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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1957, p. 6

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P We oftey hear cf plane crashes ndwe think "Hew dreadful" andi then 1 an afraid we fargýet about tbemi. But when samne Of thie dead and injured are kiiov,,n ta us thien the tl'agedlY really strikes homne. Ir. the re-, cent crash cf the Amrerican Mviami-boun)d plane there were sevýerai Canadians abaard. 0One of the c-ritically injured and a3ne- oDf the dJeadt were weil knewnr in this diýstrict -- Mr. and Ylrs- areyAnderson. Tinfact Hat- ley asid aur son Babh went truh scbeol together and cempet,-d in the saine class in m-ost of the Coui.nty music fe- tivals. Ris wvife Jey was a very lavýely ard accemplished gïirl' andi came fromi a farm just a few, miles framn here. Naturally evýeryane around here i3 stun- ned by the tragedy knewing th:at five lîtle childtreni have been left mnotherless. Weý sin- cerely hope that Hartley will maea speedy recaverY frami bis ijuries and be spared lte bis c-hildrent. Just tai think that s0 muitch, suffering grief and heart- ache can be caused in such a few minutes. But it couild 1hap- pen just as easily in a car, that issoehn we iieed ta reme-- ber. In fact I we-u'1d guess the percentage cf1 fatalities in the air is conisiderably less than those an the road. - What a puzzling worild this is. Fer- the life of me I can't uander- stand wvhat is really ,happenin. The rising cost cf livinis usut- ally laid at the door of argan- izedt labour - higb wagesý, short working baurs. Andi yet I have spaken ta an woriking people wbo just can't m-rake ends mecet --behind in their pa yments an this, that and the ther; hus- bandcs sometimnes laid off fer -a few wèeks; uiinmpîcy,,ment pay not enough ta keep thi-em gang. And the we cconeeLt the farmn- ing npopulation .. .cattie price dropping; eggs at almeost a gcive- & - <~ F' let crochet and regular cro- tbt- combined ta make this eleganit centerpiece. The swirling %ulip designý is beautifuilly set off by simpIQ picot mesh. ?atterri 620: Crochet directions for centerpiece 20-inches in No. 80 cetton, larger lu string, Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS stamps cannot be accepted, us e postal note for safety) for this pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eigteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Print plainly PATTERN NU.MBÈR, yaur, NAME and ADDRESS. Our gift to you-two wonider- fui patterns for yeurself, your homne -,printed in our Laura Wheeler Needleeraft Bok, plus dozens of other new designas tc order - crochet, knitting, emn- broidery, îron - ons, noveities. Send M5 cents for your copy ol thïes book NOW - wiý,tb gif t pat- %e-ME prlnted in itl ISSUE 10 -1957 away price and the cest cf pro- duction bigber than a year agO. Pigs seem, te be the only pay- ing propesitien, Ail alenig the hune credit is gettin.g tigbter. But stili it isn't as tight as it was, in the '30%s. Anytbing bought by in- stalîment then carried SLIVen per cent ineret-cn promissery notes payable ta the bank. Te get a Icanr fremn the bank 'itself farmers biad te give a comrplete list- cf their stock and impie- ments as coliateral, and then alnicst had te go dlown on th-eir knees te get it. Times ch-ýanged. For a few years boans were easy te get wbile interest en savingi.s accounts wvent dewn te as law as one anid a haif per cent. Se, if yoýuha any maney- ycu werelalmoest encouraged te spenid it, Naw the situatien is reversed. Wie are enccuiraged ta sa ve. That is fine - for, these whe are able ta save, but wena- der what the future holds in store fer the farmer, in either a big orFa si-ral! way. Some agri- cultural econcmnists say the hundredi-acre farmner is On the waY eut but ene, speaker at a recent cnenin prophesied there- would be more hiundred- acre farmers in the future but that tbey would be better far- mers, witb a greater production .fremi a lesser acreage. We hear ,toa thiat the amounit cf gnod farmi land being taken ever fer read canstructioni, industriai de- velepment and housing- is littie short cf a tragedly. On the othir barid ,we bear cf vast areas cf 'unrdevelopedi land that couild be farimed quite profitably. Al these contradictory reports are very cýonfusing - but at least it wll be interepsti.ig te waýtcb developments. Develepments are alwa-ys ln- toresting, - b ut sotmetimres a littie comIplicateIJ for those caught in the middle. For in- sta nce for ;oars 1 u [dctareach a state ef near-panic every tfime we got a few mnches et snaw in our fanre. We have been stuck se often tr7ying ta get out. Somie- timies wewol get balfway aind then have te bec dug ,out er towed -inl or out. as the case mnay be. Or I would .sametimes go te town aIl right and then find th'e ruts would be filled in, again. That meant maire diggsing fer Partner - especiaill whenY we iiad thIe littie Morris. This win- f er w equipped aur Can-adian- builît car with snowtires. "No need te get sýtuck nowv," said Partner. He is right but naw it is my confidence that is at fauit. 