Larch Take On 17jedoâq W ît L6eA L n îa At Eret1Of î lie ,î-mer Idy ('o)i, <Tti 1f cnIÏ el- &1 îdI c Veeen vith aý ,t 1$ý Evsr~ ear -st h aio n Mi an11Ms. E unest D fta~dai- u la tresuthe<re Nsýy iIy spent Swinday visdta 11hMr- Staio,~ndia~ le tkê Ater th À1lie; -1 pW h ih orýdon Dent oiE Týointo face thomselv a-eni;, t es-ihecôjoitin ipthe the league standing. oWYïs at -wo ,euao nn fh rtflLkhe Tt-die ijsptSuday Nvith AMr. anýd Mirs. E. ~- If hy~ t l ivee it eariy s;pi*ng w 1 l. i ie É 1ie de l'é 1' e. 1,( the, 1Pelcd bvo Tire bnsye .-h rt- s.Srul~ ia- 'f;poe o hg t~ eia~d areen ne0o),iý flI ý-î1, tl e bo f1 p o thle ~o unsw oare hn e ilt maojitono h -rine, Gl-eoirge rdyf and, second, i-n,ý- l)0jltf in~te 210ont -of the t!hfr-d platce fliceLînds.y, iŽo Deng ri oe h weed corne ~ gliteiii 2' i 6 o - As1 in s-yRègens. -~th fiir tý,- pejieods tihe BOC',s-had a-- f A <r~ êraaenial ~eeI rhc e tere j defîlite cde midn thel -secoid-peiiod lss Mar1ene Grahs-am ;ýpeiat a fw~14M fore, valdaible -ad 11t1hue Ij ure cve euýt lonthe --"()"-g ,,(,,, stood al -5 fto 1 The Regents - duv ih 0Ls. . G;ibbs anld sha on,£ power of, tIre C bin Mîlrcn tbires-teied in1 the ilhua'< WIthi.c ~xeDunbarton. ,,~~-n->' 0f course, al]sce do il6t hehave gam1le. Ket ietlsaorn ol M.a-lMsJmR~ayadNr alik a faýr ri hiae i-n folis-ge coloroilde selrto however dhd speM.adr in id'o ÏacnErnd zîhi isý the forir ofE ac.tion lin th(, Sartuday gamei( in Bow- Keit si~ led tJ'e waey _3~ile a pu New, Y a;'ý dayý withý Lc. -- -treQ amuilar. For exam l f i-e n-- 1naville aid turlied in ani effective '-ombites -with -two g0als Vwitl, sinle J A. Riciç,abv and ALiz, Ms-ion Ri-ck -_ ______________ UmeG,, the nlomn-.ii f:a11 color i aeiefrR.eW s ilb u o0 th' 1l[1ý h oui-gang tu aD i Yourtl. Doni Jly, Toronto. spe3cies usal in th(,ooin r Uine_ up for a- week on doctor's orders. "ece,iv~e aiudiD, nl WesI, Gi-s-lis- <1r:S-bnsnfiist, Aanerilean1 1nd - pravýed bs- foi, 1Llndsay wilh two Paul s-ad Judy ene-, eroo D a h u i s u a e v , J i~ s u a e - e , E u r p e s n I r L k ei ld 1 1 e B C S f o n n d n a i e r s - a dý ae~ y~ - d H u t t o n w i t hi s p e n t t h e i r - C h r i s t m a1 s s h o l i ,da y-s t hT k last. Filrst sugil of~ c~o-r -dirang-e ~"ap-t-( had'ý] buuere o be til ngerndresMir. as-d Mrs. W. T eit k the fi pears ln eainy Oduhber.hhttn eiwtpeta -Iaan.<j tied~~~~~~~~ i uiD>iNi n~inu Rye West pIs-yed oiU1y about tn M-S. E. Allh1 is filwaniî sPcný use thW-~nndmîue ~ le second period due to, o -ift kjtIiii tr>ývj hth(- (1.1 Trefi-uçE iins pcisasoTdColliniý outbhs-ld tlie Cojmbineýs atÎtf-i- dw h eij Bi-reb s n Sbeori ýes. steps tý,l,,iieo i 01 -ina q ii o t um W s ju - larch arje inoumal! short li'd aonad t-,ý AailLag. Hi th game. Bath Juirilt- n che~ ýpe Iis ere hs-ndedi ditioni is as arelI as could beex ctd acerzsAnueris-ii ls-l1 JaPs-nesei-sa hilsAns~n shI 1ed ila u i-n tIre ae t ot aie.junior Na e sDygesswt flIr- s-I -h gp ±tir og wie- - a sio ad -withîi the fi-st haif ofE theMsjGogCleM. FakÇoe e~reding brn ~*ha~nh opfa The, stooy on Ssttî - i taasIfn t eid reýeiveýd aý txV-o .mi-111 suten' oe E s r o e - t i - c h s ' - h u I yop tmue . - e o t e t r y f f e Bo r h e jPn aoyu t n m i u t'M-c o t>- a o rsl p e<i s e -r e B liBa -s-d tre lia w up~ la progea1- froi-0 na.