ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TllURýSIJAýY, APIL 41,7 '~8.WIRE WOVEN FARMI FENCE Buy CANADA C:ýMENT LCLNW $1L,5a R $ 1.25 Baig student tee ch"Is of the pet Cle ,are Lunn's class r-omj. M s. Gorrel of Barrie is vstjné, O - Q ~withi her dalughtel, Ms.A. A. lus~ Ind famil.t .4'~~~IJ ~a on the bir,l idii.he- o- a ,,wr(.gr r#lwvvday, April st fin the Bwma il M ,C'asý. Coo0per s ]Inlthe B anie Mmrýs pit SEE US FOR A&LI. YOUR -BUILDING NE,,@EDI i ,hM5.Y l~~i~ RoIph Hardware OV1 ~~ ~ on ~ o n-ayAp i i l(e,~ w n Return Tour ~selis during thc- 1 tWr steIl Reu nJu week withi Col. ani s. i.C.Gmy fl l L [iand Mis. 1-. E. Haneo'k e - UP IN K EL.V E , P 1i ,i Honey, son of '11. and Mrs.A EAS TER E L CAPA IG N olhW ime ios Gztte.M-1, y the-, M n Allin on t lhe i aJ Mrh. -ad Ms.W. J., e en<i il Sunday la Toonto ithM.adM I G.Leanand -Mr. adMs l Joh H'n bbson Lthe Iýbir-t¾ o l) n 1 ir. J. A. P 11-o, MS. ilazel, TheO M i L MD ad MrLFW, 'ust.Np Bh O-owmauville Rotary Club âGieAJ~meNw BOWNIANVILLE -ONTARIO The wý,eekly Girl Guide nmeeting oni Tuesday opened wtUInpeto hen t.he girls wn otrptu ,)!. orner O*O.0 . tO~3 .~O O~'tand worked on knots4 Sanldraý M1ece and SsnMaj;or pzssed 2nd dass iý knts. Mar-ilyn ajo pasýsed ist j I scussifo owed on iffrent VIGOR 01 Go Lt , V ei ý i:l1ý:, 1 Between Oronto and Newcastle on llighway No. 35 Song and Ihee game Thrtee, B imdice-*,i \Vas meigcoe ihpae a Vigor Standard Casolfine 31 c per gai - tax mnc Vigor lign Test 42,ùcp~glo txicue en byMyln STOVE 0lL.-foi your convenience tetTte atx'okwsîknb -in small qujanities av aliaable, at the Staion hemengcoedw-hpae Open Evenilags andSuadays Girls Dresses in polished cotton, evergiaze crease resistant f abrie breezaline ail viscose rayon linen, tricoline broadcloth, wrinkie-shed hy Dan River. Ail different styles to choose f rom, size 3 to 6x. Priced f rom....$2.95 to $695 Girls f aded blue Western Jeans, double stitched reinforced bar- tacks, rooniy, durable, sanforized, size 7, 8 and 10. Priced . ... $3,00 Baby Crawlers in polished Cotton and corduroy. colours of pink, blue- yeflow muintan red, size 1, 2 and 3 long sie-eve jerseys in various dle- sign and colours, size 1 ta 6x. J Priced f rom ...... $1.19 t o$2.50 Girls Cotton Crepe Pyjamas, size 8 to 14 years. Priced.>...... . 2.9Ï) Boys and Girls 2-p-)iece Coat Sets in nylon, corduroy, checks in blue and wine. Ilydro pruf finish, vel- vet trim. cioours of blue, pink, mint, natural, checks -....$ 7.50 Boys tan Jeans, size 6 to 12 yers Priced at ........... ....$3.95 Ladiîes Cotton Crepe Night Gowns White back ground with pink or blue rosebud pattern or plain colours, -size 34 to 44 ........0 See our New ,Spring- Wallpape?