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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Apr 1957, p. 1

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,Vl.20No ORONO, ONT,, APRIL 4th_19,57 usrpin$.0erya Dlon Staples Named président Poice TrHsteýs Seek Pasing " a rn ar m s i Thre cho lsSek T L av 0fD.hamllg rodces 01 édler B-Jw B JP.Excellent Set Acknd Performance TonsipSchool Area l ,amGouty eeing of tMeflAt aspecial metling of tileOro.no Three pu~lic echoo section in the Frmers Mcs A For lin the Agpicuultuai he Tutees odecid t romedTepeettoif"ain obnsDo is an Toweshning. Durinng thd e olasigofb law eance, re- TownishipHall, Orono, on two )suc- Townsip Cunci on uesdadat Jheivexeing the irecors appnteud their'ulate and govern Hwesal' e-10 ufui~1 eIl-III regula meetig to b witbdawn Ioffricers and discýussecl matters per- lrs operating within the imnits of the afs. ju rtsmo, TusiyadFia fronmtthe Clarke Towniýship school; h gt eiaken f-g, PlieVU ot l Area. Those applying worn thefre ra onty and South_ Mens-i i gt-h areigo os. Plc igeof Orono. ience Of close to five hundred.Th The Bow nville-Orýono Comibilie sections of Antiochý No. 910an ot hn on ; w dsgntd a Dnald Staples heads the Ast-cin- The by-law afer given imehre 'ad- largest night attendance came onmiFr1-oeedterem-iasresl h Granlby. pcry Ce, an a înes.- the Bruce Loys tConp rddentSiAhHomard Mal- ings hy the Township wouild requiredry7erening mihenclose Vthrlieehun- OHA jntemedate !At' Playdvwma. rit present seven sehoots are c15 (Ifh aot Vrointion) on colin, seci2tary ait Bruce Tailqor, .eporcnswa og-> fromplace Vo place dred Mere lppree-t. h Tj.oIug on iJýýy i echol aea nd f pe ssin ~ obe ls, 196. n Au i 15, 19j , reas 1ure r. or toa aparticular place mwith gcods, 0f týhe five hundred attenlng the o h atrshm c.TeTls graated the three apigsections it practicïMaflil Cou!nCos lu UOtrwr o!r merchýlaniefor sala wrotin 1playadl accIaimed the peforance burg eam bn tis gamle out-shot and wovuid then cut the area Vo oniy four nan m o f [the dist- i Vs i f be It was dediced Vo hud two public-ythePoliceVillage, or ho carniesrandias outtnding and sweii actel. Th, ouMoîed the Comines and took a sehools. T'he final decision lan this sup ervised areas. Therafter ail fe- ity metins binte lnearfutur, c t epoessapIýis , ttLernse n Y rm or speci-jlocal artists au ieacted therir part s deu de in th e ga.Aiser the materretswih te epvten ofmae ales~iu tbevacintd wVch - e t (ceneeand the other nt> nsý fgoci, reu o cadse i a manpner which deserves muP NLxY minutes (f play Tillsobug led Eduatonan bfos t ans ow 1dte a- c p Wrc n ÉYr t e . ,an i Carton. The purpose of the.e rnee- hchitob devee inhem i-ccitothm adas toher ir by a score of 9 to J. Til,ýlsonbrg led itsdeisin puli me igiiib tècs fvacntoY-,h u ng ilh o uoupoucr nality nAfV dierw a sa oein -a ector argot Sndaul. Fth er td u- thtteCmies4 o2 v na h ars e (n l imita lpiencs" of the opan mý, LaLe raa k e tu PCO hdrwatîg of th rtst o orwhe nlsro ing ne fr1h - diecs:pensed wg jilîVh1- i beus ê V "a gthe a u hitr s inuVte opu mbines wastha2lire af Bih Berick, At th m-le i eti o Tesayoniy1 Vors hav b- A moton w ap sad f unheex- ni haw doas notafetaShtihchto pae inalog s- ny amnindKt W't hN onem petitionsa wai sofîlSedse ith thaofSabrin Fcornes thhex.r1ssn"' cv finof oiepëach Ahptha e rmthe raià T any rsn i e t- in tir Vnh dfor eeins