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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Feb 1957, p. 2

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- try flan, auring the ls.Ishowni a scoring po Ice put thei up as a 1', title. Although eu de place, the local sqtu ýSviQtoies and now 'es secndplace. Onfh Monyniýzv - 1-11 - ~wnerever tie Mujieal Ride aretn n Lar uopr ie ,Nw lmr es s qer ong cte t ~ghe d-n d axd ecîes te castIe goals were by Paul McCulloughi sdinneer wsier o beose th nad- ofa geolu-Elarl Foster, Sandy Graham andi Friday s nd Froeh. 'ranklý, Il fct ai ov: ndoris amlounlt ofgod ubicity. DvdRcad a nimass sorry for the Primne AMinisterr who ta hsfn e~c mnwl e___ .nd sup- to~ in eelletha th must have A l nemlbers were delighted to heai j hriii--jng ejo(ymlenlt to the eeI IJ D ugh zl be n utnder a considerable emotienal Whd tn arcutrn1aisinB1-Ra uue, oeuoafS where a st , ain with the day's'ev-entsb. AI] ex- t0 atenis ummr.clua ,:, , ,,_ a uly oe iDs planied cept one of his. cabinet couîleagules 'orE op bfirthdn y were present. Mr. Pearson xas tied East.. up ith one of thie mest important No Advance Poil Extension * îttrnjatio-nl -problemris ofis I caî'eer A niot'on for th,,xeso fa- a iuly aipe omnil it. the, United Nations and unable te, vance pOolIs at lec(tion time, put for- pinnist who has,ýbeen ii dn a solid one of Nted.- ard by a C.C.F. Imembr a eet rptto o Imefcun h ,eled eas ly in the week. While terepilst few y-ears, leaves- shortly for his tls was But, enough of the birthiday party. was somesypahyexpres.sed forý European tour undier the auspicýes cf a1 WhhThsiSudy afternoon and 1m1os t those wNhe might be away from home L dr ation nentoa des Jeun-. ýitY. We cf thee members have tetUrn1ed to on1 ele'Ctiol dayý, 'the comuplications a- esses MWusicales. uccftheir homes or are back in .taw is*ing fîom extendinýg an eie.tio a îIthe j prepjaring for anot.r, el. oer a longer peried -were feit te The tour, which opens in Belgîini, ýavalcadIe niaie it net a practical suggestion. Feb. 10, will include 5( concerts, tak- e~ an] ict Lan Oïie Million for 'Sue ing- the pianist tGo Luxembourg, RoI- use. Tz) The flouse cf ommrons dealt with Approval for Trans-Canada Program land, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, ,U severtaI intereting items which should Trlanis-Caniada Gas Pipe Uine Cerni- Italy, SpYain and Portu-al. 1 anyone be included in this parliamentary re-, pany w, s gIven ofCicial blessing on wvearing : t. AfLer cons 7de able dis;cus.sion, af its financir g and oth 'Pi plans for the Drn the current month he is ulo an of $1 million te the United Na- future by the governmlenIt ad ti te uring Canada and the United States --- - -- --performning in Wyomling, Oklahoma, Texaýs, Mýassachtusetts, Minnesota -and ead- in mpots in Ontario, Np\w Brunswick an1Qebe ICouincil reviewed the Janiuaýy_ hud- ihs rnatoswih lus last concert before going te get and f ound that a inmber of itemis Asfo werehel ove frm 1956.Mr. alk iiiigit he~ completed ini anûther prov- Europe will be given by the Montreal 'ince or foi, export, th95e.bMrrdW .any omnsMusic Glub, February 7. Helexplained the sum cof $1060. for snow- neofrexrtthsbads n- will appear wýýith the New York, Phuil plowing by Burley's equipmfent. it leies are fully legalized right -now- Philhaimonie'June 28. cof snoiv had existed south of No. 2 t present Bill 82", Mr. Jasper con- _________________________ igliway and that the Burley pWv tintied. had een out pracically every day from, M aseiai uthr Th1u January Srd for- at least a few hours i r aprsi frhr Pi u Board of Transpor-t Commiissioners. ahdy 4825frpo 4Îý prenie Court decison, while uphôdd-- Informiation is that the shares, etc. ent wda a488.25-or fpom ol er, p-ing, the aight of iaiketing groups te. of this com~pany are in suc1h. advance metPOOlodovrfo Otbr undehr present legislation, it demad tat ~ ~rtioing rogam. 