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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Mar 1957, p. 5

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j«ONO VWEKÇYZV fbqS_ IIRSA -IRC t1H là, 957 There are so many thlngs to save for To-day W.s furniture - to-morrw, a new car or a holi-. daytrp. Whatever your goab, youl] get there faster by omigir them. Start a Savinge Account to-day at our nearest brand. THE CA/NADIAN BANK 0F' ÇOMMER 'E 750 branche acros ainada readýy to serviYoi. N -77C GoId, Seal Congc Floorr Coverings in appealing decorative design styllng featuring star-like color accents highlightirý ground. The two yard floor tile patte ru looks like and sparkling. The "sequis" design that adds dist: Ailroonts. Gay, llvely "Jack Straw" and f ashionable but These designs like al high quality GoId Seal the exclusive multicote, baked enamal surface, spiHl' can't mar this'dens e hard surface. Dirt and stains ai 4 yard width priced at $4.95 9~ foot w~ 6 foot wvidth priced at $1-85. Rtîgs priced at $6.25 to $15.25.-AlI sizes and-p Jaspe Linoleum Tule 9x9 square. Pyiced at ýre easily remoyed. ,idth priced at $2.75 patterns. 2 for 25c. NEW SPRIN(G WALLPAPER Our New Spring WaIlpap,ýr is'now ini stock. Papers for every room Priced f rom 35c. to 75c. a singlq roll. We have remnan -f Wallpaper iii bundies 7 - 15 single rolis at leslý than half price. CURTAI'N$ ANJ[ýD RAPES Brighten your outlook wiith spar mJÎg fresh Curtains and Drapes. We have tailored curtains in fi cked rqu*sette or plain, also sunni- webb voile in white or oyster shàas. Frilled curtaîns in nylon or dotted marquisette also cottage sets in dif- f erent styles Frilled nylon curtains size 52x81. Prced.......... $8.95 Fiocked rayon tailored 'also nylon. Priced at........ ........ $6.50 Tailored dotted marquisette $3.50 Cottage sets f rom .. $2.25 to $4.25 Armstrong's Store Open AlilDay Molidqy t oatiApprifaio jà The Clarke Township Counnil met j Tuesday, Marc1I 5t-h inth eir regtIl1r meeting in the Couineil Chamber, pre- sent were Reeve James T. Blrown, fdeputy-reeve E. Walkey and cuel lors H Lowery, E. Dent a/d W, Sav- el-Y, and clerk H. E. Milîson, jConcerniif'g a letter reteived from the Departmient &f Highways re a petitien from residents of the haiIet of Newvtonville regardin'g speeding traf/fic the clerk w-as instructed to write -the secretary o/f the Ontario Assoiatoof Rural Municipalities anid request their action on a reselu- tion wýhich wavýs passed at thelir anniuaî meeting in February. The clerk wvas aise teý give them somle idea o/f the t cireumstancýes of the prevailinig con- dition ini Ne.wtonv-ille and extend the suppoet of the counili tow-ard.s their resohftion. Further they requiestedi aiIý conlstructive action that -ýhe.cnI cil miglit take to correct the las gov\ering the WImtacs \11% Carleton Paynie met wýitli the! council to discus the matter of coun- cýil puircliasing certain lands in lot 1, concessioni B.F. in order to straigIbten the road. M-r. Payas submitted a price of $2,OirO for the landl. After IconsidIerable discussion MIr. Payne a- g!eed to g-ive consideration t any iwant to mirýe to him. *Council lias sýet 3, for road con $12,OO0 for Bidge, and culxerts conl- I stucin,$,iOforinte ancean ~ 5 eOfor i. c neu mine The pasingof thie 1957Spe *ment'arl By--aw wvas ta'blsd un ritil jthe Rn uei~tna s inves":tig-,, tid'n of theesiaeepedtrso Islpecific conis"1tctionprecsfr57 Tie eeedeputy reeead rond Ssurp erintendant are to neeat ithte on pgeeigilc) V Rev. CJ.g SUNDAY, MARCJI 17 ORONO Sunday S'ch1ool at, 10 Serice at Il Sunday vSehool it 2 h IRBY Sel-vice at, K? 'ilW. A. MeetiagLCA w Thie mneetng of the Kenddi Wolins Aas.Ât:o v as held at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. Eari BOYd adsoi] Mrs. chias. Tcpoon Wednesýdiy (Gleu of PtroruVii iLh president, Mis-. Jaek Stapleton lin the M.Johi" Patton andziin oy'on ,Stin- chair. Mxsý,. Chas. Thonipson was t.he day. p:ianist fo- the singing of tiie hymr. Alex 'IXummoni] Toqnto Mrs M LXO!l read the scripture. S;pent teweekend with '.ad Us ~Mrs. Sta-ptoni led in prayer. The 'i ss Aud te,, Billings, oýshawa, ladies discussed the idea of compiling Miss oa n EelnBalyo a coolç book witth thli favourite re- Pr ruhweeweedvisitr cipes of the ladies of the cL-Olmmuatli-y wih M. nd MoralB:n s or anyone else whc would like to con- M.and Mrs. (Alfd 1 jot" n taibute 4heir recipes and ail agreed MAl M-a n MeKhAlfed lofTorantd wvtith tie idea. Tjiis eook l>ook would selI lor $JOwhen prinited. Mrs were %weekend viýsitors Wýith Mrs Garland Çathcart 1200k the devotîoliaî Fred Bimaiilcollbe., and gtave '.he story of the book "The M"f. J. W.