-tural cross-pollination anud -u- fil-ti-irpasi i-e l( ga ine aiMr- d.Ga1udalee Tuy les g-1 ar srn eed 1rn aena u- be p)urc(haa foup--dt thB satlepj essdfrM- n ý- e Suh . ir-es orE ciiff uet sp-esgrowinig nu1ryra liua', aie.W yn ni ar y 0Mr% said Mn-s. R. E Lagan -dr à sad Ais. 'Nonnuian llaadfriy wîV th Mu-. uuud Mns. E. G. 1il-y- sad fumiiy, ls )ln forhists a é- bath families spent Ný-w Yeaîs vith ï~~ thein pants, Mn[. and, Mu-. 'R . E, - --Mrl. ;nd . -, . Leanuenj s;penitf tQu 1iy a eYusa Mr. und Mnis. W.~ lr' G.e feor ha-ppiez hetit.Mtter living. îtte the- Le Sea'1 s 1110orý. 1 weinte I dr for quiCk, abuiidant wVarmtýh ,. . for dean cmm- M-ansd -Mns. iTlrldI ils-a ock a dr bustion bhat helps preveRmt bunr trî.Oub!es. Y001l like the- f-anuily, BQ eville, -wi-th Mli'. sd-Mis. fiendly, Pars0al aýîtentfion With WhiCh ifs deliffee, t00. Phoi;e L j Eaeî onHs-neock . - us nw to ziargefr netwners Sppy-- M l' MS. B, A. Greeju, Barrie, speait -U V L Ch -i tmais 'itI Mn. s-ad isA. L.IiLrn ie n h - Hooeyv nnd &niiIy. U Luîfllur àW Mri% sand Mra. Saisdy Russell and (>reno Poe1Sb -P -'icl Clt. Oversho. ReuI-~priewît 3 -- ~ - - ~ -ON SALE FOR $2.415 Mu-. sand Mlrs. E H. coa'rell. Barrie. - Mr.S. R". Cailarell, Mi1rla Fred j rFoster, Port flope, Mr. Milton Elliott, -' - Bovvnumvi-lle an~d Miss Ms-nioi Mc- GiIsVelvet Fur Trimo Goloshes, regutlar lýrîve $3.95 Ke eTaiaaele reetgueFt ON SA.LE FO 115Prlofe(sa r C. B. ss:ol-'n r at,1l.SiwQej ,ýz 2 i -Ois.. 98 S - s S's- s are ie Ne Y eanr' Visis m'iI Boy's 4-eyelefR brs. Reular price at $î-.95 / 1rn Rink To Up Prints, Glenwvood, width 36> ns Large select»oe 0emt k 0 pe of paitteruns to choose fromn. Yard..........451c ON SALEý FO $1.25-FrSktgThsSuda - -___ Bed Sheets, Cotton, Old1 Fort, Durable qualityj V-'o.nn Rubsizaz e ne Oýî x 0mls. Pair....... -1 tihehe 8ul x!lu coon of aIc 4i Regular, rice $4,25 - - -- s-d Orh chde-ýkiu j hoi - - ea- -Wît1 >previi-ag eold vrate the ic j aili hIe ill suitable ioniýjitioa - this St - udais-& pea the ri-k ta the public. Wïzýs0 Hestthe 'ie ____________________ -- There will bcefOnu ice skating la! 4 ' ±uOX - i a e&uigo lccniin ftr -etore -Open--------a passibility of ,-eeniuug ska,,t' -g - - -vn g The l ,il heni-e aitin t hr e i cej ~s s, - -$, Da -ast tIret tî nuie. -Pillow Ca eerbroidered. Boxed. Pair &it - -Ž- - -e swing iat action fiais nigMo- aln _________ 'ay s-ad continue 'as logas - rnhi'j-Extra Special Pails, Polythenle Plati Moaays ad husdsy~- Ooa .capacity. Cblor red, yellow, ntverai. Lim-titedl ___________1 . Sk1egCu.-t quantity' Price each..............95eP - sdays r4ids-ys s-a 1aud-y$