ep Paeden and. Kenneth Soper wWh M. and Il spent Cra- with hier e- d Mr.s. F. Milleir,,Judy, Suýsle nifer spent Christnias Bve Sand Mrs. AI. Stevens andI iOshawa. ýr 3th ieir sa-n cere of 4isfawa anl ry and Dianeu, il .3z. bottle p 2 for 41c 20 oz, t'in rith Pork 2-3~5C -OATs 444.e36ci GOOJD LUCK Margarine, 1 lb. îart Id Ms. Ern SP'Y. Mi. oh1n Patton and Roy of 0r-n0 visied ith rs.Thone and Mvrs. A. Mr. E. Cameron and Roy, Bo- Swaorbrick onS0 dy1ast ianville, with Mr. and Mr, Leroy [amilton. Rev. Fisher of Newcatle United ChUrch will be the preacher at the Mr. and lrs E.Green with NMr.-Kendalt United hcho Stna id Mrs. Charles Godwin, Pý(Icering.lnmorning next and conmmunion wil 1*e Miss, E. Bassnett and Mivrs. Basnette, W ýe are sorry ti Ihear ýthat Mr. Tout oronto Nwith Mr. and Mrs. U 1- r~HO-,- a nPt very NvelI jast 110w id 1Kendii friends Ihope lhe wil soon be llad a card fromn Mrs. MarY SPrY,'I feeli"ng better. hio wishied to be rememnbere d tO al îfnd an neigihbours in Leskrd. _Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson spm1t 1 24 oz TER Mr. G. ThompsOn Thonipsoil, Toronto Soni. ,dMiss Mary' Mr.A. Wat- hear that MIm. y well at present pe 'she will soon be bacl< to nealih ,in Youngand ~ Mis. Blake Alexander and Rob rouno wahnd . vinte4Mrs. L. Thorne and MNrs. Swarbrick on Saturday. -x, ,aMr Ti HerReVflOlds 25c off 6Q i l. HEALTEFUL - GOLDEN RIPE nc anan1as lb. FINE QUALITY CALIFORNIA c Rçed Ei*perGr AUNT MARY'S SLICED White Bread, 24 oz. lb AN»D LARGE SOLID HEADS, EXTRA FANCYI, JUMBO 24's Lettu -eI TENDER, T--,STY, NEWSR5O Greë'èn,--Càabbage G'"ENUIýNE STRiNG Figs At EDNESDA Jane W~ man and Va~ Johason SHOWING AT g:15 50 & aJendar 67 N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N s N N N N s N N N N Spry, Kai -ono with