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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Apr 1957, p. 2

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oRLbtNo WFi8KLY TIMlES TRURSDÀY, EASTER OPEN HOUSE ON SATURDAY, APRUL 6TH SFREE EASTER EGGS FOIR AL THE CHILDREN ACCOMPANIED BY ADULTS *FREE PHOTO 0F YOUR CHILD WITH TH-E EASTER]BUNNY EAS TEK FUN ýtEEKîpAPRIL 22,w271 lilng veydi to tlheir studies and obtain mo,,e edýlu- catio0n recd some uprtfo Unomploymentinsrnc ttite thlism i woek TA omsinanine that of 2-P6,189 j ob) seekers on Nov- ember '24 (72,"548 ein wmen 7 peri ce(nt 1had,1Grade 8 eu"to o 5,5 out Of 10û, had Grade 8 or less The imral is, o)f course, that the more edu- cation you lhave the less Iikely you are to heo out of a Job. 1)edU Prograni As Session Nears Conclusion Althlouagh thie sesýs:in as be-en one of the, dullest, pre-election efforts on1 record, it gradually is dra-ing to a1 chose. Latest evidenice of this fact was an extension of the hours of sit- ting with) fuither extensions to come. Prom now on the fl.ouse will sit every miorning including Saturday and evexy -niglhut as well. uailly, Wodnlesday and Fridays arre froe ighits, but the r - I - - Set Up PraetCommitteet For OooWrMmra A filrIther milep-ting wýas held in the- Oddfllo'sllj on Tuesday evening, tu consider the recio of a Cenotaphi, in m)emory of thie dead in two Worl&-ý Wars aad la Korea. The meeting waý sponisored by thie e-service personinel of Orono aInd district. At the meecýting a permanei(nt coni- mitteo wa-ýs set uip to inivestfigate costsiý from ia firm la Wl-ý,'hibhy and'a fin m Port Hope, also the costs of 'my ex- cavation which miay bé necessary on. the and now set aýpart by the muni-- cipa'ity for the purpose of erecting the monument. It was decided that as soon as costs have been received public meeting will be called to as- certain what genewral support can e given the undertaking., JýýORD-MONARCHI SALES And SERVICE A 1 Used Cars Our complete service guarantees year round driving pleasure CARVETH MOTORS Phone 3251 Newcas.bie, Ontari -4 Vigor Oïl Co. Ltd. Stove Oit 21 cents per gail ~~~~~ FulOtI ~ cents per ga For Delivery Phone O ORONO 1567 -or- OSHAWA RA. 5-1109 t R.Eo LOGAN' Sheet M'tal Orono, Ont. For the 1AS~ULATED ' CHIMNEY InstailI iîyourzalf in13 heurmi Comes complt . . . nes n o tickâ, mortar, foundation. Suppored ai roof and floors. ïnin u t usïde ca£.4n,. Fils 1,Z2and 2 storoy homes. Ctiom-built; aipov?d by recoq. alzed r.ýsecÀch o aicza nd k.attng The' Selkîrk C' 'y savez hhea4. aves Iiioney, and eJ ý3 fire hazardi Le- J velped<ni mom: ur~ laCQLÉada and proven 'Gr yeçlrsi Ma-e .by I __________________________________________________ Box 151, Brockv~l1e, Cî~t. Fro OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE EASTER PAR ADE 0F VALUES ýOSHAWk SHOPPiNGý,.cE -NTRE EASTER-"P' #A SUýNDAY,; APRIL: 21.1... ,change t'he meaning 0of any spoken now lofa ef-s.Th Pim but miiitUpied'hepolicy o- n entto fg- acs TePiego)verirrent is attempting to concludený speechbu lie does correct poor Eng- foot whieh was based on findings of Mimister, in reply- to a question Ofon its legisiation by April 10 or 12r Rep rtFrm arlam ntH~ iali sntnc cnstucio ad the ueMassey repoft somle yearsao.Thursday ad1mitted that he had vorit- which would indicate taJueM imprf cCtioense Memrbers were especially gratified toi ten a complaint to the CBC chairman bhas been selected as election day. LaU u vi.an aru Edito Suroun edB Phrises rad that there were NO recommend- 1 ver a hroadast by a University pro- La d an ar E itD urntese 