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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1956, p. 2

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T' . ar Wg 1------------- PakExp., bsblsee Athletic rinanciai fRe!por __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _IPai ý y Expensýes -.- ----- I Boýoth E ), pri(s (Fair) taeetof Reeîtsad Expend- I rphai is Nighit ..... 52.751 Orono Hydro ---- ------------- -Us fr1 O,ýcher 2ý, 155tQ Sept.l inor -e-t--- -------------- 115.85 Printing and iAdIV------------ ), 1256: Pl'ay receipts (Dear- Rubh) -i- 201LksoeBaseobali Assoc... 1Park-Pro--a---------------- 68. 50 Little N.TfLL. E7ntries -------- Reeit Booth at Pai------ --------- 108.62 1955 rent-ai P.A, System-l ank Bal Oct.96, 1955 -- ----- $31011Bn hre....... ensons Ticketsand gate -210.O13 Blance on baud..........------ recipt (rnk)---------57.6W r~iatin~ . .56.4 5 Expenses ~eReta --------- --------7147.20 agsn ink ----- - -------$672 ,it'.(rnp Lp s nt---------2416.13 Rjnk r ýent-ai(aiBor) 500 sm Caera', ioW 4 Chckto Skatî"ing Club (haîf, jeeoh r of AuC îins alc) ---------- 's to Lster JO hav lastweek, Sheis enjoying lher !Haifofp.A. System-------...... Sthe Short-bora caif stain England sveryumuch.She an- Rent of Hall...... eek. This young ma llil aedto spend sereral days wthMr- . Telepoe at iniik.........----- o godstrt oo ESlke Sr. mothr Mis. E. Green.Fueli at rink.............- --- 'lie is siiig fr hme on Novem- Mant-nance & repair (ink) D. Lo)udenSret-be t n sends her regards to Expenses Orphans Nite. A. W"at;on.alf4iis nLskrInuac,N. PorIter------ from -ILMrs. 1P.Br- 37.0 15. 0 6ý. 0.0 7.48 14,3.201 KR'ENDALNEWS MrP. H.Jobbof Og 'va spenti Suni'day wsthMr and Mrs. Herb Reynolds. Mrs L.Thornearrived home on. Saturay ater wo weeks in Bo-w- IVille M\emOrial HospitaL, Mr. and daughteiMrs.Lloyd Ferguson ané' *Wi>fr-ed Roughley of Oshawa M.Fer-guson- in Ohaafor a coupleý ~d at Vhe ~ optland drove beT of qweekeSU Il took a motor tnptA e.Prso to visit MI. and SMrs.Godn Price lnd tw d daghtes and joýi endal fronds hope that omrsJon in the celebraon of Diana's fift ton of Orono will soonbe well bridy ugh to corne home. She is at pres- The TLurkey su!pper,, spo(nsoried y recuperatng in the Civuc losit"'theW omeun's Assoction, sine~ a great Peterborough, after an operation. success on1 WedneiisdaiLy evening, -'Oct. hear she is pragressing satsfac - -ii ve we .a fbi 'h chi- Mr. -,anid Mr-s. W,. Boyd of T"oon- toý spent Sundi(y wilihMr. ad Ms Roy Mercer. M.Robt. Alxndrad Miss Mary Taylor of Toronto sýpent thewekn with Mu. and Mrs,. lake Alexander. MNiss Dor-een l ngafofK d will be the bride of Mr. JekNaofi o rooon Sitnrda!y, No)vember 3rd., at the Par-sonage, Nwovle Mnrs. AlvaSwbrc vite br ot Chna sown»Y Rev. Johntche af 1Oano in th1e( evenling. MIiýss onl- sdsof _Port Hope etrn natth piano d(uring supper. Mr. Artlhur Thompson and sisters. Mrsi. hârl Smith and M(sLGCath.-- cm atenIded thÉle fural ýIIorf Mr. W.. Buvishin CoourLig ConSatuirday. f ew days ith tir l.parents, 1Mr. an!dL IMrs. Wml. Jackso. The Annvmary T Servies wer held in the Kenldal United Cwurch n Suilday, October 21sc, vwith thie Rev... J.lR. Trumpon of Canton pieac(,hing, at bath morning and eveing services-. <Continued page 3)> ___________ ýtTrucks Perf orm anr.ce-p roved in a hisztory-mnaking test on teAN ighayto AIaska Here are tftrck tat rured the Ail 14H. way- ee of elhe worid's mostchlegn torls? Sia Ew 57C'eroettrcvfl"de ibh aro, oed -north fram Dawsor, Creck, B..,thouh ,5O ils ! of nans n mrram nd c hll- everï conceivGb1le natual Qarbkik -ta airank, Aa-Ia. unnng rourid the Cltick, thýey maodeihis toýfrtuos ep-nom y&7 orru'n- in les;s than ,r4.5 haurs. Like a careest uwon rb Oite Alcanl Highwvay twstnad;rel1fr, ,50 its t tumbles o rtwrn onan fawes one beauty adwndr houhdso '- ukon foreSts. A -miracle Of eueig-btabu !Css the road v o nre trucs row old before their tm.Terod eegraveledesl FIRST W T THE A4OST