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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1956, p. 6

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-~ -~ - - ~ <- ~*r4rN ~, - denltal - :t la th*. ers by O! a It was er bas 7knows engage- tncannily 1 foj ient ringe iring b er Modemn Etiquette . e e .Q. Should bard cheese and pickles .4ecaten withItise in- ze, or fork? A. Hard cheese is cafen witb tire fingers. Smal! whole pickdl rnay lie eafen with tlie fingers. ?ixed pickles are usuaily eaften wlfh flic fork. Q.Wben a girl 1-3 introducing, thse mnan to -hom site is eni- gageci, should she speak o! hlm Mr, lier fiance'? A.Yes, Q.LS al aways lnecessary 0lit a chaperon ho a married wo- man? ANo; any womaa o! muAture ycýars 1mayi serve in this capa- Q.When you are going f. beave a' large nlamber of guiestes et a bridai shower, is It ail right te stipulate "l1inen" (o somne of flxem, "kitceen" to others, and perhap.3 "lingerie" teo thers? A. No; if is besf just to cail a "bridaqi' SbIoer, > "and aliow the' guests fo cliSose what they p1caàse., montrIÂedi., ,er uabin was c.ty Wbaf bad happened?' Before starting for Canada, the liner had miade a one-day voyage, wïtb ail passenigers alboard, f0 the Clyde. That wvas eniougli for tihe girl wbo discovered for tbe first fume thaf she was pronie f i C get, off the sbe would have during flicttip sire wenf ashore tb ber flire new lier brassbound are now conducting, sf turne a big-scaie i- into seasickness. Ifs cure bhave never been aliy invesfigated. and of knowýn for, certain 1 le linkýed with fthe )f d;o4 One scientist says seasickness is unaffected by what we eat, drink or do, or w-hat 'the sea and the sbip. are uip to. It is due to mienl cauases, he says, The toss;ingý and rolling actually suggest to ourselves that we< mnus4 be sick.t Another mrajiIýa ns that t he m7alady is cauisedà by our eýarS. Insîde the ear are t-wo littie tub'es filled with liquid w'hich ct as a kind of spirit-level. It is thorugh their aid that we keep our balance. If ,we turn ra-pily round several time, they ?re tronout of gear and we becomne dizzy. Seasick- nets is caused, hýe adds, by the violent motion to whicb tbey are, subjected. This gives the brain a shock thai is cmui cated ta0tthe whole body, Luton doctors wrepuzzle-d i 1,49 over the strange case of a localwo n who, after s,ýeîng a sea filmn in a local inmcoiiiplaineid o! feelâig uniweil. She a taken to hôs- pita~l where lier condition was5 àdiagnosed as seýasickness. "This is thefrs case cf its kindI hav,,e ever known," ý coin1- mrented a doctor. ,Seaisickness can be cauised visually tbrough seeînig the 'horizon going up and down and in this case the mnov- ing horizon on the screen u-n- djoubtedly7 causedl the illness." Can't KiIi The Kilt Becauise fewer people bave& been -wearing kilts since the war, a society bas been formed in Scotiand to mrake thern more popular. The society ponts out that a bo y wearing ai kilt is a rit inverniess arnd even il M Edfinburgh, the capital 9of Scot- ]and, most boyýýsP seem to0pre- f er trousers. Lectuires wîfl.be- given this autumn on how the k7ilt shouid be worn and peoplec are being asked tjo wear fthe kilt as tei leisure dress. - The ilt as we know ità today dates back o fieearly part o! thie seventeenth cnurbut So1nýe of the oldesf sculptures in thec world show thie ancient Assyrians in "kýilts", wý,hiieinlany of fIc conquering Romans and thec4qe~ Britons wercie also( Att~~ ~ate dateriipt ha ýs beni*aýqd:,to kili thie kilt. Ail have fa-i1ed 'Pariian-ient banned. the uwcaring of the ifki!n 1747, dieclaring I o be à4 symhol of -dsoafbut IlicAut' asre- peaied about fryyasltr A go kilt stor-y concernss the South frrarîWar wben aP chivaîrous Boe-r ucommander, see- in-itdHihadr in action for ile irst tierfue fo ordler hsmn to ieon wog-fl CITY WORTH ITIS SALI - Harbinger of wiintcr i5 tha arrivai of 5,500 tons of rock sait for de-icing Chicaoo' streets, ani portant phase of tha cily's trafïic safety program. Giant "s' ceilar" unloads a freighte'rlin the Windy Cityab v ith C cago's flamous Iandcmaik, îhWgey Building, in backgrow 'T/A 4811ETÀL-rKS plentiful, perbaps you'd Mke f0 roasf