Blueprint-, for initle-, were es ýanier1sworking 1 Ina sncb anl enormious SALES And ISERVICE A 1 Used CErn Our coniplete servicee g.arantees year round driving pleasuire CAR VETH MOTORS Newcvas.1te, Outar. ÔiI ixndertook suivey.s of hoineownvrs! The new Iroquois covers some 200 land tenants in the avea affectei tOlacres in area and bas approximately the Cd& are whiie the sopping centre ascertain their feelings and elires five miles of well-planned strees, By ln New I ogueis is be(ing coelf]eted iegarïing relocation,/ear's end, paving wase completed, AilAy Hydro. Children are provided with water, sewer, and electrieservices bu etranstaion toand from schols Mindful of the natural concern ex-i stalled and two new scbools under in the od iage pending the corn- pressed by the resideuntcs, Hydr-o took Construction for opening ini the fèal pletion of tJe new schools sýteps to assure tbem that .their in-of 19il7 A shopping cetre of 29 dividual cases wvould recýeive fair stores is now nearing completion and tr eatment. four new churclies with modem faci l- ldro has rmeeied and is contin- ities wil be bulit. cng to et excellen coý-o)peration fromri Partic-ular consideration is extend- New vTown One, now named Ingle te"nicipabl offiaes of ailth ed to the elderly and the infisr, and; sida, is Looa'ed ià Osnabruck tow nitricate rehabilitin programs. The to those individuals or familes whose s'hp 15 C'es west of Cornwallpard local unic110ipal officials have don- problenis require comipassionate at- wýill ii lude the former vilages of ated a gr eat dedAl Wie, effort and! tenlion. An1ong the many cases that Waîlues Dickenson Landing, FaanW abi&iy in rpesntig thde %t in have ariseil isithat of a W4-ear oidPtad Altppelosemvîgtereýýs of the citizenis in the rehabili- resdent iing aLone on a required wsb7nhr ovme 9 96 tation lae. lt Lias been increaýsiniglyi propert. H 1er. circ-umstanciles wereadby ecme5, ' th evi de t, as negotiatons between the such as to warrant exti aoidiinary in- 1houses toelie raoved weoein pnc1 o Commissioùn anid te mmunpatis dentanding and solicitude, mnd as a the new sit. A public school is under proceed, that botnare striing to be resuit IHydra has araned for ber to cos1 inanioko n îmn~m aabe and fair . i nd the suc- continue liing on the( premises for a c of the progiam relectsý the re- furter priodof tme. my separte school and four new c hurches vill be started this coming su it of aleo siei~-ope tin o Theme are on file many other in stmmer. tepr falcnend stances which show that, wheme ex- telluating circumistances are involved, The town site is' approximnately 200 every effort is mnade by Ontario Hy- acres in area and, when completed, ~.____________________ iWu11 A- _- fmLlr mJJquof LWame'd i A Mr~5rr^lrp1T centreotuacceft' miodate eleven storýes ila uncemr con- The third of the new comimunites is New 'To-%n Two, now named( Longue Sault, w-hich willi rehabilitate the villagesý of Mils Roches and -Moul- inette in Co'n-wall township. .he new- 1( 6Oýacie site will have approximiately, four mniles of str.eetbs. Ilouse-mioving has bee(n iund(er w-%asinice Septemibei-, and 106 dellings airenowic plate in the new town, virtay competing bouse-noving opemations heur.launs aiso c'il for- tw-o e achols, four new cýherches and a shopping centr-e H Port Perry, Ontario Chevrolet - idsanobite Chiev. T*'uks NEW and1 'USEED ORONO1 I'ATIVE :-- In the aIcquisition- of t"'Commissionngtie withi )rni 'ioe-ty owver. is g iveite option of sel]i pertyr, %if it is structum-' tu movehbis bouse, max mr lot in the new -community. of thef bouse is the resp. the Commission. A modern electrical distribtiioi system, is piovldeýd by tlie Commission" at the new site-s, aiong -witli inew Plants, stolm cdrains nd sewers. A proertyowne, whose ns e i's e~hr urhasd r oved -is paýlid ani al1 v lone f or inonvrýen 5l iln9e distur-, hance and the necessitLy 'fOrI'cUi 1. -- I i g lts in te n w -ie re ïae vailable, if thie 0owner w o e ]shs poperv wihesto e- ~t s iteestng o ote ome"ýo th pecial ser1vfèes beinig sapplie'd iy lym ohipe; co e thie cn v'enienmoc cusýedC by the mlove. "Sto p OVer " ue are avatiilbe to 2-esi- drtsilethihoearinrn- hmsare, fuliy equiiipped and fatiies Land PIjPINES, 7. 4-SGÇV tVtt years of unt )f the-- bareall ýer out- apeil- i~1îone 32~51 For i j FORDayKeONAItCH