-fý. Napers for every room of your home. Priced 35c. to 75c. single rol Congoleum Rugs in Ails»izes and pat- terns. Congoleuni 6 ft. width priced $1-85 Congoleum 9 ft. width priced $2.75 liÉlaid. Linoleumi, 6 ft. width ... $395 Rexoeum,6 ft. width, $1.00 to $1.75 Armstrong S, Store Open Ail Day Mornlay i -~ - - and taps. OrvnoCbfew J is Orno Wolf Cutb ak ped Joui meeting with jInspec(tion. T'jhe White Six, 1led by Wan ille-' , ! eadinig hinspection ma);rks for, the -month of "Marlch. The Grand llowlfoled led by Neil Hooey. ai big ad fo Ioi "Fatlher aid Son Banqet which is to take plaýce on Tuesýda-y, April 9 jWe played Brîitisih HBull dog, sn some (Io-nue, farnu Lite Cub songs 1a1d ciosed oui meeting w\tihLtheWolf Cub Creed aidPay. Gond dedroi this weelk 41(),ci 'by Waynie Miller, Garny Lyett Robi Tag etund i iai Tamiblyn uniy oaniid GarryeOad One week On'y -- Western j Barley for- SÏ2.60 a ton or(mo.Phone 15 318S Minister k ~ ~ ~ J U~Rv ~itlen SUTNDAY, APIL ,T Su~~dv Sm,AI at 10 Churich andI Sunday Se!hooî, t2 Churh t 3 fl,*e*.O*0Ofoe..0.nfo =n e<~--00--04-.~--~-,4~t - ~t11r ~nufiirurr ut' îitI,~rii -Saould pomtyou to cafi upon +1us ', tme of SO'row Westress siiple beautifuil sri that p ove consoinlg to th'- b,)reaved. H-1AKT LE Y .DAREIZ Wýi FUNERAL HOIME Phone, 1187 OrCo 011nt_ Phi IS 12 Don't Be Sorry For iflie 'Cause Hiîs Housme Is Se ChiIIY! DYo Hlm an tl-nbv telingý2 te cali Orono 14816 There's no heatîng problem we can't solve efficiently aind economrically. Oronio Fuel and Lembè Ltd.ý- Oreo Ple.î1ornýe 14 81 b N N I s - Oc. e~ ~. - - Nwrhalîs -arivi e N ew Meorchandise arrving every mweelk. Drop in and see the latent pricedl to suit everyone. New rIowvels, Novelty, pink; and whlite, blue and white, gïeen and w-ýhlte, stripes with gold thread, size 41P by M2" Each for.......... 98c i Niew - Misses Gingham Blouses, short sleeves, asotdstyles an.i-d colors. Sizes 7 uto114, Each ,9,5c. New Shirts, Boy'sRaoPlis longseee, buitton cffone pcesizes 2 LIto 6x. Ec 1 Niew hirn -Lade me ri- Sirtýs, 1p in-tedl colormixedthrough, sizes 12 tLo 18ý. Ew-î. 2.8 Ah1 New Bobbî P nCui P er,01nmenu wtu1 new lastic pins. Compil)ete, for ............... $219 Nesties Spraze, new giant il ounce botires 13 New Mens Sport Shirts, long sh>,,eevýes, two way couar, aracteive Patterns and coior-s, sizes smahl nmedium or large. Each...........$2-9,S ScilSafety Plins, iei plated, hard steel, assorted sies, in packageofA 72 for .......25c. Speial Free Calke Paimiolive Soaýp with bottie of. newý Palmohive Sharnpoo. Coniplete .......55c. RIT, I e ndTrt,îalpunr 'ose' the ighceon- centcate dye, n b A n, 0shade toe choose from. Package for .......................25w, Scal- Li 'termne Antiyne Tooth Paste, large tube rglr60c fw or........... .......49c. Opcn FTiday evenings uintil 10 o'docki for your conivenienceI ItI~ Frdy&Saturdq O'pen Ail Day N N N .4- N j N s- N -4 .4' N N -.4 4-, N -.4 -.4 -.4 N - ~.4 N -i N N .4, N N N .4-, a N -.4 .4 N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N -s, N N N N N .4.4 .4. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .4-, N N N N N N .4.4 N < N -s, v N -t.-, N -, N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N i ;