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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1957, p. 1

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-VL2 e9 o I ~i T OR4ONO, ONT., APRIL 1Ilth 1957 Subsecriptîon $1.50 per, John M. Jamnes, Unanimous CLioice 0f Durham Liberals billetmntr at tir-e three LiSerai Die krgest Political gAtheI-rng te ml-eetings s craay a t1bte, o asnbein tire Towpirip Hall, Orono, ndanonosation off John M. James. Iür a g-oodly nnbroffyeara, id !inl Mr. Jinies, sýtated WPlfred Caýr- iUnaniously support John M. ruthers, v. have mnaturity off leader- James as tri addt tecontest ap n ii, r fi, ut otae ifuran County for tire Liberal ati dnrig f y î-icig Jh ini trireforthcomning Fdea eeci n Jamesla Junc. Tire no-i:natIicol"was 'The Hall on Wednesday eveangý Waoeone Iv-. Goge Staptonl, -fil1ed to capacity hbt la tire in au- reevo off ope TowalShip. dtoriumn and în the gnllery muliren tire!IM.J sl cepigtr ol Durhain County LiSeraliI AssoiatLion ation stated t!irai ie was movedA by yheld tiroir Noimination nmeeting. tire conffidence tha~t th ,ire etîng had ,c Tire Hon. Leslie Pearson accom-pan- l hisnonai. Durinig tie pasti led John James from, Ottawa and lat- elgit yen s ire iras feILitl tatee- or ltir.te oveniing addressed tire 1larg-, fdu, p-ri, i ,cete serve tire peopie off -gathering. a ony and in .,ervinl-g tire7 'Mr, Robert Kent off B-mn iCoun-ty ho md ienýdeavo'uiredI to do soi -und prosidlent off tire Durin Cotunty ais iremdfeUIt tire people ad wae -Liberal Association, pires'-ided over it nd Aby ý-aintaiinig tire pr-estige, off tire meeting. !tire CounPt. Ho esnid ire -was ploased I Ia calling Lfor nominations, Jo hnito sese ý many' vPeople aerse James was unapposçed1. ILs (înýa i ir ffiaof tire Country as; tien was moved by Depu1ty-reeve WL iony ùb eatnac at tire meet- Carrutirers wiro stated tint i iIing adqir( L desire to e ranone off Caa- James irad over tire past eigirt yerad's ýýoreinst leadiers, Mi-. Pear, aýcrved 'luntire House off ooj-nps as i speakp. ,r. Jame pke ff he ability a true Chiristian gentlemnan.lRe iras!Iand tire aincerîty (i the L1.beral l1an-i, Boys Register For Basebail To Hold A Class 01 Instruc- Coloured Slides 0f Local Bea Season Soon To tPpen tion On Trapping At Orono 1 )-ertwi-tybos ro 1*e -rea, clsoff instruction~ pertaining to Show n A t O r ono H orticuit regiterd topla jm th rappingis being held iu tire Village thre Orono Baatam and PeeWee tennis this comrig Friday eveiýîng Commenc- thus year ou Frida>' night aIc ý 0-- ing at 8:00 p.m. lu thre Orono Odd- Br~Tre Horticultural Mpeet 'ooCmuaity Building. ffellow's HaIl.Tire class la under tir-e lWA~'"" at Thursday evoning la Iwas nioted tint a nuniber off boys fsup,&rvision off the Depa4tmneioff The repgular Brownie meeting, field fehbjow',s 1Hall waawe'lat did not register on Friday nigh a Lands and Forestsanad Departmient on Tuesday evenlng, opeaed wîth a initere-S'týed memnbersý. ttins was especîally se in tire Pc2eWe-e jPer-sonnel will b. on hand to furaisir fui-y ring. ag-e grD-up. Ail boLys, ar-e encourage-dl information b tire. who might be- Tawny Owl sirowcmed tire Brownviies m. Cn$ l Drg -:pesid, to play basebali under tire Ormino ban-linterested ln tire art off traping-*),. irow -tonmake littIe wooie(,n wls. comied ail wlio came despit( ner anid ail boys are invited to de soi'Tire purpose off the meeLing'is 'o Kti Hooey and Cheryl Cooper som vnn.Sesae [whether or not tirey registered ouf instruct ti-apper-s on the handlinig of passed thir-r bnke