aa f Crsahf3m t Pdde1 Bow eel\wior' cted ah th iwmnvFeOrn of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -o Atch Scin Ptiisfomr v con fic cî, un-naeso te re ion p t- yra of idu c own o n sona iandl Tie top ilî o oegas.Bh B r'! ardo h thopeý u oses ofal o rx ntths aed on ob ,A dsusonfl h rsesst e fmo. hortrayaUuýl a mnyCouhne wthtw o ta ou cu oie pAnte tasellmeig fclenrsmyb cred wth:1: ,1Led > qn fuah n Ility w gmfornbu' I tLA cs. and sinle wntVob the I conclonSatrdy evang le- ffjieuue tr a rt.luunty, howm e otigÀ eîntewasfr halcesV pdleouhxx P n a y ndnumrowsune Prospieman na n KihWs c t ppears that Vhes man eans mgdh-s 0a"MYs buacna e byian atru c ocs ur a poulcr aopouamr îes utwuecryn utarfaue h yhdaso uýtncifu_ ott-ýi folclo Strr e eit that q uentiy vsry pactitiner boieaulic e n t a h e dM ori t wasamosd nuoae. er rnmbrofopotuitowr &hool Areaoaretthaunis riicking as in nririoor gameisaN tcesntvs re o i>oud h t e r e is gIvn sanfao aspouit»o petciptiy -J V s epeteitCtthe Trs ee Ide st aeseing oodat the wsî os ntepar 0 ia Co c was claved n .no eeug cntat etwenVhese- i te pogam luoner o uahfyappy e Vs eveea o fehue wi ai po ctiensofth Vofae al, esged by"lo Ma frtsts e- rn fVsThsrb ol tienlsnt V hs area. IV i nerstood for emuaani wiU avle bvi e onec ehs attie n'tospertsedasf u i pn- e asstwTbhohe gvrigo hspce tndVre okingo ,taTimsnughs in d reviau iay taVspps dtn aspuortng f for th vetéinan t& entet an ticuars- ith rers a rd o VnAu e mof by- lawIi ecda eby-onlhaw r 1aVhean. aiSuncld e a ofgme nvd hmale secton as mt rwthe o wnsdipord riulr, is d each oa os ig sfrm ou r vtenn&nanor gi ul- hessMaytcwnsthpeig e nrythedappoi anVd fuixàte. TerdetIng S ,sT endrertafo glsrand el, &ig e s i eanincumstnees cOfa ti ownerst i xete ht te Trses T estg etin tteT mmhp ls l" h uk w s lue n meVuh carea tbheetwo tsecin thcae cf hîsa ppInoimtet under menytanthes isu nn e. e q a. vidiri f eVia e d thl e proer asper r t hee Cfomn fe Vried -1,afr Vhs o ecn trions ad the ara. R is nderstoo for remnermîon t wil li nheequestionle oforepaîviseVoamVh FOr1-operformance.th eherem&iistics settaingiwasenVhs scorengstoodllat 7-2 forin Tfev sonhplay Th he pouni utied hs rti ho uldt ae e rt arin ha aen ter in - a anrg r h e r f b b ,I a h yls vrt(,oon loid dd w sa of gre r'dteievs Supedrienetetendto nd or.15 9Pagri n bas a agreee nt ith VhAg tne bs My b bé ith o ne n in as dicused a tedosiedo, eaeceddmw piato ed band 9-4afetr Vhsi. -tnshof % ced grve ta be de- Mns ter befre piaingreeqaue t r alRey epumpSe tl- w i a esenVlu si-rigaduefinolmus. J"aiYas. ias. Rohss an prV- nVhTe r enfrt esris Vhfenpla te- drmen re s Vo b efit-rateseton. tCialvesofay ha acinted aftner aiuttlbnVhs fineschiefawlsng.k ing G er CopeinsatsLiane Lfor nbe CVh s on ed fVe r r teig VV d hiere orownshi roads 1 V h-evc nsit nevces. W.M.S Lite Mem------p Tholqap s tinof acing.1V a spn t r ed a n is nicepeLunu. ngwsths rdat7fon Fyr Tsnw i Aie te ners or hsonstruti o freching fo ctitm n tfaet must contacts Vo obta,ios d hiue, somlý es. int rct ihan d etsinted feaand -4eing lithî pr osec Sutire bies aeV b te.Tendbr-vnccainaeabefrebcma lve h trmeetingSofhehe W M S e u t issn t 1Aicoud he ueifa lgaeasiin prfmnc Vkiga icoyfmVhCmbe. Vo e dnsruced ~ hs cnhs f ae.Thu' caf braon ws.hei u hs n da e hole d i- ncsa ry hieVh Tset o p r s, T.MissJo Anu Ruthrf.osd s Glab' In T hîscneTredtoVhséretheie,gamrnh e