ý RiýkAby,%Tei-onito visitedj Man 'Called Peterý" which descrihed oni Mon1ýaY' with Mr. and Ms Heber one nian's lifu devotion to the calu of Souch. God t sanetralag Mss ýShiley Porter R.N., Oshawa wel.I i one einthin ory, and Miss Camilla J1 - n i Toonto! teresting style. Miss C. W~ Stewart were weekend wue.ts 0f Mr. nd Mfrs. showed beautiful pictures on the N~ otr .acreen of her Christ-mas visiit to Cali- Mrs. Ken GaJm.by,'r' H. BOAd fornia, explaining each picture as it. rnadTry~pn h ekn came on the screeii. There-mwere jYmany1 m Coiborne mîth Mr. iznd Mrs. C. scenes of places around Kendal andiparker. faces me knew. After t-he meeting! Mr. Normian Rticahy !spent the closed ail sat around a large table weekend in Toronto with Miss -Marion and enjoyed refreshihents and a, sof- Rickahy and Mmr. J. A. Rickaby. ali chat. A vote alf thanks was ten- Mr. Paul Rutherford is attendinig dered tu Mrs. Thomtpson for her hec- a Prospectors Convention -ini Hamiil- pitality and a meast enioy,,able evening. 1ton. iCol. and -Mrs. J. C. Gamiey are CAD)ET-S (Fron- page 4) spending a 'holiday in Florîda. FoUowinig the films, refreshmientsi Mr. and'Mrs. Roy Tennant and fam- wi~be seirved and the guest, will ily have 'rent-d the home 0ýf Mr. Mii- have a chanc,(e t-o taik to the Cadets tont Morris on Church St. and the Commarifing Officer and his Mi. and Mrs. 'Carl Billinigs, Mr. t.railling staff. 112 leoks as if it will be adMr.Ni otratne h a very enjoyable eveningý for tIl con-flHorticultural Convention at the Con- cerned; iU ytu r invited by a friend bHte anio, s Tu- hois an Air- Cadet, please accept naugh lteHaiitn atTus ànd come along.j day and Friday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex! Wabson accoinpanied t-hem as; far as ____________ ________ -Waterdown, where they visited their- soitMr Archie Watson, _Mrs. Wats*on, 1Betty Ann and Lar-ry. Mf. and ~Mrs. Perc!y Lutin are il > Ieurri Phillips, wtho lias been ilJi. sensa~ona newThe folloewing are the resuitsfo ns, a sni nlnwthe Red Cross Scrap book and Po3ste.r j ig a multicolor back- ompetition for 1957. expenve ile bright 1&rap Books,-Or-on-o and Clarke inctive personality to Posters-1st prize Antioeh Sehool. Hon. Mention, Neil 'Siuith, Diane Gil- bart, Jeani Cowling,' Betty Dawson, tpractical Square Tex Julie Sawke, I 1 floor coverings have t Ad fiquids, food greaseakeTw hi Sd FU-NÈRAL HOME Orono, Ont. ï"' -.,1182 'Cause His House Is SochniIIy! Do lm ia '--ond ±mI v tIigHflm tgoceau Orono 148163 There's no heating problem we can't solve efficieritly and economically. Oromo Fuel ami Lumber L&d Crène ~ phone. 1481:6 ~tjr QiuufiYt~r~ ni 'k N k. N shudpiromp,>,t 'yOU toCal u-po sîp~ bauiflserlvices -ýthai iecon SOling t the bereaved. 4UATLE Y H. ARLP~ Phone 1187 ft Evenings Friday & Saturdj MW.dnesday Opea AI] Day New Esmiond Blankets, gor-geously styled, washable rayon and nylon, satin bound. eolQlJrs cherry, yellow green or blue, approx. 72 in. by 84 in. $4.95 New Laundry Baskets, urnbreakable polethylene plastie, ruLst-proof, chip-proof, washable, open mieshi for- proper ventilation, rolled rhit for rig-~ idity and eas-e of carryirng, colors yelloiw, red, pink or tourquoise. Rach for ......... ........ $2.45 Nylon Hose, 51 g,-4,ge, 2-thrieaid of 10 denier for- longer wear, ai sizes. P~air............9. .Shelf Paper, lia die chrome, red ors 21 foot rolîs {r...................... P ShIeif Ppr s teclr,9it od,1e o 5 Stainless SelCtey e eue rcs Tel-ape os, esse' 'tcsnoons ueh 2%e 'Forks each 20ca Kondes each 39c, Coloramie Eîectic ,_Light Bls eeaeyouir h with lighit colors pink, yeliw, blues or green 100 wvatt size for .... ..................332. Fuise Plugs, .SMA. po eBeSiafe Don't Useý A1 Coin, 15, 20,2-5 or ?0am rps '3 for ....... 20e. Engý)iish Peppermints, fa style, pound....39c. Couner recrv Sale. fat lass platform, veighs 'pto20 pound.Ideai f or wveighinig poultry etc. A bargainfor............,0 Sted-man QickDrLgEme for inside vuse haîf pints for 45e. Qularts f or $1.45 UJROIGO1? TO1$10 STOÊ Open. Fridy evenings until 10 éo'loek for your convenience ..MÊMM»Jwý ombe..à- ...1m ;r ýý 1 I I I N N Af N I N N 8 i N N N 4-' N s' 4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N $ 'N N N N N N N 'N N N N .4' N N Ni N1 N N N s N N N N N 'N N N N N 'N N N N N 'N N N 'N N N 'N 'N N N ~'1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N "1 N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

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