seored a s,' the last wvar e has ac-coin- ilikely to ex- s thie rfink, pooe io hockey, Lmmer ecreaionalpro1rm.1ThS UiaSed ihtsri ce since ,its>,incep- th1rough itsow effoirts bas col- or its pro-raina of atvte.Tisý n for whrcb thellageof Orono Lcesfl nloneýYraig proj;ects of pa"Dear Iuh.Tesceso u lents ard lso la ,a tpIo lction Withouilu underýtakings as muon ourillge wuldbe-omle a fine pro~ga for Orono ànd on ,WiP Lys and last mnust stop S...........1.2 .-- -- --- -- .$---- --- -- .-------.------- Rad i;ose, 'im Uis any f Our of thesýe tleater Hose, 1 cur Price and GaGaranteeü Phone Orono 34J les ai .R. il Ikiada ojearpentering tooIl , &Y lumr- - ber, la ers-,, fisýhing eq mnent, new> jOOD F( 16, foot oorboat, 3 utboard mo)- iixed liard Wo) tos rkra il mhinle, 4o7ens a cord. e-sawedi jof othier Vems. Dlvr io P.S. T _h sa--l, w,oiomece ,at 9'crdde Dvered. Als iimtieuni eeyî$ ~O co rd (l- li, M-hIngas en soi. Lunch i be Landkapinig, Ian svd hr:on 1t e a No re- ling,tcigr serve, Terms . saw ýwok JacLk Rel A uctioneer. QuAy of Se 50c and *Fi!d dpc Haer, pipe> and8-1>,ro oll ca, exae et codition.AlO Lly Carragé m Yonid%,silv,,fairt- F dfition, esaiprice. ApTMrs. Fo Sl E lTIli 14ooe,'-o Ip folie 19. N. e.~ 1b iaicitor MUI OTIIERS 3ME INGt Mthere owil b etn fteCbNovemberU 56 fo Mohers N Monday Jeaiing at 8 thrpr of t' o'clock :ila e Vestry of the OronoliC oaon we ljntedCh . P semake it a1 a t MUSTto at d h _1iportant meet- The properti in.roomis and - thro ~e"old fn~ NOTICUE garage, gocodÎgari Woul.d a IL te BroweIlMothers iucatePr please meet i ýteBnow le Hall next Ternis; 10%fy TIuesday a1ight for a meeting at 7 b:alance to be paid o1 / . 1.Cl1os iang date tb be Tleewill bqn wis a-e Hiighest or an tell Hoiuse vill he peî ~Ue the Ciassitied Ad aitdy r R. R.1 Solicit4 e: Insurance Service llep wn , ~feal1e, wligto learn spay a int iniGood0wag s. Ontario.a- f L igit bouseivwork f afew hours \'Irs-, KelaHFron phý10one 1044 b4- 5 p.i Office A 34s688 Home MA $.Sm1 ~,8ORONO RESMENCES OR SALE _ __________ f. 3-. $7,500. Sol-)id BricIi, cho/e cdiaer lb-: ruier, Sato , rooms yld bathroom, rally full cella furna .A2£ r hoin. Tenis.JOHN iitwu trB.A. ider; $00} N(,w Bung-a1,w, -4 roomsin- sing. cludiig bedr ims and -4 piece BaiTister, Notarv Public tîled batp. Veilrg combied ýarily living rJim ?id dining roomi. 33OfemperancSt, Bowtmanyifl ardwoo 4a tîle floors. Garage heMA82 ,n on aiid brcee ayý-ý . OiT furaace. Suit- pan. able for salaîIýl family. Terms. Leroy IHamilton, Birokerl, OrOno0 dors. TOCKER S AL E JACK REIDJ - 200 head of choice Durh ,He- Jford and AngusBef C le, 400 tta Orofio's Lié,, ~ 800Iloun eil~sl the lb at Ia, the _Du I ýarnCounty v Arena on, Auctioncer and Valuator T-hiiîadi , k vembe r it at 2:00 The 5th an ulm Livesyock S.ale. Trrm.s SPC'ciajize in1 Farn andi ci, or e -re. 3J Reid. Auctioneer, -nfi* MD. hon-ej 200t. 4-00 pm.; 6:30 to S:00 p.É. b7p Sundays. and Wediuesdays b>' -- 1 appoirntiuert ouIy PHONE 1471 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERfLA1tY SURGEON Veterinary, medicines, litelog-icais and instruments ethîcally S dispenised. PHONE 10616 ORO Lawrence C. blason, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ~phomes: f 0llow- of thei we can Oron Weedyies PH~E 9i OR0,10, 011 Go. Ltd. 2Ol[2 Vire,.liurgf Livesutockh,1 Hall, Fif ORt'IcNo lity BOpýds, etc. PHONE iRiS FIRST MORTGAGE LOANe Lf .~roy IJami!lton j IRL&AL ESTATE eROKEP Are YouProtec 4d Sea-ïld Td,1s Will be rci b the tiesi~ ntil inooni, N emlber 5th for thelý installationl of t,1o1 wash- roms etietak and Il r systern in- the r'oMunlicipa[l -ilding. in- saat isto be il'n a or0lkian like manne nd uarateed orle year. Fur~herartculrs a Tale romthe undeii ed.Ioles aor ny ten-,der R E AÀL SERV CE -ý Dedor crippled i mls mptly $2.J0O scr< ýe charge1fo0 each catl. 4 v AND A' L Uïý FOR ESTIMATES Y YE. LYCETT Phone 84 12 Consuit nme for ternis anid dates Phone 5 àr IR - Aa TED JACKSON Aulcitmener and Valuator Conduecta Auctjon Sales of al uIu and at reasontable rates Communie-ate with 1dMat pSe perry, Ontario, or Se Ma Clerk A4 . iMortel, at rOoù0, far dat..' IF E 1If'4SUR'%AN C E eslnPlans; EducatlüW oua P d8l ProtecUieà ud Savinge Pla'matu Children and Adults; Mortgag. la- surance Plans, F. E. LYCEIT Of~onc, Oont. - Plou*111 )RD BROS tital Works ffhitb' 5.52 st. E., WbItby r5 4 -1 Fe mnIwitume & Rent-4 -ORONO )NT. c -< RR. I I wW~s'sService Station unce 1,,- j 7 ,