1956. Repair to the Township Tr'uck Poelttthe rpsoudi49ey denandtha aratonig rogainisfor- a new rear axle amnounted to a ec hate hiseh ght b c ued e already in effect. There now appears Sum o $2250.00. acag hihigtbeue c l*tl daibttha th geeruentbanequahize payments or make paym-ents \wi11 be repaiid on tîmie and the comn- Mr. Brown said that it wasý alarm- for losses. If this autharity is to be pany's fiancing wilJ be oversub- ing that alimost $8,000 had been spent used by any miarketin~g board in On- sci-bed. Th>e lne will be comipleted in January fromi the appropriation tarie, there will hae to be new- within Canada by 198 and that if supplementary appropria- legislation obtained from Qtitawa."ý tion were net forthçponing tha some1 con1serving on road e.xipendtures "The Supremne Court decision gives vould have to be dune 4ihis year. us for a fia-st time a solid *udation The meeting adjoiirned. upon which to build," Mr. jasper said.. * have 2MI, shave1 .To dat "Our ;tated, yea threwill be ne in- iatiý 'enewval date at the end Uay.The final date is Marcbi "I WOUld ugeait l otorists te pur- chase permits and icences now. Faul- ure te, do se premnptlyill ý-jjceptaindyi lead te long Iiîne-rups, delays and frustrations that w me are anniieus t'o Newtonvle P'resen,ïs Petition (continued fmoipage 1) 000 te spend on rends this year. Itl mas posible tMat chip stoing ceuld coine under a supplemecntarly contat The, Road buidget cf $7,258.0O was received and passed by the CouncHL It ,,,as peinted eut that this was a -- S.loi, the --.t -.. ofaniaHnn n-aA oA+1,n- .1 ,,CM. I-rewnl staied that it was pract-ljsehemies and fees be levied ila con- icaly oe-sitof fthe total appropri- Fnectin witIh transactions within thé- Q. o f Millike'n,( ves SoIi4 arket'i nt Provincial inarketingz 3il 82 of the Doniin- noQw buttressed by- 'ee Court Decisio,, th present operaton il Marketing Boards,ý 'resi<ient f the 'On- of Agriculture stated mr made a report on, the- tus of nmarketinjg boards, ý'Meeting Of Ontario Feýd- mbers, held in Toronto,. nuary 31st. His state- ed a conference in Toro- he Ontarzio Federation or s solîcîtors, H. E. Harris-. ýt. Catharinles and R:. - reC,ýtuse the meeting'S highlight- WaS a presexitation cf a format state- ment on the Fed-erafion's interpr-etaýn tien1 cf the recenit Supr'eme Court de- cisioii; county federation secrýetaýries- an]d commodlity grerup i rersentativ-es, [were also ili attclndaiice. Some ]3( ý representatives cf agricultural gopa froni ail across ijttariQ were presenit, making ônie of the Jargest meetings, cf this nature in .recent months. "The Supreme Court decîsioni," Air- Jasper said, "up.held the rîght of thet province <4 On'tarie toe ennet the pooling sec tion in the Ontario Farln. Predùcets Marketing Act and te set up thie hg, peach and vegetable-, lsehare and approved cf the service charges and fees levied by these or- I 4 -the bank ' khen Mrs. Wlson planned to go shoppigi- er husba*ud Tom said: "Meet you at the bank'" kt was a natural thing to say, for going toth bank is just a part of everyd ife. In the bank, Mrs. Wilson noticed Miss Euls e schoo>4eacher. Mr. Cooper thes torekeeper .. andi her neighbxur'4 son Bobby, - addirlg to his sa ings accourir. When Tom arived, hie grinned: "Seems like everybody goes to the bank."- It's true. Canadians find the chartered bankssuch a safe and handy Splace to keep moniey that practically everybody fias a bank account. There are now more than 10 million deposit accounts in the chartered banks-more accounts than ther e are aduits in the country. FOR .wMONA>ROJ SAIES And SERVICE A/ Used Cars Dur compleý service guarantees yearround Idriving pleasure CARETH M0TO0ýRS8 ne 35 NewcaÉý.e, Ontar, ORONO0 TINSHÔP NOW Is The Ti1e F)r INTERIOR DECORATING We can supply y-our needs with »RANDRAM-HENDERSON Paints and Varnishes RED BA~ SERVING TOUR COMMUNITY. e 9rono, Ont. - ~-~* 1,. ~a day's rain f the ice and the city. Musical Tiiere' was r who like th( dom is pnaln DAIRY F, 4091 JER4 F ANAA lier first stop r i. j -i

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