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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1957, p. 2

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OMRONO WEiEKLY TIME$ ITHURS Repc C.C.F. L By Johni M. There wa genci wek for the CC' p iiions m-hn it was v larM. J. COld,ý GAS PIPE LUNE IJEBATE AGI REARS ITS HIEAD Early îin the Nveek. the- ghost of the famous Gas Pipe Line debate of last year again put in an aparnein theb(-use of Gomnmons. CCF Whip Stanle-y Knowles found TradeL Minis- ter Howe has been wronig ini stating,, Llhat he knew no;thing ab)out stock op- tions given by Trans Canaida to two top exectives. Fortuirntely for Mr. HIowe, lie aiso has dsovrdthe error and just before Mr. KnowIteS launched his charge, apologized to the bouse for an inatccuratte aniswer he lias giiin ee. othe-r than cau-s- ing hlmy to change the wrdngof lis motion to aidjo>uL'n the bouse, this a- pology madue ino difference ta Mr. Knowles' plan. Thc ebt raged ail day and for a while it appeared that 0oe'tio'n isue The air was earedi by staitements made b)yMr Howe and thie Pime i,,Minister to thie effect that in1 an areettblWed in the Fbouse last Year there w 1s a dfinitemn tion of Stock Options beng helý'dmid, et tha-t timre, no one]lad otleredto ,ask a question about t'hÈemý. Apparent )y, the stock options to excitives is -a very normnal rcdr in any new eoIampaný, used tctoop. mca tn o positions of eoniiity On Tuies- day, rans Canada jýipaid bacýk to the goveramneut abnut $50-)O million advýan- ce(!. A friend from nha ra istn mie when this debte .vs in pogreýsa. 1I had assuIred h ýim tatthe d y I Vs sit- sinig wouild be a faiily du]iafai delng nly wIth Prva eIembers' resolutions. That wa5s be'fo0re Mr. Xniowles chianged thingý. 1From1an'i- terest point of' view, it \,as fýr fo dulan t wsipsil opry hlm awyfromn the gller-iy for. even a cup of coffee durio tlz aftenoon.1 thougibli e would £ail out of the gal- ]lry from shock wenone speaker,I Social Crêdit LadrSolon Ixow was being heckled by a big CC ba<,lk- henclier named Ellils. Mr. Low -stoodý as much of it a ., cui ndf'al turned to his "ieedlir" and slowl1Y came out with "Would you s1lut yoiiLr big poth.My finempërieùieed hjjmuaicijinl and' cotinties politirs, radd the battie was Ibetter tlwin èoun- tiesc4 "or sworse. Asymbol of ail that is best in human nature * to give a helping- hand when needed -fo so kindness of heart . .. to care for tlje' ..... t comnfort the distressed. 'Ke #p ' flug 7flyigi aaa THE RED nCR 0S If you are nof ci home when the canvassers coat, you moy send your contributions direci Wa >rtFro Palianen [liiNations together irn 1958 and w -Firmt of Far Rnelp Plans Axwounced- that his vecovery wiIl be complote, Evidently, the farm organizati<vn ,eader C oldw e! 1I'but bhis illness undoubtedly will injure briefs and the represenitations whic S ufer HartAttckelection. Ear-lier the samne morning, 1 behaif of ou f armr poptr1ation over a Suff rs H art A tta W ha ben takingto TorntoStar Iperiod ofsonie monti ha s begun _______________________photographer iamied N o rmiJamies to bear fruit. Agricultural Minister - J - esM.P ou ofacton or oi-e weks 1 a who %was in. Ottawa to obtaini color Rt. Hon. Jameis G. Gardiner announced Jame, i~P. ut o acion or ome ees. Ihadpictures of each of the four party the first of what 1 hope will be severalo ,.,l symj-pathy tis b(-n talking to hlm just the day îa~s i ukwsgo becausenewm proposais to provide assistanqce. group itheCom---foeadcmetdoho welhhowsaetogtthe portrait-f -. 1 Under the recomnmendaýtion, there will oû rvae htterwas 1 kn.He geta e was h a bet e l 'ito N1 be a bolstered .suhsidy for freight as- ,well, had sffer'-d feeling better than in sonie timne. Mr. suffeedhisabot a ck bfoe esistance, on Western ifeed. grains usedU ck ndw~hlbeColdwell and 1 were at the United in eastern and far wetern Canada. j I.During the last full eirop year,en- ______________________ ed July 31, 1956. Ontario farmiers re- f c-,eived benefits worth $4,461,084 as a resuit of the pohicy which paid aboutQ rIlIluu'11 per cent of 'the- cost of 0,in th oiywn noefc ltfeed grains into the province. Since 1941, the Gov,,rnmnent has paid out Hem !...,withP'the most moe a $255.800.00 on this ro g-ramn. The new rates ofasitn nodern power of the ye r ilbe irevised so as to) restore i eachi zoneapoxmtl the samei( per- cetae eltinsbetwenn mfreighý1t as- si'stance awd freighit cost aspeaid OMO e Q Jbelore( the rcenit f veigh't increase. Unless 1 ai-n very nmuilh mist-aken, hrewill be other inoves in due Course to boster the ,faqim eco0nom1y. rialSpAgeFo rceSuez Problem Brigh1terr;"s solution Approaching Alter miany weeks of injtenjsive ef- .11 ~for't, it nowloos a thugli te Mid- Iliî(l' ie East lp olem majjy bý esettlinlg a'Way inito a less explosiv-e situati'on. r.Pearson, Mliister, of Exýterna-l O N LY W nCe ËIÏýý,Affairs lias been uýjt tne Unitedl Nu- tions almonstcnsaty in een M1àMý M aweeki,, try'ing to work out somie ac- lî!>ý,.O V E Uceptable pln wbiclh ill brinig a last- _________________ing peace to the area. As of tis miomenit, it would apertha.t Israél Ai m-y h been persuaded to evacuiate proved on the. world-famouis GM " hands of rmay tIius$. poýàitiorjs wîth the Uni ted Nations Provng rood od o th Alskaond ofownrs.Emiergency Force taking overth il ad- Provnt Gnd ode. he Aask and .1 wner. ~ i1tiiirnistratîorn of the territory to keep Riibwv. 4the Guf open for shipping. If this I bappens the next step %wil! be ~to work IOut an agreement on theý operation ofi Ilillitithe Suez Ca)nal and about three dif-' t j fcrent plans -have alre-ady been pre- THEY OFFER AN EXTRA SHORT STROKE ENGIN I . pared, one 'of whiolh may be accept-' Super. efficient V's with iihest horsç jower per able to Eygpt: For those îin a hurry pound, gretr efficiency aù one fe. Thef're 4I to have this prob1enm settled there avaiabl in ver Modl etheý-' stadar or s may ho onlY frustration, but the big avaiab~ ine~vry m<.k - ith stadarl o asthing ta lie remiembered is. that the an etracoa ?Pt<m.. 1 longer the area continues w-ithout con- GQ~A~S~O'O [ 6'?OO 411jlooks moe hopel lo stlee t o The newest "sà.,I»gegt ceditions of' Caada's ail- hiflI tha it.bs in ome m nths. w 4 I , X,

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