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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Sep 1956, p. 6

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PROTESTED TITLE - Jere Wright,. 20, "Miss HawaiU of 1956,'" poses in a tropical setling in' Honolulu. Her selection earlier ffiis year drew storms of protest in the Islands because she is ai "haole" (Caucasian) oacd also a "malihini" (newcomner). INGE.RPARM broad smile-, just as if hie were trying to reassure hler by saying --41Don-'t wrrmy erI' ail ih" 0f course, anothier exý,citeenj last week was Marilyn Bell's suc- cessful swirn. 1 imagine f ifty Per cent of hier admnirers wTere hop- sn he wud' try again but si nce she did naturally wve ail hoped she woutld win. it wasn't actuaillv the swimr that mnattered so much-we just dJidn't wantr) to sec aur plucky young girl nef'eaýted or hurt. You ,vill notice 1 saîd "auir" - don't yoti think thiat is how almiost everyone *fesin Ontario.. sort of pos- Sessîve ,. we alI w'ant Io can th-at 1lovale y oung ýýpejrson jas OUR MrlyDeIl Nearer hmeour h'Inerest at the momeunt is in the highways --!lhe ad and the new. On, tbe ol hg ay-No. 2-_the Pro- vincial police are having qujite a fielid day, passing out tickets ta speeding mnotorists. Partuer Qi-wasý c'utting weeds along the fonce the other day and in a short while lie saw four miotorists given 'tickets. Another time I saw three, cars stoppod-u by thc police, Maybe it is just as wellt for the traffic is really fast along this road. There ïs also a little activity on flhe 401 survey, We cau) see four mon popping up and clown lîke jack - rabbits mcross the field. We don't know wibat tbiey arec doingc as we badi an idea tbie survey was complet- ed somne weeks ago. OJne tbing« Is Certain we shall not be told ta mcoye off just yet as 1 noticed iu the moruing paper that work is enly now starting frotu No. 27, aerass ta No. 10 and will likely be completed in 1959ý Frtu No. 10 work will probably proceod iii this dlirection but as 'No. 10 is about twelve miles fram here ohviousI yv farmers in this district can cool their hls for quite ahie yt. Just býefore the yllwpanel truck carie a 1 onrig today 1 coula see Mvitcbiê*ýWhite away across the field huiltng .ice., He evi- eently didn't likl eing edisturb- ed and camne haone in a hurry. it -was thie first time he lbad corne to the housF for about a week. That cat is the greatest brunter wv. ever bad and.ecause lie is ail wbhite w'e cari soeIhitu such a long way off. Well, we sent another veal caîf to market last Monday, an-d it fetcbed top price. Wonderfuil! Then we got a new caîf to take its place so w7e stili baveý only a littie milk to separate. Thiat remmrds mie -- I pcked. up the -last creat cheque at the cream- ery and it was over $21. It should bave been about $3.50. A mis- take, of cou(rse,, and yet 1 could have cashied that cheque and no one been an-y the wisecr. But wbaL good would iIli-gotten gain bave brought us? Incidentally, we don't neýed arxy super-xnarkets in our town. Our local merchants have pro- vided their customiers with plen- ty of parking space so now we Canl shop at home. Sure, we May spend a cent or two more here and there but at least it is going inta the poo-kets of men who miake our town tireir home, pay; loc~al taxes and take an înterest in , services, churiiche-s and schools. Wbat doos anyone save by goïng to outside shopping centres anyway,? It takes gas to get tbiere and if you bave cbild- ren along it, is doubtful if you get away wvithout spending aï dime or two giving the young &ters a ride on theý big horse. Ah-ha - I see another fellow getting a~ ticket on the fhbway m .iaybe he and hris famlily are Just hurrying home frotu a shoppig centre! Poems For Sale in alil this, Bogýota Is flot greatly different fom othe-r Souith Amnerican eiarket-s. The Indiaim