btodgesfisIlisman.led. It waotuhough that rita wbo disupted Lunes' wehl adefuas Voabe pIasdsin Bowmanville o drnpiish be aDaMaekelda r tige adeaysV my ha vcinutd an» tniumo osdyupil2ç,wt ta h u he o A gGog oHsa Inslrae h pneatrrc\n e lon tend-ersfohthens t h rigetime r eenorMay tsudNovemben hs Pesdet n hschir apota bpm id ha rUenu-te Jior plashinu' tJulia Wàa wnid1c- Tus ada eeing Mof prastect 0 -fieebide rethb aUd heb vetf d fb rh . Iaecintly thTeîstrMetn o heII s. urpose and hs bossbco ie iiok, whoea sHgef ormwthanqckes_1 ________________te_________ - I>Idg s t b rosAcedar ie inn f- g. hsa'1'bI OS she mang n e SmIa w roî mH nuesaywh cn jLuSld c ..W o n us n s A T A eddd7m lc Councrilaiwtle ina, mnas thwthttMa mcatf is pLaidai Bemarlabvilac e Confsh Isiip anhich thebrfdns engins maa mbe- MissdnRitaanBai-ropai- dnbarsdperformance M wrilyn Cobbiedickapand Norman nRie- thei yealy n adiupcn thli Sot anatoen nhy b ivend af\ iir erietVakte byaMrs.PM.J. period u o nuthe rn--for h i n otefcieypne yPu uhnod ae oftsn ,3 n.A h aeVm hyaeV ou otsodbtms ~gnTmln wtoeopead withVhs East2ling rpied.adiiil-led oldmch s ice and hmor1Vo- hs kahy Tan _ha Týý,illpr Contcan ha m iade ilu adition a ocuitiu a va tanon-,r e ts , esu fur omidiaI- U, -, e a oteneyi lydb ,P, Sat)Srvc nor y M Ba ý j qS il To Dontas îtself omaalib ýlaj it nral appearanice lol 'rso a i-inn that caltes are available for so verse Vwa e aad mgav e K s sîsa I13Ie StRtapBasr aid ¶e r pK a.b e hsnn Vs ctngbyVh lo ut a a lao f y A l, aii l'le s orh fV hsasstVsve;nnin f eused t aseson dR g sei Chattert andhs farni'caufe, ngit d k, opu u Àn1d1 le nship t a s vailh ie orVs r, nPestaîing snbi cafIlbe ,..' Virray L1III S l es n tbe p ese rto n e!i o b rnoPccsi Vh rvnI ,IU s s , Pvc eu furtu voe" asml ___ Vhs ~ ~ ~ r cniinoVhOon dmpt Uda Vhc cetain restrictioniis ,'j.vWisertVhs sprinag-ikes asethar mhich, M. ad Ms. Lar ira. "D enPRut11 n195. V os couci 1ud requetad th oft abll- llymvti f 'Chi.ý-'nen. 107 and prayer b Ms. bas beenmith us for ema Vime)Vh doe a mlye odenI e. Tusescol af h b-a 'Ve-t amlyce teWesips'ia tughts ba E àurned V M uasobahl Thenremani'a'lee nt f h Plot rV s onlsio fspan piv-sýý' ýb via o A lv esmas brgegbt Up wit e def e Aveî-y appor iat dat binad h oraio fVh ak-ms uthrcinlcne y hosFiaycmecs peene rs ar- Th,,e F anshimp O Daiiitgte e gW ut etiyea s od1rrvlssn M n ,stua fpes - P n d $tSO.0 fo i-1ovmens o Vshpessonehatitvîgt nt huadvfsoFrnchanmmot cpabyupne b tecunian e u t tapl ,1 im NO 10d M n d ickb ufar mih ib ub uces li hspstfw îTher Auien. Othen ohoek psatl AtP thcsfom tIa o n iglts1 tandOP dolark1we'-Drhnoe houndaryn d A I- abfls cotropatheddhin le VsnVi- !Mes. IP ortegave awsorthicgraphy yaans hae ii Lk tuhorA le In p rts u iCa thyeftve P- mi siti rm tn prs se lt ths matar opebas eqeetad age Mr.Dentmas f Vs opnioni .. - arehodngha festing of prea or ofe Mrs. Kttcbens'ar1oghfe audNewoskr"gtandcilnnss mare viyCarooriyn Jontt ws, Joanor aCook, etOrono.l that Carkect as t t epai V1ofh tht sc abylmwas aipretionextheasebail. seasnea th s aturdayi t eas bundry le hs amontof o emadereafo Vh rsîdnt 1 pretul e nde ib a WireS1 Lif 5 evuîag in Nameastileut eight-'clock C rký-)-illit-ilrod.id iletampelaHpeUb i A, alyaramihsud4avourVodtrie' "" sa i tu O llt0 e HVhs Villagetd M. Stapestphsentd be mitbVhs armenhodnnot a areeted T p55OO fen A~~~~~~~~~~~ reus1a aavdf-mVs E etBonlbfr canc l Mu,.shipp ein .,r.!ichea mad! issbaswbael ivli ha plnyed un Onoho Vb one olice TrsteMsOfr Vhs toa- d10 it' io ur fine poa t iaot ctpane u itabthe repiy, VhmarringdVhs ladies byla fr hsPoicdVllgeofOuscusingtma xrsedhmvr Cta nvtto rm Vh Na an s h n oAateur Athi"etia AsoitoZ~Y~" April 4th. 