test. (lder Browav- Aebe - i b Friday aigit. peits ia order tirat a greater poi esps1 nos aurma , -i cety is over 200 thia' ye:a Practicea are expected to()sttt - may ho reaiized froi them. Airy ing and darniingl tests.,Mr work WatBilSlingaalo ntoe h -within a mont fr o htirtiese teamns.'probiex»s may also 'be irandled at tire donce on our seraphooka. ,wo1k done last Year on tih meeting which is open to everyone. A we-n camping trip -,asdis- e at Station St. Also planu irthew soon wAii h ma g Furtirer to tire instruïctio-ns la tire cus.sed for tire olden Brownies to go ýmd ifa 'e ioptlhandlin*g ff peits will b, ho ie louto rs- . vJooey's cottage tire at whre ordh dia in-ars Dftrapit,,- th valableiimorey-Piantig, and a Hort 1.) e m1anse off trappieginge valuableiweek-end luîSuniday la being planned als<, P eîcy Sasno h insyo- Ti aps. ý1'Per eata tra'c. Initial planris for tire proposeil ex- fiee wlll hoe pros ont along witir Ken Mr. Porter, secret-iry cxr___ tension off tire Port Hope Ho'sPital Tolinie, Orono, and Mes'srs.'Dl>e,,n% De-irrmeoff Mirple. 1pîant;ng 1off Lily bulba nndff weedîsplayed rec-ently at tire an- niuail meeting off tire Generai Board itire ladies wiro madie out tire tieTowni Nail. Whiie tire-se polans are& AL 0r List: '~x F. Tainiibly, iï not finalized, Mr. Robert J. Creigirtoïï -pen Iv eeLlflg £0 L/Jscuss 'Hamm andl Mrs. W. Cob-blec off Baratt and Reider, riet, in District Picnic is to ho on iis surmmnry gave a zlear commnentar>'y Y L J J Ç lj .~Strda nJn.Keptn on1 tire specificatiolis off tlireapproxi.. vy tiiuraw ai 'OfJ[ruD i c c ools md ha isotete ibis constituents and he wasoff the opinior. Crighton poînte out that th -aiere eet>urh a ined ty weu anor, Mr. .Lfur e and his ai eteninwili tc the n~ s A spe-cial meeting of t'he Townhp tA re si inspedbyon pil s~ie. he xpeiene g~Ind b' Jhn as o n h or ho iSeai ean. f> an entrey ne-w hospital. E4lami- Council was hed on &aturday evn I7th at 8:00> p.m. for the purpose off Jaes ovr the past eI1'ht years, sajd At no time, he said, for an>' rea-son f ing ta the present services and a- lng L ast when they received the re- opening tenders re rentai of equip- M r. <arruthers, qnalifie o n J ames o r ,au s(e ii4 h e ever hee(n agha mi cm m odatioi.i for spiiS~ etc., ikn m ainng pettions frani shool sec> m e t, rish gravel, bridge o tu - le be Durham's repreï>entative for the of the Li erai party or had h. ever the existing 'building are elther to ~cno wt*rwfent Pw-te n adigteSp~eenr <~mng ern atOtaw~ H.fei t~a. ben ahaed as the repres entatve jsmall or inconvenienti>' loated for a shp Public &hool Are-a. At ths iet- rod hy-iaw. thé presence off three out*tanding Ca- (Contittued page 4) hospitai the size that will be êverntu- ing petitions were fiied froin School ally needed b>' Port Hope, the are-hi- Sectionrs No. 1, 8, and 9. The regular Ma>' meeting is to ho C p~~tects have recoxumended tha't the ex- hl hrdyeeig a ,a Pe rs n rn ba iz s ea e'tnsion be the begining of anl on- The Township have planned an's0 e a r o n m p h si z s trel ne es ablshm nt.ratepayers concerned in b-he s h o The paýssng off the Pedler's By- Aà%% .Efitrauce On Princess Street area froin which the threo seocthrns iaw for the OooPlcTute L n d - r g e s n rvy toIt is proposed te bave the outrance r sigt ew4a~Te pr-was again briefly discussed yet no n to th e addition on Princess Street poe s o emein sThone r action was taken. . s-adther beni rpreenatie bckwith the increased and enlarged ser- and deal with by-iaw in this Ponnec-, The aninual road inspection was IleHon. Lester Pears-on wvas given to Ot;tawa, ibana &rsnatv2b vices on the grounid floor. Tt is .lso tion. The meeting ia to be heid on, made on fr1onday afteriioon of this 'sstanding ovation at thxe Township 1 hs fi t. lne o oet~amnsrto Thursday, Aprl 25th ýat 8:30 pan. week. 0rooonWeiieda eenngWould, ove,v arned off Seing offices, locker roomas, board room etc. 