187 Orono, Ont. Phonoý 1182 DAN(CING, EAUING TFF U(batiuued from pa, 'the hearth of the future da there. Th>]s will cut ec nalc 'posible thle bui l iray whc oi Board, ding of a alt thie Bargains tC.ontinue terflI Liste hose Jum 6ýS. Colou ce $5.50-fo $295 Chitdren's wool hats. Reg. f or $2.00 Girls flanuelette Pyjamas $2.95 to $3.50 from Qleairing orntrdresses-,at bagan rie~om$850to $16 .50 iNewla -ids Koy Wüool in all shiades. Price 50C ,h Sock and Sý-weater Wool, promotion ndtre, aie>. a nd >Il-, il.v will be grieativ commlnunity. The them iail succes hi Wing Ciimrianidi inspected the local ron rece-ntly and pressed 'with the wvith tlhe progress Sundiay Supper Mris. C W.Rî1n onto, )'s. J. MW.j Jewell. Miýss Mla- k: w as a 1, fMon arc', »ove, t3 and 4 ply prîce 38 Duni rk, large bail, *eough to knit one pair socks. Price $1.35 Queencott flannelette Blank es,, pinkiç, blue, yeilow or green borders. ~ie70 x 90 Price $5.89 Kingcott pink, blue, x 90. Price Flýannlette Riankets, yellow, or g-reen. Size 70 $6.50 Ihex flaimnelette Blankets, yellow and green horders. Size 80 x 100 Price $8.50 's1 Jtere's the. fuel for iir heating. bdtter living. ifs Ihe win.ter wonder for quick, abund nt warmth .. for clean com- bastion that helps pr évent ,bùrner troubles. You'iI tWe 'the firiendly, personal attLentibviWith which it's delivei'ed, tÔo-...hone us now to arrange for next winter's supply. McLaren's Fuel and Luriiiber J'AI OrcnoPhone ï1481b FEATURE SPECIALS! ' New Shipment House Dresses, Ladies cotton print. Clean patterns, assorted styles and colors' Large assor-tment to choose from. Sizes 14,to 44 Price each ............ ................ $ 2.)8 Ladies Dr-esses, Fec Crepe, washabl6' bu",t- ton trimi, self timmiýiid ibeit, collbr, cuff, set ili sleeves. Size 16 - 44. Going fast at .- $2.98 Jabot, Nylon (colr.Piee with metal ring. Assorted i i Arrnstrong 's S-tore Open AIl Day Morpday Co. gai- nill pasL a -ateway tei y". W As ýS t. ing sign ou Fletchrer'7s thalt iliquil ken to hai Iai bu. the mE of re. joyed aera8. i >pair MnsWork Sp$ks, w, 89c i j I i tu bes (Y kunlity pliblic imuri tmty Feder in a sili anel o edrhr and Union lairmn. The panel wilI bec popu ar' progranmme "Fighin1l Coffee provideci m -rhe Cavani Blazers" -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t '-t -t -t '-t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -'v -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -t -'v -t -t -t -t Evenings Friday -&Saturdajr 'Wodnesday Open Ail Day