pork<spareribs- w-itli a seefi, fart apple stuffing, For 5-6 ser- vings, buy 2-nib sections fliaf match and wveight about 2 pounds e-acb. Have flie breastbçacu saw- ed Or cracked so if wlbci easy f0 carve between the rils. APPLE STIJFFING caep chopped ceiery and leaves i 'CUP chopped Onion 1/i cup chopped parsie 2-3 tablespoons fat 5 fart appies, dleed Scap stigar i ep soitf bread crumbs Sait and pepper Cool celcry, onion and. parsiey a f ew iminutes il a baithe fat, then remnove froin panl. Put re- mnairnag faf la pani, beaf amd add diced appies., Sprinkie appies wvith sugar, cover, and cool unil tend1er. Remove-, lid and continue f0I cook until -apples ar-e can died. Mixflic vegefabies, sait, anýd pepper vwihfb te apples; add bread ertunbs. Lay one Section o! ibDS fat, sprinkie wf sait and pepper and sprcad with the sfuffing. Cover vitb the other section o! ribs and sew the fwo together. Spr-inle ouf side wif h sait ad pepper, aad flour if desiredL. Lay flic stuffed ribs on, rack lain i iow patn. Do nof add water or cover. Bale at 350'-375' F. unfil meat is tender aad fb'orougilly done-ailow about 1i ½ bours Turni occasionaiiy -for even cok- il-l. Remo)ve trigbefôre Ser- Pork feaderloins are ail ment' 1 la n io ast;ry them baked. ifh frit uice for a dMiffent~ FRUITE» PORK TENDERLOIN, 2 pork tenderloins (1-2 potlndS) I V4cup flour i cp orange tjuice / cup crushed pieatp1e %tea1spoon sait 'teaspoon .,ailfice i up seur crean Split tenderloins icagtbwiSeý tilnrost in fwo. Open ouftfit, -Cut into) 2 or 3 pieceýs dependlng on~ size o!f, enderloini. Flour ment On bofli sideps andi brown insllet Combine orange juice, pineap-~ pie, Sait and a Ppce our iover browned meaf. Cover and bake a, 350' F.ý 45 minutes or until, fork tender. Turn on-e drn coknAdd sour creainfsac in slit stir and cool Unfil beafe'd tbr-ougb. Pour tover mneat on, piaffer and serve. PORK AND POTATO0 CASSEROLE Z cps; chopiped cooked piek 3 cpsfhllyAileed ptfc 2tablespoons finely Chopped 1 g'rteen pepper 2 tabiespoons fiaeiy eiwpped 1 can eondewsed cre-am of celeryv soi*p <lO-oulce canm) Scap Milk 1 teaspoon salit 1teaspoon pep>per î/ easpioon savory c4 up shrekidedcl ictese <op- tional) Combine ail ingredieat.-s excepf cheese ln a 1-quart. casserole. uae t 3350'F. for 30'aminutes. Remoûve froirn oven. $prinkle cheese on top. Retura fto oven nnid côntintiL bakding for 30 min- - ift,, er unif'il pot atoes are dône, You nay i o combine ap- pies wifbi your leffover pork. PORK AND APPLE CASSEROLE & nmedium-sided apples vuli upwater 1iteaspoon salit 2 cups chopped, c&olked pork Scup brown sugar %, cup soit bread erumabs pai~e, core, a-id suice apples. Ad,.d water and sait. Si-mier about 10 iinutes or uti.il appies are sof f. Arlrange bai! flic apples in a i 1-quart casserole.ý Ad-d seasoned pork cuibzès. Add re- maining appiesauce, -Spread ii. crumlis anid sugar mixture on top. Bale at 350r F. about 45 mninutes. that ;t ever existedi. I's lbard t(o believe that a maný could vwrap £ý400 ïla bankniotes round a cistern pipe-and te move aayfrom -the bue leavig if behind, A Liverpool man did this. He forgot ail about1 the mnoney uxifil the next teniant iscovered if while cbclçing theý laggirg on the pipes. A. strang-e story of anl old maa's f orgoffea board ws oid in Dcxmbartoa police court in, 1927 wben a petition was presented foý bave tbe s uniof £983lU pai over to hlm. Tb'le son ba-d been dgigl tbep garden at fthe rear of is house whe ie be nearfhed a fin ca-n coafaining this surn in nýotes. lie reportLed bis find to thepo lice, litie guessing that the on er was bhis own father wbl-o îad lived in tehe ouse for thirty1ý yars and was lnow livinig ese- Tbe ,old man'smmoyha faidand he had! forgotten the_ -2 buriedmoney until renriaded byý, the wie pblicity giv-en at fie' tïime o! thefinýiid. Tbe cottdecided that tLhr_ imoney sbould lbe paid îover t3 fic old manI, iess tea per cn (the Mc of othe pefifion) an-da r'eward of' fen Per, cent !to) the son w-ýýho found if. Another ÉtbriftyV o1d1man, liv - inig in EFire, gof the sbock of bhis 11f e vwen biswie told bInri she bad sold "that grubby old pli- 10w" -'in flic attic fociafetr merchanit for Is 9à. IL containeý-d £400, bis 1[fle sav- ng.Secrefiy and systemnati-caliy be md pclstuffed fthc piilow witbî paper rmoney, neyer felling bis,ý wif e. Wben bie recovered fromi the shock, lie hurried in a pi bour's van f0 the feather mer- cbanf's premises, wbere 1-i bought býack the pilIow, for Ss3, saiglie wanfed if for et- mental reasons." The merchant oinly learned miont>bs afrad wbýat a fortunc e liebadso nr ro iy issed. Po-lice tin Frankfurf, Gray are sf111 lookinig for a thief b stole $150 iasf yýear f rom fLic, re- frigerator pf0a ma]i wlio Tho1( jj0U glit lie bad hbit upon aiiiideal mfo o! safeguarding ihis cash. Whatk prompted the 1flue!f toopen fie, fridge remnains a mnysfery-,. If a-lway s puzzled a Soufbn âîLondon hlousewif e dhaf ber sip keeper husband k.ept an ')Id dutstbin -wedged lanflie corner o! a shed beneafli a pile o! raýgs and othier rubbish. She alwaýys used another dust- bini for hbousebold refuse and couladineyer undersfanidwhy lier liuisband would ney,,er bavelte shied biw ,empfied wifhif î. One morniag she decidcd f0 bave ber ownr way. When tr dusfm-an called she asked irn fp eipfy flic second dustbin as well. i HOW cudsire. baveknw fbat liereccenfric busband kept bis savingcsin i itand that as the ,pile 0if rags wenit burtiing info the dusicart more thani £150 courncil's -off1ces and found that tflie refuse w.ar ilready-, at th*. du~mp. Whien th* àiýcia1s realized theý situation, they ordered a search for the score or more litt1îs canvas bags in î which the money was stowed. fours passed, fixe owrf ev- -erisbly helping in the search. Just as thie men were due te "knock off"* for thec day, bis moniey was round intact. IIe's kept it i a banlç ever since. Barik officiaiïs Say thait evea today there are sf111 some peo- pie wbo firrmly ,believe that onice their moneyv goe-s into a banik fby are nof ikely tosce ifagain. Tbey prefer to have it in liard cash rather than CL-ma a iguriiu As a rcsif1,ths odd fo!k hioard if in the sirtragesf iin- place2s, altbou1gb som-ewma seern fo prePfer ïo carry fbefrî sains if h fetheee hey Whnant ederiyv wom-.an was knoeic dwnin .a BiaCkpoOl street and rushed f10 hospital, sýome£ !4,û000 was found iiý,iIddeik in dlozèns of spcial p-ocketLSs su badc addled to lber garments. Each pocket wais eiher tigbtly stifched& osecured witb srong pins, A Bristol womian cised toapt ilbrspare £1noesinto a sellomi-used elecfric washe, On. day she suddeiy decidecd k)to s2 the washer. forgeffigi wvas aise be'r homer bak" te imen shermembered. e, 8 of o!f notes werec11u rned pf ag. Shie senat 0urn fo thle Ban!k o England, buitIlle C eperts couli( piece together 0111Yfiyfor! the notes. That wornani's absent.. niindtedness had cost ber £ý26. f is weii kniown that couin. f ry people living far trom i3bankug sýometimes ihoard money. On.13 Frencb peasa,3nt coùncealed bie niotes by stuffling thern down thp. barrel o! a SPOrting _ýgun bc bung on 00the wa-'l] of bis kitfcn. Early next morng he 1csaw e bare. rua across bis cottag,,e par- dfen, forgot al about bis saving,% and fired the gun at it, blowiîngF bis imoneyvinto shredsý., Notes Worth £616 ]Os werc found ila a usfy candy tini wbich utLmbled down the chimnirey o!Ca-, Yorkshire fibouise in 1946, They -were later' restored to awiw -,wh-o had lived in tiehe ouseC for- ~twefy-iveyears. ~Thenotes ,we-re bidden durii the fi-1st world war and 111en<a- parently forgotten. Even tmore runusual was Li wayina wbich a fortuine of £ 3,00 was discoveredý' A wmnwhe* bad inberifedl a Suirrey bouse firom b ler faflier swatted a fiy onle dlay wt extra vigour and made- -a bote int the thi*n woodien pantel- ling ;of a wali. Inside lay i h rinoney ber fat ber had idden,-, tfw7en ty years befor-e, Tt hbac been searched for in, vain ever sineaý bis death, for hb lhad leff nio clu. as f0 its wbereabouts. A fbrifty bousekeeperwh lef hiroldWest of Englaniâ honme for Montreal îi 192,5 vis- tedl a baik tbere ini a taxi sôGa after ber arrivai anarl skedtbr u> criunt the contents of foui' c14 pails sbe hwd brougbt with ber. 23,000 Àu bonds and 1,60 l cash. Sh. was told that she cou1 relit aa afâ éenôsit at th,,banfr J

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