'vnn too confident and suggested that ail, from, the oid buiding to thù-~ e- àtjeLbei .omnto meig ork fol- a successfui caimpaign in thre tui~.'e~~ae> cu~e b ryt y W 1T oI -speaker. He yai introeiuced to the1 ictol theso departmients in the present hos- r s y e W A T o H l lare gtheingb> Jon M Jaes, _ he Hon. Lester P'ear-son said, that pital wil ho utilized for increased M.P. e 4o sathed t jht M. JPesn the nextfew nioisyrweksa lot ibod space. iLý ttdta r eio Vudb,,ýd off the state of Vire ITet4 n u l M e tn4n e c s -%-as e-ne off the busiest mon in Canada Tahea present building, housing te A n a e tn rI e c s ' 4%nd one lunthe greatest demand. country. The electdoïa he ad sa heating systein wilI ho dem-olishodà Pearson, Minister off External Af- testing tîmi for Demrocracy and theo and the bolier rooin, iaundry aad re-1 hairs for Ganada, vwas introgduced as a linoctors ah uld ake ansacsivel part1civing entran-e vwil o {ncorpor- Ajbou t ffo rty meirs off the Exe- h onKo hpli eea great manl,ea great polHtician and ia ' r-ieo apagsa wl sated in the rear of the new portion. cutive off the Oshawa Presbyýtery Thîs Initernational1 project la be;ing ~ret eaeroffths ra jexorcisinig hir righits at the polis. Womian's Association enjoyeci a'Pot- aided b>' the United' Church off Can- In ddreossng bis third mein nfourlongars there areolecti fon s- r Mr. Creighton also said that ac- Luck lunch at Northminsterited ad. F oený- n .C e *Vrono, Mr. Pearsoýtn claimed John M 1.'. ryar hrewa owy f b-crding to presentpilans the frtCuc eetyduing thre noon re- Mr..Coeaan Mr..Le ~aesM..,<t h agodcoa ien ng Democ acy as bas been iýntimnted 1 floor oniy ,wil ho comnploted with the ceas off the meeting. The president,pof Albert Stre(et United Churholire tious memibor at Ottawa, giviîng the heo siin.Tepepe laesecond floor eft i the ahbe1l-fforml. Mi.. J. Tamiblyn off Orono priesi- coe sdlgtst tedti Lestrepesenatin posibe fo Du - their cholce att an eiectâon aïnd in this Ho cited building costs as ,thce reson ded and the (,plans were mode for the CneeneWA which meets l bam County, TiFislho believed Iws e _ould not s(e Ihow D Lemoicracy wa s, for h pa.Wt opeigoi'AnnuiMeeting whlich will h e dCbugUnited Churcir on May 7.! shon y ohnJaes wrklaCo- alling hehnrd. Thie opsto il h rtfor 1bd il] be added in, the Newca,-stle ijnted Curhon'1 Mrs. A. A.Coweannoune h niittees, tho l.egiaie aad riswCyrk hesaid, de'o tel, ffDmc t hirset4 orattlof6.Ari 5h uring this thirdyerDmnoConiAnul etngo ___________(1,\'U__________________of__D e - o venmnt lassace il llwdicsso bfor hebsiestfetoin foreahospial orvil na tia ofa-meig ntr nnoff Witn e Mrs.inHTront Werry.asapointe i Ail Sewa Csi DabeËd t endu. B e1-1nu et- il et's s_ Ites Lu1eu is ndMrs A.A.'r)mnon of Meberewee rmieedtinttie -1ngof ear- , ly hitryoff ecr W..ho -w__________ _____ Over loiis dalEstiiuatt î;___a_____ ---------- M'V Dumodaiopaytre'esnta oo'sposbeTeMs Sevety-fîvefatersand oysoffMra.S, n rSaîl seretry-teaser stîmtedcosa of costrctinEpinoorttee hmassungdurngo he Cowl1inorde tohav tir hitor &ho*l Aditorim off te Oron Un- spkefwor offeapreciaton forthe Admnistraor Lewi G. Catie of Tieven-iv a pre d oys ..