1 guess I need some kind ef morale tires. The trouble is 1 sýee a few inches cf Uthe fluffy stuff ahead cf me and 1 just tbiink imoîng ta get stuick. ActLually I baven't b'ad a ny trouble at 9ail, te car sernms ta, go tbraugb anytbing1. But 1 still finci it bard ',o beiieve and put itdon te k more t'han the Speaking cf snow, yesterdayi Ithoulgbt 1I ad beard the very jlatest. A yeuing people's arg-ani.- zation tbeugbit it woufld be great fun tLo bave a sleigh-ridînig party but thre sleîgh was taIo be pulled b y a tractor! Shadeýs of cur grand-parents ..w h a t wQutbtey bia-,e said cculd they have leoked inte thie future and seen the ycung folk of 1957 go - -ing, for a sleighl ride bebînd -a tractor? Ne sturd'!y, sure-footed. farm team - ne sleighi belis, no1 pluniging bog ,aydît wo rse still, noý romnance. Ah well, 1 suppose w1hyt the young fokdon-'t have they don't mniss. Onily we wbe are aidler kinow cf the tbrillsz and spilîs that used ta belong te thie winter wcnderland. LOUISA ALCOTT'S "'LITTLEr WOMEN" LIVE IN MANY HEARTS Wben Louisa M. Alct's"Lt (le Wemen-" was first published How Far Can You FaII-and Live A sîx-footfaild hazsosmetiýme. proved fatal, yet there are mnany people wýalking- about te- day vwho hfave fallen hundreds of feet and lived ta tell the tale. One cf the meost nightmarish accidents waýs that of a York- sbire man who feil dawýn Pa ,- 500 ft. clliery shaf t receiving enly superficiai injuries. In his fali he overtook a dropping cage and clung ta its roof forý ithe remnaining 750 ft. Only a f ew weeks ago 4a painter ftel 60 f t. froip a- Deven- sbire bridge loto two f eet cf water - and walkedt away uin- injuired. le- was 1pain-ting the bridge w-hen he slippedl A doctar told hlm he was shaiken but otherwise al rîgbt and ex_,pressed amazement at bis escape. Another terifying fali was that of an Austriani wha,,,lwile visiting Vesuvius, leaned ever the cra)ter ýta test its heat and' fei in. Befere he -reached the molten lava he succeeded in grasping and cliniging to Dn un- even ledge,matang a pre-. 'carieus liold until bi-, frienid, who fertunmately had same repes, m"anaged ta lawer one(andpll hKm up. The general, belief that you lose cansciousness when ialiing frem a great height. is net berne out by inivestig-ation. Research shows that th e safes-t fallers cf ail are babies, aci abats, drunks and cats, Ail are comipletely elaxdMwen hitting t he gun.it is the in. stinctive stiffening cf the. body atthÉle mement cf impacet that does the damage. PROVIDENCE MlUS NAME Providence, Rhode !sland, gat its name in 1636 frem itsfen der, Rager Wlliamrs, bDecausec be believed that divine guidance baqd led himy 'ta the spot. Pro- videnice wvas a major part dur- ing the clipper ship ,ýperiod and is naw a Ma-nuLfacturing centre. NEIW PINTED PATTEIRN EASIER-FASTEý-R MORE ACCURATE PRINTED) PATTERN A PRINTED Pattern! fHaif- Siz7cýrs - lol: c s smart in this bri gbt and brceey style. Sew- eay-ne side copeuing! Just un- butter! sheuiders, slip it an 1-2-3 quick. Cut te fit the shorter, fuller figu.re pýerfectly-no alt.er- atiQusi! Printed Pattern 4523: Hait Sizes l1½-, 1½-, ½20l", 22Y2, 24/.Sizes 16'/2 takes 451s yards 35-inch. DirectigisF printed on each tissue pattera part. Easýy-to-u'se, £ccuraqte, assures perfect fit. Send THIRTY-EFIVE 'CENTS (stamps cannet be acceptcpd, use poýstalj note for sgafety)ý for this pattera. Print plairily SIZE', NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send ordier f0 ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eigbteenth St., Nèw Teronto, Ot. PRINCESS - Beaming with fatherly pride, King Hussein of Jordan, guides the hai'tting stepsi of the Royal Princess Aia, one year old. This pholograph, one cf the fir-sî made of the little girl, was t.aken in the Basmain Royal Pca-ac t A an ANN~E 14IRS " I d n ' t h a e m y mi o t e r - i nî- law, Anne Hrsthou-gh 1 cauld fincl reasons to. --I jst want toi undrstnd hysheII is as she is, and if you cain explain er I1hhawy bleýSsyoui." So begins a.