m-eetý the Areà Schop1 Board ta request plans ta be made for a modem-n s o. Appointed ta the comimittee ýWs B. F. Elliott, Mrs. Howard Orin- iston and Trueman Henderson. They will address the Sehool Board at its iiext meeting, about the first Week in October.1 Rural A clivities Demonstra-1, led Dy 4-f!ýubs AI CNEI- Sometingof what the girls of1 rural Onitaria are leamning anddioingl in their 4-H Homemaking- Clubs was demonstrated at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition this year when 101 girls represented their clubs in an inte-couty isplay of exhibits and a program of skits and dernonstra- tions as 'entertaining as they were practical. Projects demonstrated were Food, Cýý)thing, Hospitaity, House Furnishings and Citizenship. Under the Homne Eonamiiies Ser- vice of the Extension Brandi of the Ontario Departmient o! Ag-riculture, girls' homremaIing club work is dir- ected by the County or District Home Ecnmsbut the lenders o! the ln- dividual clubs are local women ýwho ha:ve skill n the cra!ts of homemak- ina liir'g for girls and the unseif- i shnýess ta give their time anid talents to this service. ~ ~Coton Accessories for aPCfub> ri's Bedrýoomi" was the prýojeet demr- osrtdby Noma agar fWel ad County and Evelyn MaT~gar o!YrMronfW ofo!Dfri hnd a clothes losýet exhiit;Dam be2 qssur.d 3 with Ml L a r en'i FUEL OWL 2dâ Clean bu ming.-. helps pre ent burner troubIesi 39 A uti>Mtically deliv- ered with personal, attention to your needs. Call us now to arrange for next wiinter'S comfoît. McLAREN'S Fuel & Lum ber Ltd. pihone - @rçno 14816 Park Plaza 1White Rote Service Station Greasing - Tires - BlatterieS NrhOrono Higý-hway No. 115 Phonle 13-f-15 1! f i ftw..-

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