of thne Colombian plaý- teau lteless colorful and dis- tinjctive than those 0of the Ecuaý- dorian :Andes; and in Colombý,ia one misses the disdainful Ilamaqs whichl iiEcuador conidescend.ed to act as beasts of burden. But in Bog"ota, alone of ait the world, iloes one find poetry sold side hy side witb poultry. Little boyýs stroîl about off er- ing for a few pnis small paperbcund collections of what tbey ,.0 prettily c'il poesias; and chIeaper stfli are verses Printfe- on single slips, printed often l u red, In the markets of Bogota there. is an excellent sale for p 0eSia.3s, Frequenitl 'y ithe pur- chaser cannotred and the smrall 1 salesmian must read aloud from is collection thlat his cus- tomer may mnake a choice. And alway a crowd gather s ta listen. 1 follow tblese chiren, by ing wh-enever possible dupli- Cates of the poems selected by, the rnarefoot hlfbr )djo Booasmarket. A q.weet-f aced, gentle-eyed c-hola xornan is sitting on a box her black shawl slippedl back, froirIber shiny dark head and wrapped about the tiny babv ini ber- avrms.Sbne is looking over anl assortment of verses; biesi- tatinig . . and finally select- ing "Good-by to my mnothier," printed in red ern a single strip. A bare-legged girl in short taÊtered garments considers the poemns, Wile at bier feet a rab- bit, seated 01n the ground, i's making the neatest of toilets,; vy scrupulous and leisurely as though ne bad ail eternity before him... The gýirl considiers There are Poems upon "Pov7erty,*"q? "Mariageamonig the Poor ,; uponà thé eyes of a loved one; uipon the soldier who promiïses, that on the morrow which lu neyer toe be for him he w,ýill re- turn t, the window of his love,; and there are poemns celebrat.- in1g the devotion of parent,; an children.i>- But AL -is a poem inscribed "To the Little Laundress" for which the barefoot girl filnally exchanges ber penny; to a "Lov-,ely Little Laundressý, with e.yes asý fair as the sun, and ýa soul ns; blue as the skies; ListÉfR to miýe, Little Laundre ss, awl tell m<> why you are so ha2ppyý and hy you singasyou scrub'? .."-From i"Colomibia, Land' of Miracles," by Blaîr GOOD ADVICE "4How did you find your room ir"asked the landlord. "Terrible! I didnt close an eye *11 night," "Th-at's your own fault, sir. U youI want to sleep you must close both eyes." ISSUE 38 - 1956 Nf W PINTED PATTERN MORnE AdCCURATE - PRINTED 14598 *36- 5I0 1-1ATT FI-VN APRINTED PATTERIN - rnnke, se-wing a pleasure! Sen how little timne it takes ta mrake-ý this sbirtwnist dross! Step-iii classic lesigcned especîally Pte flatter the larger fgr;smnart in alil tbree sloeve versions- any season! Printod Pattern 4593:Wo n' Sizos 36, 38, 40, 42, 44> 46, 4R, 50. Size 36 take-s 4 yards 35- inch. Directions prin-ted Ctou each tis- sue pattern part. Easy-to-use., accurate, assures perfect fit Serid THIRTY-MIE CENTS (stamPs cannot be accepted, use Postal note for, safety) for thi5 patte--rn Print plainl]y SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Senýd order ta ANNE ADAMS, 12 Eighteenith St., Newv Toron- te,' Ont. /atdwe a#myBANANA CAKELETS dcý«wm~ Note: Halve ail ingred4ents at raam temperature. Measure into bowl 8 fbsps. sIhorteni.ng SiTt toge-ther twce, th4n ove,' shorttning 2c. once-sifted pastry flou. or 13/ c. once-siffed ail-purpose fleur 2 tsps, Magic Bakrng Powder 1/2ts: bainq OÎ 1114 c. grcinulateul suS., Stir inuntil blenided Ic. masbed ripeo bainane 1/3 C. mlIk thun beat 300 stroke-, or 2 mi. by hand or with elertric mixer 'at medivim speec. Add 1 fsp. Yvaniliu 2 unb.af.ii eggs and btat 150 str*eesor 1i mn. Tw«o-thrdt fi muf fin pans, >ither gr*used or lmmd vwîth cup -,Ik* paperi. Bake "i, moderately ho, oven, 375', 20 t* 25 mîi. Sprinkl, hot cue'tak*s withe 2 hp.icinq sugoar and Yfi. jhbout 20 cuicaes 1, ". ; lý: ;,ý -icg =Z=mmxmm=mm

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