AMODFRN iJ' Nêew 23ch-fhTarinmrer VR ierr 160 hMkosau Seous 1500 an 771%ep-nairi Ser;ces 1300 og 6' iex up ta20tin e e ' ple!cte tn-i-, 'f m d S Revlutaar F- naifr Tarsrran its E-ee ut heavydnnt i-.i..i-ng, î anex a -rosi, pint'~rir10 Ir Mancisà cnferd i1 WO, 14CO and 1500 Seriasmaes ut emar Necw 957 wni-syhg ives t- &,4 îck n eve.n fesIer, ar e eeom~ecn addustince iatmni. Prova-d -fin the Alcan slegehrnrersthe hfe fe Out oftrui-vcks , Where [st chCer ni1 -es , ,and assto mnths of Avec r xSixnew chevroiettruckýs -rpeetn th b't fthe e new C0ý hevoeË rcsT c ~ i-edianc7wthutonce -lin teir eIgI-nes3 This, is the, road thlat was chosen to gl e the lt's aildown in the AAA record boo. And new'n7 Chevroettrucks a su rerne estof mor-e b d~ Ney-er befýore bas a new tru stamina, performance and handling ca e. The ben o ~qroug-hlyprs d Corne in and lok resutîs of that test nmade hauling hstorvoerth ewAl ccamlps,! 'EATURES! Low Cab Forwcàmodels"u% dah ..be C m cae er Iwmr hNdscr, easer te pt intcnèoi af, rané. rave ueiim i roujiine engine mafintenaýnce. Yet they cfer Cra wus Harsepwer langr HeavwcehlChqrMps wiîh Tsope-Tarue utaf m ae rated ai 31W000uas.Gve bc WC ëwd 6 MU 1r4 nuns . GEW AA ltrennes acvarw' 'tan ieci axteunit affersa buti-un hewsynd tc designd mmSpeifcayfr Pow" ivien Us nique "seif-s eri cinthat reducs Sie wear r'i uncies ugli W10 aes -yda sOInase, . casi.b r, emee appearance. There tAAA) Thke alAlcan un rs scictoned and alma !V VÀ resuits c-iSe by tie A.r.nercan Automobile Asscaticn. the wicy in DRýIVE range wrth Powvrr5atrcI Cappe ta- ts New sper skmcnser VS lanens vukon Mawis! Powrmti-euipe 190 Ser1es IraLtor t -e1eth 10lere s trLUck wfit Iii ew y -cb-nhV8 et pth of the - Aicn -l-ighwav- p mnnais adîough imore thauina mach For Alcan mutins.heimbed hoults in a singl owrdsedraý'jgrdswth Iacrbbagility. o Propose To Add Polio Vaccine~ To Preseiit List Ot Free Toxoid W;th completion in 1957 of then Ontario Governmi-ent's poliomy veliChti& vaý ccinlation prograni it îs pr.oposed~ thiat polio vacýcine will be added to ther presenit lîst of vaccines, tLoxoids moi, otîhen biological produets wbich are distributed without charge to the- public by his Department, througbh. the miedical profession, Ontarlo.- 1Health MIiiister Phillips said recent- ]y. He added that the 1957 program~ will ibe iauneched this week with shipf mients o!f vaccinie going out to mnaiy' local health departmnents. This dis-- tibution wil.iýoiiïetruhi "The Goveramiient of Ontario xnade, a comnmitmenit to the people of the: Province twýo yý-ars ago," sid Dr.. PhîiIIips, "to provide polioioyelitis- vaccine for the iniunization of ahý cbhildren fnom sîx*ý, months to 19 yearýý of age, as sooni as the necessary vac- cine was avaiýlable.'" Tlhis inivolved ùbtaining the vaccinet- fromr the Coninaughit Laboratories of ,h, Uniiversity of Toronto as it be- cerme available and distributing il. toý dititanld municipal Medical 0f-, ficers of Health who arraniged for ue actual vaccinations. Dr. P.hillips said' it is the objective' ofthe praogramj for the coming yea- to mpiete the adminlistrationi of at- least twýo doses of poliamiyelitis vac- cie to ail pre-aichool, elemnentary schooi l andseco,,ndary school cbildrers inte Provinice in advanICe of tUhec 197polio seaisoi. "The rnajoiity of elemennitary schooL chlrnhav- e received tlwo doses of- vesccine and a limïite.d inumberi have re- cevdthleir thir-d dose as Nýell," the- Hfealth Miister stated. "This Meansý that we fae the task of givînig va- cieto the following groups of chîild- ren before the end of Junie, 195- "Two doses of vaccine to pre-sehoolý' children; ""Two doses to elemerttany scbool d-hildren vvho have not yet received- vaccinie, or have received only onefý dlose; "Twvo dos.es ta secoidarly aho untiýon and vocatinal coos -Te hir dseofau,.me o tos Titis 1957 egine was towering ,ýobins and and Mc.A.ý B D E.~~~~ G7- adfaiy i ni I

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