MN.D. [Ours.- 6:30 to 8-,o pni, efdnesfiays ly nt only - ORONU iming be inl /F OR SI OR( L I Ontadrio BOC'S 10 - Part Ho. IEvery class four office. T EGA- ing .are somi ýnn, main coverag 'lOffer: ing, Januaimr. 28tl a Pot-Luck 'ýp play sho-wing and then and ess. ce nNL~ The Brownie, Phonles. e MA 3-5688 Home MA 8-5553 >HN REGAN, B1.A. iniSter, Notza-y Public Temperance St., Bowmanrville Phxone MA 3-3292 JACK REID Orono's Licenib' Automobile, Lif e, M Sickness, Plate Glas, Fire, Barglary, Hosp Livestock, Boiler, ',N Hail, Fidlty Bo ORONO PH aind Valuatot, in Farm ait4 MORTGAOE LOANS K&ON RE310VAL SERVICE I r ppe animais 'DML% l ýUNG LIMITED ,esda aand TIùars. S9Ç30pemo Lne~~Saeme to 12 noon rlday S aun. to lO pem S a-Oi. to à p.m. (Closed Saturday Evening) ORONO 5c to $1.00 STORE ROLPH HARDWARE TWRRELL'S DRUIG STORE r p per gaL -J IFeaturi NeC CALL US FORESMAE HIARRY E.' LYCETT Phoo 33 R 12 I ORONO - ONT. Eavstroughipg FrREE EST MA TE S F. ELYCETT ronio, ont. - Plume 11716 STAFFORD JBRSI ~~~-,---- o FOR SALE sizes poi't Plans. 'e la-