-n inteligenit letter from a m rixed-u!p wfewhose private life is being invaded by lier hutsbandl's mother, who camre ta the coupleý's hmeover Da year aofor Ch ntas and Ès -sitlil wvith themn. '-When lshe hears;bis eyvin the front dIoor,ý" theletr con- tinues, ",she rushies out and they retire tahe0 romtili 1 cali! themi for dinnler. Thlen she mono- pelizes hlm tîiIl edtinm-, while 1 s.it w-ith Da boo)k or go ta aur romn. VWh-en we,ý do go out týo- gehrIdon't mmd isaying whrbut shne a y sits up and, it mîakes ime f eellike a tenae.Shle s no o ps a bou iit t~e ouseand eports an'y lapse Mf mine, and thienmyhusbanid nagsîm-e zabout it. "SJhe is coldi to aur fiîendIs, anct ~her Opinion, of thexh is 011bysa: castic belittling. She wavn't g(- ta church, sa we seldam, do more -- and thiat 1 miss. (Tharik i" h eaven -shez doesn't try to helli around the house!) I feel I av lost the wonderful man 1I mar- ried, we Ihave se littie ime to- gethier, andI.icani't help vwon-i decring whether l'il ever get hinm back. 1I ask again, wïhy is she S't Itis cdiscouaurlngta predictt * that this wif e wilI nat f ully * will revive your spirits anti *coïnprehend the reasons wh * ber rmotlwr-in-Iaw \Tbebaves *as she dees until she bas chul- d>cren -if ber own. Rer husband *is, ta, bis nmether, stili a littie o by whn needs ber and wil *conjtinue te as long10-as he tiveýS, *He is e èpnsibiitvn-Le *she will net sbirk. Ris wifejý h is friends, bis cburcb are nat i important cxcept in their cerr- * ributions ta bhis well-being. *It is heopeless for a wife te *expect any chiang-e in the o ider woman-ir's attitude; Mcm * wîIl continue te be part cof * er son's life as long, as shet *stays in bis hause, se ber *daugbhter-in-law may a s well " face it. A fe\v practical * changes in ber routine wili e bielp, hbewever. * TO "LONNLY WIFE": Liv- * in thiis strained atmaosphere, j* you ne-ied youir friends mare * than eves. Eniceurage other - ~ wves tao drap in, wb-ether your j* mnother-in-law is gracieuis or rinet, you and yeoir nusbandI *sbauld spend occasieni eve- *nings with tbemn, toc, in their hoimes or 'ycurs, if enly to find *ch-anges cf scene and minds. 1 hope ýyau will ge, ba-ck ta *chur-Cb. Ask a few eidler mnem- *bers ta eaualon bis mother; *their visits may diïssipate lier *concerntrated interest in your *private lives ,and g i ve ycui * more freedomi. These conitact's *aise relaux the tension. SAs you acq-ept, within ycur *understanding, your niother- * n-law's projection inte becr *son's way of living, yen wil *find it easier ta be mare toJ--, *erant andi charitable. I coxAý-' * mend vour appraacb te thre Often it is more helIpfltoag»1 ant objective opinion on a diffieuli situation from otie wloio s coin- petent, symipatbetic and practi. cal. Anne Hirst is --lad to be 01 what service she cati. Address her at. Box 1, 123 Elghteenth St., New Toronto, Ont, A group cf Japanese athietes at t-he recent Olymrpie gamnea visited a shep in Melbourne, okigfor some r-easanalk priotbd Olympic souvenirs tta send bome. The quiâkly found just what they 1wre oekng for - seinsr1 attractve china plates gaili decorated with Olyi-fp-ic rinigs and a view cf Meibaurne. Tey left the sbop .ongr-atuïatiiieg themseives that their relatives at berne wauld be pleased with an original temninder of the- great occasion. Buithtey weren't se bappýy later wh e n tey exained the plates mare losely. Eacb plate was neatiy inscribed on the back "Made in Japan,." 4 Performances twlce 0o.ily (Exce.pt Sundoy) 2.15 p.m.; 8.15 P.m. Evenings & Sut. Afferoons-Ail Set Reserved Res. Seats $)M2 Box Seat, $1.75 Plusi Exhibitior, Admission Aduits 50t Children 25ý (on Advanco Soles) Aduit Admission purchased teparately 75tý Orde, your seat, NOW-Sove 25é! per >eet Write<Econ cheque or money order) ea THE CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOWVI The Calseum Toronto, Canadoig "Corn StarchM akes Tasty Entré For free folder f other delicious reelpos, Write ta: Jan* Ashley, Homei Service Deoartment, THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY tIMITED P.O. Box 129, Mffntrecal, P.Q. 1tblSP oqo 2 cpona lUesI. , abu*t eascwCCp as'g. 1 tboWlfl 2Cor dimo nion" 'li ceidiaige t 0IendI c' ' ""ii0aueVo. * t.du n1thkfdonaer bll broILInd* UN thon, r.D RCMOE s1Om he0'5';, s"V m eamuli, f~~so ;ndlla i n ottffi o I t dU9t. Corn Ilot thdffiUcite boy ut e~r1G' ?LCEo tp~ fIO otI tiOt OUOoilor - 10 m0 tiued 'Utt 0k~~ C O O K .Jce b ot,'~

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