'weethae ediorations in lunewith current rumorsi fd ssor. fils main complaint was' that! Marketing Anendments Duiililtfi saneýwek tieediorcolncer'ning a $20 license fee on tel~ the professor lias been presented asl Will Be Presented This Session ,a lu ei-Bet ILlcrridge, C C Fmern iso sets,. Main reOmmyendation5 a Canadtian without expiaining ta frm .. ae n nusn cr included a' change in the 3regulatýor-y he had rerently arrived from England Spotr fte svrlfru ____ f he~hrt'ad ertrshad OisP body with CBC chairman eventually and that his tone has beeni talking, marketing boards ln Oxitaio will le" By John M. James, M.. He joined the rep)orting staff in 1919 nepeed him as saying lhe was beng arov(e o nny.coTero vr dn oteCnda ulca rtiidt ertta h rm i- of hebehndthescnesmeu-served tfrrough 10 parliami-ents a nd surrounided by "Phariisee" memibers. gnrbodcs oiytTefr-tmi epearidof becomfing Op- ainnouencsýiI ed. tt thed requie Onie - b ,'ïodtesee em M Hrid, nune ht t cast of expenditures indicated that a volVed in internatioalaffir.on. Thi esùainntu camet-s bers of the flouse of Commons staff the regimes of five prime niiniter-s. bar. H er'dennone htit huge amouiut of funds will he re- Position par-tie-sscreamied thatt theso e sessr on.Thseen h e nts b-e Camet- receivedseci a recognition in the 111 1952, he reached the pinracle of shouloi aebe frsen" l-quired in future to extenil and main- letters were ani attempt by the g-ov-,ncsayw'nteSpem or comnmons On Saturday -' and well hoe bis professi'on as editor of debates. stead of "Phiarlisee." tain CBC service. No legisiation will eramoent to direct a propaganda ag- ruled that somie of the procedures of- ýT,-b(.h1-lus h kPtflee f olthe pov ial marketing -agenici@Esi should have. Thomias S. Hubbard, re- Ah Parties paid tribute to himi for, his Fowler RZeport on Clic hoiludi(ed ini this session to imýpie- elcle c ut ekp re fPhwr utavso provincialathr tiring 65-yeai-.old editor of1Hasardquie , asumIng efforts and bis rsne Cmos ment any of thle recommliendation;. iia it1erne Tese ent iy (),d.'b-ayrcr of thle Coin- skill. As the Prime Minister sald "We The bigg,-est inews of the week was . or Rppd ut of Vhe arguImenit to sm xetiy uions, fias improved mnany a memiber's are ah] inliined t(o agree that his ed- the presentation of a larger than 5001 PrKimeMnse p when Conservative spokesni, Don- Conservatives Vote Against ~o ee ove Ms 8 ye rs o par i ting bas m ade som e of our rem arks p alge report on televisio n n ad oO nc l es F or L etters a d F e i g d it d t a e t o$ 5 A M ~ t mentary ser-vice. Hie j'oined the r-e- rend soie-what btter than a phono- bodatigwihwilbe clldt'îe ý Onidaya iiature stoîm blew hadvritten thle CBC on manly oc- On the fir-st budiget debate vote_. poringstff 11191, srvd t~'ugh'grphc1rcod moulîd have." Thoi Fowler report la ho-nour of Commnis-,up in the Communs On a Suppîy casions about somie progranorth.IteCnhdats harrssig fr te PimeMinister mient from the 0CF itd\vocating an oc 2 whio admitted that had lhe hadl any age pension of about '475 a month~ idea a couple of lettels from lmlbi It was defeated 145' Vo 2 wiith - wouldl croaite such' a fuirore, they Conservatives voting wlth the goveir-- jwouldl never hbave been wvritten. ment and the Social Crediters an&' Statistics Back Up Parental Advice GýCFr-s votinlg toge ther in support of the ami-endimen t. Othor votes wll bet Thcose pa,-rnts whvlo cov-er the yars heiildLhis week. have uîrgeýd their yo)unigstors to 'stick ___ ---------- Box 151, Brockvýlle, Ont. moi

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