Ëterert- the Bthe St. Lawroince Seawa Dovelopu- cut iu u~ Ested Cixurcirson Tuesdayteveaing.tsport givoelu lofetbanquet aad toeted. CLhis1y(ie ing for both tire boys and the fathers euhtl a scoutmoemnt.RY mrent.Corpwreportseathaat netate IJA IJ lLv JI IL Ai~ J IV forý ete0rtaamenut ws rovidand bol Mr.r.JAseAh Waikerexcommented oneexpenditures now-d aref thtimated at tbe Cbs~ coutsand magiian. the ine w k Sing dneubbtir thed $18 000,00 ad Caad's alt $285-ri and Son BBluenkhIillintneurgioda SchmoltAdei n uk uprwsos off ireofgapization atriigf,o0fr a otl $18milo ý,tg frved te he boys and the mthers tihi~n~nnne~n n, inen Orinal st at Un 'were $68atis clf botirtire Scouts and Cuba. Tire ideals for better citizena. lo o ie ..ad$76mlinfr ejniu for tire evening was complote Prior te ire entertalament presen-;'Canada. i ever>' detail providfing a wide tati(eiis e made te tire Cuir leaders Gastle5s comments are contained ini 'ehoice off vegotables and irome-made and tire Sceut leaders. Making tire tsio> omd etr os f ps.presenjtationoff giffts on "beiraîf off tire 1 tie aprraiosu Cub Neil Hooey prtoposed a toast Cub Motherswore Mrs. ifMcKenzie and Reprieýsetaie aprraiossb tô tire fathers and welcomned tir. o A e rs. Merce off Kendai. Mra. H. Ly- crmublie e. T e-stninywarnd tire banquet and etertainmneat. Mr. cett, presidont off tire (ub Motirers1pbiWeiedy Ken Tolmie responded on beiraif off spoke word off apprecintion for tire ASKS ADDITIONAI, ý,e ahes.isplendid oeffoentaoff tire leaders. Tire Development Coei-rat-n Is Miss Ca rln Jane-s, cubreaster, in-'AnmeofCbapromddm asking 'tire U.S. Congress4tp'.autirize )roduced t, bonýed table wiro were as onsrtosof tests wic ir incuded an additionni a off $36jllilOn fromt tollows, Ro. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, tire formation off tire Union Jack tire tr-easur'y. Castie saidi tels to ho tSee.utnjatbtr Artirur Me-bai-en, Mrs. C.ko t1ngad emproe"O heeharged on tire U.S. portion off tire Airmstrong, assistant cubmanster, Mms. j-otenandiescouts em Ontrthed ewywould amorizo the total lban Bailey, assitaut cubmaster, Mrs. H. tire art off andaging for vanlrous fi-ac- Iinififfty ya Lyctt pesdot ff ir CiSMohestures and tirer uses. 1Tire additional f.unds Nwere 'needod SHigirligir ing tire entertalament 'to meet "Iunoxpecited expeniditures" Is tire Rev. Fred Jackson off Tynone w,-iicir bd cbanged tiree-st picture eh mysti ied tire audience off botir "very materially." Tbought For Te e '-OI -oun and old with iis bag off tricks.j (osrcinof iesan eu Those wheo bring sashine io Hs feats îtirth magie ropean Cosrcinfth e-ybg" th~livs f oher cnuo &epU colourful a arves puzzled tire boys as in 19.54 afftor many years off tnik and uth -ive o etemean e did many ii otirer doceptive acta Planning. IV la scireduled for coniple- trmthon selveo. -in iis hiraîf heur show. - tienlan 195~9. The me. ing elosed with tire siag-. The Developie-nt Corporatio)n tad i ng of "0 Cnada." (uptîniwd ou P>"g2) Ling Ihe! tire Odd- teded fr7 oent, wei- te sue-h a tint the (eturniSo- i te tourd nik Theî thned the idate ini FMra. Billing3 gave an excellent re- port off tire Ont;ýrio Ilorticultural Convention, held i Ham~il'ton, which sire attended as- delegute-.- President Ken Gàrdîner off Bi-aitt- ford, we-omed tire delegates arp$ told off bis pleasaue in iris traveLs <et ~over 3000 miles la the interest off 47" Aissociation in seeînig some ver>' firn. fiower shows. 1Tire report off tire treasurer, IL. E Markie off Guolpir showedl a balane.* !or the. year off $1908.67. 