'th~~is ya endeur WVhs O non chanstepucaeVs aum cepe rr quetio e whthn o nt Vs ole! K entcuss e ur rbmippin In Thieduy a aeita Mss Bs misil!gbVo paricipsin thisTh Oon Pblc chelTr 'qsVh;Jr V Ful udLumarLV trn oi rsetfr o e2 m p a -ad for s Vhs Pilipire Ihans theOrneMunicipa B urt hsuAr-nhymetn heVeyn-sho Gra-pss aFeirs diaK eep Firey gUiving u rter hecIAtin*ndustriaesnFîayîgtusveococ.ToubcpeVhofn oOo1 4lt!Lasoeehu vrti indeanci a from h es.adiin iihabsVdemnwat - Board i cnjuctinwtc etoaDprmn fHalhsair~ta forgt'tennis it sre houg oa son rtiusfieurdfv om aVsOooSho. tec iarcnete h o-i Dep , a ï ment Busy jO n coLib dVu-eekend f\oý,li Jitlhay of Vh e rndidmr h i basementyrooô as Ia coyssrooe tma1 Vhs Islaudsbyhe!ssionouesithes iii makeVhiantotles acVhs The ru teestaccptad VhisrntaIaoftsu icient for23 pupîls.Itimas re. sprt_____ $5,5 ake t mist0 mt offTeredby eVhs i ithéietHg-h cmmesnd ed th ontif tia sou as Vothe l7he meek-erd mas mtheedmitbonoon a hirdBeaulings -dce ved men ThetmeetigeetosgdwmfV prayer ing eafm en ihte ao otinb- bs nVs rpryefM.A rd fVh stézpahneictpin. oranyne mo uti a inU.Terstsdla 1paymte lo er pteiug VhSera0 h abeimic oivh u md~ plce mthVh Oon fnedean- Tmnbi. usVoVh Vllgeby pi n. thMie regstaon he as ti stini o h m r arDisbteiic t V lui igur e ttr xse-.n, 'h Vhsfiss epatmnt oud nV eav I11Sfl&~ Vpindun hvemil an eersad&coace sailfroayaVo snp idrte Crrepode-f em h sPublls y or Eent. ia o hesledd oîtbVh1tens iplryers. MakSp n effoy, rt Vodj ihanfor a fiv te yaropnod h o cal Shooui-Insp ctetoi deu h aot i Vhs Village. Series ad hris wi i mak Vhs ctii s t indist e rpoeVh meyarpr-gaen mold nbeavlaI frm Th1egn ia f hooile cm 2nt e M it-OL k s oe 1,iii oiýaud y e e - T eT u b sn e b h i n - f1s.n , m 11L c r e j ErlyMonay erangfin Voall AmID u .Snd I bd tofe VsD ri-h Disýtrict 11g tueP-o' nca ior hs osrucwtio a ~s S Treaweek-nndg mben angrass ithOns ae tnoy d a cbra n s md pi-ei, iýI9pery f fVh yuh f hsVllgead is-School taB ad h a fqa nonh: eune t a r cli Jass shsbol. ain Vhs nop ierty of Mn.a te MlionMn. er ge Wis inn ing wr P"(i tb s and the scndgame of V h osie s- eHomever grants mouhd ha availabie bNptal becarmenet c ui-e lajspro bea s uet pon .the p Oprn o f departme 1 n thsonbrg ah nies mraiyn. h odb omas layin oWr- -A motie o u ard ed Vopya sum w Id foramy mvaièhemèequi rtused l-p ovr cnsdeaba ra n hssotbma -ith n ico th ct e sim arud ueileon ofesayhevtitg het unIg ant apaîýal i i u a room auîong iVb uniVi- inp asntfri hs a fine, a ls eod s th i inims a heToasipnesaierad omied mm A e aOnn e B t-adignc-UsedJ Vh lins as pacen athhe fir hall Thirfordéparhs-p!pownscfin. JhnLtro geuttmhe VsiComineshav-----for---------a--------- I $39pe00foi-Miss . Poterpi-la- Vh sehol Ibs fyernshm ie Vat tey s sali~ ~ ~ ~~ýh mafeih-nrhofVs ilgePttntar Vhshaent cf K ndial. iug Vhs sadavla Vhs fi-st pedrodche-O. whereagaina gras fin had ei-s meekad cae ut oon Oi Moday Ta cutook c-ange sommbut O monney metingof Vh Oroo Fis anThisslBcCain1ndSous0.O forprevius yorson s e- s' -airs-- ,- - s 7,775, milm 71 Se -

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