'l'ie Alima Lou Florista off Hariui- ton gave a dennstration off flowèt arrangemrents, whircirwaa ver>' in- teresting. Bairrie la fortunaite la having ,su-h Ssuccessful Horticuitural Society ae îndjriated iry tiprect thant membeo.- ship 'jumped fromi 129 fi 195n), te 876~ la 1956. Tire combmnred repotrt ff Mfr. Lashiy, Sipenin)tendenit, and John F. Clarlke, Secretirvý, ,was veryr s"poke on Jun-ior eriulu-a.Ta quote ffrom ber talk t"f thmit r is au accepted f net tint ain, child wiro îlu oncoCurngYed to croa1te benut>' and pre- serve it iii be n g1ood citizeni and a happy one. At tire Bnuta ngr IJoh-, sp-rok'e bheein Onno ut h le'1tayo onîtiay wns cl teîda ofetu0 Slides la tire 1956C Photographie- Comlpetition w ýere sirown ou he i-screenl. Mn. R. F. Gunneil gave an ilu', trated lecture ou "Cavale-ado off tht Nori' "depicting tire beautifful flowezs. in some off tire no-rtirern mining towvne Tire at lecture %vas givea by Les- 1 ~ l1aflIeL, un1cG.-0n.n enO, a mu Tire Bowinanviile-Oron'o Combines, gam'I"e score endiug 7-4. taie-al Gardens,' Hamilton on ree- lan a mnoat decisive reanner, haveý ommended trees forra-iu purposee, piaced tirenselvea ou an e-von footingl Raye West toppo,)d tire Combines witir Utilseonburg by tnlngtreI scornag witir two and single counters Af ton a bnief compreirensive rç'- ing he lst o RobieRobinson, Dean Wý,est, port offth Resolutions Commiîttee- twoga'ieste ie ireseres t 22.Keitir West, Bob Ber icknd Waly%7 given by Our Mn. Porter, tIre meel- To date four gamecs off tire seven ,aanh.1ngajernd game senies have been played. Tilb- ýmnk n dori sonburg wion tire firat two whricir gave Ove-r 110,0 a the treseon v- tirem tire .edge at tint time Irowever tory for tire Com)-binýes on Týesdny ir. and Mr.s. A. A. Drumimone tire Combines, playing tip top hockey ighttila) oravlewrnRa hwcddlgtu oord~le ila checking and pasaîng, ihave over- Hawes la tire Bwavl~Ooonet. ueos aain pt a on~o c-ornle the Tillsonburg edge. Victenies excejliedln his departmeýnt nnd came tierir alous motor tnips throvlm-n were registered for tire Combinesonu with a sibut-oLit. Nowbviela tire OnItýI:aIndQuec f- Friday la, Tillsonburg 7-4 and i l ame did Tillsonibui-g tmreten teI BowýmanvIIe, Tuesday night 8-9 take tis gamo. Their best effort Mni. S. O. MartIný extended a ,,ote la tre nidy ngbt ameir~-nw j as registered in tire fi-at, period. off tiranka te i- and Mrsý. Dru.. sonbur-, tire Combines made a steady Dean West and Roibi'e Robimasoni mond and Mr. il'ilagsila aPP?'ecat- ad'vance te tiroir v\ie-tory, scOr-ing lu starred in tire songfotiirta tion off tir nee'igadejyl ail tire. perioda. Tilsonbung's four ba)th nettliig two, Gianles Aim-stoag ,evening.' ,ounïterýs came in tire second period. Kcith West, Raye West and Wnlly Ta te frat erid tie Cmbi Sanuski completed tire scoring. Door prises , f Lily bulbe s r In te frstperod he r-'nibi.tsiwon 1» MIrs. b.Bar-abali, MIrs. Non- wont e--ut ln front 3-0, rowever the Tire ffifftirgarne.offtire senies la be- manu Àilia and Mrs. J. C. Gamney. Pan Drie-da came back in tirhscoding played in Tillsonburg ton ight -Refreshments wvere soi-yod and ea te tie tire score at 4-4. Thre thIrd Was witirte sixth game in Bomnvl seI hialf lhour Srought tiere eêk a1l fo)r Bwmnvlli-Oon itir theOSaturday inîgit. ing tý,a close. k k s s k s h s 'n s s .5 'n s -n s s s -'t n.- s -'i -n N k k k s s -'n s s k 'n. s 4' -'n "n s '4 k s 'n -n n. h s s 'n1 n-i '4 k k ---i 4' s k k -4 -n -k -n 'n k 4. 'n 4' '-n s s 'n. k 4 k s s, 1' 5/ All

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